
A underground clan or gang is recruiting new members. age 14 - 18 are searched for, no limitations to gender/race/religon, etc. Primarily "misfits, ourcasts, or loners" The protagonist is 15 years old (name still TBA) who is chosen by a Goldeye (name TBA) a hunter and mentor for new recruits. This clan or gang is litterally underground and to get by they steal, train in hand to hand combat, and free-run or parkour. The story is about his journey through the ranks and the issues he is to deal with on the way, and his interactions with the other members.
  1. Tunnel Rats
    After passing initiation Goldeye has agreed to take the protagonist to the home and become a brother among his new family, this is his journey to the entrance and his exictment and emotions bracing him.
  2. "Unfriendly Welcome"
    Protagonist is now entering the underground base and learns it origin and recieves a rather "Unfriendly" welcome at the gates.
  3. You Know Why We Shake Hands?
    Protagonists name is revealed and Goldeyes, he meets some new characters, and sees the acual inside of the base and its inhabitants.
  4. Terms of Agreement
    Heron will learn the rules, professions, and ranks of the clan.
  5. Straight to Work
    Heron will go through a series of tasks to find out his profession, with the help of his mentor Goldeye Raos.
  6. The Coke Bottle
    Heron is on his next task. Steal a coke bottle from Silver. Raos only gives him that much information. And hands him a blue card to place where the bottle was so it can bypass the rules. Heron cannot tell anyone his task or get caught.