Status: active

Kiyo Nakamoto

Kiyo Nakamoto Episode Thirty-Six: Destiny Battle, Elijah VS Osmodeus, New Power Saino Chokkan

Spirit Beyond Saga

Spirit Guardian Arc

“Chapter Thirty-Six: Destiny Battle, Elijah VS Osmodeus, New Power SainoChokkan"

(Eli and Osmodeus faceoff by the waterfalls. Ming stands beside Elijah.)

Osmodeus: So… this is how our journey ends. The three of us are like one big family so it makes sense for us to go out with a huge bang!

Eli: Alright, Osmodeus, now it’s time for you to answer every question I have for you! I want to know everything there is to know about you! I want to know how you’ve obtained so many different powers and I want to know why your skin keeps falling off. Tell me why your body is eating itself! Tell me everything.

Ming: Calm down, Elijah; to beat an opponent like this, you need a clear head.

Osmodeus: Fine. I’ll tell you everything there is to know about me… My sister Ming and I have come from the future. In our future, our clan learned the secrets of the SainoChokkan. SainoChokken is a special ability which every human being can learn. But our clan is born with the ability to use it at birth. It takes the average human being at least 10 years to learn how to use it. Because we had this ability the people of our clan were originally used to understand hidden messages and understand things most people couldn’t. Our clan made the world’s best doctors because the SainoChokkan allowed us to understand the human body more and repair it the right way. Overtime, members of our clan realized that the SainoChokkan can be used to not understand how things work, but we could also obtain characteristics. Our clan learned how to understand the powers and abilities of other people to obtain their powers. After about 5 years of discovering this, our clan declared war on the world and tried to completely take it over. My sister and I were the weakest of the clan so we always stood by one another. Unfortunately for me, I wasn’t able to use the SainoChokkan to understand and obtain the powers of others. I figured out a different way. I used the SainoChokkan to absorb a person’s soul and take on their abilities. I took as many souls as possible, even Kiyomi’s. That is why I am able to use her powers. After our clan took over the world and proved ourselves the strongest, a new threat rose. The Nakamoto Clan survived the war and were hiding out the entire time. When they rose, they attacked our clan and destroyed all of us. Angel appeared to my sister and I and told us that she would save us, but we would have to follow her cause and obey her. My sister and I agreed to it and Angel brought us here back in time. My sister and I both wiped out our clan here in the present time before they could understand the true secrets to the SainoChokkan. I killed them to prove my loyalty to Angel and to be one of the strongest in this world. My sister Ming did it so she could be a hero and wipeout a dangerous clan that could one day rule this world. Ming turned her back on Angel and decided to live her life as a good person. As for the question as to why my body is eating itself is simple; my body cannot handle all of the souls I consume and keep their powers stable. My body is eating away at me because it cannot stabilize the different powers I have and tries to kill them away like a disease.

Elijah: So your body is rejecting the power you’ve obtained from others and is trying to kill those powers off but in the process, your body is killing you… Wow…

Osmodeus: You now know everything you need to know about me. So why don’t we begin this match?

Eli: That’s fine with me.

(Aiko and Jiro are hiding behind some trees over the cliff where Eli and Osmodeus are.)

Aiko: Should we help him?

Jiro: No, Aiko. This fight is very important to Eli and he must finish this on his own without our help. I know you’re worried about him, but he can handle himself. The best thing we can do right now is stay out of his way.

(Osmodeus throws a yellow aura at Eli and it goes into his body. Powerful energy rushes through Eli’s body in an instant.)

Eli: (Looks at palms in amazmentThis power…

Osmodeus: I’ve given you the other half of my sister’s soul. Now she is at maximum power. The two of you can now fight me at your full power.

Ming: Elijah; we must perform a soul fusion. The SainoChokkan I posses will allow us to do such a thing.

Eli: Alright then… SOUL FUSION!

(Eli and Ming fuse souls. A giant bubble of yellow and blue energy forms around the two of them for a few seconds. The bubble vanishes. Eli is in his young adult body. He’s wearing a yellow kimono and his voice is the same, but a bit more deeper and mature.)

Osmodeus: You two look quite good together; I almost wish I had a photo.

Eli: (Fierce attitude) No more talking, Osmodeus; we end this once and for all, here and now!

Osmodeus: No patients at all I see. Oh well, I suppose that’s one of the requirements of fighting a child. Since you’re in such a rush to die, I’ll make your death quick and painless.

Eli: (Pounds fist into palm) Ming’s power courses through my veins, but I’ll be taking you out with raw strength alone!

Osmodeus: Not a wise move when going up against me. You have my sister’s memories; know I speak the truth.

Eli: Alright then… (Smiles with excitement) I’m curious to see what Ming’s capable of anyway.

Osmodeus: Let’s see how you handle round one.

(Osmodeus raises his arm in the air and causes 24 meteors to fall from the sky and rain down towards Eli. Eli aims his palm at the falling meteors and within seconds they all disintegrate and turn into black smoke. They all evaporate into the sky instantly.)

Osmodeus: I guess going easy on you isn’t an option… I have no choice but to take you out quick!

