Status: NEW! Co-written story :D

Love is a Warzone

Only, if you want to tell me

Nikki’s p.o.v.;
I was just sitting in class during our philosophy lecture doodling on my notes when Blaine, my best boyfriend, poked me with his pen and smiled at me.

“You wanna get something to eat with me in the lunch break?” He asked. “On Subway, just down Brookhurst, same street as the university, you know, we only need to walk half a mile”

“You convinced me at ‘Subway’” I answered with a friendly smile.

He smiled as a reply and wrote down the last thing that our teacher had just said, just before our teacher broke the lecture off. I grabbed my stuff and my laptop and packed it into my pink fjällräven bag pack. Getting up I threw it onto my back, grabbed my white iPhone and my dear beloved Juicy Couture wallet. Before heading for Subway we had to find our next class, in where we would be having Journalism and we then met and were together headed down Brookhurst.

On our way back to Sitters University with the veggie sandwich in my hand I suddenly heard yelling and screaming of two persons; a woman’s- and a man’s voice, from the left side of me. Somehow the male voice seemed quite familiar to me, even though it at the same time sounded so unknown to me with its angry undertones. I turned to see the fight and found myself in absolute confusion. I even stopped walking; letting Blaine walk a few feet still talking to me before noticing that I wasn’t following along.

“It isn’t fair!” The woman screamed. She looked as if she was in late 20’s maybe early thirties, and had quite wide jaw and small eyes, but yet pretty. “I deserve so much better than this!”

“Will you please stop for once?!” Matt yelled. “You know, this is ridiculous. I’m off”

When I recognized Matt I grabbed Blaine by the arm and dragged him down the street behind a building from where I could watch Matt without being recognized. Matt walked towards his red Chevelle Convertible and got in, turned on the engine and started backing when the blonde girl starting screaming at him to stop, but he simply did not care and drove out of the parking lot. The girl kept acting hysterical and then went off herself.

I was in shock. What a situation I had just seen him in, and who the hell was the girl? And what were they fighting about? It seemed all blurry to me and I was confused as hell. What was this?

“What was that about?” Blaine suddenly asked breaking my concentration.

“Oh, I am sorry..I..” I tried to dodge the whole situation but it seemed quite impossible.

“He was one hell of a dude,” Blaine exclaimed in a state of shock – And I grabbed this opportunity.

“Yeah, never knew what he could have done..” I tried.

“He looked one hell of a hardened con!” Blaine exclaimed. “He probably killed somebody.”

“You never know”

“Damn he was god damn huge,” Blaine kept on going. “One hell of a motherfucker – If I met him on a dark night in a creepy little alley.. Damn!”

I could not help but giggle. Blaine kept talking about Matt as if he was a notorious psycho, and Matt actually looked very dangerous with his enormous tattooed arms, his wide shoulders and his wide jaw, and then his crew cut didn’t do anything good in this situation.
The last couple of minutes of the last lesson before having free, passed away thinking of the fact that I had to walk home today. It would take me about an hour, which totally sucked, but thankfully the weather was nice and I would cross Starbucks on the way. Sara was working late today and therefore she had to borrow the car, which resulted in me walking to and from school.

“Nikki my girl!” Blaine exclaimed when walking through the hallways. “What plans do you have for tonight?”

He grabbed me by my arm making me stop.

“Nothing really, why you asking?”I smiled at him.

“I was thinking that I’ll might be dropping by then?” He told.

“Oh, yeah sure,” I exclaimed a bit surprised. “Sounds nice”

Usually we did not hang out that much in our free time, at least not at mine. We would probably be out shopping, out eating dinner together or might be going to the movies. But not staying at mine.. I was not even sure that he had ever been at my place.

“Great, I’ll be there at eight then!” He said and left.

I turned to the other direction and was leaving Sitters University shortly after. On my way home I stopped by at Starbucks to get myself a nice Frappuccino for the long walk home. I walked down the long road with the gold skulls playing music in my ears, when a car suddenly pulled over. At first I did not notice, but slightly after I did. It was Matt.

“Hey,” I said silently just smiling kindly at him.

“Now, do you look beautiful!” Matt exclaimed. “But isn’t that a bit too sexy for school?”

He was checking me out from top ‘til toe, and I knew right away that he was alluding the top I was wearing along with my outfit. He smirked.

“You know, I need to keep my options open!” I laughed and shook my body to picture the joke for him.

