Battle of the Bands


-Bill's Point Of View-

I chased after Tom as he ran in the direction of the green room.

He must have been excited because he was hard to keep up with.

"Tom, slow down!" Gustav called after him, but Tom didn't pay any attention to him.

In fact, he was already in the doorway of the green room.

Once George, Gustav, and I arrived just outside of the green room Tom had already poked his head into the room and stole a glance inside.

Tom whirled around and the first thing I noticed was the huge smile plastered on his face, "She's beautiful." he whispered.

"Who?" I asked.

I had to make sure he was looking at the right girl, Julie and not Melissa.

"Well, the girl on the couch of course. She actually looked fairly bored honestly." Tom answered.

I smiled a bit.

Yes, that did sound a bit like Julie - but only from knowing her by first impressions.

"Is there anyone else in there?" I asked.

"No. No one else." Tom said as he shook his head.

I slightly nodded.

My Chemical Romance must have taken Julie's friend and brother out of the green room so we could talk privately.

Silently, I thank them but I also hope they don't get caught by security.

"Alright, let's go talk to her, ja?" I asked.

The guys nodded their heads and I smiled a bright smile before I walked into the green room and straight over to Julie.

It wasn't until I sat myself down on one side and Tom sat down on her other side that I realized neither Georg nor Gustav had entered into the green room behind us.