Status: NEW! Co-written story :D

Love is a Warzone

Somewhere Brighter

Nikki’s p.o.v.

I laid rummaging among the many pillows and blankets and then stretched my naked body. It didn’t seem familiar to me; the smell was different, it smelled like man. I opened my tired eyes only to confuse myself even more.

I had no clue of where I might was; I was in the hugest bedroom I had ever seen, laying in the biggest king size bed I had ever seen in real life, and I was naked. What had happened last night? I could not make my mind work at the moment; I could not even remember what I had been doing yesterday, or if I had even done anything, it was all black.

The bedroom was huge and raw-styled. The bed frame was of black colored cherry tree, and it contained a huge black blanket, a huge metal / silver colored bedspread and tons of black and greyish pillows. The floor was made of dark tree too, but which I could not recognize, and a dark bearskin covered a part of it. The windows were decorated with large greyish silver curtains in layers, which stood really nice with the light grey walls; it all reminded me of an old castle filled with knights. In the other end of the room there stood a little black dresser and right next to it an enormous closet. Damn, if it was just mine..

Even though it wasn’t quite my style; too dark and too impersonal, I actually admired the place and its little details; they were quite fascinating, I felt it as if I was in a whole new world, in a movie maybe.

I got up from the bed to investigate the rest of this castle. If this was just the bedroom.. I wouldn’t be able to imagine how the rest of it looked like. But when I stood there on the cold floor, I then realized that I was naked, but where was my clothes? Looking down myself, I saw that I had on a gold double ring, a gold bangle and could feel that I wore my favorite earrings; the white feathers. But what had I done yesterday? The whole night was still blurry, but I could now remember that Sara and I went to the ‘local’ bar, and then.. Then it went blurry. Strange?

“You wanna borrow some clothes?”

The sound of the masculine voice got me scared and I grabbed for the silver bedspread to cover my body with. I then looked up, slightly even covering my body, to see Matt Shadows standing in front of me. Wait? Matt Shadows from Avenged Sevenfold?

“Oh you don’t need to cover those delicate curves of yours,” He said with a smirk. “I’ve already seen them a couple of times, and wouldn’t mind an encore.”

Matt Shadows.. Oh god. I met him yesterday evening at the bar! It all came to me at once, and it overwhelmed me terribly much. All those things that had happened.. All at once. What had I done? I had taken lanes of cocaine, the number I did not know of, and which I didn’t want to know of.

He smiled at me once again, walked right by me as if everything was as it used to be, went to the enormous black closet, opened it, and to my surprise, it was filled with men’s wear, ALL filled. How could any man fill this out? He searched through the rags and found a basic white t-shirt for me, and threw it at me. I quickly took it on; it was way too big for me, but it smelled so nice, and the fabric felt so soft against my skin; I could get used to this feeling.

“Umm..” I started – He turned to look friendly at me. “Do you have any idea of where my.. My underwear might be?”

I couldn’t help but blush. I felt so god damn stupid. How could I end up in bed with Matt Shadows? Matt Shadows from Avenged Sevenfold, and then lose my underwear somewhere in this huge castle of his?

“You mean those little dirty ones?” He asked with a dirty little laugh. “The little pink lace ones with the little bows on the sides?”

“Um, yeah, those..” I answered and blushed.

“In the bathroom,” He whispered and winked at me.

I slowly and weightlessly walked towards the bathroom, which I guessed was the room that he had come out of before. When I reached the bathroom door I felt as if I was observed, and turned to look at Matt; Yes, he was checking out my ass, and busted too. He quickly turned to the closet again, as if he’d never been looking.

I found my underwear, and Matt had found some sweatpants for me, also too big, but I had just tightened the strings, and then I was dressed up.

Matt led me down the stairs that twisted as in a tower; it was all so magical, I couldn’t believe it. I found it all very exciting to walk through the long halls and through the giant living room with its rustic interior, and I think Matt saw it. He smiled at me, took my hand and said;

“Impressed yet?”

“Are you kidding me?” I answered with amazement written all over it.

