No Chance for Redemption

what a coincidence

Dillon would be lying if he said that the stupid kid from earlier hadn’t been plaguing his thoughts, because that stupid kid had been. In the carefully constructed hierarchy Dillon had created, it was more than a little off-putting when someone stepped out of line. All it took was just person thinking they had a voice and they all got riled up. They started thinking if someone else could do it, why couldn’t they?
 He knew he had to take out that stupid kid when the threat was small- never underestimate the opponent, that’s always the downfall of even the greatest men. He wouldn’t fall that easily.
Dillon sat with his feet propped up on the desk, comfortably seated in the leather office chair. The walls were lined with shelves of books, all of which he’d flipped through one time or another. His dad’s office where there wasn’t even a speck of dust on any surface was a place he found himself drawn to, not that his dad was home much anyways. The silence was deafening in his ears, as it always was. Behind him sunlight spilled in through the blinds and fell onto the yearbooks scattered on the bureau, one of which was held in his hands.
The face was burned into his memory; the only problem now was finding it among the other sea of students. All these damn kids looked like clones. But he had to find him, it was crucial.
“Kieran,” he murmured to himself as his eyes scanned over the page. Dillon knew the face but that wasn’t enough. He needed more. “Now where the fuck are you hiding Kieran?” That stupid kid had to be there somewhere.
Who did that dumb kid think he was, anyways? Dillon hadn’t even seen him once in his entire life; it wasn’t like there was anything that made him different than every other kid at the school, what made him think that he was? Out of nowhere, where did this newfound confidence suddenly erupt?
People didn’t just defy Dillon, never had and he was making sure they never would again. And his stupid speech too. All of it just pissed him the fuck off and made his fingers twitch, begging to punch any lowly kid in the face. He kept his anger at bay though and continued to sweep his gaze over the page until he found it. Just a name, that’s all he needed.
Finally, his eyes met with another familiar pair and his lips curved up into a smirk. All it took was a name but so much more could stem from that. So many beautiful things could come from a name, it could destroy a person, and Dillon knew that.
“Kieran Murphy.”
With satisfaction coursing through his veins, he chucked the book across the room and didn’t even give it a glance as it fell haphazardly in the corner. It would eventually be picked up by the maid, anyways.
Kieran Murphy, what a name. There were so many possibilities dancing behind it, so many secrets taunting him, smirking from the shadows, just waiting to be exposed. He couldn’t wait to reveal them all, gain complete control.
He knew Ryder or Owen would’ve easily found out Kieran’s name with a snap of his fingers but he wanted to keep it a secret, just to himself until the grand unveiling that would even shock the fuck out of them. Everyone would feel the pressure this time, everyone would watch with awe at his beautiful destruction. No one would be able to see it coming, only Dillon.
What exactly he was going to do to Kieran he still hadn’t figured out but with time… it would come.
With a yawn, he stretched his arms high and swung his feet to the ground. A swivel in the chair and his fingers were met with the spine of a book, one of his dad’s. He dealt with fucked up kids all the time, it was his job, he knew all about them. As he cracked it open, Dillon’s eyes were met with the word sociopath, and he chuckled to himself.
What a coincidence.
Kieran Murphy would learn his lesson like they all had, he would make sure of it, even if it was his dying wish. A sense of excitement pulsed through his fingers, Dillon hadn’t had a challenge like this in such a long time, and there were so many possibilities. But what would surely work, make them realize what happened when you stood up to him?

It had been constantly haunting his thoughts day and night, throughout all his classes and always his mind came reeling back to that one question. It wasn’t like he could ask for help anyways, perking up to the conversation around him it didn’t seem like they could if they even tried.
“He really looks like a chipmunk, you know? He’s got those chubby cheeks and buck teeth, like a chipmunk! We've got ourselves a little pet!" Ryder taunted, chewing his two front teeth on his bottom lip and making sounds like a little woodland creature, pointedly at Owen. He was, as always, trying to get a rise out of him for his own amusement.

With a glare, Owen tried to punch his arm but missed as Ryder quickly evaded the shot. He grinned cheekily.

"Aw, did I make the chubby wittle chipmunk angry? Are you going to nibble me to death, Owen?" He cooed while pinching one of his cheeks.

Owen swatted him away, jaw clenched. "Fuck you, little prick!"

"Owen, you know I don't swing that way, but it means a lot that you are comfortable enough to come out to me!"

This time Ryder barely missed the lunge of a furious Owen, his eyes even read shocked for a moment until his usual mocking grin appeared again. Dillon had to say, they were entertaining company go keep around, but his mind was else where.

As they all sat underneath the grand oak tree on the school grounds, during lunch time as they always did, his eyes kept scanning for a familiar face. He'd already decided to confront Kieran, give him a little preview of what's to come, but actually finding him in the school was a problem in itself. More than once he'd stalk up to a brown-haired guy only to realize it wasn't him at all.

"Dillon, why don't we just ditch this fuckhead?" Owen asked, sitting down next to the boy with his arms crossed over his chest and sending a lethal glare in the blond boy's direction.

Ryder rolled his eyes. "What a baby, crying to Dillon."

"I'm not crying!"

"Did I hurt the little chipmunks feelings?"

Then, suddenly, Dillon saw him. Unmistakably, it was Kieran Murphy, walking down the path towards the school. Better yet, he was all by himself, with the same blue backpack Dillon recognized form before. This was his chance.

"Gotta go to the bathroom, five minutes, don't kill each other," he told them both, receiving an unintelligible mumble from Owen and an innocent shrug from the other.

He was up on his feet in a matter of seconds and advancing fast towards the boy, like a shark narrowing in on it's prey. No one dared to cross his path and so catching up was barely a task, until he saw Kieran at his locker, entirely oblivious. He smirked.

Whispers as always polluted the air but he paid them no mind as he strolled over to where the boy was rummaging through his backpack, unaware of anything else. In one swift motion Dillon slammed Kieran's locker shut. The sound resonated through the air and everyone paused for a moment, a couple jumping, and turned their heads in their direction.

Dillon returned a couple of their stares and in a matter of moments mostly everyone was filling out of the hall.

Kieran immediately took a step back, head jolting up and shoulders tensing. His eyes grew wide with realization as his mouth fell agape.

"Is there something you'd, um, like?"

Dillon met his gaze him head on. "Don't play dumb, Murphy. We both know what this is about."

He swallowed and Dillon watched with satisfaction as his Adam's apple bobbed in his throat, pressing tightly against his skin. What got to him though was that Kieran didn't flinch under his gaze, a little nervous, but Dillion wasn't someone who made people a little nervous.

"Calvin Meyers."

"See, I knew you weren't a complete idiot, but obviously not that smart either." Dillon's words dripped with venom.

"What is it that you want, Dillon? Are you going to beat me up?"

While his face played nonchalant, Kieran's knuckles were turning white from how tightly he was gripping his books and his jaw was tightly clenched. He couldn't play coy now, not after what he did. There was no hiding after thrusting yourself in the spotlight and he was going to learn that lesson the hard way.

Dillon threw his head back and laughed.

"Beat you up? Of course not!"

Kieran stared at him in bewilderment. The halls were completely empty now, not a teacher or student in sight, just the two of them. This was just between them. For now, of course.

Dillion sobered up, still grinning wolf-like, and leaned in closer so that his lips were barely inches from Kieran's ear.

"I'm going to make you wish that you were never alive."
♠ ♠ ♠
+ so, so, so sorry that this is so late! I promise never again!
+ the first real interaction with Kieran and Dillon, but don't worry, way more to come!
+ what do you think Dillon will do?
+ comment and subscribe! <333
love, Alice! :3