Status: NEW! Co-written story :D

Love is a Warzone

Filthy Greedy Fingers Touching Her (Anger is going lose)

Sara’s p.o.v.;
Johnny and I just stood in the garage and talked for a little, before we went back inside, only to find Matt and Zacky but no Brian and Nikki – where were they? I placed the beers on the table and sat down on the couch and Johnny by my side.

“Where are Nikki and Brian?” I asked the others softly. They shrugged a little.

“I actually don’t know, Bri spilled something on his arm, so Nikki went to help him get it off. But hey where the hell where you guys?” Zacky grinned.

I sighed softly and leaned back in the couch, I could feel my cheeks turned into a deep red color. What the fuck? It’s not like we did anything? We just talked. I didn’t have a thing for Johnny, yes he was cute no doubt but I didn’t have a thing for him, or rather I couldn’t have a thing for him, but maybe I did? ’No’ I shook my head slowly at my thought.

“We were just talking” Johnny said softly and I nodded in approval. He placed his arm on the back of the couch and his hand sometimes accidently touched my shoulder softly. And when it did I could feel my cheeks burning.

Suddenly Nikki and Brian walked back into the room. I looked at Brian and narrowed my eyes; his hair was a big mess, and he had a huge smirked on his face. What had happened out there?
I looked closely at Nikki, but she simply looked down and hurried to the other couch. I leaned forward to take my phone from the table and quickly texted Nikki and asked a simple ‘what happened out there?!?!’, I pressed the ‘send’ button and laid my phone on my lap.
I kept talking with the others when my phone suddenly vibrated, telling me that I had a new message.

From Nikki:
Brian just spilled some beer on his arm so I just helped him to wash it off, and then we simply talked and he told some jokes, nothing else :) .

I just let it go and didn’t think more about it. I talked a little with Johnny about random things.

“So uhm... What are you doing? You know, are you going to school or anything?” Johnny asked and smiled a little.

“Oh. I’m working at Starbucks down at Main Street” I smiled at him.

It wasn’t the best job you could get here in Huntington Beach, but without any kind of education it’s kind of hard to find a job. I found Starbucks and it was quite okay. The first couple of months, the boss were pretty bitchy. He was all over the new people – including me – and he didn’t trust us to work on our own, so for almost three months I was getting ‘help’ by and ‘old-worker’. But now it was all good, and I love to come to work every day actually.

“Oh. That’s cool, how come I’ve never seen you there before we went on tour? And why that job?” Johnny asked softly and sipped of his beer.

“Well, I’ve only had this job for about five months, so I guess it’s therefore” I grinned softly at him, “And that job, mainly because it fitted pretty well with Nikki’s school. Every morning she is dropping me of at work and then heading to her school, and when she is done with school she’ll come by at my work, get something to drink and about a half an hour later I’m off from work and I’m driving with her to our home” I continued and sipped of my newly opened cider.

We talked for a while, when the boys decided that they had to go home. We said our goodbye, and when they were out of the door and it was locked, we both headed to bed.

As the days went by I got to work and actually worked a lot more than usually, and sometimes Johnny would come by and refuse to get served by other than me, it was quite funny how he just flipped of the poor boys and girls.

Nikki by the way got to school every day and sometimes she went to her work at ‘Subway’ when she was done with school and after what she told me, Matt would come by as well at her work, just to talk to her – They were growing really close to each other.

Suddenly two weeks have already went by and we’ve been seeing the boys a lot after we met them.
But oddly enough, we’ve always been at our place and the bar, but never at the beach or something like that.

I felt like Johnny and I had grown stronger and stronger. We’ve been talking a lot the last two weeks, and we’ve been texting all night before we went to sleep, but I was kind of disappointed because even though Johnny and I had grown closer, he wasn’t showing any signs of liking me the way I liked him, but I guess he just see me as a friend – but I can’t complain, I should be happy to have someone like him as my friend.Though my ‘love’ for him in growing bigger and bigger, day after day!


Nikki and I were in the kitchen, making us some dinner which we always did together every day. I cut some lettuce for our salad, when something or someone suddenly knocked on the window right in front of me; I screamed a little and dropped the lettuce on the floor. I looked out of the window, just to find Johnny with a huge grin on his face, and a family-pizza in his hands. I shook my head and smiled softly, no one other than Johnny would ever do this.

