Battle of the Bands


-Julie's Point Of View-

"You guys going somewhere?" Ray asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, we're leaving." I answered.

"Nooo! You can't leave yet!" a voice shouted.

Wait. . .

I know that voice.

That voice sings me to sleep every night, is the first thing I hear in the morning, and warns me every time I have an incoming call.

Part of me never wanted to hear that voice again, while another part of me was just excited as hell.

He was talking to me.

If I wasn't so angry, I probably would have made a girlish shriek.

Then again, probably not.

But I would have smiled like an idiot.

A stupid, oblivious idiot.

There wasn't any doubt about it, I was angry.

You could see it in my eyes.

"Please don't go." I heard a quieter voice say.

This voice was familiar too.

But only from a behind the scenes prospective.

On stage, this voice was silent, but just like a voice his talent was just as needed.

I sighed and closed my eyes for a moment.

When I opened my eyes, I watched Ray slide out of the way to reveal Bill and Gustav were standing right behind him.

The two voices.

"Hallo." Bill said as he smiled.

"Ja, hallo." Gustav echoed.

"Can we come in?" Bill asked.