Battle of the Bands


-Julie's Point Of View-

"So, you're Julie, right?" Brian asked me as he shuffled back and fourth on his feet.

"You would be correct." I said as I smiled.

"You're reaaallllyyyyy pretty." Zacky said.

I giggled, "You said that already."

"It was worth mentioning again." he said as he smiled.

I slightly glanced directly behind myself to see Bill and Tom slightly stiff, rigid, and a little uncomfortable.

But why were they uncomfortable?

"Ehm, well I'm glad you're all getting along with the new band, but I've still got two more to introduce you to." the guy with the clipboard said, "Next I would like to introduce you to Lady GaGa."

Melissa gasped and I smiled as she walked out in all her GaGa glory. She was wearing one of her many unique outfits and when her eyes landed on Melissa and I, she smiled.

"Oh thank God!" GaGa gasped, "I thought this tour was supposed to be a sausage fest, but now that I see you two I know we're going to be fast friends."

"I love you GaGa!" Melissa shouted before she gasped and covered her mouth.

GaGa smiled a very pretty smile at Melissa, "You are so cute!" she gused as she noticed Melissa's appearance, "What's your name, hun?"

"My name is Melissa and her name is Julie." she said as she smiled from ear to ear.

"It's very nice to meet you. Both of you." GaGa said warmly.

She seems like she's going to be cool.

"Okay, and the last band to be introduced is a little new to the whole mass-band tour thing so please be kind and make them feel welcome." the guy with the clipboard said.

That perked my interest a bit.

I wonder who the third band could be.

"I would like to introduce you to Cinema Bizarre." he said.

I smiled brightly as the five member band walked out on stage. Cinema Bizarre was one of the newer bands I had become obsessed with. Sure, I had only known about the band upwards of two months, but I already knew they were going to be epic.

"Great. Now that all the new bands have been introduced why don't you all get to know each other and then we'll hit the road." dubbed clipboard guy said before he walked off stage, leaving us to chat amongst ourselves.