Status: active

Kiyo Nakamoto

Kiyo Nakamoto Episode Twenty-Two: City Quarentined

(Kiyo runs away from the battlefield. He eventually gets outside of the gates. The ground begins to roughly shake and a giant glass dome comes from underground to cover the city. Kiyo uses a flamethrower to try and burn through the glass, but if fails.)

Kiyo: Darn it!

Kaji: Kiyomi, this city is quarantined because every living thing inside here is going to die. You see, I can’t die. So I’ve decided to spend the rest of my life in this dome until I die from old age. But everyone else in here will be killed. I can’t risk anyone finding a way out of this dome and infecting the world. The plague is only in this city, and it will stay that way.

Kiyomi: Sorry, but I have too much to live for!

Kaji: I know, Kiyomi. But you must see that Angel and her group want the members of Team Kiyo alive. Before they know about what I’m doing, you and your entire team must be killed. I cannot risk you getting out. You are most likely infected as well, Kiyomi.

Kiyomi: You know… You’re probably right… Guess I have no choice then but to just fight you to the death.

Kaji: I won’t hold back.

Eli: Neither will I! It’s time for you to face the wrath of Team Kiyo. Kiyo will find a way in here, and when he gets near Kiyomi, the two of them get stronger. Those two will deal with you, but until then, you fight us!

Kaji: Of course… Alright, I’ll play with the two of you for a bit. But if this fight drags on too long, I will kill you both within an instant, got it?

Eli: (Grins) Oh yeah; I got it.

(Jiro walks in front of Eli.)

Jiro: Stay out of this, Eli. I will fight him first. My mind is clearer now, and I can focus. I believe I can give this guy more of a challenge. I’m not trying to ruin your fun and takeover; I only want to fight this guy one-on-one. That’s just how I fight, alright?

Eli: Fine. Go get ‘em, jiro!

Jiro: (Thinking) I’m sorry for my ignorance earlier, Kiyo. I need to be smarter and more patient. I’m just not use to having partners, or friends. Please forgive me if I take it the wrong way. I’m giving this fight all I’ve got!

(Kiyo is standing outside of the giant glass dome. He constantly throws various punches at it and blows fire at it. Nothing seems to happen to the glass at all. Joseph and Sabrina walk up from behind Kiyo.)

Sabrina: Your attacks are obviously in vain. Why continue to attempt breaking the glass?

Kiyo: If I keep punching at the glass, maybe I’ll weaken it a bit. Then that will be my chance to pull out my super awesome finishing move!

Joseph: (Puts hands in his pocket) I can understand how this dome is designed. Attacking from the outside won’t leave you with even a scratch.

Kiyo: (Stops attacking) You two are telekinetic. Maybe you can move something from inside the dome and have it smash into the glass.

Joseph: That’s not gonna work either. You see, the structure of this dome is meant to absorb energy. The more energy used on it, the stronger it becomes. Even if we are telekinetic, our energy cannot connect with the anything inside. Therefore, we are unable to use telekinesis.

(Joseph looks over at Kiyo and sees him sleeping.)

Joseph: I would seriously hate for this guy to be my leader.

(Jiro jumps high in the air. He slashes his sword multiple times and throws green slashes of energy at Kaji. Kaji stands still and looks up at the blasts. Every single blast goes through his body and explodes when it hits the ground. The areas of Kaji’s body where the blasts went through have turned into poison smoke. His body slowly goes back to normal and Kaji’s body is completely untouched. He stands and crosses his arms in disappointment as he glares at Jiro. Jiro falls to the ground and lands on his feet. Kaji horizontally dashes at Jiro at an amazing speed. Jiro quickly puts his sword in front of his face to block. Kaji’s face runs into the blade. Everything is in slow motion. As Kaji’s face makes contact with the blade, it splits in half. Kaji’s body continues to go through the blade and split in two. Everything moves fast once again. The two halves of Kaji’s body turn into purple gas. The two halves float behind Jiro and both of them make the form of Kaji’s full body. There are now two different Kaji. The two Kaji’s now stand on their feet.)

Kaji: As you can see-

Kaji2: My power is not bound by limits.

Kaji: I am capable of recovering from any type of injury.

Kaji2: I can withstand even the most lethal of attacks.

Jiro: I get it; you can’t die!

Kaji: How do you expect to beat me-

Kaji2: If you can’t kill me?

Jiro: This sword I posses in my hand is the almighty sword. It can cut through anything! Why can’t it cut through you?