“You didn’t seem this impressed tonight when you first saw it,” He smirked. “But oh well, you were pretty affected”

“I wasn’t affected..” I started – he turned around with confuse written all over his cute little face. “I was pretty shitfaced.”

He laughed and then led me into the hugest kitchen I had ever seen, in the same rustic style as the rest of the house, and told me to sit down on the bar chairs at the kitchen desk, and so I did. He went to the fridge and dug his head into the size of a monster of a fridge.

“You like eggs and bacon?” He asked and smiled.

“No bacon for me, thanks,” I answered. “I’m a vegetarian”

“You are what?” Matt exclaimed shocked.

I explained the entire history to him about me being a vegetarian, and he then understood, and then said that he liked a girl who would stand by her own decisions. He then made eggs for me and lots of eggs and bacon for himself. He joined me on the bar chairs and we ate together, and for the first time in my life, I didn’t feel awkward eating in front of a stranger.

Even though Matt’s plate was ten times bigger than mine, he was quicker finished than I was, and then just sat and glared at me. I couldn’t help but had to blush again; he smiled at me and caressed my lap with his muscular tattooed hand, which was the doubled size of mine. When I was finished we sat and chatted, which was really nice.

It wasn’t awkward at all, even though we’d been having sex together and barely knew each other.

Suddenly I had trouble catching eye contact with him, and followed his stare right down to my boobs; the shirt was a bit transparent, and my nipples were visible for him to see. I felt so embarrassed and hid them right away. He wrinkled his eyebrows in a reaction to mine, and then couldn’t help but blush. He really did blush, I couldn’t believe it; this big muscular tough looking guy really blushed.

“I had ya caught there, huh?” I said trying not to giggle.

“Guilty as charged ma’am,” he said with a smirk.

His eyes met mine and I could see them sparkle. They contained so much life and beauty, you would not believe it.

Time went on, and I had to go home soon, so I tried to call Sara and ask her if she could pick me up at Matt’s, but I had the car keys on me, so she couldn’t. Matt then offered to give me a ride home, and so he did.

The ride home happened in Matt’s dear beloved red 1972 Chevelle Convertible, which I wasn’t that comfortable in. It was too big and fancy for me to like it, in the beginning; you see, it was real hot but I was afraid of doing anything wrong in it.

But when one of my favorite songs played in the radio, The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars, I had to admit I relaxed. I tilted my head backwards and started to sing out aloud.

“Today I don’t feel like doing anything, I just wanna lay in my bed” I sang along. “Don’t feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone, ‘cause today I swear I don’t feel like doing anything.”

Matt laughed at me, not because of the fact that he might thought it sounded horrible, but because he thought it was cute; it was written all over his face. I could read him like an open book. He shook his head at me, but when we reached the chorus he could not resist himself; he sang along too.

“Tomorrow I’ll wake up, do some P90X. Meet a really nice girl, have some really nice sex,” We sang, and Matt added; “Yesterday; check” and then winked at me. “And she’s gonna scream out; this is great” And again Matt added; “Check.”

I started blushing like crazy again, and was about to ask him something when I saw our house and told him to turn to right at the little yellow house. He pulled up the driveway and stopped the engine.

He looked at me with a satisfied and a bit disappointed expression.

“Well, I guess it is time for goodbye then” he said looking down his hands.

He sat and fumbled with them, not knowing exactly what to say and how to react. I thought it was kind of cute, and couldn’t help but smile at him. I leaned towards him and kissed his cheek. His eyes met mine. He smiled.

“Thank you for a really good time, I will never forget this,” I said and added; “Will I ever see you again?”

“Sooner than you think sweetcheeks,” he answered.

His soft lips met mine and I let his warm tongue slide through my lips to meet mine. It wasn’t a long kiss, but a god damn good one. He made my stomach tickle and blew my mind away. I did not want to let him go, to say goodbye to him already, not knowing if I would ever see him again.

Sara’s p.o.v.

