Battle of the Bands


-Julie's Point Of View-

"Georg?" I asked again, "Are you okay?"

He sighed as he turned to face me, "I don't-. . .I don't hate you. . .I just didn't know you and you sort of showed up at exactly the wrong moment." he explained.

I nodded, "So you don't hate me?" I asked, just to make sure.

"No, I don't hate you." Georg confirmed, "Now c'mon Linkin Park's set is almost over and we're on next." he said before he took my hand in his and began to run toward the stage.

Once we arrived to the right stage entrance, we bumped into something.

Or more like someone(s).

Bill, Tom, and Gustav turned to face us and Bill smiled brightly.

Bill swept me up into a hug, "Oh, Julie, thank goodness you're okay!" he nearly shouted.

"Yeah, I'm just fine." I answered.

Tom helped me out of Gerard's jacket and set it aside.

Linkin Park finished their set with No More Sorrow and walked off stage.