Status: One-Shot :)

In a Letter


Dearest Zacky:
I just wanted to write three very special words, that I thought up just for you. But before I do that, I want to explain.
I met you eighteen years ago, but I promise you, the first moment I saw you I thought you were the most gorgeous boy I had ever seen.
Then I kept seeing you in the band; you’re so talented, so handsome, so funny, so smart, and just so incredible.
We became best friends; you told me everything that bothered you, everything you loved, everything about everything; you listened what I had to say, and never judged me.
Then I met Michelle; you were there when we dated, you were there when we got married, and you let me cry on your shoulder when we divorced.
Then you met Gena, it broke me apart when you told me you were going to propose to her. But then she got too drunk and told you everything about the “others” that pleased her when you couldn’t. I tried my hardest to be the best friend in the world for you; it destroyed me that you felt so useless and stupid, because you aren’t.
Then you kissed me… I felt my heart explode inside my chest, I was so happy. Your lips felt so amazing on mine. And then we got drunk and we slept together. I felt like the luckiest man in the world.
You left to visit your family for a week, and when you came back you… you tried to kill yourself. You were in a coma for a month because of all the blood loss. Zacky, you have no idea how miserable I felt during that month. We were all devastated.
The day you opened you eyes again… That day I realized how I really feel for you. My gray miserable world had color again. You smiled at me, you said my name, and then you wiped my tears while you locked our lips together.
At the beginning of this letter, my 3 words were going to be “forget about me” because it would be best for both of us, for the band, and the fans.
But now my three words are different… why? You know why, Zacky.
‘Cause my three words are simple: “I love you”.
Yours forever: Brian.

I placed the letter on his bunk –next to his sleeping body-, making sure that no one was watching, and left to the living area of the bus.
I sat next to Jimmy and stole his cigarette, taking a long drag from it.
“You’re welcome” he said, as I placed it back between his lips.
“Thanks, Jimmy” I leaned and kissed his cheek, making him laugh.
Matt and Johnny came in, from the kitchenette, drinking coffee and laughing about something Johnny had said.

“Where’s Zacky?” Johnny asked, looking around.
“Here” Zacky said, appearing from the bunk area, his hair sticking in every direction.
“Your hair looks like somebody took a crap on it” Jimmy said, trying to say it with a straight face but failing.
“I know” He said, sitting next to me “I’m so tired” he leaned his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes.
“Didn’t you sleep well, last night?” Matt asked, with a concerned look on his face.
“No, I had a migraine, so I couldn’t sleep. I still have a headache but nothing near as bad a last night.”
“Sorry to hear that” Johnny said, picking his water bottle from the floor and offering it to Zacky, who nodded and tried to get up to get it.
Seeing as he was unable to move too much, because his head was pounding, I got up and got it for him.

I handed him the bottle, and before I could sit back down, he pulled me by the hoodie and kissed me, softly. Without thinking it twice, I kissed back, forgetting about the rest of our band mates, who were probably confused as fuck.
We broke the kiss and looked into each other’s eyes.
“I love you too, Bri!” he said, smiling like a child.

“So we missed something here!?” Matt said, getting up, looking completely mind-fucked.
“It’s pretty simple Matthew” Zacky said, taking my hand and lacing our fingers together “I’m in love with Brian Elwin Haner Jr.”
That statement made me smile like an idiot.

“We get that, but… when, why, how!?” Jimmy said standing next to Matt.
I smiled and started explaining everything I wrote on the letter, Zacky interrupted sometimes to add things, and in the end they were all smiling like idiots.
“I knew it!” Johnny exclaimed.
“No you didn’t!” Jimmy said, sitting him back down.
Everyone laughed.
Everything was perfect once again. I knew problems would come later on, and I also knew life wasn’t a fairy tale, but I was also sure that he and I would thrive in the end. Nothing could tear us apart now that we were finally together.
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Okay, it's the shortest one I've ever written. I wrote this almost two years ago, and I decided to post it now :D so, I know it's pretty sucky, but tell me what you think about it.