“You naughty girl! Ya know that I ‘m the only option you’re allowed to make.. And do” He smirked at me, and opened the door to the passenger seat next to him. “Jump in!”

“Yes sir,” I said and jumped into the car next to him, shut the door.

“Damn,” Matt exclaimed looking at me – Making me turn to face him. “How dare you walking around like that, when you know that I am sitting at home bored? If I had known that you wore just this today, what do you think I would be doing then?”

I could then feel his hand caressing my inner thighs gently but yet so passionately.

“Wanking?” I winked at him and held his hand tight.

“Probably,” Matt whispered getting closer to me – Kissing my neck intensely, and then stopping. “So, what are you doing here sweetcheaks?”

“Sara had to borrow the car today due to work” I answered. “Meant that I had to walk to and from the university.”

“The university?” Matt was confused. “What are you doing at the university?”

“Well, I go there.” I answered with a smile and kissed his cheeks softly. “Did I forget to tell you?”

“Yes you did, and wow. That’s some awesome shit – You’re sure you’re not too smart for me?” He commented and winked at me.

We both laughed and then he started the engine once again. On the way home we were just chatting and having fun, plus I was singing along to every song on the radio. The drive seemed way too short and we were already in our driveway before I realized.

Matt sat for while just glaring at me. He then smiled and kissed me; said something about how beautiful I was looking, but I didn’t really pay any attention of what he might had to say, because something had hit me; the situation from our lunch break. It was eating me up inside of curiosity, and I could not help it anymore;

“I saw you today, Matt” I said.

“What?” Matt asked confused due to the sudden comment of mine. “What do you mean?”

“I saw you when we went down Brookhurst for Subway in our lunch break,” I answered with no face expression.

“I wasn’t at Brookhurst today?” Matt answered confused.

“I saw you fighting with this blondie” I continued.

Matt’s eyes widened and it seemed as if he was regretting something. He blinked a couple of times looking confused as hell, and then said;

“What did you hear?” He asked acting weird.

“I heard her yelling something about her deserving better, and then you yelling at her to stop, and then you left –“

“Oh, so you didn’t hear more than that?” He asked seeming quite relieved.

“No, I heard screaming, and I recognized your voice, but I didn’t really understand more than that.” I told. “Why are you asking like that? You’re hiding something from me?”

“No! Of course not sweetcheeks!” Matt exclaimed and held my hand tight kissing it with his soft lips. “I just had a fight with our merchandise seller, and it was a pretty ugly fight, and I wouldn’t have liked you to hear me like that. Just knowing that you saw me like that.. I really wished you hadn’t seen it!”

“Well, you seemed really pissed at each other,”

“Yeah, it was something about her wage, she wanted a raise and then something else I’d forgot” Matt explained. “She was being a real pain in the ass complaining about the..Umm. Working conditions, you know?”

“Oh, I better understand then.” I said understanding and kissed him relieved. “It’s okay, and I am truly sorry for ever considering you hiding something from me! I should know that you would never do that”

I apologized to him and then kissed him softly; facing him once again giving him a friendly and caring smile. I could just imagine how annoying it must have been to have to deal with a dissatisfied and hassled staff in his vacation – In one of the few ones he had.

“Thanks for understanding and believing in me baby” He said and kissed me once again. “Oh, and I promised Johnny to ask the two of you to come to his party tonight, a cozy one”

“That would be really awesome, of course we will come!” I exclaimed happily.

I jumped out of the car with my bag and my frappuchino, all excited and in the mood of getting ready for the party tonight. I fumbled for the keys in my bag when I suddenly remembered that Matt was still sitting in the car, he must had something to do, else he would had been right next to me at the moment.

“Oh, you’re not coming inside? Too busy?” I asked feeling stupid.

“No, I am sorry sweetcheeks; I have got some business to do, but I will meet you there at six” He answered with a disappointed expression all over his face – I bet he would have liked to come with me inside..

I ran back to his car and kissed him through the rolled down window in his side.

“Go do what you have to do, I’ll see you there honey” I said and kissed him once again.

I had gotten the keys by the time he was backing out of our driveway once again, and locked myself into our apartment. I almost ran into my room, threw my bag back on my bed and got my phone and sent Sara a message shortly after, telling her about the appointment I had made for the both of us – But I knew she wouldn’t mind it, at all. When she had answered with a “Yay!” I threw the phone onto the bed and went straight to shower.

