Status: started it on Sunday, don't expect me to finish this before WTF

Only A Coincidence

July 16 & 18

What is wrong with school these days? I would expect the teachers to know summer vacation was canceled years ago. The teachers wasting my time, it is not tolerable. It does not matter if I finished 10th grade last year. Teachers lack the responsibility of taking care of the students. There is only one teacher I know about that actually cares about our education. I won’t say her name. If I do, I, nor her husband, will ever forgive myself for murdering her. It’s a long story. And no, I didn’t go out with my teacher, if it sounded like that.
Rearranging stuff is hard work for me. Why can’t we have people that do our hard work for us? It will be more easy for me if I don’t have to switch cables everyday of my really old TV. The TV Mom bought me is from an antique store. Mom says they are called flat screens. I don’t know why they are called flat screens. The way I watch shows is from a built in computer that changes background. I went to Tabatha’s house and she had one. We watched movies the whole day from the wall.
July 18
I want to get these introduction things over with. My full name is Ripley Steele Macleod. I was born on year 3014. It means I’m on my 14th year of being alive. I work at Siggy’s Dealers. It is where you can fix your transporters. I met Casper before his sister. Casper was outside of our school smoking pot the old school way. I could tell he was trouble without getting to know him: his posture was of a delinquent, his spot of choice where to smoke, even how he looked back then. I hated everything about him. Now I don’t hate everything about him. He took notice of me. In his eyes I saw a desperate kid who wanted his parents. Now I don’t, I see only careless mistakes he wants me to fix. I remember what made me want to be his pet: His sister is hot. No use in arguing about the dysfunctional family. Casper’s mom is hot too, but I rather not be into her. I’m not that kind of person. Continuing with the story…Casper called me a wuss. I walked away. He punched me on my stomach. I tripped him. We were on the ground for a while, waiting for one of us to make a move.
Casper didn’t do anything. He said for me to go at the prison with him to visit his dad. I regret saying yes to him. At least his sister is hot. Good thing they are fraternal twins, she is not ugly like him. I met Tabatha when I visited Casper’s house. Casper moved out when he was 15. The law says anyone can move out of their parents house as long as they don’t break any rules. Fortunately for Casper I told him there was no law that said you can’t break rules in a lawyer’s book I read. Tabatha was searching Casper’s room for pot. We were standing by the door until she took notice of us. She was smoking pot by then. Casper opened a window and I sat on his bed. It took only a few seconds later to get a good look at Tabatha and think, Damn!
Later on the Same Day
I know it is really wrong for me to say this right now. I just thought of how I can probably make a paragraph of my dead sister. Prue was a cute little brat. She always was the spoiled one in my family. It is unfortunate that she had to die during a terrorist attack. It’s a long story. Rue’s death was mostly her fault, she was strictly told by Mom to not visit the local prison. The prison is close to train tracks. From our house Rue had to cross the tracks. She died a quick death, the train slamming into her small body. Nobody wept at her funeral, no one except Mom. No one blames her fault. My Dad calls it an ‘accident’ when no one is at fault. Though, my Mom would do anything to get her little baby girl back she wouldn’t want to get her back from the dead.