The next morning when I woke up, I felt amazing. The night before really made me happy though Nikki left me with Johnny, who actually was really cute, if I had not already told you that?
I went downstairs to get some breakfast which turned out to be some cereals with yogurt and some banana pieces. Don’t make any faces, I loved this!.

When I was done with my breakfast I slowly made my way back to my bedroom to find some clothes. When I finally found my
outfitfor the day, I changed and did my hair. I decided not to have any make-up on, since I would just stay at home. Well I actually didn’t think Nikki had planned to come home, she was probably to hooked up with this Matt-guy so she didn’t have the time to come home.

I decided to do some cleaning in the house, well not that it was dirty here or anything, but it could need some serious cleaning anyway. I connected my computer to the speakers, and turned on the music. It was that loud that I think our neighbors were kind of pissed on us – both Nikki and; I – because we always were listening to loud music, I was actually wondering why no one, hadn’t called the police yet. I found my favorite song and began cleaning the house and dancing around.

I heard my phone going off in my bedroom but I couldn’t take it before it stopped ringing. I looked at the screen and saw Nikki’s name flashed over it. When I was about to call her back, I received a message that told me that Nikki just laid a message at my voicemail. I called my voicemail to hear her message.

Hey sweetie. I’m sorry I wasn’t home this morning, but I was wondering if you could come and pick me up at Matt’s house. He lives at… wait a minute… Oh fuck I have the car keys… Well I’m sorry again hun, I’ll see you later, love you. Bye”. Damn It!

I knew she didn’t bother to come home today. Okay I knew I was pissed without any particular reason, but it just annoyed me when she did stuff like that. It’s not like she’s a hooker or something like that, but she had stayed away before without telling and then I was worried like shit!

About an hour later I heard a car pulled into the driveway. I walked to the window in the hall and looked out, and made sure not to get noticed. I stood there for a while just looking at the two of them – I knew it wasn’t very mature of me, but the two of them met yesterday, and by looking at them in the car, they already acted like a ’newly-in-love couple’.

Suddenly Nikki got out of the car and headed pretty fast towards the front door. I hurried to the kitchen and pretended as if I was to get something to drink, and I just reached the kitchen when the front door opened.

“Hey sweetie” Nikki yelled happily, but I just ignored her and rolled my eyes.

I could hear her footsteps coming closer to the kitchen. I just turned around so my back was facing her. I pretended to do something that I wasn’t even doing.

“Hey” Nikki said softly but I still ignored her, I was so pissed at her.

“Why are you avoiding me?” she asked sad.

“Why do you think Nikki? Huh?! You fucking left me at a club with a fucking stranger and then you come home the next day at midday, without any message only one fucking message asking me if I can pick you up!” I yelled at her, and she looked pretty scared and she already knew that I have a really huge temper.

“I’m… I’m sorry!” She said afraid.

I sighed frustrated and rubbed her hands in her face, and throw a hand through her hair.

“It’s okay just don’t ever do it again, I was fucking worried” I sighed again.

She nodded and agreed and I gave her a huge hug. We got something to drink and went to the living room so we could talk about the night before.

“And the ehm… we went back to his house… and uhm, you know we kinda… uhm… had sex” Nikki blushed. “And Kuki, he’s… he’s just so… what can I say. SWEET!”

Nikki smiled big. My eyes widened but I couldn’t help but giggle.

“You’re so hooked on this guy sweetie” I laughed at shook my head.

We talked for a little more when it hit me, she’s in love with a guy she just met about 12 hours ago!

“Nikki?” I asked and she looked up and nodded and smiled, “Are you in love with Matt?” I asked serious.

Her eyed widened and she shook her head quickly – too quickly for me liking .

“Uh… No… uhm… no I aint!” she quickly added.

I just shook my head and let go, because I knew she did but wouldn’t admit it, which pissed me off. I heard my phone go off in the kitchen, so I stood up and headed to the kitchen to check who had sent me a message. I looked at the screen to see Johnny’s name flash over it.

