Battle of the Bands


-No One's Point Of View-

Fall Out Boy finished their set with 'Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued' before they walked off stage.

They were replaced by I Set My Friends On Fire who began their set with their rendition of Crank That.

Melissa and Frankie were currently sitting on the couch in My Chemical Romance's dressing room and were holding hands and staring into each other's eyes.

Such a couple thing to do.

Gerard, Ray, Mikey, and Ryder were busy messing with the security guards by doing several things including making bogus requests for food and making false reports of wild and crazy fans running a muck.

Bill, Tom, and Gustav were in the middle of explaining to Julie how they wanted her to preform a couple of songs with them and how that was going to work out.

And as for Georg, he was somewhere backstage pacing and angrily muttering to himself.

I Set My Friends On Fire finished their set quickly, being they only had three songs to sing, and were replaced by Linkin Park who began to sing Don't Stay.

Sometimes I
Need to remember just to breathe
Sometimes I
Need you to stay away from me
Sometimes I'm
In disbelief I didn't know
Somehow I
Need you to go.......
♠ ♠ ♠
Lyics used in this chapter:
Don't Stay - Linkin Park