While drying myself afterwards I heard someone getting into our house. It was probably just Sara. I went out of the bathroom, through the hallway, into the living room where I said hello to Sara and then into my own room to get dressed.

I heard Sara heading into the shower as well as I had done, and took a quick look at my watch, and saw that I had to hurry since the clock was already a quarter to five since I had had a long day at school. I yelled through the house that we had only got an hour left, and then I continued to search through my closet to find the perfect outfit for the ‘cozy party’. I had to find the perfect outfit for the party, not too much but still really cool and glamorous.

Sara quickly after stood right next to me with the towel wrapped around her looking expectant at me. I had just found the perfect outfit, and I couldn’t help but smile. Matt would love it too, along with the rest of the guys, it was just their style, and mine too. Sara had her outfit with her two, and we quickly got dressed and ready for the party.

We were all excited when we got into the car and I drove us to Johnny’s for the party. It was the first time that we were really being at any of the guys’ places and I got butterflies in my tummy just thinking of it. I could see on Sara that she was just as excited as I was, and I knew that she couldn’t wait to explore Johnny’s house.

The GPS encoded with the address Matt had sent me led us right to this fine and classy villa, not at all a like Matt’s. I was quite shocked, I had never imagined him living in such a house, and the shock probably also hit me due to the huge difference in their choice of houses.

I parked our little car in front of the enormous house and we got out. On our way to the door I could read in Sara’s face expression that she was being very amazed, and I had to time after time to pull her along to the door, else she would have been stoned right next to our car.

Standing in front of the huge door, I felt my legs and my shoulders quiver. The anxiety was taking over me as I pressed the doorbell. I could hear the guys noise around inside, and suddenly the door was opened by Johnny.

“Hello there girls!” He greeted us. “Thank you so much for coming!”

He went outside and hugged me first, and then he went to Sara and hugged her tightly. I could see her blush when he hugged her; she was so cute!

“Nikki!” I could hear Brian and Zacky.

I could see them running towards me in the hallway, probably drunk and affected already, fighting against each other to be the first one to greet me. I could feel my eyes widened as they got closer, and I did not know how to prepare myself for what was just about to happen – And then it happened. I felt both Zacky and Brian bump into me at the same time, but thankfully they hit me from both right and left at the same time so we did not fall. They stood hugging me from each sites and were blabbering about something I did not get. Suddenly Brian tried to push Zacky’s face away, and then Zacky tried to do the same thing with Brian. Damn so childish they always were!

“Guys!” I tried to yell through their discussion. “Guys, come on, there’s plenty of hugs for each of ya!”

“Yeah, but I want the first one!” Zacky yelled.

“No, I want it!” Brian replied.

I rolled my eyes and sighed in the turbulence. Suddenly Zacky’s face was far away from me, effort was running out of the poor guy, and Brian used a cheap trick to push him away, and then he grabbed me in the hugest, tightest hug I have ever felt.

“Loser!” Brian yelled at Zacky, pointing at him and sticking his tongue out at him. “I’ve got the first hug! I’ve got the first hug!”

“Aw, poor Zacky,” I exclaimed. “Shall I help you up, you poor drunk one?”

I went towards Zacky and helped him up. It was obvious that they had been partying already before we arrived; the temptation had probably been way too big for them to handle. When Zacky stood as straight as he could due to the alcohol levels running through his veins already now, I hugged him gently and comforting, since he lost ‘the fight’.

“Poor you, I promise you; You’ll have the first hug the next time” I said and kissed his cheek comforting. “Okay?”

“Yay!” Zacky exclaimed sticking his tongue out at Brian.

“That’s not fair!” Brian interrupted. “We had a fair fight going on here!”

“A fair fight with cheap tricks, huh Gates?” Matt suddenly interrupted, coming from the other end of the hallway. “Seems very fair to me, huh?”

“In the fight of survival, every trick is allowed!” Brian tried.

“Much of a survival fight you’d just had going on there?” Johnny interrupted with Sara by his side.

“Go get another beer, Gates,” Matt said and went to Zacky and I. “And you Vengeance, I want ma girl back, now”

We just laughed, and Zacky went to Sara to hug her tightly, and I think that I heard a compliment coming from his mouth too. Then Matt looked intensely at me and my outfit.