From Johnny: Hey... Um, I just wanted to thank you for last night... To make sure that you were still okay... You know what I mean right? – Johnny
Oh well that was strange, but sweet. I pushed on the answer button, and typed and answered:

To Johnny: “Hey, it’s sweet of you to ask, but I am the one who should be thanking you, since you drove me home. But thank you too for last night… And I’m okay, and I hope you are too! – Sara

I still felt kind of sad, so for my own sake that I wouldn’t get madder at Nikki than necessary, I decided to go for a walk.

I went to my room to get my iPod and my phone, but stopped and decided to let my phone stay at home, I just wanted to be alone. I went to the living room to tell Nikki I would go for a walk, or maybe I should just walk away and then she would know how I felt yesterday – no I wasn’t any bitch.

I went to get my shoes and jacket on and then headed out of the front door and down the street.

I decided that I would go for a walk in the park. I turned on my music and found my favorite song of the time, which turned out to be a Danish song called ”En Sidste Gang”(The last time) by “Ates” and put in the earplugs.

I noticed a car that drove towards me, and it looked exactly like Johnny’s, but I wasn’t quite sure. I looked up at the car and just when I got eye contact with the man in the car, he stopped and rolled down the window.

“Hey Sara” he smiled sweetly.

“Hey Johnny” I gave him a weak smile and waved a little.

“Where are you going?” he asked softly and pulled his sunglasses on the top of his head.

“Just somewhere brighter” I sighed and was about to walk away, when he spoke again.

“You want me to take you s-somewhere so we can t-talk about it?” he asked softly.

I thought about it for a minute and slowly nodded and went to his car and got in. We drove, and drove, and drove, and drove – Oh did I mention that we drove? But the small talk we did on our way was lovely, he was really down on earth, a bit shy which I was too so awkward silences did come too in our talks.

Suddenly we stopped. I looked around just so see that I didn’t know where we were.
I were like, in the middle of nowhere, with a man I didn’t know – Oh that’s just great.

“Uhm… J-Johnny can I a-ask you s-something” I stuttered, and he just looked at me and smiled softly and nodded.

“Where are we?” I asked and felt my cheeks go red.

“Oh don’t worry, this is a place I always come when I’m thinking, or just want to be alone” he said softly, and I nodded slowly.

“So what’s wrong Sara?” Johnny asked softly.

I sighed and looked down in my folded hands, “It’s just Nikki, you know my friend from yesterday” I said and looked at him and he simple nodded.

“Well when we moved here we made a deal that said that we have to at least send each other a message if we aint coming home at night, and well she didn’t and then she apparently went home with you friend Matt, and the only I heard from her was this morning when she called and asked if I could pick her up, but then she had the keys with her” I sighed and rubbed my face with my hands.

Johnny grabbed my hand and I immediately blushed and he did too and quickly let go of my hand again, but I took his hand back in mine, and I didn’t know why because I normally didn’t do that. What’s going on with me?!.

“I understand that you are pissed at her, really. But I think you should – at least try – to let it go, ‘cause I bet it wasn’t her sense to forget it” He said softly and rubbed my upper hand with his thumb.

He was so cute! I had to admit that I would might fall for him very soon! We talked for a little more and then an idea suddenly hit me.

“Uhm Johnny?” I asked and decided to go on before I regretted it, “I was wondering if you want to come back to my place… and uhm… see a movie, or something? I just need to get the thing with Nikki out of my head” I asked quietly and looked down in my hands, already regretting that I had asked, because he would probably say no.

“Oh… Uhm yeah of course” he smiled shyly, “But uhm… can I maybe bring the boys with me?” he asked and blushed.

I honestly felt a little sad that he would bring the boys, but I would probably bring Nikki too if he asked me.

“Yeah of course” I smiled and could feel my cheeks blushing.

We talked for a little more and then decided to go back to the town and then go to the nearest movie store to rent some movies and bought some candy and other stuff.

Johnny convinced me to rent some horror movies even though I wasn’t happy about that. When we were done we headed back to the house, and when Johnny pulled into the driveway I saw another car and knew it was Matt’s – Johnny must have known too.

