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Kiyo Nakamoto

Kiyo Nakamoto Episode Thirty: The Mentality of Aiko, Welcome to Borgias Town

Spirit Beyond Saga

Spirit Guardian Arc

“Chapter Thirty: The Mentality of Aiko, Welcome to Borgias Town”

(Team Kiyo walks through the forest on a dirt trail. They are only about 200 steps away from the next town. Kiyomi is writing in her journal with a huge smile on her face.)

Kiyomi Narrating: We are only a few minutes away from Borgias Town. I think it’s strange that the S is silent in the name, but stranger things have happened, right? I hear this town is amazing and is famous for its fine dining and spa treatments. Let’s just hope I wasn’t given false information; I sometimes like to wait until after girls get pampered to call them fake and ugly. (Giggles) It’s a dark hobby of mine. Speaking of dark, maybe stopping in this town will give Aiko and I some bonding time. She’s always just so happy, but considering her dark past, I’m sure that smile on her face is just a front. When I want something, I get it, and I want to know the truth of Aiko’s mentality.

“The Mentality of Aiko, Welcome to Borgias Town”

(Team Kiyo walks into the town and see’s how busy and crowded the swap meet is.)

Man: CANDY! Get your candy here, Folks, for the low, low price of 2 Copper!

Eli: (Screams as loud as he can like a girl) CANDY!!! (Charges away from the group)

Jiro: (Nervous) What’s this kid’s deal?!

Kiyo: Candy is like his most loved thing in the world. It’s best you stay away from him when he gets his sugar rush.


(Eli screams and runs like a maniac; going from table-to-table, knocking over peoples merchandise desperately trying to find his candy.)

Jiro: Uhm… will he be okay?

Kiyo: Probably… Not. But who cares. Let’s just see what this town has to offer. (Jaw drops) OOH I bet they have yummy food here too!

Kiyomi: You boys go on ahead; Aiko and I are headed to the spa to make fun of girls and lower their self-esteem.

Aiko: Oh my, gosh; you like doing that too?! (Hugs Kiyomi) Oh we’re like sisters!

Jiro: Alright, well I’m going to find a guard post and see if I can find any bounty targets around the area.

Kiyo: I’m just gonna go find a buffet. I’ve had to ration a backpack full of food out for three days while we traveled through the forest away from the Holy Lookout. Remind me to never do that again and just bring a fridge next time. (Sighs in hunger)

(Nini crawls on Kiyo’s shoulder and her stomach begins to growl.)

Kiyo: You understand my agony, Nini! (Yells heroically) COME! Let us ‘venture to find the way of the food!

Nini: (Jumps in the air) YAY!

Kiyomi: Mizuki is off flying somewhere like always, so if you see him, let him know not to wonder off too far.

Kiyo: (Picks nose) I’ll try my best to remember that.

(Kiyo pulls a booger and sets it on fire to melt it away.)

Kiyomi: Alright, off to the spa we go!

Candy Merchant: (Terrified) HELP ME! HELP ME PLEASE! I never thought selling candy could be so dangerous.

Kiyo: That’s where you messed up at, sir. Take these words of wisdom to heart! Never assume; only… I don’t know I lost my train of thought; I’m bored, see ya.

(Kiyo, Nini, and Jiro casually walk off. Eli is chowing down hard on all the candy in the merchant’s stand.)

(The spa)

(Aiko and Kiyomi stand in front of the beauty salon.)

Kiyomi: So this is the beauty salon; very interesting. Almost the entire exterior is made of glass, but yet, you can’t see through it from the outside.

Aiko: I remember the time I had to kill a woman in a spa. I made it look like she fell asleep and drowned in the mud bath! It was so fun watching her die!

Kiyomi: You’re very disturbed, you know that?

Aiko: (Giggles) Of course I know that, silly.

Kiyomi: What exactly is wrong with your mentality, Aiko? I mean, you are always so happy, yet you’re so mentally disturbed and dark deep down inside.