While I picked up the lettuce from the floor, Nikki went to the door to let Johnny in.
she gave him a huge hug and took the pizza from his hands and went to the kitchen and placed it on the table. She rushed back to Johnny to take his jacket, and told him to get comfortable in the kitchen while she was going to clean up a little bit in the living room.

Why? Why me?! … Nikki always leave me in awkward moments like this, damn her! – what to do now, what to do? I could… Jump on Johnny and kiss him deadly? – Nah that wouldn’t turn out good. I could leave him alone in the kitchen and go to my room to send an E-mail to my mom? – No, that would be bitchy. Or I could just stay here, and wait till he speaks to me? – I would’ve loved to say no, but that would probably be the best to do. Okay I don’t think he’s going to talk – dammit!

“So what brings you here?” I asked softly and smiled.

“Oh. I just wanted to have a nice time with you girls, and then I thought I would bring some pizza, so you didn’t have to cook, I could get pizza, and we could watch a movie!” Johnny said with a cheesy grin.

I couldn’t help but laugh a little at him – that boy was seriously addicted to pizza and alcohol.

We talked for a little more before heading to the living-room where Nikki had found some plates and placed them on the coffee table so we could eat there.

Johnny cleared his throat; “I hope it’s okay, but … uhm Matt… is also coming but uhm… he had something to deal with… first.”

“Yeah sure it’s okay” Nikki and I said, and no of us thought more about it.

About 10 minutes later the doorbell rang. I stood up from the couch, since I was the closest one, and opened the door, just to see a mad-looking Matt. He looked like he could kill someone right then and there, so I quickly stepped aside so he could come in.

He pulled me into a soft and friendly-hug and gave me a simple ‘hi Sara’ and smiled. I told him ‘hi’ too and we went into the living-room. He still looked pissed when we came to the living-room, he just greeted Johnny and Nikki and sat down in the recliner and ate some pizza. We talked for a little, about random things and no matter how you tried to cheer Matt up, it didn’t work.

Matt suddenly spoke up; “What about going out tonight and party all night long? It’s Friday today and I bet none of you girls are going on work tomorrow?” he asked, and both Nikki and I shook or heads – because that was true, we were both off from work the whole weekend, so of course we agreed, and tonight I was actually pretty excited about going out.

“Sure. But we have to go change” I said.

“We’re just going to see a movie while you’re getting ready” Johnny smiled at me and then at Emilee.

We both nodded and Nikki stood up and grab my hand tightly before pulling me off the couch and dragged me to my room – Wtf happened there? I was the one who said yes, but still I didn’t have any chance to stand up?

“So, what are we going to wear tonight?” I smiled at Nikki.

We talked about our outfits, and almost without ‘fighting’ we agreed with each other’s outfit color-choice, and Emilee then went to the shower before I even go count to three.
- That girl is pretty damn fast!

Nikki’s p.o.v.;
When I was finished showering, I went out of the hot bath and wrapped my hair and myself in a huge towel each, and went out. Sara was quick and was already heading to the shower, almost before I even had the chance of getting out of the room. I guessed she was pretty much excited for the night – For the first time in what seems like forever she was actually excited for partying. I was surprised but pleased that we could finally have some fun together in the wild city life again.

I went through the hallway, and when I was about to open the door into the living room to get to my room, I found myself a bit nervous and felt the anxiety rise, because in the living room both Matt and Johnny sat and they would have to see me then in nothing but a towel. I hated situations like these, but I had to face the fact; I had to do it.

I grabbed the doorknob and turned it around as silently as I could, then sneaked quickly over the soft beige colored living room carpet as a thief trying to dodge the police. When I reached the door into my room I quickly turned the doorknob around and went inside. Luckily they didn’t see me, I thought to myself, and went to my disk, took off the towels and placed them there. I carefully combed my long chocolate brown hair, and could already see the curls showing. I stood there for some short seconds looking at myself in the mirror; you’ve turned out pretty nice, girl – I thought to myself.

I took one of the towels again and was about to dry my hair with it, when I saw Matt in the mirror, standing behind me in the doorframe. I had not even heard the door either open or shut, damn what a ninja he must have been, and compared to him I had just been as a cheap thief trying to get away, when fleeing over the carpet.

