Status: should be frequent

Fantasy Lies Beyond the Reach of Time

I Don't Know How To Say Goodbye

It's been hours, days, weeks I'm not sure anymore. It's been a few days since Jimmy and Brian disappeared. I was worried. Everyone was convinced they were dead. It's hard, I don't want to believe them but they make it so hard at times. In two weeks they are going to hold a funeral for them. They are just going to give up so easily. They guys are taking it pretty hard too. Losing two of their best friends at the same time.

Death scares me. I want to believe he's alive but I'm not sure a dream from a reality anymore.

"Blaire come on" Matt said motioning to me. I looked up hopeful but he shook his head. I sighed but followed him out of the room.

He led me to the car and helped me get in. We drove for awhile and when we pulled into the hospital I was confused.

"Come on" he said taking my hand.

He pulled me inside and sat me down. He walked over to the nurse station and talked to her for a few minutes, gesturing to me every few minutes.

When he walked back over and sat down next to me he avoided me at all costs. I tried to get him to tell me but he ignored me.

"Blaire Sullivan" the doctor called and Matt brought me in.

"Listen Doc Blaire just had a terrible loss and she's gone mute again and is in depression for the past week. I there something we can do?" he asked and I glared at him. I wasn't crazy, and I don't need his help.

"Well we can put her on a low dose of anti-depressants" he said looking through my chart.

"Okay, will that really work?" he asked.

"How about we put her on them for a week and bring her back in. Keep a close eye on her and make sure nothing happens to make it spiral into suicide, the pills can do that so watch for symptoms and take her off them if she does and bring her in" the Doctor said. He prescribed me them and we walked out.

I glared at him the whole way to the pharmacy. He avoided me and brought me in. As we were waiting for the pills he turned to look at me.

"Blaire I'm sorry but you need help, and I'm just trying to be there for you so you don't have to do it alone,"
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