“You keep surprising me, girl” He said and kissed me gently. “Looking fabulous as always, but always in different ways”

“Emilee is always one hell of a babe,” Brian added from the other end of the long hallway, on his way into.. Yeah, I had not got any idea of where actually.

I smiled at Matt and took his hand. Holding his hand tightly he lead me the same way as Brian had just disappeared. I could hear my wedges click clack on the rustic tiles down the hallway until he opened the big dark mahogany wooded door which led us into one of the hugest living room I had ever seen. Opposite Matt's, it was very light and simple.

"Wow," I could hear Sara exclaim from behind. "It's beautiful!"

Johnny just smiled proudly at her, waving us all towards the huge crème colored leather couch in the other end of the living room. On the coffee table a huge pizza was ready for us to eat, looking good!

"And I've made sure there was a vegetarian corner for you!" Johnny said and winked at me, as if he was cool.

When we had eaten the pizza, Johnny suggested that we should all play singstar together, which actually did not sound that bad. Of course Zacky and Brian had to be the first ones to duel against each other, and it we were actually having a blast watching them fight against each other. The whole time trying to distract each other with cheap tricks. They were actually both really great singers, but in the song they had chosen, it was obvious that Zacky was the best, but Brian did not think so, which lead into a huge argument between the two of them, which was hilarious. If it wasn't for Matt, they would have been doing a rematch right at the moment.

"Come on Gates, you'll have your rematch right after my baby and I have tried a match" Matt interrupted, taking my hand and winking at me. "If you don't mind?"

"Well, I don't really sing.. You know?" I hesitated.

"Will you do me the honor then?" Matt asked gently.

"I don't really know..." I answered.

"Johnny has got Bruno Mars on it" He winked at me.

Matt took the remote out of Brian’s hands and searched for a new song. He picked out Bruno Mars 'The Lazy Song'. I couldn't help but blush - He was so gentle picking out my favorite song, the first song we listened to together, and the first song that I sang out aloud to in his appearance. He was so thoughtful!

"Come on, girl," Matt said and handed me the second microphone.

"Okay then.." I answered and took it.

He had already pressed play, and people had already got themselves eased in the huge couch behind us. I was a bit nervous for the whole idea singing in front of these really talented guys, and really hoped that it wouldn't turn out as bad as I had imagined - I knew nothing more embarrassing than that. I would never show myself in front of them again then.

"Today I don't feel like doing anything," I sang along with Matt. "I just wanna lay in my bed"

It did actually feel good. I couldn't believe it - I actually felt like singing in front of these people, and hitting the tones was not that hard actually. In the background I could hear Sara and Zacky cheer on me, and it felt really good.

"Oh yes, I said it," I sang. "I said 'cause I can!"

I was giving everything now, since we were heading to the c-part of the song, and Matt and I was equal. I couldn't miss any tone at the moment, I would lose then.

"I'll just strut in my birthday suit and let everything hang loose,"

We were about the ending of the song, and Matt had actually overhauled me in the fight, which annoyed me as hell. Matt couldn't win on my song! That would be embarrassing.

"Nothing at all."

And the song was now over. I had no idea of the what the points had turned out to be, since I did not dare to watch the screen in the last couple of sentences in the song. I quickly turned around to face the others and they look all amazed, and then suddenly out of nowhere Zacky and Brian jumped off the couch and attacked me.

"Damn you girl!" Brian screamed. "No one have ever beaten Matt!"

"You sing damn good girl!" Zacky joined. "Why haven't you recorded anything??"

In the huge frustration I turned to look at the screen and could see my name written with bold letters, that I was the winner of the contest between the two of us. I had beat Matt with only about a hundred of points. It was amazing.

Matt grabbed my arms and forced me out of the grip of Zacky and Brian's. He forced me into a big hug, holding me tight and looking happily at me.

"Well congrats sweetcheeks!" Matt said. "You just whipped me off my feet - Again!"

And then he kissed me as passionately as he could manage in his drunk state of mind.

Sara’s p.o.v.;

I sat on the couch watching Brian and Zacky playing sing-star. It was quiet funny to see what bad losers the both of them were. But from what I could hear, the both of them also sang very well, although they were totally unserious. I bet we were all amused by Brian and Zacky arguing over a song about who was going to win, though it was on the screen with big letters; ‘BRIAN’- that he was the winner of the game this time. Suddenly Johnny cleared his throat from behind me; I looked up at him and smiled.