I sighed and Johnny stopped the car and we got out and went to the front door. We went inside and I was about to shut the door after Johnny came in, but then I forgot his phone in the car, so he ran out to the car to get it. Meanwhile I went to the living room door and saw Nikki push Matt away and hurried up from the couch.

Niiki's p.o.v.

I had not been home for that long until I decided to take a shower. When arriving home, I had not even closed the door behind me before Sara had attacked me with scolds. I had apologized and I had really meant every word that I had said; I was so entirely sorry for what I had done to her, just the fact that I had left with complete strangers to do lanes and then never came back, without a word! It must have been terrible to be her! I promised her that it was the last time it had happened, and she forgave me; even though I could still feel that she was truly pissed off.

We had then spoken together, and talked about what had happened last night – I had not told too many details, like about all of the lanes I had been sniffing etc.. I had to tell her later, when she was in a better mood, now wasn’t the right time.

I had to cleanse my body and my soul; I had it as if ‘guilt’ was written all over me. I felt like a betrayer and as if my heart had withered – Or at least she made me feel that way.

Finishing the shower, I dried myself and went to my bedroom. I needed a chill-day, and therefore I chose my outfit carefully; I felt super comfortable while still really feminine. After I had dried my hair and had put it in a cute ponytail, I took on my favorite slippers and sprayed on some Victoria’s Secret Pink scent.

I felt all better, and went to the living room to ask Sara if she would like to join me on my chill day, but she was all gone. I searched everywhere in the house for her, but I just couldn’t find her. I hurried through the hallway and out to the garage, to see that our precious little car wasn’t missing.. Where the heck was she now?

I called her cell a million times, only to find out that she had left her cellphone in her bedroom. I then called all of the friends we had in common; but no one knew anything of where she might be, and nobody had seen her. I was out of myself. I felt frustration and worry rush down me.

If we hadn’t just been arguing, I would not have seen this as a major thing; but I did now. I jumped into our beloved car, and drove around the entire city, but Sara was nowhere to find.. When I had driven around for a while, and still couldn’t find her; I drove back home.

Sitting on the couch worrying my ass off, the doorbell suddenly rang. I jumped up the couch and ran as fast as I could to the door and opened it; but to my big disappointment; it was not Sara, but just Matt. I couldn’t believe that I would ever be this disappointed to see him at my front door.

“Oh, hey” I said.

I did not know how to react, and at the moment I probably did not sound that interested either; he would might see it as superficial.

“Wow,” He exclaimed. “You truly look amazing!”

I started blushing, and did not know what to say.

“But hey, I just stopped by to deliver these back,” He said showing my dress, my bra and all of the other stuff I had forgotten at his place – He handed them back to me. “You forgot them at mine, and I took the chance to see you again”

Well, maybe I was not that disappointed anyway. I started smiling like crazy and invited him in. I told him to sit in the couch making himself at home, and asked him if he would like to have a beer.

I sat down right next to him handing him the beer, and then it seemed as if all of my happiness and life energy had disappeared once again. I tried to make up a smile, but it seemed to be impossible at the time, and I ended up with a grimace instead.

“Hey you,” he started and got closer to me, held his arm around me. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing really” I tried to lie.

“Well that isn’t true now, is it?” He asked suspiciously – He had me figured out.

I then told him everything of what had happened between Sara and I when I got home, and the way that she was really disappointed of me. I told how it made me feel; as the worst friend ever, and that I didn’t want to hurt her, for that she meant too much to me.

Matt shrugged and moved a few inches back. I could see that he did not know what to say, which was fair enough; how could he? I laid my hand carefully on his, but he shrank away. Confuse started to grow in me. Why did he react this way? I sent him a confused look, telling him that I did not understand his message.

“It’s just like..” He shrugged again. “You see; I feel it as if it’s my entire fault. If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have argued, and this would never have happened. Maybe we should not see each other anymore… I don’t wanna ruin your friendship.”