The shock of it made me drop the towel. He smiled teasingly at me through the mirror. I did not dare turning around to face him; I kept staring at him in the mirror, not as if I was scared, but more in such a way of being seduced and in the same way as if I was in a trance, while watching him near me. His eyes flinched to my ass a couple of times, and I could read in his face expression that he dealt with great pain trying not to look at it when standing just a few inches behind me. I could feel his hot breathing on my neck which caused comfortable chills going through my entire body. He closed his eyes intensely and sniffed in; trying to absorb my smell and let out a final and satisfied exhale. With his eyes still closed he got half an inch closer to me – I could now feel his body heat and fairly sense his powerful but yet peaceful heartbeat which pounded the similar bars as mine.
I could feel his breathing getting heavier and closer and when his soft lips then met my sensitive neck skin I felt it as if my heart skipped a heartbeat and I almost forgot to breathe. I gasped once for air in pleasure of the joy I felt inside when he touched me like this. I slowly tilted my neck backwards letting him continue on the front. Feeling his wet lips caressing me teasingly slow yet hungry for more made me calmly moan, and soon after I felt my own fingers running through his short dark hair, wanting for more.

“Matt!” I heard Johnny call.

Matt finished the kiss he was doing when he got distracted, gave me an irritated look through the mirror and exclaimed; “Damn you Christ!”.

He grabbed me in his strong muscular tattooed arms, turned me around facing him and forced me into a hungrily desired kiss.

“We’ll finish off later where we started,” He said and winked at me.

He left me dazed right there. I was speechless, and when I finally head the door shut and him and Johnny talking I started to jump around in joy like crazy trying not to scream. I went to my wardrobe and threw everything onto my bed until I found the perfect dress; I knew exactly what I was going to wear, and I knew exactly where to find the stuff I needed. When I had found it all, my bedroom was a clearly mess; shoes and dressed had been thrown all over the room; looked like the destruction of Jerusalem.

In no time I had already took on the cute little pink dress, the white stockings and my jewelries; it was now time for the makeup, which was pin up inspired with heavy eyelashes, dash of eyeliner and the red lipstick had been changed with a nude pink which was much more me.

I had just finished off when Sara joined me in her super cute outfit, and asked if I could please help her with her hair which I without any doubt agreed to, and while I was working with her hair, we had a nice talk and she confided a secret of hers to me;

“I think I am drastically falling for Johnny..” She sighed and blushed. “He is just too adorable and really listens to whatever I have got on my mind! And then he is cute too,”

“I know,” I smiled.

“What?” She asked shocked. “You like him too?!”

“Oh, you stupid little mushroom!” I exclaimed and let out a giggle. “Of course you happen to misunderstand what I am saying! What I meant was that of course I know that you are falling for Mr. Christ”

“Is it that obvious?” She sighed once again as if the game was up.

“No, not at all,” I started – She looked at me as if she was thing ‘What the ….?’ “But I am after all your best friend, ain’t I?”

I poked her affectionately on the tip of her nose and smiled, she returned it with a relieved one. And then she got all excited again.

“Come on! Hurry up bitch!” She exclaimed. “We need to get ready for the party!”

The both of us laughed and I continued patiently with her hair and when I was done we went back into the living room once again.

Just of the sound of the door opening the boys’ eyes were stuck onto us. I couldn’t help but felt all warm inside of me when I saw the dimples show on Matt’s cute face and his eyes were sparkling.

“Damn you look good, sweetcheaks!” He admired and kissed me.

My eyes flinched in the same moment to Johnny who was looking just as amazed looking at Sara as Matt had just been looking at me. No doubt he was in love with her, it was so obvious! And then they would by the way make the cutest couple ever.

“Well..” Johnny started really shy, not knowing where to look at. “I can only say the same thing about you..”

The door then slammed open and I could right away sense the smell of beer bursting into the room, and there Brian and Zacky stood, both with big bags in their hands, probably filled with alcohol and other exquisite delicacies.

I could feel the electricity range in my feet, and screamed out loud in a positively shock and ran towards the two dark men in the middle of the living room. I first jumped onto Brian, and got returned with huge tight hugs, and then not even finishing the scene with Brian I got attacked by Zacky who tossed me lightly into the air.

