Battle of the Bands


"Alright all you mega fans out there! We've got three tickets left for the sold-out Battle Of The Bands concert tonight! Now, I know everyone in town wants to get their hands on these tickets, but I can only give them to one lucky caller!" DJ Tank announced on the local radio station.

"OMG. Melissa, get ready to start dialing!" I shouted, loud enough for my voice to carry throughout the entire house.

I didn't know where she was exactly.

"Okay listeners! I am looking for caller number 105!" DJ Tank continued, "So c'mon, pick up those phones and start calling me before I change my mind and keep these tickets for myself!"

"Start calling, Melissa!" I shouted.

"Okay!" she shouted back.

I think she's somewhere upstairs. Yeah. That sounds about right.

"We've got the best of the best bands in town and these three tickets include backstage passes!"

I dialed once, but was greeted by an automated message telling me I was caller 17.


"Caller 38!" Melissa shouted from upstairs.

I dialed again.

Caller 54.

Double damn.

"Caller 76!" Melissa screamed.

"Please, please, please." I whispered to myself as I dialed again.

I'll do anything for those tickets.

OMG. Its ringing.

"Its ringing!" I screamed.

"You're caller number 105!" DJ Tank congratulated in my ear.

I shrieked.

"Did I win? Did I get the tickets? Do I get to meet my favorite bands?" I asked all at once. I didn't even pause to take a breath, "Tell me. Tell me! Tell Me! TELL ME!" I shouted, my voice rising more and more.

"Okay, okay. Chill out. Let me explain everything." DJ Tank said, calming me down, only slightly.

He then asked me about my personal information and then told me my three tickets would be available at the backstage entrance and all I would have to do is show some form of ID to get myself and my plus 2 in.

Wow. Plus 2.

It sounds like an entrance to some elite dance club.

That is so cool.

DJ Tank then told me that he was going to announce my big win and name on the air a couple of times throughout the night.

He asked if that would be cool.

I assured him that, yes, it would be fine.

He then asked me what my name was once more - just to be sure.

"Julie Karr." I said as I smiled and then said goodbye and hung up the phone.

"Melissa!" I shouted.

"What?" she questioned from right behind me.



How'd she do that?

When did she do that?

Ehh, I'll figure it out later.

"Guess what?!" I shouted.

"No....way!" Melissa said as she smiled from ear to ear. "You are so awesome....But who is gonna be the third person?" she asked.

I could see her trying to think of who to invite, but she was drawing a blank.

We hadn't really thought about who was going to be our third.

Hell, we didn't even think we were going to win the tickets.

But now that we had, I was practically walking on air.

Now we had to buckle down and choose a third.

We had to choose carefully though.

We had to pick someone who would not gain anything from going with us, but instead owe us a favor for inviting them.

Yeah, I know, that's kind of shallow.

But that's the way most people in my high school actually are.

Its weird, but its also the way life works around here.

Crazy, right?

I know.

I gasped.

I know the most perfect person to invite.

And as an added on bonus, they live in this very house and is upstairs, probably sound asleep at this very moment, or is super pissed at Melissa and I for screaming so much and keeping them up.

"Let's invite Ryder." I said as I smiled.

"Your brother?" Melissa questioned, "No! He's old." she then whined.

"He's only three years older than us and soon he will be 21 and able to legally purchase beer and what not." I said.

"True." Melissa answered as we ran upstairs and I knocked on his door.

It took a moment, and there was quite a bit of noise, but eventually he opened the door.

He was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a belt.

Then that means a moment ago he was-


I shook the thoughts out of my head just as Ryder asked, "What do you two want?"

"Well, you know that concert tonight?" I questioned.

"Yeah. Its sold out. What about it?" he questioned.

"Do you want to go?"

"How? Do you expect me to sneak in?" he questioned, while giving me a skeptic look.

"Nope. I won the radio contest!" I shouted as I jumped up and down.

"Really?! You freakin' rock! I'm so in!" Ryder said as he smiled, "So, when do we leave?"