Battle of the Bands


-Julie's Point Of View-

I cleared my throat, ready to change my voice to sound like a guy.

With me wearing Gerard's jacket, and my hair hiding under the hood, I actually looked like a guy.

I took a deep breath.

It was now or never.

I ran toward the security office and shoved open the door.

I smirked as I watched the security guard as he jumped and dropped his doughnut.

"Yo yo yo!" I called, "Dude, you're not supposed to hide in the security office when playing hide-and-go-seek. C'mon, everyone is looking for you."

I smirked.

I looked tough.

I sounded tough.

. . .And yet I was talking about the children's game 'Hide And Go Seek?'


I couldn't think of anything else.

I glanced sideways and noticed Gerard just outside the door trying to stifle a laugh.

I would have been rolling around on the floor right now, laughing so hard, but I had to stay in character.

Ryder smiled, recognizing me as soon as I spoke. He stood to his feet and raced out of the room, following Gerard down the hall, and leaving the security guard dazed and confused.

I began to chase after them until I felt a hand on my shoulder, "Where do you think you're going?" the security guard questioned before he began to lead me back into the office and sat me down where Ryder just was, "You aren't going anywhere."


Oh, this is so not good.

Why didn't I run when I still had a chance?