“What is this kind of a pretty girl?” Zacky exclaimed excitable and hugged me tightly. “Where do you think you’ll be going?”

Zacky let go off of me after the greetings and then he went to Sara, who he also reacted quite excitable to; hugging her tight into him and lifting her up into the air.

“If this is the standard for tonight,” He started. “It will turn out pretty good! Too good for my wife to like!”

We all laughed, but I couldn’t help but to notice the word ‘wife’ he used; I had no idea of him being married? Why hadn’t I seen this coming? I was quite shocked, but too busy being excited about tonight to think more about it.

Brian was placing all of the alcohol on our little coffee table, but had too much for the coffee table to content, so the rest of it he placed in the corner next to the little couch of ours. We soon after began emptying the bottles to warm up for the night, when Johnny and Synyster suddenly got up, and went out into the garage because Brian had to show Johnny some man stuff as he had pointed it out before leaving. It seemed a bit too strange for my taste but washed the weird feeling away with some vodka and coca cola.

They had only gotten back in again, when Brian bowed down behind the couch so that his mouth reached my ear, and then whispered;

“I made a mess out there; will ya please help me find some cloths so I can clean it up?” His words came out intensely.

I just nodded my head, and went off in the noise of the drunken people to go help my dear friend Brian finding a cloth in the bathroom. When we reached the bathroom he quickly locked the door behind me and smirked at me.

“What are you doing Brian?” I asked a bit shocked and confused.

“I don’t need a cloth; didn’t mess up anything.” He started. “I was just thinking about this since Johnny also asked me for some..”

His hand dug down into his pocket and had a little bag with it up again. Cocaine. That was what they had been doing as ‘man stuff’! I watched the white powder in the little bag and couldn’t help but to shake. Brian made the lanes ready on the sink and took the first one. He stared expectant at me until I took the other one.

I knew that it wasn’t such good idea with all these drugs, and had always been against them. But with Matt luring me, I had taken it and tried it, and with the pleasure and rush of it still in the back of my mind, I couldn’t resist, especially not with the expectant written all over Brian’s face; I would not want to let him down, and therefore felt pressured to take it, not fully against my own will.

When we got back into the living room and sat back down in the couches, the others had already planned to head downtown, and had all agreed to go by foot which could contain lots of fun, and so we did have lots of fun on the walk to the bar which we had met each other at two weeks ago.

We got into the bar and got ourselves a table. The first drinks were already served and washed down in contrary currents, when ‘Give Me Everything Tonight’ by Ne Yo came on and I felt like dancing, but since none of the boys really were the dancing-type I grabbed Sara and lead her to the dance floor. It was getting hot on the dance floor when this red necked douche suddenly interrupted;

“Hey hottie,” He said getting close to Sara pushing me away. “You’ve missed me?”

“No she absolutely hasn’t, and now I want you to go away,” I interrupted pushing him. “Go find someone else!”

The push almost did not harm him, and he turned to angrily push me, so that I fell onto the dance floor, then got even closer to Sara, held her close to him, tightly wrapped into his disgustingly all over touching hands. She tried to push him away, but he held to tight onto her. I tried to get up, but it was a nightmare in my tall heels, the alcohol splatter on the floor and all the drunken people dancing tight together.

“Stop it!” Sara screamed. “Let fucking go off of me!”

He was now touching her and roughly grabbing her ass and tits. I was disgusted by him, and tried as hard as I could to come her to rescue, but it was nearly impossible for me, and when I finally got a change to defend her, somebody was quicker than me.

“Let go off of her you filthy perv!” Johnny growled and grabbed the redneck by his neck and pulled him off of Sara.

Johnny, still holding him by his neck, took a punch right into his ugly face, and crushing was heard. Johnny, pulling his tattooed hand back again with blood splatters, was looking angry, too angry for me to like. He was looking threatening and I was actually horrified by the look on the scenery.

“And if you ever dare to let your filthy greedy fingers touch her again,” Johnny continued with a threat. “I’ll make sure, once and for all, that it won’t be possible for you to repeat that mistake!”

The red necked guy left the bar, running out of the entry with his teeth in his hands. Johnny held his arm around Sara and asked if she was being okay with the situation, Zacky helped me back up on my feet again, and Matt suggested that we ought to be heading back home after this mess – And it was probably the best idea too.