Kaji: Because you are too weak to unlock its true power. Once the person who wields the sword has a strong enough heart, the path to true power will reveal itself. You are simply not strong enough to use it.

Jiro: I am strong enough!

Eli: Hey, kaji!

(Kaji turns to the side and Eli slams his fist into Kaji’s face. Kaji goes flying and slams into some broken piles of wood.)

Kiyomi: Eli, how did you hit him?!

Eli: I used Kiyo’s method. Kaji’s power comes from evil, pain, and misery! If someone has a kind heart and pure energy, they’re able to cause him damage.

(Purple smoke rises out of the piles of wood and forms Kaji. Kaji stands on top of the wood piles.)

Kaji: A challenge I see. (Grins) I never thought I’d ever meet someone with this much purity in their heart.

Eli: You and me, Kaji!

Kaji: … No. Fortunately for you, my mood has changed. You’re all infected with the plague anyway; your deaths’ are inevitable. Perhaps I should take my leave from the battlefield. At least… for now…

(Kaji’s body turns into purple smoke and disappears into the air. Eli, Jiro, and Kiyomi walk up to each other.)

Jiro: What?! He can’t just leave like that!

Eli: He just did, Jiro.

Kiyomi: The people of the city have hide into their homes. Maybe we can talk to them and get more information about the plague.

Jiro: I’m going to search for Aiko.

Eli: I’m going to search for innocent people who might have gotten hurt during the fight.

Kiyomi: I hope Kiyo’s alright.

(Kiyo is desperately punching at the glass. He stops after 5 seconds. He takes a deep breath and a very cute girl, the same age as Kiyo, walks up and stands behind him. She grins and puts her hands on her hips.)

Kelsey: I thought that was you, Sunshine. I’d recognize that tacky red headband of yours anywhere.

(Kiyo turns around in disappointment.)

Kiyo: Well, if it isn’t my old rival Kelsey. I see you’ve used your powers to turn yourself into a human. What, did you get tired of being an ugly pig?

Kelsey: (Crosses arms) Well, excuse me for not wanting to look like you anymore.

(Kiyo and Kelsey both stick their tongues out at each other for 2 seconds. Joseph and Sabrina walk up to them.)

Joseph: Well, well; who’s the new friend?

Kiyo: (Looks at the glass dome) She’s not a friend; she’s a major inconvenience.

Kelsey: He’s just mad because I’m better looking than he is (Smiles).

Kiyo: (Gets in Kelsey’s face) That’s not the reason why I’m upset; and you know it!

Kelsey: Oh yeah, I forgot; you got your butt kicked by me during that whole underground snake thing. I almost forgot how annoying you get when you can’t accept defeat by a girl.

Kiyo: (Backs up) HA! I do accept! I’ve been getting beat by a girl my entire life; my sensei was one. So jokes on you… Wait…

Kelsey: Looks like your comeback backfired on you.

Kiyo: (Fists catch on fire through anger) I’d like to show you a backfire! Challenge me so I can show you how powerful my fire can be!

Kelsey: No thanks. (Walks past Kiyo) I don’t play with little boys.

(Kelsey stares at the glass dome. Kiyo and turns around and his fist go back to normal.)

Sabrina: You’re the one attacked me and my sister. We were in the park.

Kelsey: I know who you are. I recognized you the second I caught you in my sight. (Turns to look at Sabrina)

Sabrina: I always wondered when I’d see you again. You still remain a threat to my sister; therefore, I shall smite you where you stand.

Kelsey: I was ordered to kill your family. It was the only way to prevent myself from being killed.

Sabrina: (Points finger at Kelsey) I can separate your head from your shoulders faster than a word can come out of your mouth. I’m giving you a chance to change my mind, now speak.

Kelsey: Do you think I’m scared of you? You couldn’t beat me in a fight before, and you can’t do it now.

Sabrina: I have no interest to fight; only to kill.

Kelsey: (Smiles) You’re so upfront. I like that about you.

Sabrina: There’s nothing I like about you, but there’s something I’d like to see happen to you. Does your head roll, or does it just drop?

(Kiyo stands in front of Kelsey.)

Kiyo: (Serious) This is going too far. Now there will be none of this. No heads will be rolling while I’m here, got it, Sabrina?

Sabrina: I’m only with you for protection. With your power, you can help get rid of any threatening nuisance which come my way while heading to the Dark Castle. If you start to become useless to me, I will not hesitate to kill you. Chose your words carefully, Kiyo; for I have no reason not to kill you along with her at this very moment.