Aiko: Well if you must know; I have the mentality of an 8 year old girl, so my mind can easily block things out and make me stay happy. If my brain was to ever cure itself my darkness would most likely take over and I would be completely evil. Another thing about me is that growing up, I’ve somehow channeled all of my feelings and emotions toward Jason. I called Jason my brother… I miss him.

Kiyomi: And once Jason left you, Kiyo promised to be there for you and he accepted you into the family. You channeled all of your feelings and emotions to my brother Kiyo instead and by doing that, you ended up falling in love with him.

Aiko: (Looks down) Yeah, I suppose you’re right. (Smiles and looks at Kiyomi) But I know Jason didn’t mean those horrible things he said about me. (Says happily) He’s my brother and he loves me so much; even if he did try to cut my head off and watch me die at his feet!

Kiyomi: (Crosses arms) It seems to me you haven’t accepted him leaving yet. Tell me something, Aiko, what if we left you? What if Eli, Jiro, my brother, and me all just turned our back on you and left, just like Jason did?

Aiko: I know you’d never do that because you all love me.

Kiyomi: You thought the same thing about Jason for years. You’ve only known us a few weeks.

Aiko: (Gets defensive) Well, Kiyomi, I’d rather not think about it. My mind is already messed up; I don’t want it to get any worse. It’s bad enough I got my own parents killed. I wasn’t strong enough to protect them, and I sometimes regret ever having to live after that night. As time went on and Jason helped me through my memory lost and pain, I began forming a reason for living again. I only lived for him. I only lived for my brother Jason, because I cared about him. I eventually formed another reason for living which was to kill the man who murdered my family, and that was Nissassa. Nissassa was too powerful for me to beat, and Jason said mean things to me and turned his back on me. I gave up and tried to kill myself, but Kiyo showed he cared and he saved me from suicide. Now I feel I owe him my life; more in fact. I would die for him. I would be his sword and his shield on the battlefield. I would fight by his side and I would die protecting his life and his dream. I wish to grow stronger in his eyes so that the day would come when he accepts me into his heart and allows me to become his queen once he becomes king of this world. I believe he can become the strongest who ever lived. I can look into Kiyo’s eyes and see his true goals and ambitions. Kiyo once wanted to defeat Phantom for killing his parents, but Kiyo realized that the parents he saw get murdered in front of him were not his real parents. Kiyo trained his entire life to one day defeat Phantom, but his ambition was crushed once he learned the truth. Kiyo was lost for awhile but he’s slowly finding his path. Kiyo wants to defeat all major evil in this world: That was his next goal. The truth of what Kiyo really wants in his life is to become strong. He loves fighting powerful opponents. Fighting is his passion and he loves it. Kiyo never uses his full power when he fights, because he mainly wants to have fun. He did have to take his fight with Kaji serious though.

Kiyomi: I see… (Thinking in disappointment) Aiko knows more about Kiyo than even I do. She can look in his eyes and learn more about him than I can just by talking to him. I feel like I’m failing my duties as a sister. (Clenches fist) Darn it, Aiko! Your Bloodtrait ability allows your body to amplify and handle more than the average human; is it possible that everything about you amplifies, even your perception? Is that why you’re able to know so much about my brother Kiyo? (Says to Aiko) Aiko, I suddenly don’t feel like making other woman feel back about themselves and lower their self-esteem. For once I feel just like them, and the feeling is not pleasant. (Walks away from Aiko)

Aiko: (Says to self) Oh man! I should’ve kept my big mouth shut! (Smacks herself in the face) You’re such a stupid, Aiko! Oh well! Now let’s see… who can I rob money from?

(Guard Tower)

(Jiro stands in front of a very tall guard tower. A guard in light white armor stands atop with a spear in his hand.)

Guard: Hm? Hey, you there; can I help you with something?

Jiro: I’m a bounty hunter, friend. If you don’t mind, I’d like to see a list of those wanted in the area.

Guard: We are the protection around here and we do our jobs just fine, now please, sir; move along.

Jiro: (Rests wrist on sword handle) Now you can give me your list willingly or I can just walk in and take the list myself.