I was amazed and quite touched. He felt it as if it was his entire fault, but how could it be? He did not force me to do anything last night and he took care of me. Not seeing each other? I could not live with that; he made me feel as complete as I have never felt; he made me excited. What was I thinking? I had only known him in less than a day.. These strong feelings were taking over me! Feelings.. Maybe Sara was right; maybe I was already falling in love with Matt Shadows himself?

I moved closer to him and kissed his cheek.

“Do not hold it back,” I whispered intensively to him. “Let it go”

Matt grabbed me with his muscular tattooed arms and there he held me tight, and before I realized it; we were making out. He pushed me back up against the couch, and went rougher. His hand went affectionately through my hair, while the other one pushed my upper body closer to his.

Suddenly I heard the door open, and out of my left eye corner I could see Sara standing on the floor. I pushed Matt off of me, ran to her and embraced her in a tight hug.

“I am so sorry! I really truly am! Please forgive me! Just never do this to me again! Okay?!” I half apologized and half demanded.

We talked a bit and suddenly I heard the door shut, and then I saw Johnny. Johnny Christ.

Sara’s p.o.v.

She rushed to me and pulled me into a tight hug.

“I am so sorry! I really truly am! Please forgive me! Just never do this to me again! Okay?!” Nikki apologized.

“It’s okay, just don’t do it again I was so worried. And I’m sorry I just left you without my phone, I just had to clear my head” I sighed and hugged her tightly.

We talked for a little more before the front door shut, and Nikki looked up and a big smile appeared on her face.

“Hey Johnny” she smiled sweetly and gave him her hand.

“Hey Nikki” Johnny smiled softly and shook her hand.

“Well Nikki, we rented some movies and bought some candy – we thought we could have a movie night? Since I guess that you have some company here?” I smiled at Nikki, and before she could say or do anything, Matt was standing by her side.

“Oh hey man and hey ….” Matt smiled and knocked his fist with Johnny’s, and smiled sweetly at me, probably forgot my name.

“Sara” I said simple - and he nodded and gave me a quick hug.

“But yeah, a movie night sounds great, which movie did you rent?” Emilee smiled.

I sighed and took out the movies from the bag, and showed them to her while I had an irritated look on my face. When Nikki saw them she literally burst out of laughter. I just sighed and rolled my eyes, before looking at Matt and Johnny to see their confused faces.

“I hate horror movies” I said annoyed.

“Awh sweetie, come here!” Nikki laughed while giving me one of her special bone-crushing hugs.

“Are you afraid of horror movies?” Johnny asked worried, but before I could answer Nikki already answered for me, telling Johnny how afraid I was and then all the things she had done to me after all the horror movies we’ve been watching together.

“And a day we were together we saw the movie called ‘Wrong Turn’, and when it was done she was actually pretty surprised and didn’t think it was that bad as she had thought in the first place. And right as she had said that, I couldn’t help but had to laugh like the weird man in the movie, while pointing at the window behind her – and she fucking believed it; screamed and jumped at once!” Nikki laughed, and the boys burst out in laughter too.

Actually I didn’t find it very funny, because I was naïve like hell and she knew that – Dammit.

“Okay would you please stop now?!” I asked annoyed, or more like demanding. They laughed the last time.

I rolled my eyes, “The other guys are coming too” I told Nikki annoyed right before I was heading to the kitchen to get the candy ready.

“Hey Sara it’s gonna be fun” Matt yelled softly.

I just sighed and rolled my eyes, before continuing what I was doing. I heard footsteps coming to the kitchen, but I figured out it was probably just Njmmj. The person cleared the throat, and I immediately turned around, just to be face to face with Johnny.

“Hey are you okay?” he asked softly and placed a hand on my shoulder.

“Yeah I’m fine thanks” I smiled softly, and decided just to let it go.

Nikki and Matt both apologized for laughing, and of course I accepted that since I knew it was just a joke, I was just stupid to take it to me like it was something personally.

About 30minutes later Brian and Zacky had arrived, and we got ready to see the movies, and just having a good time. I noticed that Brian had a paper bag in his hand that he sat down beside him, but I didn’t think more about it.