“I was wondering if you want to go with me to the kitchen to get some more beers.” He asked with a slight sign of blush in his cheeks.

I just smiled and simply nodded my head ‘yes’ and stood up. I straightened my clothes before going with him to the kitchen.

We were doing some kind of team-working, Johnny took out the beers from the fridge and gave them to me, and I placed them on the counter. Suddenly he was about to fall; I quickly placed the beers that was in my hands, on the counter and took my arms around his stomach so he wouldn’t fall. He came with a simple ‘woops’ before straightening up and we quickly looked at each other and began laughing.

“Jesus Christ Johnny, you’re so drunk” I smiled at him. He just pulled out his tongue and smiled.

“Are you having a nice evening?” Johnny asked softly and smiled as he closed the fridge-door.

“Yeah... I’m really enjoying tonight” I smiled at him.

Truth was that I actually really enjoyed it, though I had always been a little against the whole; ‘Partying on a weekday’-thing and since it was Wednesday today it was against my own ‘rules’, but I was happy that Nikki told me, and that I even came here because actually I was really tired of work.

“Well I’m glad you came by the way!” He smiled happily.

“And I’m glad I came too” I smiled at him and he leaned forward and kissed my cheek.

I felt the heat coming up in my cheeks and I quickly looked down and smiled a bit. All of sudden a high pitched voiced boomed through the house.


The voice came closer and closer to the kitchen, but stopped in the hall – or it at least sounded like that. I looked at Johnny and saw his eyes widened. He hurried to the hall, and as curious as I was, I followed him to see who it could be. In the hall there was a girl with black shoulder-length hair, and she looking really pissed. I had no idea who that girl was.

“Johnny, I want to talk to you. And I want to talk to you NOW!” The girl said in a harsh voice.

I could see Johnny rolling his eyes and then sighed. He looked like he was thinking hard about what to say to her.

“Lacey would you please calm down?” He said firmly and straightened up and put his hands in his jeans pockets, but instead of doing what he told her to, she began screaming like a, yeah I don’t even know what I can compare her to.

He sighed once again and looked like he was trying to think about what to say to her, but it looked like he didn’t know what to say. The girl, Lacey, kept screaming about something I didn’t really get.

“I… Uhm… I’m just taking her outside” Johnny said to me and I simply nodded – rather taking that bitch outside before I had to hit her because she was fucking with my ears.

They went outside, but I could still hear the harsh whispering and the –sometimes- yelling, and it really annoyed me, because why the heck did she had to meet up here tonight? And by the way, who was she? I was so confused about her, you know when you talk to someone you actually like really much and then suddenly a hysterical woman is standing in the hall, screaming like a mad person.

I slowly slid down the wall and sad on the floor, just listening to them arguing. There were a several Shut up’s, Oh please, like you were better’s and so on, and it seriously pissed me off that they were yelling – If I haven’t already said that. As much as I love to argue with people, I hate listen to other people yelling at each other. I just couldn’t help myself, I felt like I had to listen to this. I was a very stubborn girl and I’d always been that, that was why I loved arguing with people and then it was an extra point if I would ‘win’ the argument.

I was brought out of my trance when I heard the girl yelled at Johnny;

"But Johnny why do you keep avoiding me!"

Okay who was this girl? Was she a close friend to Johnny? Maybe she was a hated family member?

"Lacey please shut up! Ok?! We haven’t been together for almost one and a half month, please just get over me!"

WHAT?!... That was Johnny’s ex-girlfriend, and they only broke up for one and a half month ago, why didn’t he tell me?

"Johnny! Are you over me?" she hissed.

There was a long break, no one said anything. Maybe they were making up on their ‘fight’ and were out there making out – yeah and in one minute the door would be slammed open and they would be walking inside and up to Johnny’s room, and have a lot of hot sex – yeah! That’s it, that’s what they would do… Nah Sara probably not, shut up and listen to them!- Great now I was talking to myself.

"Yes Lacey. YES! I am over you!" Johnny suddenly yelled.

I was shocked, did he just told his ex-girlfriend that he was over her after one and a half month?

"Just fuck off Lacey, get away from here!" he growled and I heard that Lacey hissed and then I heard some heels walking down the driveway and suddenly a car turned on, and backed out of the driveway and drove down the street.

Just a second later the door slammed shut and a pissed off Johnny walked inside. I could hear several ‘Bitch’, ‘Who does she think she is?!’... It was actually quite funny to hear.