Joseph: I love your choice in words, Sabrina. Now do you see why I love this woman so much, Kiyo?

Kiyo: She’s very charming, Joseph, but also foolish for threatening my life. My reflexes can kick in faster than you can swipe your finger and decapitate me.

Joseph: Ooh, I’d love to take that bet.

Sabrina: You sure you’re willing to put your life on the line; you have so much to live for?

Kiyo: That is exactly why I’m not going to die right now. I feel the way about my dreams the same way you feel about saving your sister Jane. You should understand what I’m feeling right now, and you should understand that me dying here is not an option.

Sabrina: This woman is the reason why my sister is gone.

Kelsey: You’re wrong. Osmodeus was the reason why. He wanted to kill you and your sister so he could take your power!

Sabrina: … (Puts finger down) I suppose you are right… (Turns her back) Osmodeus is the real one to blame. Even if I do give my life to save my sister, who’s to say he won’t go after her again and kill her? Without me, she wouldn’t stand a chance of surviving.

Kiyo: So I’m guessing there’s a new plan for you then?

Sabrina: I need time to think. I will do whatever it takes to bring my sister back… Anything…

(Kaji’s Palace)

(Kaji walks into his office and sees a woman sitting in his chair with her feet up against the desk. She’s playing with a pen found on his desk. Kaji sighs and closes the door behind him with a disappointing look on his face.)

Kaji: This was not a part of the plan, Rayna. I was specifically told that Kiyo would find a way to cure this plague.

Rayna: Kiyo maybe an annoying little brat, but he’s my disciple. I know him better than you know yourself.

Kaji: (Crosses arms) I’ve decided to take matters into my own hands. I cannot risk this disease escaping the city, so I will do what I believe is right: Killing all who are present within the walls of my city.

Rayna: Please spare me your vague heroics, Kaji. My power clearly exonerates yours.

(Rayna quickly throws the pen at Kaji’s face. Kaji catches it between two fingers inches away from his eye. Rayna is standing behind Kaji with a sharp icicle pressed against the side of Kaji’s throat.)

Kaji: Really now; was all of that meant to impress me? Your speed is faster than the human eye, but you forget about my little secret.

(Kaji turns around and his left eye turns gold around the ring surrounding his pupil.)

Rayna: (Surprised) What?!

(Kaji’s eye goes back to normal.)

Rayna: I see you’re capable of the Saino Chokkan.

Kaji: (Walks away toward his desk) You can thank your friend Angel for whipping out the clan which possessed this extraordinary ability.

Rayna: Angel and I are not friends. We worked together one time is all. And by the way, it was Osmodeus who murdered the clan.

Kaji: It doesn’t matter (Sits down). The clan is dead and only few people posses the power of the eyes. Osmodeus, Joseph, and of course me, are the only ones known to have these eyes.

Rayna: Saino Chokkan allows people to understand the complexity of things right?

Kaji: Yes. But of course it’s much more than that. In time, you’ll understand why the clan was killed. And you’ll understand why Osmodeus was responsible.

(Light City)

(Back in the city, Aiko has just woken up. She’s behind an abandoned and burned house. All of her weapons and equipment are on the ground next to her. Aiko looks up at the dark sky.)

Aiko: Maybe I should pay Kaji a little visit. I love showing up to places uninvited.

(Minutes have passed. Kaji and Rayna continue to talk in the office. Aiko silently crawls through the ceiling of Kaji’s office as quiet as a mouse.)

Rayna: Tell me something, Kaji; do you really plan on killing everyone in this city, or is it all just a front to manipulate your reputation amongst the people?

Kaji: I don’t have to explain anything to you. My plans remain secret to me and me alone.

Rayna: Whatever. (Turns her back) I’ll be on my way now. You have yourself a fun time.

Kaji: Yeah, sure.

(Rayna leaves the room. As soon as she closes the door behind her, the roof collapses and Aiko falls through. She directly hits her face on the floor.)

Kaji: Aiko, how nice of you to drop in.

(Aiko quickly stands up and starts laughing.)

Aiko: Oh I get it; hahaha “drop in”. Hahaha, good one Kaji.

(Kaji sits at his desk with a blank expression. Aiko stops laughing and gets serious.)

Kaji: I see you’re just as childish as ever, Aiko.

Aiko: You bet I am! And nothing will ever change that!