We sat down at the couches, Nikki and Matt in one of the couches, Zacky, Johnny and me in the other and Syn in the recliner.

“So what are we gonna see?” Zacky asked exited.

Matt laughed a little and I knew it was at me, so I gave him a hard glare, but couldn’t help but laugh when he sent a dimpled smile back.

“We’re gonna see The Ring and The Grudge” he smiled at Zacky who just got a huge grin on his face, the same with Brian. – How could they love horror movies? Seriously I was already on the edge of dying just to see the cover of the horror movies.

We began with ‘The Grudge’, and I already hated the movie after ten minutes – what the fuck is wrong with people making these kinds of movies? I get scared of watching ‘Scary Movie’.

I had to admit that I was half looking and half hiding my face in my hands only looking between my fingers through the movie. I was sitting in the couch with my legs pulled up under my chest, and my face rested on my knees.

Suddenly some – in my opinion – stupid girl laid in her bed and probably felt something, and then looked scared, but I just thought she was weird and then moved my hands away from my face to see the next not scary thing – That had to be a joke Sara, the whole movie is scary!.
Just when I looked up, the weird girl looked under her blanket and a scary white or really pale girl looked at her, and the weird girl screamed – And of course we had some surround system connected to the television! – I probably jumped as high as possible, because the next thing I knew was that I was cuddled close to Johnny and murmuring a ‘Oh My God!’.

I quickly realized what I was doing and quickly pulled away – and to say it easily, I was ashamed like hell!

Just when I was about to sit back in my ‘place’ in the couch – beside Johnny – he pulled me back into his arms and comforted me by holding his arms around me. I couldn’t help but smile. You know, like when you have the feelings in your stomach that you’re totally in love with someone.

Suddenly Brian pulled up six shot glasses from his paper bag, and filled them all up with some ‘Jack Daniels’ which I assumed he also had in his bag. We all drank it and watched the movie again. About five minutes later, Brian again pulled something up from his bag, this time it was some beers.

Both Nikki and I thanked no to him – neither of us liked beer, so Nikki stood up and went to the kitchen. Moments later, she came back with two ciders and asked me if I wanted one, but once again I thanked no and told her that I wasn’t in the mood for drinking – I would rather just sit and watch movies – even though I didn’t like these – and just have a nice time, than drinking once again.

It wasn’t like I was against alcohol, not at all; I just wasn’t in the mood tonight – I just wanted to get out of here, my head was hurting and when Brian was talking I always felt like I was going to puke – and trust me, that wasn’t funny!

Suddenly Brian yelled – or said it out loud – that they didn’t have more beers, and to my luck we had some in the garage.

“We have some more in the garage, I can go get someone” I sighed and stood up.

I heard Matt and Zacky thanking me, but not Brian – well someone was in a bad mood.

“I’m going with you” Johnny smiled and stood up. He followed me to the garage to get some more beers.

“Hey. You really didn’t have to go with me” I said and turned around and smiled softly to Johnny.

“Nah. Probably not, but I wanted to, you looked really upset in there, what’s wrong Sara?” he asked softly and looked me into the eyes – god dammit, I hated looking people in their eyes.

“It’s just… After all this yesterday and today with Nikki and me, I just wanted to be home, seeing a movie, having a nice time with her, and you guys without drinking” I sighed and sniffed quietly – was I crying over that?

Nah that couldn’t be true, god damn these fucking feelings – I shook my head slowly and turned my back to him to get some beers. Just when I was about to grab the beers Johnny cleared his throat.

“Hey come here!” he said.

I turned around, just in time to be pulled into a hug by Johnny – Okay now I seriously could get used to this. I slowly wrapped my arms around his middle and laid my head on his chest/shoulder.

Nikki’s p.o.v.

The guys had come over to see The Grudge and The Ring with me, I loved it! But it seemed as if Sara did not. She seemed so irritated, especially at Brian, but I really did not know why? He was such a nice guy with a great humor!

