Battle of the Bands


I turned to face the security guard with Patrick and Pete.

With one look at the security guard guy I knew I was trembling.

This guy was creepy!

He was really buff.

But not like his body was a piece of art type buff.

More like he could snap your body like a twig if you looked at him wrong type of buff.

"Where's your pass, boy?" the security guard asked as he eyed me.

Probably unsure of my gender.

The guys did a really good job at making my disguise, but if you looked close enough, you could see that I am indeed a girl.

"This is my cousin." Pete spoke up.

The security guard shook his head, "A relative or not, he needs a pass."

"Really?" Patrick asked, "Because this morning Rick told us relatives don't need passes."

The security guard looked confused for a moment, but then shook his head, snapping himself out of it. "I'm going to go speak to Rick about this matter." he said just before he turned and walked off.


"Who's Rick?" I asked.

"Oh, he's just the director of the entire show." Patrick answered.

"Oh." I said quietly.

Pete then clapped his hands together, making me jump.

"Alright, let's get you back to that green room." Pete said as he smiled.

"Hopefully we won't be stopped again." Patrick said.

Pete thumped Patrick's shoulder and whispered, "Don't jinx it!" before we started walking down the hall again.