Kaji: Have you come here to assassinate me, Aiko? Explain your reason for being here.

Aiko: I fear for the lives of my best friend Kiyomi and her brother Kiyo. I know you’re going to try and kill them and I can’t allow that.

Kaji: You have a strong heart, Aiko; that’s why I’ve always liked you.

Aiko: You tried to have me killed! When you like someone you don’t try and have them assassinated!

Kaji: Now I bet you’re going to call me a mean man and talk to me about how I don’t deserve to walk amongst the living people.

Aiko: (Smiles) You know me all too well, master Kaji.

Kaji: I never wanted you killed. Your team leader, Nissa, wanted you dead for his own selfish purposes.

Aiko: I’m done feeding into your lies. (Draws dagger) Now is the time to die.

Kaji: (Stands up) Go on; strike me with all your strength. But your efforts will only be in vain; for I cannot die. And if by some miracle I am to lose my life, my body will only revive itself.

Aiko: (Smiles with joy) You know, if I was to burn your body completely till nothing was left, I bet you wouldn’t come back.

Kaji: You would lose that bet. The ashes from my body would simply combine with the smoke in the air and reform my body. Just face facts, Aiko: You cannot kill me! Take those words however you please, but just know, that what I speak is the truth.

Aiko: (Lowers Dagger) I suppose you’re right. But I can’t let you endanger my friends. They’re all I have and I don’t want them to die.

(Kaji walks up to Aiko and softly puts one hand on her right shoulder. He speaks to her in a calm sympathetic voice.)

Kaji: I understand. Believe me, Aiko, if there was any other way I’d take it. Unfortunately, there is no alternative. There is no way around this situation.

Aiko: (Looks down in sadness) Kiyo is an amazing person. He’ll see through your clouded mind and clear the way to a path of peace. He will figure a way out of this situation.

Kaji: I’m sure he will, Aiko… I’m sure he will.

(Outside The Dome)

(Kiyo punches the wall one last time in really hard frustration.)

Kiyo: Ugh, I’ll never figure a way out of this situation! (Stomach begins to growl)

Kiyo: (Chuckles) I guess I’m not the only one upset. Hey, Kelsey, can you turn into a chicken for me so I can eat you?

Kelsey: (Angry) WHAT! Why don’t I turn into a dragon and eat your head instead!?

Kiyo: Somehow I doubt you’d be able to. Rayna always told me I had a head like concrete. (Scratches head) I wonder what she meant by that.

Kelsey: She meant you’re an idiot.

Kiyo: No it wasn’t that she called me idiot all the time. Now let’s see… Oh! I can use my head to break the dome. Haha, get it; head and dome?!

Joseph: I think I’m beginning to understand why your parents weren’t around to raise you.

Kelsey: Hey!

(Kiyo looks and sees Kelsey Standing inside the dome with a big grin on her face waving at Kiyo.)

Kiyo: (Surprised) Hey, no fair! How’d you get in?!

Kelsey: Figure it out yourself, sunshine. (Sticks tongue out and winks)

Kiyo: Grrr! One of these days, Kelsey, I will beat you!

Kelsey: Yeah, whatever, but until then, you’re a loser. (Walks away toward the city) See ya!

Joseph: That girl has some talent. Maybe I should kill her and obtain her power.

Kiyo: (Turns to Joseph) Kelsey has Kotoda energy. The ability you have is Blood Trait, and the ability you obtained from Sabrina too was Blood Trait. I highly doubt you’d be able to mimic Kotoda energy because of its spiritual properties.

Joseph: Perhaps you have a point there. Well that pretty much cancels my plan to kill you and take your power.

Kiyo: Hey!

Joseph: I’m only giving you some honesty.

Sabrina: Focus, Kiyo. How do you plan on breaking the dome?

Kiyo: I’ve noticed that whenever I used my fire the wall would someone absorb the energy. Energy doesn’t just go away. (Places hand on glass dome) This dome absorbs energy and its strength builds. A hard impact from the outside should penetrate it.

Joseph: About time you figured out that little trick. Although, I’m not sure an impact will do it.

Kiyo: If I focus hard enough, maybe I can absorb my energy back out of the dome… nope, too boring. I’ll just go with my original plan and bash it with my skull.

Sabrina: You really are an idiot. (Walks away)

Joseph: (Walks away) Knock yourself out; I mean that literally.