Just as he turned around the corner you could tell that he was shocked that I sat on the floor.

“Have you been sitting here all along?” He asked shocked. No I just felt like going to the hall and sit down on the floor randomly? - I thought to myself sarcastic.

“Uhm… Yeah, Pretty much yeah” I said while I nodded slowly.

I waited for an answer, or just a sign that he had heard me or something like that, but the hall was only filled by an awkward silence, but was soon finally broken by Johnny.

“Oh” was all he said and slowly slid down the wall in front of me.

“So uhm… Who was the girl out there?” I asked quietly and looked down in my folded hands that were resting on my lap. “If you don’t mind me asking”

“No of course I don’t mind, it's okay.” He smiled sweetly at me. ”Well uhm, that girl was my ex-girlfriend, Lacey.”

He sighed softly and looked down in his hands. I felt terrible after asking him that question. I hated myself for making him feel bad about that.

“I’m sorry I asked. I didn’t mean to upset you” I said quietly and still felt terrible.

He just told me that it was okay and that I shouldn’t be sorry, because none of this was my fall. – Yeah, because that makes me feel better – Hello sarcasm - I thought to myself. Not only I felt bad about making him sad, but also for listening to their conversation, none of this was my business, but again my curiosity won me over. I knew the feeling when you find out that somebody is spying on you – it was annoying, but again, I was no better myself.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked him softly, “And remember… You don’t have to”

“Yeah, that would be great actually” He said quietly.

I guessed he waited for me to ask him questions, but I waited a little longer, just to be sure that he wasn’t about to talk.

“So… uhm… I know her name now… But I’m going to be honest; I didn’t know you had a girlfriend” I said while I could feel my cheeks head up.

Johnny smiled and nodded, and answered with a ‘Nah. But I had – unfortunately’. I sighed sadly; I still felt so bad for him.

“So how long were the two of you together?” I asked him and smiled softly.

He sighed once again, which made me think if he even wanted to talk to me about this. I was just trying to help him. I sighed and leaned back against the wall.

“Well officially we were together for six years, but we kept it quiet for about one year. So actually we were together for seven years” He smiled, and slowly closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the wall.

“Hey Johnny? Tell me if you don’t want to talk about this” I said softly to him.

He told me that he wanted to because that would might help him getting over her, for real. – Hmm, that was odd.

“Was it a good time with her then?” I smiled again.

He nodded and smiled; “Yeah it really was. Not in the end. But until for three months ago, everything was perfect”

I smiled softly and leaned forward a little and patted him lightly on his knees.

“But Uhm… If you don’t mind me asking, why did the two of you break up?” I asked, a little nervous of what he was going to do. “Only, if you want to tell me!”

I quickly and looked down in my hands before looking up at Johnny again.

“Nah... It's okay I guess. I broke it off with her, because… because…” And then he stopped talking.

I reached over and patted his knees softly again, and he looked up at me and smiled, but unfortunately it wasn't the smile that I wanted, instead it was a sad Johnny facing me.

“She uhm… She cheated on me… With my own cousin” he sighed and looked down his hands.

Now I hated myself – why did I even ask? It was even his own party tonight.

“Oh… I’m sorry” I sighed.

He just murmured ‘it’s okay’ and smiled.

“So do you still have feelings for her?” I smiled softly, because I knew people who still had feelings for their ex-girlfriend/boyfriends though they were cheaters.

“NO!” He said with wide eyes, which scared me a little. “Sorry. But no I don’t” he smiled softly and I nodded and smiled.

There was a long silence, not awkward or anything just a comfortable silence where we just sat and looked at each other, and I kind of studied him and his body. There was some more comfortable silence until Johnny cleared his throat and began speaking.

“I just want a girl by my side. A girl I can trust, trust enough that I would know that she would never do such to me, you know, cheat on my like Lacey did. A girl I can have really fun times with, but also a girl I can cry and laugh with at the same time, you know, and a girl who can be my lover but also be my best friend. If you know what I mean” he sighed.

That speech was really deep. I nodded in agreement, because I knew what he meant.

“But life just isn’t like that unfortunately, but nobody just isn’t, what they pretend to be” I sighed softly and smiled at him again.

He smirked a little and leaned forwards to me and placed his head by the side of my head. I could feel his breath on the side of my head.

“There you are wrong. You are!” he whispered huskily in my ear, and kissed my cheek.