Guard: You better get out of here before you get yourself into trouble. Hmm… Wait a minute. That sword you have; where did you get that?

Jiro: This is my clan’s special sword. I’ve had this baby since I was just a young boy. What makes it so special to you?

Guard: Please, sir; come with me to the mayor’s office. I’m sure we’ll be able to find you some work there.

Jiro: (Becomes cautious) Lead the way.


(Vex is walking through the desert with her three hooded followers. She stares into a map and tries to figure out where she’s at. All 4 of them stop walking.)

Vex: We’ll stop here for now. The Spirit Temple we’re trying to find is somewhere in this area of the desert. (Rubs face) All this heat is bad for my complexion and my skin’s silky smoothness is going away.

(All three followers remove their hoods.)

Nissa: Perhaps the Temple is hidden and only spirit energy can be used to access it.

Kazu: Perhaps the Temple is buried under all this annoying sand?!

(The third person is an extremely beautiful woman. She has curled horns like a goat and her black hair is extremely long and luscious. Her eyes are light brown and she has the voice of a temptress. Her body is covered up in a robe like everyone else.)

Serenade: I once lived amongst the spirit users. Spirit energy is extremely powerful and is very dangerous; this is the reason why the last of the spirit users went into hiding and hide the temple. I will be able to summon the temple here to our location, but once I do so, they’ll know of our presents. The element of surprise will no longer be on our side.

Vex: It doesn’t matter. I want to learn the secrets of Spirit energy, so therefore, I will find the hidden spirit scrolls here in their temple and I will eradicate everyone inside so that they won’t become a problem later on. Get to it, Serenade. BRING THE TEMPLE TO ME!

(Mayor’s office)

(Jiro stands in front of the Mayor in his office while three guards stand behind Jiro and block the doorway. The mayor is an average guy. He has gray hair and he wears a black suit. He has a funny sounding voice as well.)

Mayor: Sooo, you have come to me offering the sword have you.

Jiro: I actually came here to help out with any bounty’s you all may have. If you want the sword… you can’t have it.

(The mayor jumps out of his chair. He only stands about 2 feet tall.)

Mayor: I am a collector of antiques. I will have that sword no matter what.

Jiro: I said no. Now unless you want me to cut off that fake wig of yours and kill all of your hostile guards, I suggest you drop the subject.

Mayor: HOW DARE YOU! I shall see you be struck down for your disobedience!

Jiro: (Grins) We’ll see about that, old man. (Grabs sword)

Mayor: Hold on, now! I am not some villainous mayor like Magnes. I am but a collector you see. (Clears through) If I may make a suggestion, I’d like to propose a contest for the sword.

Jiro: Honestly a contest sounds fun, but whether or not I lose, I’m keeping the sword.

Mayor: (Turns his back to Jiro) So you are a member of the Izakuga clan, yes? That sword is currently with its rightful wielder than. At least give me the satisfaction of displaying the sword in my private museum of collections after you have passed.

Jiro: Hmm… well I would already be dead, so… No.

Mayor: Precocious boy aren’t you?! (Faces Jiro) According to legend, there are actually 2 God swords of the Izakuga clan. There are 7 different elemental gems which actually amplifies the two swords’ strength significantly. The gems are: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Storm, Mind, and Nature. My point being that I wish to have at least one of those swords. It has always been my dream to uncover the secrets of every sacred item in this world. That is one reason why I moved here to this town.

Jiro: What sacred item does this dumb have to offer?


Jiro: (Digging in his ear with his pinky) Yeah, yeah; look, I don’t care about this town. (Slams palm on desk) Listen, geezer, I’ll agree to get you that second sword, but it’s going to take awhile; a few years in fact. A woman named Angelika currently has it and she’s considered the strongest warrior in this world. I’ll need to find the 7 gems and learn to master my sword techniques before I’m able to go against her.

Mayor: (Jumps into his chair) Don’t get an old man’s hopes up just to let him down at the end of the road. I have sent countless men out into the world to find at least one of the God swords. If you speak the truth right now, boy, then all my fate goes to you. You will be given the task of fulfilling my dying wish and bringing me one of the world’s most valuable souvenirs.

