Status: sporadic updates.

Expectation Is Taking Its Toll

Eat breakfast, go to school.

I wake up, roll out of bed.
I wake up, press the snooze button.

I slept well last night.
Insomnia sucks.

Eat breakfast, go to school.
Eat breakfast, go to school.

Pass my friends in the hallway, stop to say hi.
Pass an annoying group of jocks in the hallway, but he is there.

I see that girl walk by again.
I don’t look at him when I walk by this time.

I see her look at me sometimes.
I hope he notices me.

She seems nice, I guess.
Probably not, I’m not his type.

I go to physics.
I go to art.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, I know. I really shouldn't be starting another story with all of my unfinished stories... but I just had to.

I've never written anything in verse, but I thought this was a really interesting idea. It's confusing at first, but as long as you remember that the first line is always Sam and the second line is always Raine... I think you'll be just fine.

thank you for reading, and comments would be greatly appreciated. c: