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Kiyo Nakamoto

Kiyo Nakamoto Episode Fourteen: The true heart of the Emperor

Previously… Aiko attacked Kiyo in the late hours of night. The battle between the two, eventually lead to deep emotional bonding. Aiko’s tragic past was revealed and her darkest memories resurfaced. Aiko’s “big brother”, Jason, attacked her and nearly pushed her to death. Aiko stabbed Jason in the heart, but he was unharmed. Aiko fell from the royal palace; Kiyo saved her from a devastating fall. As Aiko rested peacefully in Kiyo’s arms, Jason explained the truth to Kiyo of his reason for attacking Aiko. Kiyo offered Aiko a position into his family. She accepted and became the fourth member of Team Kiyo.

(Royal Palace)

(It is morning. Aiko is standing on top of the royal palace. She looks down at the town in depression as the wind blows through her short brown hair. She is in her white underwear and a pink sleeveless shirt. Kiyo comes up the ladder behind Aiko. He’s wearing a red robe. He looks tired.)

Aiko: Have you been watching me all night?

Kiyo: I understand what you’re feeling, Aiko. I also understand how strong of a person you are. (Moment of silence) You are a member of our family now, and I won’t allow you to do what you’re thinking about doing.

Aiko: I don’t know what I’m feeling anymore… Whenever I think about what to do next with my life, I find myself at a dead end. I don’t even feel the same no more. I act like a child all the time, but I’ve been feeling really, really, sad lately; and I act more like a grownup. I’m losing sight of my true destiny, and my reason for living… (Shivering)

(Kiyo emits heat from his body and warms up his robe for a few seconds. He then covers Aiko with it.)

Kiyo: You are going through the same thing Jiro and I are. My mind is consumed with questionable thoughts about Phantom and my parents. My past still feels like a blur, and since the day Kiyomi told me the truth, I’ve been feeling like my past is nothing more than one big lie.

Aiko: There’s a possibility that it is.

Kiyo: What are you saying?

Aiko: There is someone who has a very dangerous ability. This person can get inside of your head and control you, your memories, your thoughts.

Kiyo: The art of illusion huh. That’s very handy.

Aiko: Deception is one of life’s most cruelest features.

Kiyo: Who has this ability?

Aiko: It’s a woman; that’s all I know.

Kiyo: I look forward to facing this woman one day.

Aiko: I’m sure it’ll happen at some point.

Kiyo: I hope so.

(Moment of silence)

Kiyo: (Sighs) Aiko-

Aiko: Kiyo, there’s nothing you can say to me that will change my mind. I feel lost, and I’m not sure I want to find my way. (Looks down) I am going to jump, and if I live, then I’ll know that I have a purpose for living.

(Aiko quickly jumps on the rail.)

Aiko: (Smiles) I’ll see you on the other side, Kiyo…

(Aiko jumps all the way down from the royal palace. She gets closer and closer to the ground. As soon as she’s about to hit, the red robe she’s wearing, turns into fire creates a cushion for Aiko. Aiko softly falls into the fire. Jiro is standing next to Aiko, holding his sword at his waist. He has a blank look on his face.)

Aiko: (Nervous) Uh… Hello there, how are you this fine day?

Jiro: You’re one of those assassins who attacked us the other night. You mind explaining why you’re here?

Aiko: (Pokes her fingers together) It’s a long story that I’d really rather not explain. (Looks at Jiro) What about you? What are you doing here?

Jiro: (Grins) I’m trying to find out who I am. I was just heading into town to try out my new attitude.

Aiko: Your new what?

Jiro: My emotions have been taken away from me, but I recently got them back, thanks to Kiyo. (Reaches hand out to help Aiko) The only problem is that my emotions still haven’t come back completely.

(Aiko grabs Jiro’s hand he helps her off the cushion of fire.)

Aiko: If you know who I am, why aren’t you attacking me?

Jiro: If Kiyo turned his robe into fire to cushion your fall, then obviously he wanted you alive for a reason.

Aiko: I suppose so… (Looks up to see Kiyo, but he‘s gone.)

Jiro: We should get you into town and get some clothes.

Aiko: (Looks at Jiro with excitement) That sounds like a fabulous idea!

Jiro: You’re a strange one. One second you’re jumping of a palace to your death, then when you miraculously survive unharmed, you’re as happy as a peach.

Aiko: (Smiles) I knew I was never in any danger. I knew Kiyo wouldn’t let me get hurt. So anyway, tell me about what you’re doing in town again.

Jiro: Because my emotions aren’t stable, I can use that to act anyway I want to. I’m going for the cool guy who is as handsome as he is deadly. I show tough love, and I don’t care what kind of trouble I get into, I’ll always get out of it using my sword.

Aiko: (Excited) So then you wanna use your sword to kill as many people as you possible can!

Jiro: No… What- What gave you that idea? I just like to fight is all.

Aiko: Sorry, old habits…

(Sasha and Kiyo are standing next to each other on the rooftop. Kiyo leans his back on the rail. Sasha is bending over on the rail next to him.)

Sasha: This is an astonishing view of the city, is it not?

Kiyo: It’s okay I guess.

Sasha: Perhaps something is clouding your judgment. Might something be making you feel unsettled?

Kiyo: I never knew it was so hard trying to figure out who you are. I only want to destroy as much evil as possible in this world. But a part of me feels like there’s something more I’m supposed to do.

Sasha: Maybe there is, Kiyo, but our destinies are revealed to us when our hearts are ready for the journey. You are not ready to learn of your true destiny yet. And Aiko will find hers.

Kiyo: I’m worried about both Aiko and Jiro losing themselves, but I’ve already lost myself too. The whole thing is just too confusing.

Sasha: Take thought in the words I have spoken to you. Embrace them, and hope they will make sense to you when your destiny is revealed.

Kiyo: I understand, Sasha. I understand what you mean… And you’re right. I’m just gonna have to wait for my destiny to present itself. Thank you.

Aiko: So your name is Jirotiko Izakuga? That’s very hard to remember.

Jiro; Just call me Jiro; everyone does.

Aiko: Alright then, Jiro! Shall we go into town and find me some clothes?!

Jiro: Uh… sure.

Aiko: Okay! (Thinking) You want me alive for a reason, Kiyo. I may not know why, and I’m not sure I wanna know, but until the day I find my destiny, I will stay alive for you. You are the reason I will fight to stay alive.

(Assassin hideout)

(Nissa is standing in a large concrete room. Everything is destroyed. There are even holes in the walls. Nissa is extremely angry. 3 people in all black trench coats are standing behind him as he looks out the window in anger.)

Nissa: With every inch of my will power, I promise to make them both pay for betraying me! Especially that girl! She will be the first to die! I will enjoy watching her as she cries out in agony and begs for her life. Tears of blood will fall from her eyes, and I will cut her down to her last breath!

Angel: You did not heed my warning 10 years ago. You were warned this would happen.

Nissa: You are in no position to talk. You spared the lives of multiple members of your clan.

Angel: I spared Jiro because he was the only one who possessed the power to defeat me. Jason and his parents were sparred because they weren’t a threat to the world. They knew not, the secrets of the clan’s true power.

Nissa: Even though you spared many people from your clan, I went and killed all the ones you left behind. Jiro was someone I could never find.

Angel: I made sure of that. Jiro is someone who I must face alone.

Nissa: Jason… I should’ve killed him as a boy instead of recruiting him.

Angel: And you should’ve listened to my warning when I told you not to let Aiko live. You were assigned to kill her entire clan, but you failed to kill one. That is unacceptable.

Nissa: (Turns around in anger) Who do you think you are barking orders at me?!

(Angel appears behind Nissa in half a second. A second later, Angel pushes Nissa through the concrete wall and into the garden 10 feet below. Nissa gets up and holds his chest.)

Phantom: Bravo, comrade!

(Angel jumps down to talk to Nissa.)

Nissa: You were behind me… Why does my chest hurt?

Angel: No one can detect my movements. I am like a shooting star, which no mortal eyes can detect. I appeared behind you and pushed you through a wall from your chest in less than one second. Your reflexes are extremely fast. You could dodge a bullet from point blank range. But you cannot detect me.

Nissa: You’ve been my leader for years and I’ve never seen you at your full speed.

Angel: Do not let that fool you. That was not my maximum speed.

Osmo: (Thinking) Angel… Why can’t I understand you?

Angel: Nissa, I will forgive you this once, but don’t ever look at me with a threatening look again. For it will be the cause of your death.

Nissa: I understand. I am sorry, master.

Angel: You have used special surgeons to give Aiko your bloodline trait. She is able to produce blades and make them come out from any part of her body. You have made her twice as dangerous as before.

Nissa: She can only make one blade come out of her body. She was not born with the power, so she cannot use its full capabilities like I can.

Angel: The words you speak mean nothing. Aiko will get stronger over time, and so will the blood trait.

Nissa: I will finish her off right now. I know of her location. I promise to end her life.

Angel: You get one chance. Do not fail me again, Nissassa.

Phantom: (To Osmo) Angel knows the outcome of this situation already. I thought you told her what happens in the future?

Osmo: She knows that Nissa will fail. But why she’s making him go anyway is a mystery to even me.

Phantom: Why not use your magical mind thinking to figure it out?

Osmo: You mean my telepathy?

Phantom: You don’t need to be so smart about it.

Osmo: I’m not smart; you’re just dumb.

Phantom: Whatever, now why not use your telephone to find out what she’s thinking?

Osmo: I’ve never been able to read Angel’s mind. Her head is something not even I can understand.

Phantom: So Angel knows that Nissa will fail to kill Aiko, but she’s sending him out anyway.

Osmo: Nissa is too powerful to be hurt by those who fight for her, so she can’t be setting him up to be killed. What is her plan?

Angel: You enjoy your assignment, Nissa. And do not come back to me a failure.

Nissa: I promise not to.

(Royal City)

(Jiro and Aiko are walking through the swap meet looking around. They walk into an antique shop. A kind old man is lying on the floor hurt. His shop has been ravaged and robbed. Jiro goes to make sure the man is okay. Aiko stands over the man. The old man opens his eyes and gets scared as soon as he sees Aiko. He tries to scream but he coughs up blood instead.)

Jiro: Try not to talk, sir. Do you need a towel?

Old man: It’s you. You’re that woman who came into my shop yesterday and made my teeth fall out.

Aiko: Hey! I remember you! You’re that old man from the antique shop!

Old man: This was my antique shop, but I was robbed not too long ago. A gang stole everything I had.

Jiro: Can you tell us anything that might be of use? Anything at all; a look, clothing, a logo?

Old man: Unfortunately I do not remember much. Ever since this girl slammed my head, I’ve suffered some memory problems.

Aiko: I’m really sorry I did that, old guy, but I was evil at the time. Let me make it up to you by catching the crooks that did this.

Old man: There were three of them- two big guys and a young boy. They all had red bandana’s on.

Aiko: (Gives him thumbs up) Don’t worry, old guy, we’ll get your stuff back!

(Open grass field)

(A boy and two buff guys are standing by a tree. Crates are all around them.)

Gang1: (Laughs) That slow old geezer didn’t know what was coming to him!

Gang2: What you did back there was unexpected, kid. I can tell even you’re shaken up about the whole thing.

Boy: (Always nervous) Yeah… I guess I just had an adrenaline moment or something…

Gang1: You pounded that old man to the floor, then you kicked him while he was down! You’re going to fit in perfectly in our gang! The first phase of your initiation went well, but now it’s time for the second part.

Boy: Uh, sure, I can do whatever you ask of me.

(The boy walks into a women’s clothing store. He’s sweating and nervous. He has a knife behind his back.)

Boy: (Thinking) Don’t forget who you’re doing this for, Dante. Just breath and calm down. (Takes a deep breath)

Lady: Excuse me, can I help you with anything this afternoon?

Dante: Well uh… No… Ma’am thank you…

Lasy: No problem. If you need anything just give me a shout. My name is Shizune and I’m more than happy to help you with anything you might be looking for.

Dante: (Swallows) Actually… There is something I need.

Shizune: Oh, and what is that?

Dante: well...

(A dart hits Dante in the back of his neck. He passes out instantly and falls on his face. He begins to silently snore.)

Shizune: (Confused) Uh… Kid, are you okay?

(Shizune slowly walks closer to the boy. A shadow quickly jumps swipes Dante and disappears in an instant. Shizune gets startled and falls on her butt.)


(Aiko and Jiro are both standing over Dante when he wakes up. He sees them and freaks out as soon as he opens his eyes.)

Dante: Ah! Where am I?! What did you do?!

Jiro: Calm down, kid, we just stopped you from doing something you’d regret in the future.

Aiko: You’re a silly, you know that?! Knives are for grownups.

Dante: I was given that knife to hold someone hostage! It was a part of my initiation to get into this gang!

Jiro: You seem pretty upset about it. What does a kid like you know about gangs?

Dante: I know how they can hurt people who can’t help themselves. And I know they can steal things to make money and get rich.

Jiro: You’re doing this for money? Boy, you are a loser.

Dante: (Angry) Don’t call me a loser okay! I am not a looser! You have swords and weapons to protect yourselves! I have nothing! If I get into this gang, I can get the money and protection I need for my family!

Jiro: I’m sure the royal palace has stuff for your family. Go there and say Jiro sent you, if anyone stops you.

Dante: I don’t even know you. What are you, some rival gang? Leave me alone!

Aiko: Jiro, I’ve dealt with guys like this before. He’s not gonna listen unless we give him a reason to.

Jiro: Really now?

Aiko: (Giggles) I say we do something fun, like hold his family hostage and torture them until he obeys us!

Jiro: (Feeling awkward) Aiko… Are you uh… mentally unstable? All I said is for him to go get stuff from the palace. Just because he said no, does that make it necessary to torture his family?

Aiko: Oops. (Giggles) Sorry, old habits.

Dante: You are very scary?

Aiko: I know I am. I’m also very cute, if you haven’t noticed. (Stretches her cheeks) Aren’t my cheeks just so soft and pretty?!

Dante: Is this some kind of joke?!

Jiro: I don’t even know at this point, kid.

Aiko: (Stops stretching cheeks) No it’s no joke. But all joking aside, tell me what’s happening with your family.

Dante: My mother is ill and so are my two sisters. My dad and brother have passed away unfortunately, so I’m the man of the house.

Jiro: You’re only like what, 8?

Dante: My name’s Dante and I’m 12.

Jiro: That’s still a pretty young age, Dante. (Puts hand on Dante’s shoulder) I know you feel it’s your job to support and take care of your family, but you’re too young. Give things time to work themselves out. You said your sisters and your mother are sick. In that case, you should be by their side, tending to their needs. That is the best thing you can do for them.

Dante: What am I suppose to do about the gang? I can’t just quit.

Aiko: You have no worries about them! We’ll take care of them for you and bring you their heads for a souvenir!

Dante: Uh…

Jiro: Don’t worry, she’s only joking.

Aiko: No I’m not.

Jiro: Yes you are, now shush.

Dante: (Looks down) Okay then. Please do all you can to help my family.

(Two gang members are hiding under the rooftop of the building, listening to the conversation. The two of them grin, and then walk away. 10 minutes have passed. Aiko, Jiro, and Dante, are walking toward Dante’s home. They’re still in the swap meet.)

Aiko: This place is very boring. Even the houses are in the swap meet. What kind of royal city is this, if there’s nothing but a swap meet?! This place is so stupid.

Dante: Yes, but it is a place to call home.

(The sun begins to get blocked out by two giant walls. The three of them are walking down a dirt trail.)

Jiro: I’ve never known about these two walls here. How long has it been here?

Dante: Emperor Roki is not as good as everyone says he is. The reason why there are so many people in the swap meets, and not a lot of homes in the city, is because there Is another city hidden deep underground. That’s where all the poor people are living. Our lifestyle is very unfortunate. We do not have enough money for supplies we need. We have no medicine, no proper food supply. Everything is messed up.

Jiro: This must be a sad place to live.

Dante: You have no idea.

(The three of them stop in front of two wooden doors. Two security guards are unconscious on the ends of each door.)

Jiro: Some security, huh? Where do they get off falling asleep on the job?

Aiko: Those men aren’t sleeping.

(The two wooden doors explode and a blast of fire shoots out at them. Jiro quickly pulls his sword out and throws a powerful wind current at the fire to blow it away.)

Aiko: Thanks, jiro.

Jiro: Don’t mention it.

Dante: (Panicking) NO!!!

Jiro: Calm down, kid, what is it?

(Yellowish-green flames completely cover the hidden underground city, and its entrance.)

Jiro: What is that?!

(Aiko quickly turns around and throws a needle at a large man wearing a red and gold robe. He has full gray facial hair, and the hair on his head is slicked back. The man opens his palm and sets the needle on fire until it disintegrates. The man appears to be Rokia.)

Aiko: Emperor Roki. So we finally meet face-to-face. Too bad I quit the assassins and no longer wish to kill you, if I did, I would have so much fun!

Jiro: What do you know about these flames, Roki?

Roki: I know I am the reason why they’re there. The green flames can only burn organic things, because it is life itself. The yellow flames drain energy from anyone who might have enough of it to run away or survive the green flames.

Jiro: You did this?

Dante: (Crying with anger) What did you do to my family, you monster?!

Roki: Your family is still alive. Before I killed everyone in the underground city, I saw two gang members kidnap your family and escape the city.

Aiko: AH! I knew it! I knew we were being followed! Gosh I’m so stupid! Why didn’t I attack them when I sensed them ease dropping?!

Roki: It doesn’t matter why you didn’t. My power is too large to be matched by anyone. I am moving on to better things, so I will destroy this city and all of its people.

Jiro: You built this place yourself, Roki! Why would you destroy it all?! Don’t you care about the children that live here?!

Roki: I do not care for anyone. I only care for power. I am the creator of this city, and I will be its destroyer!

Jiro: (Readies sword) Don’t think for a second I’m going to let you get away with this. I will stop your evil ways right here!

Roki: I have no time to waste on street trash. Your end is here and now!

(Rokia turns into a small ball of fire. He flies high over the city and hovers for a few seconds. All the people are amazed at the floating ball. The ball dashes downs toward the city at an amazing speed. As soon as it makes contact with the ground, it causes a nuclear explosion, which instantly disintegrates the entire city, and all its people. The explosion causes a mushroom cloud. Angel, Phantom, and Osmodeus, are watching the mushroom cloud from the assassin’s garden.)

Angel: You never informed me of this, Osmo. The city was to never be destroyed.

Osmo: The future has suddenly changed. I was not aware of this myself.

Angel: Find out what happened now.

Osmo: (Looks down at the ground) It seems Roki was here when you were talking to Nissa. Roki planned to join our group.

Angel: So he was here to request permission to be a recruit. How interesting. Continue.

Osmo: After you ordered Nissa to kill Aiko, Roki overheard us say that he will fail. Roki senses your hatred for Nissa, therefore, decided to kill Nissa himself for you and destroy his own city. He wants you to know that he’s serious about wanting to join us.

Angel: Rokia was destined to be a kind-hearted man. How could this happen?

Osmo: It seems the future has been changed. Someone has manipulated time and changed its course.

Angel: Your sister, Ming, was the only individual capable of throwing your perception of time off balance. You killed her.

Osmo: I did kill my sister, but only her body. Her soul remains alive.

Angel: Those were not your orders.

Osmo: I understand that. But you must understand what it was like for me. That boy, Eli, will soon be capable of great power. That boy is the only one who can obtain my sisters power and stop me.

Angel: And why is that?

Osmo: When I killed my sister, I extracted her soul so that Eli may fight for it in the far future. But when I did this, only half of her soul was in her body.

Angel: The other half of her soul went into Eli, didn’t it?

Osmo: I’m afraid so.

Angel: Kiyo and his team are extremely dangerous and must be brought to death. But we all have a reason for keeping each member alive. We will no longer get involved with their group. Destiny will have control over the future.

Phantom: I cannot wait to fight Kiyo! I’m curious to know how my old rival has trained him.

(Giant crater)

(Hundreds of people are all looking around in confusion. Tiny stars are sparkling around their bodies. Roki is growing enraged. He throws fire at random people but the flames do not harm them, they just disappear.)

Roki: You all should be dead! Grrr what’s going on here!!

(Sasha stands a few feet away from Roki. He turns around to look at her.)

Roki: Sealing that angel spirit inside you was the biggest mistake your mother and I ever made! These are my people, and I want them dead!

Sasha: You will not harm these people, father. These people lived a hard enough life. All they want is to be happy and live with their families.

Roki: Do I look like I care?

Sasha: No, you don’t. A heart as evil as yours; can never understand what it’s like to care for others.

Roki: All my life, I had to struggle between good and evil. This was a never ending battle, which corrupted my very heart. I can’t do it anymore. I’ve decided to stop the struggle and choose evil. And you wanna know something, sweetheart? I’ve never felt better. That troublesome mother of yours will make a fine gift for my initiation. Her sacrifice will not be in vain.

Sasha: You wouldn’t…

Roki: (Chuckles) Oh I would, Sasha. Your mother does not understand what I have to go through. She will only hold me back from my new ambition.

Sasha: You are sick, father. You are cold and just plain evil!

Roki: I’ll take that as a compliment. Right now, I don’t care what you think about me. If I could, I would end your life right here.

Sasha: You’re not the father I know and love. You are a demon that must be stopped. Allow me to justify your evil ways and send you to oblivion were you belong.

Roki: There’s only one problem, my dearest daughter. If you want to kill me, you’ll have no choice but to take away the shield that protects these people. You protecting them is draining your energy, is it not? You’ll need that energy if you wish to defeat me. And if you remove the shield, I’ll just kill all these people! You can heal the even the dead, but when there’s no body, your efforts are of no use.

Sasha: (Thinking) He knows my weakness. He’s pretty much won this fight. Unless I figure out a way to get these people out of here, none of us will make it out of this situation alive.

Rokia: You should give up. Accept your fate and die willing by your father’s hand.

Sasha: I will protect these people with everything I have…

(Sasha’s energy goes away and the shields vanish from the people. Sasha gets nervous.)

Sasha: What’s going on? This shouldn’t be happening.

Rokia: You have not yet mastered your full abilities yet. You can’t even use half of your own power. In that case, it should be easy killing you and these people! (Laughs)

Sasha: (Afraid) Please, no!

(Roki blows his own body up like a nuclear bomb. Instead of the explosion spreading, it all gets sucked into the ground below Roki. Roki stops after a 15 seconds.)

Roki: Hm? What is it now?

(A giant blast of black and dark blue fire comes from underground and shoots Roki into the air. The blast gets to the clouds and causes a massive explosion in the sky. After about 10 seconds, the explosion gets sucked into, what appears to be, an invisible black hole. The explosion completely vanishes.)

(Assassin Hideout)

(The entire hideout has been melted away. Everything is destroyed, except the garden. Angel, Osmo, and Phantom, are standing in front of the collapsed building. Roki is in front of them on the ground.)

Roki: What did you do to me?

Angel: We teleported you to our current location. Osmo created a portal which is capable of teleporting almost anything. The explosion, which came with you, was used to destroy the assassin hideout. Nissa’s assassins have all been killed, and he will be killed as well.

Roki: I wish to join your group. Your organization is filled with very powerful people. The three of you are truly amazing.

Angel: Our group has many members. The others are in hiding. They are preparing for the future.

Roki: Please let me join you. (Bows to Angel) I promise to be of excellent assistants to you.

Osmo: (Thinking) This guy is not someone who will fit in well within our faction. Perhaps he should keep an eye on him however.

Angel: I agree, Osmo. But what’s the fun in that?

Osmo: I’ve never known you to have fun.

Angel: Today is the last day we’ll be seen. After today, we prepare for the future.

Roki: What are you talking about?

Angel: You are from a clan which we have been hunting for a very long time. You too will end here.

Roki: Wait! But you’ve killed your own clan, and Osmo’s clan.

Angel: It doesn’t matter. Your clan is the most dangerous of all.

Roki: Do you really think you can kill me?! It doesn’t matter how powerful you are compared to me, my abilities make it impossible for me to die.

Angel: That is one reason why your clan was killed. It was for this exact reason.

Roki: (Grins) So what are you gonna do, huh?!

(Angel holds in her hand a platinum medallion. As soon as Roki looks into it, it absorbs his entire body within seconds.)

Angel: This medallion will forever hold your soul. So many have been sealed within these medallions, and you’re the newest one. Enjoy your new eternal prison.

(Kiyo is standing by Sasha. Sasha is upset.)

Sasha: I can’t believe I almost got these people killed.

Kiyo: They’re not dead; be grateful for that.

Sasha: Where is everyone else? Where are Kiyomi and Eli?

Kiyo: We just gotta hope they’re okay. I know everyone’s still alive, but they may be seriously injured.

Sasha: I’ll look for them.

(A blade comes out of nowhere and heads directly for Kiyo. Sasha pushes Kiyo out of the way and her head gets sliced off. She falls to the ground.)

Kiyo: Sasha!

Nissa: I’m afraid she won’t be able to respond to you, boy.

Kiyo: What are you doing here?

Nissa: I’ve been sent here to kill Aiko, and her friends. This includes you.

Kiyo: Everybody listen to me! I’m going to need you to leave the area right now! This guy is a lot stronger than I am, and things will get ugly. If you stay here, you will all die, so leave now!

(All of the people begin running away. Eli stands next to Kiyo. His arm is drenched with blood and is broken.)

Kiyo: What are you doing Eli?

Eli: I’m here to help you out. You’re gonna need me as your backup.

Nissa: I don’t think so.

(Nissa’s fingers turn into giant swords. He stabs them into the dirt and creates a giant wall of swords around the entire crater. Everyone is trapped in inside. Kiyomi digs herself from underground. Nini and Mizuki help pull her out. She is badly hurt and is bleeding everywhere. He clothes are torn just like Eli’s)

Kiyo: Sasha only protected the people because she knew they wouldn’t survive the explosion. She didn’t protect us because she knew we would live.

Eli: I guess she didn’t think about the royal palace collapsing on Kiyomi and I after the explosion.

Kiyo: Look, Eli, you’re hurt. I want you to go protect the people as much as you can. I’ll take Nissa one-on-one.