Jiro: Don’t worry, Mayor; I’m making a promise to you that I will get you that sword.

Mayor: Thank you. By the way, my name is Mayor Roshi.

Jiro: Jiro Izaguka. I would say it’s an honor to meet you, but you don’t seem all that special right now, so a simple introduction is more than enough I think.

Mayor: Putting aside your rather rude insult; I’d like to see a taste of the sword’s power. (Indulging and drooling) Please show me that beautiful energy the God sword possesses!

Jiro: If you don’t mind me cutting your office in halve than alright.

Mayor: (Excited) I don’t mind at all! I’ll just get my servants to fix all the damages.

Servant in background: HEY!

Jiro: Alright, now tell your dogs to back away from the door so we can head outside and do this.

Mayor: DOGS! Back away from the door so we may all bear witness to the sight of true divine power.


(Aiko and Kiyomi are getting pedicures from two beautiful Asian women. The woman working on Aiko’s feet had a clothes pin on her nose and her eyes are tearing up.)

Aiko: (Smiles and giggles) Sorry about the smell; when you’re an assassin like I am you worry more about killing people and getting messy than about your personal hygiene sometimes, plus, I’ve been traveling a forest for three days without a shower.

Chinese lady: I… no care… you pay triple dollar when I finish!

Aiko: Oh gee, I don’t have any money. I thought this was complimentary.

Kiyomi: (Sighs) Way to go, Aiko; you’re suppose to not tell we don’t have any money, just run out on them after they finished grooming us.

Chinese lady: (Angry) No money; no rubbie! You leave now! Don’t come back!

Aiko: Oh please, I can get you the money. I’ll just poison whoever is less liked in this town and I’ll steal their money and pay you back with interest!

Chinese Lady: (Sighs) I be nice; give you rub for free.

Kiyomi: Yes!

Chinese Lady: Not you!

Kiyomi: Awe…

Aiko: (Laughs) Cheer up, Kiyomi! Just be happy that the both of us changed our minds right away and decided to come to the spa and put our personal issues aside.

Kiyomi: (Smiles) Yeah, I suppose you’re right, Aiko. You’re a good sister, you know that?


Vex: Are you testing my patients? Because I will tell you right now I will fail; I have no patients!

Serenade: Spirit energy is not easy to use. It is the hardest energy type to master and I haven’t practiced it in years. Calm yourself and just wait. I am summoning a temple from another world after all.

Nisassa: So this temple is from a different reality, you’re saying?

Serenade: It’s in a different world- the spirit world actually. This temple is hidden from all evil. Those who know about this place and are not a part of the Spirit Clan contain sacred knowledge and are extremely lucky to be alive.

Vex: (Angry) You’re extremely lucky to be alive right now! Stop talking and hurry up and conjure that temple!

Serenade: Yes, ma’am.

Zazu: (Turns to Nissa) What’s the matter, sir?

Nissa: Aiko is close by; I can feel her presents. That girl is really starting to become a pain in my rear. I’m going to have to kill her soon.

Zazu: Would you like me to deal with her, master?

Nissa: Be discrete about your presents and do not let the enemy know we’re nearby. I’m almost certain she’s with that punk Kiyo. He’s lucky I wasn’t at my full strength when we fought.

Zazu: I doubt he was at his full strength either sir.

Nissa: Zazu, are you calling me weak?!

Zazu: The boy was able to defeat Kaji after all. And you know how much more powerful Kaji is to you.

Nissa: That is true… Zazu, maybe later on tonight you can murder Aiko in her sleep. But you’re still not allowed to make a scene.

(Zazu’s black blood surfaces out of his skin and covers up his entire body. The blood then soaks back into his body and he takes on the appearance of Kiyo’s entire body.)

Zazu: Not making a scene isn’t a problem for me.


(Kiyo and Nini are stuffing food in their mouths like a disposal. Everyone in the restaurant is shocked at the sight of how fast the two of them eat and how much they have already eaten. The two of them finish the last of their food.)