Sara had just left to get some more beers for the boys, when Brian said;

“Well finally that sour girl left,” He laughed and wrinkled his nose. “Now the real fun can begin,”

He did not even finish the last sentence before he had already found the little bag. The goose bumps were showing already when I saw him dug down in his pocket; I knew that he was up for something already then, and when I saw the little bag with its content, I felt the shivers down my bag.

“Oh, how I love you Gates!” Zacky exclaimed and kissed Brian on his cheek.

He smirked at Zacky and teased him with the bag, and then he unpacked the content onto the coffee table. My heartbeat was racing and it did not seem to stop again. Matt took my hand and held it tight while caressing it with his thumb.

Brian took out his wallet, got a card and a hundred dollar bill. I could feel myself shake in horror now. I did not think that Matt would find out; I really tried to calm myself down, but he could feel the shaking. He wrinkled his eyebrows at me and then they were losing up again; he figured out what was wrong.

He leaned into me, his mouth close to my ear; I could feel his hot breathing against my nervous nicely tanned skin. The shivers faded into tickles, and my breath became heavier; he already now knew everything about my soft spot.

“You’re nervous sweetcheaks?” He whispered intensely.

I nodded without saying a word still staring at the lanes Brian was making for us. Matt kissed me teasingly up my neck till my earlobe. Caressing my earlobe with his soft lips, he bit it tensely, turning me on. His hand slowly moved up my lap getting rougher, and all I could think of right now, was him naked in my bed, right now.

“Imagine how wild we will get,” I could feel his lips move against my air. “How much fun we’ll have. You know, it ain’t that bad sweetcheaks, just a lane.”

I started shaking a bit, but not in a nervous way; I was excited. I could now feel myself longing for a lane of cocaine. What did he do to me? I had no idea of what influence he had on me, and I truly did not care; I liked it.

“And you know, pretty face,” he whispered even slower; even tenser. “.. that I will be right next to you the whole time protecting you. And when the party ends… It’ll start right after in your bed”

He winked at me, and the temptation became too big for me to handle; I took the rolled hundred dollar bill out of brian’s hand to everyone’s shock, and then I took the first lane. I could hear the boys cheer and exclaim as if they were impressed while doing it.

When I had finished my lane, I tilted my head back and sniffed in. When I tilted it back again, I saw the amazement in their eyes; Zacky was cheering and flattering me, while Matt caressed my back intensely and kissed me on my neck while whispering; “Nicely done, sweetcheaks”, and Brian was just sitting with a huge smirk looking at me.

“Damn girl,” Brian said impressed. “Where have you been hiding that?”

He laughed, still with a smirk covering his face. I started blushing, but shortly after I could feel my heartbeat racing, and the adrenalin pumping through my veins.

We were all having fun, still with no sight of Johnny and Sara; maybe she had gotten some sense, and was having some fun herself? Suddenly Brian pushed to his beer, and got it all over his right arm.

“Where is the toilet?” He asked. “Need to get this off of me.”

“I’ll show you,” I answered.

The both of us got up from the couches, and when Matt had let go off of me; his teasing hands touching me and making it difficult for me to get up, I could then show him the bathroom. We walked out of the living room into the little hallway, and almost down to our bedrooms, and then stopped at the second last door on the left side.

“Here it is,” I said.

I smiled at him and was about to turn around again, when he suddenly grabbed my arm, forcing me to near him right away.

“You know that I’m a bit affected and quite drunk already,” He started. “I would not like to make a mess, so if you could help me, it would be really helpful”

I smiled at him, and followed him out into the bathroom. Brian always play the tough one, right after Matt of course, but deep inside of him, he is really sweet and caring, I knew already.

I took a cloth from under the wash and made it soaked it. Brian sat on the toilet just smiling at me. I washed the stinking beer off of his muscular tattooed arm, and then I threw the cloth in the laundry basket.

“You should be ready now, Brian” I said smiling at him.

He got up while I turned around again, and just as I was about to open the door, he stopped me, took my hand and swung me around. He smirked.

“You know,” He started getting closer. “We could do it just here.”