Kiyo: (Thinking) I need to carefully plan this out. If I do this right, I’ll be able to see what’s going on inside.

(Kiyo dashes back about 50 feet from the dome. He gets into position to run at full speed. He intensely stares at the dome. As a drop of sweat hits the ground, Kiyo charges at impact He runs at full speed; kicking up dust. When he gets close enough, he jumps high in the air and slams his forehead into the dome. A river of tears fall from Kiyo’s left eye, his eyes turn white, and his face turns blue. His face slowly drags down the side of the dome. He softly hits the dirt. Joseph and Sabrina stand over Kiyo’s body.)

Joseph: Well he’s out cold.

Sabrina… I’m gonna go take a nap.

Joseph: I think I’ll join you.

(Kelsey walks into the destroyed part of the city. She sees people moaning and groaning in pain as they lie on the ground half dead. Eli, Jiro, and Kiyomi are all trying to help the people by finding clothing and trying to make them feel comfortable. Kelsey walks up to Kiyomi. Kiyomi stands with her side facing Kelsey.)

Kelsey: I always heard this city was a place of luxury. It looks like a luxury of sick old people if you ask me.

Kiyomi: (Looks at Kelsey with a slightly angry look on her face.) These people are sick and dying. They’re ill from an unknown plague.

Kelsey: That’s not my problem, sugar queen.

Kiyomi: Hey! (Walks up to Kelsey) I don’t know who you think you are, but this entire city is quarantined. That means you’re trapped in here with the plague too. (Coughs)

Kelsey: With my DNA shifting powers, I am immune to any and all forms of diseases and viruses. I could be infected, but it wouldn’t have any effect on my body in anyway.

Kiyomi: Can you survive poison?

Kelsey: Yes of course. My snake venom is what allows me to adapt to poison.

Kiyomi: Alright. In that case, you should be able to suck the poison out of these people and cure them.

Kelsey: Ha! I’m not too fond of doing kind deeds for others. Find yourself some useless idiot, other than yourself of course, to suck poison out like a leech. I’m going to see the cute prince Kaji. (Eyes turn into golden starts.) I hear he’s soooo dreamy.

Kiyomi: Do whatever makes you happy, just as long as you stay out of my way, we won’t have any problems, got it?

Kelsey: You know you look familiar. I never forget a face…

Kiyomi: You’ll never forget my foot in your backside if you don’t get out of here!

Kelsey: I’ll be seeing you again. I hope to get better acquainted with you.

Kiyomi: I wouldn’t lose any sleep over not seeing you again.

(Kelsey quickly runs away from Kiyomi. Eli walks up to Kiyomi.)

Eli: That was Kelsey.

Kiyomi: Wait, her? She was Kelsey?!

Eli: Yeah, the two of you’ve never meet before?

Kiyomi: No actually.

(Aiko runs up to them in a panic. Her breathing is really heavy.)

Eli: Where did you come from?

Aiko: Guys, I kinda made a tiny little mistake.

Jiro: (Walks up to the group) What kinda trouble are you gonna get us into this time?

Aiko: Well… you see. (Pokes index fingers together) I kinda said some stuff to make Kaji mad and- he’s kind of on his way here to kill us now.

Kaji: You all should’ve never come here.

(Kaji is standing a distance from the group.)

Kaji: I only want what’s best for the world. I cannot allow any of you to continue on living! This will be the day your souls cross the twilight and enter the depths of the world beyond! I truly loved you, Kiyomi, but love is only eternal in death.

Kiyomi: So you’re going to kill me because of a mistake you made?

Kaji: How much do you know about my mistake?

Kiyomi: I know everything. I know that you are the cause of this plague. I followed you to your palace and heard everything you and that woman were talking about. (Devilish grin) I am as quiet and vigilant as wind itself. Like wind, I am everywhere. I know everything, see everything, hear everything. You can’t keep any secrets from me.

Kaji: From now on, we fight to the death. I will not rest until all of you are dead, but I must have a one-on-one with Kiyomi. You’ll always be the true love of my life. You are special to me. And that is why I want to fight you using our full power.

Kiyomi: Then we shall. I can’t say the same for Kiyo, but when I was only 8 years old and Rayna saved me from Phantom, she taught me a special technique. Well she helped me learn to master a technique I was teaching myself already. Phantom has the ability to phase through things, yet I’m still able to make contact with him. I can make contact with you as well.

Kaji: Either way, I cannot allow you to kill me. I must live to assure this plague stays within the dome.