Kiyo: Ah! Third table full!

Waitress: (Nervous) Um… Excuse me, sir, but you’ve eaten so much food that you’ve already stacked up three whole tables worth of dishes. Do you have enough for the bill?

Kiyo: Nope!

Waitress: (Timid) Oh okay then. So how will you pay for all this food?

Kiyo: My partner and I have given you and your customers a very entertaining show. For my serviced, I think we deserve a free meal.

(Kiyo gets smacked in the face with a frying and crashes into the floor. Kiyo sits up and starts rubbing his face.)

Kiyo: Own what did you hit me with? (Licks fingers) Hey, there was still some flavor on whatever that was you hit me with. May I have another?


Kiyo: but-

Chef: NO! No more food for you! You owe me for all the meals you’ve made me cook!

Kiyo: Hey, judging by your weight, buddy, I’d say, you owe yourself a workout!

Chef: (Face grows red with embarrassment) Why you! How dare you insult me like that! I will beat you for that!

Kiyo: (Stands up and licks cheek) I’ll make you a deal, chubby; if you can catch me, I’ll let you beat on me. Like I said, you could use the workout, so come on and catch me if you can! (Runs out the door)

(Nini latches onto the pan the chef is holding and licks it multiple times.)

Chef: When I signed on for this job, I was told there would be no running… (Angry) Once again, I have been lied to!


(Aiko, Kiyomi, a blonde woman, and a black woman with long black hair are all lying down next to one another; taking a mud back. Kiyomi and Aiko are next to each other and across from both of them are the other two women. Aiko and Kiyomi take off their cucumber eyes.)

Kiyomi: Hey, Aiko, you see that ugly chick over there right next to us?

Aiko: You mean that blonde chick? Yeah, who wouldn’t notice that huge nose of hers?

(Both of them giggle and the blonde woman covers her nose.)

Aiko: Kiyomi, maybe we shouldn’t say mean things about her nose, I mean, I saw her getting a pedicure back in the other room and she had the most hideous body shape I have ever seen. Maybe you should make fun of that instead.

Kiyomi: Maybe she needs a full treatment of everything 5 times in order to look half way attractive.

(Both start laughing.)

Blondie: (Angry) Hey, stop making fun of me! You wouldn’t like it if people made fun of you while you were trying to relax.

Kiyomi: I wouldn’t care what they had to say about me.

Aiko: I would pretend to be bothered by what they said about me just to have a reason to kill them.

Kiyomi: Hey, blondie, you should get out of here, you’re missing your date with the ugly tree.

(Both burst out laughing. Blondie gets embarrassed and quickly runs away. The black woman takes off her cucumber eyes.)

Brenda: You two are so mean for what you just did. I think the three of us will get along just fine. (Smiles)

Kiyomi: Alright, a new recruit; We’re gonna be at this all night!

Brenda: I’m Brenda by the way.

Kiyomi: Nice to meet you, Brenda. I am Kiyomi and this is Aiko.

Aiko: (Smiles cheerfully) Hello!

Brenda: (Cracks a smile) Hi.

(Jiro swipes his sword up and the energy surrounding the sword extends and slices the entire building in half. A few seconds later, the small building collapses.)

Mayor: (EXCITED BEYOND BELIEF) OOH! It’s so amazing! I need a new change of underwear after seeing that! Oh please do it again! Let bare witness at least once more.

Jiro: Hey, wait a minute, whose house is this?

Mayor: Just some empty house that no one wants to buy. I decided to not have you damage my office so I chose this building instead. I take way too much pride in my office because I built it myself from the ground up! As long as I live, I shall never allow my office to be scratched or damaged in any way, shape, or form!

Eli: CANDY!!!!!!

Mayor: AHH!

(Eli runs over the mayor and slams into the Mayor’s office, causing a hole in the side.)

Mayor: MY OFFICE, NO! Oh well… at least it’s just a tiny hole, we can get that patched up in about an hour or two.

(The entire office building comes crashing down on itself. The Mayor’s jaw drops to the ground.)

