Battle of the Bands


-Patrick's Point Of View-

I heard what Julie told Melissa.

She sounded crushed.

I stole a quick glance at her.

She looked crushed.

I glanced over at Pete.

He was deep in a conversation with Ryder about bass guitars.

From what I could hear, it seemed Ryder can play guitar.

I silently groaned.

I didn't want to pull Pete out of the green room because I liked these guys.

They were really cool people.

But, I've got to tell Pete what I heard.

"Uhh, Pete, we've got to go for sound check and warm up." I said quickly.

Pete smiled and chuckled, "Patrick, what are you talking about? Forever The Sickest Kids just went on. We've still got 15 minutes, dude."


He didn't buy it.

But somehow, I knew he wasn't going to buy that.


Now I have to make up another excuse and make myself look like a huge dork.

"Uhh Pete, man, uhh... I have to go to the bathroom." I said.

I mentally slapped myself.

That was really stupid.

Pete laughed out loud before he answered, "Dude, go by yourself.

Double damn.

I grabbed Pete's wrist and quickly pulled him out of the green room.

"What the hell man?" Pete asked me as we left the room.

"Listen, just hear me out, okay?" I asked quickly.

-No One's Point Of View-

"Hey, I thought going to the bathroom in pairs was a girl thing." Ryder said as he looked at Melissa and Julie.

"Well, apparently its a band thing too." Melissa answered thoughtfully.