Jiro: So anyway, sorry about your office. I’m going to find some food.

(Kiyo tramples over the Mayor and the fat chef tramples on him after.)

Kiyo: I’m never paying for that food, tubby!

Chef: You will pay, even if I must beat money out of you!

Jiro: Ok, so finding food is out of the question. I guess I’ll just go find a hotel for me and my team to sleep in. (Walks away) If you’re still conscious and can hear me, I’ll talk to you tomorrow, Mayor Roshi!

(Later that night in the desert)

Serenade: Unfortunately, the Spirit Temple is a place of light and holiness. So we’re just gonna have to wait until tomorrow afternoon.

Nissa: So as long as the sun is up, the temple can exist? So since the moon is up right now and there’s no light, it’s impossible for the spirit to come here.

Serenade: Yes, exactly.

Nissa: So then we will wait until tomorrow.

Vex: Fine! (Crosses arms in frustration) This whole thing makes me so frustrated, but I guess there’s nothing I can do about it! We’ll rest for now and continue this tomorrow- first thing in the morning.

Serenade: Actually we have to wait until after 12:00. Sorry to disappoint you.

Vex: (Whining) Whatever!

Serenade: I’ll continue to practice my Spiritual Energy control, so everything will go smooth by tomorrow.

Zazu: I’m headed into town to pay Aiko a visit worth dying for.

Nissa: Remember not to make a scene.

(The moon is full and Aiko is sleeping on the floor by herself in an empty room. Kiyo walks up and stands over Aiko while she sleeps, but he has no red headband on. Kiyo quickly takes out a dagger and attempts to stab Aiko in the face with it. Kiyo’s fist is caught at the last second. Kiyo looks to his left to see who caught his arm. It is Jason. Kiyo quickly jumps back a few feet and Jason releases his arm. Kiyo’s body turns black with blood then shapeshifts into Zazu.)

Zazu: I can’t believe you’re still watching over her.

Jason: I’m like a hawk when it comes to family.

Aiko: Huh!

(Aiko quickly wakes up at the sound of Jason’s voice. She looks around the room but no one seems to be present. Aiko cuddles into a ball and snuggles with her pillow.)

Aiko: (Sad) That’s weird; I could’ve sworn I heard Jason’s voice… Brother… I miss you so much…

(Jason and Zazu are talking on the roof above Aiko’s room.)

Zazu: Since you first left our guild, you’ve been watching over Aiko, haven’t you?

Jason: Tch, like if I really had someplace else to be. My only reason for living is to protect her. I need to make sure Nissa doesn’t get his filthy hands on her before she’s ready to fight back.

Zazu: Nissa knows she’s in the area and will soon kill her if I don’t right now.

Jason: (Grins) I wouldn’t put anything past that sneaky weasel. Maybe it’s time I show up to the party uninvited and pay Nissa a surprise visit with my blade.

Zazu: Good luck beating our leader, Jason.

Jason: No worries about me, brother; when it comes to fighting for what’s important, I will always remain victorious.

(Jason jumps on the building and onto the ground. He looks to his left and sees a man wearing a long black trench coat, black pants and a short sleeve red shirt. He looks to his right and sees… Kelsey!)

Jason: (Smiles) So, you too must be bounty hunters sent here to kill me?

Kelsey: I do whatever necessary to get money.

Tyreese: The lady has her reasons for being here, but mine are completely different. I am looking for competitors for the next underground brawl tournament.

Zazu: You’re that boy Tyreese. You and Kiyo engaged in an intense battle.

Tyreese: Yep that’s me. He and I grew up together and Rayna’s my mother. Now that you know everything special about me, let’s get this over with. (Pops knuckles)

Jason: I have no interest in fighting either of you right now; I need to save my strength for someone actually worth challenging. His name is Nissassa.

Tyreese: The assassin’s leader? I suppose watching the two of you fight would be entertaining enough to get this adrenaline out of my system. If you survive against him, you’re definitely coming with me to the underground brawl.

Jason: You have yourself a deal, my man!