(Omodeus yells at Eli and spit’s a green tornado out of his mouth. Eli puts both hands forward and surrounds himself in a green force field to block against the attack. The tornado stops after a few seconds. Eli spits out an ice beam at Osmodeus. Osmodeus teleports at the last second to dodge it and appears behind Eli. Eli quickly turns around and punches at Osmo’s face; his fist phases through it. Osmodeus makes his fist turn into metal and punches Eli in the face with extreme force. Eli flies across the river and slides on one knee when he gets to the other side. Eli screams and lets out an extremely powerful supersonic at Osmodeus. Osmodeus quickly teleports away. He appears upside down above Eli, in the air, with a powerful spinning green ball of wind energy in his palm. He tries to crush Eli in the face with it but Eli quickly grabs Osmodeus’ palm pulls him down to his side. Eli raises his leg up as high as he can to drop it and smash Osmo’s face into the dirt. The green blast is shot off into the forest. Eli takes a few steps back. He closes his eyes and his focus begins to build. Osmo quickly stands up and begins to run off in fear. Eli’s body multiplies into 5 different Eli. They all scream at the top of their lungs and their bodies begin to glow red with heat and fire. They all explode and cause a extremely powerful nuclear explosion. Almost the entire forest has been wiped out. The waterfall is no more. All the trees get blown away in an instant. What use to be filled with life is now nothing more than a giant desert wasteland. There is a giant mushroom cloud over 300 feet in the air. As the cloud slowly clears Eli and Osmodeus face-off in a huge crater. Osmodeus’ clothing and body is badly damaged. Eli seems just fine. He glares at Osmo with an intense stare.)

Eli: With this power, you can’t beat me, Osmodeus. Right now, I feel divine powers within me- divine powers unbeatable.

Osmodeus: Me winning this battle is next to impossible. Giving up at this point would be wise.

Eli: Sorry, but there is no escape for you! I’m not letting you go, Osmodeus; not again!

Osmodeus: I dare you to come at me with the full force of your power!

Eli: You asked for it!

(Osmodeus screams out a supersonic blast. Eli teleports behind Osmodeus and kicks him in his kidney as hard as he can. Osmodeus goes flying 20 feet into the dirt.)

Eli: You have no chance against me. I’m ending this fight right now!

Osmodeus: (Angry) Play time is over, you little brat!

(Eli and Osmodeus dash at each other at an extreme speed. They pick up dirt and leave a trail behind them as they’re running toward each other. Eli and Osmodeus are about to punch each other in the face. Everything moves in slow motion. Osmodeus draws his fist back and opens up his palm. A small spinning green ball of energy forms in his palm. As Eli’s fist gets 2 feet away from Osmo’s face, Eli’s entire body suddenly smashes face-first into the ground and causes the ground to crack. Osmodeus aims the green ball of energy at Eli’s back.)


(The green ball of energy unleashes a huge tornado that smashes Eli into the ground and pushes him down underground 30 feet. The tornado explodes and causes a second crater inside the crater they were already in.)

Osmodeus: (Casual tone of voice) They’re still alive; what a nuisance… (Looks up in the sky) I suppose It’s time to pull out all the stops…

(Osmodeus phases underground. Eli quickly jumps out of the hole he was buried in. He looks around but doesn’t see Osmodeus anywhere.)

Eli: (Cautious) Where are you…?

Osmodeus: Under your feet.

(Two pale white ghost hands phase from underground and grab Eli’s ankles. Osmodeus phases from underground 5 feet away from Eli.)

Osmodeus: Those two hands holding on to your ankles come from a technique I learned from my companion Phantom. I can summon the body parts of dead corpses in ghost form.

(Two more arms extend out of the ground and hold Eli’s wrists. Eli struggles to try and break free but fails.)

Eli: (Smiles) This is a nice little trick you have here, Osmodeus. You actually made this fight interesting. I’m very eager to find out what happens next.

Osmodeus: I take your souls; that is the next step.

(A giant white ghost arm extends out of Osmodeus’ chest and flies toward Eli to grab his soul. Eli’s eyes glow red and shoot out heat ray beams. The beams phase through the giant extending arm and phase through Osmodeus. A second Eli jumps out of Eli’s chest and the giant arm grabs the second Eli’s chest. The second Eli then turns into dust and goes away. The arm holds a blue ball of energy from the second Eli after he exploded. It quickly sucks back into Osmodeus’ chest.)

Osmodeus: No matter how many times you duplicate your own body, I can always identify the real you. Just accept your fate and give me your soul!

Eli: No thanks; I’ll pass on that!

(Eli’s body glows red with fire and causes an explosion. The four arms holding Eli get blown away.)

Eli: I’m finally free. Let’s see what other powers Ming has within her.

(Eli extends both arms at Osmodeus and closes his eyes. He opens up his arms and he focuses.)

Osmodeus: (Thinking) It’s truly amazing how much of my sister’s power this kid can use. Perhaps letting them use soul fusion was a mistake. Oh well… better prepare for the storm.

(Dark rain clouds begin to form in the sky. A giant tsunami of waver is summoned behind Eli. The ground under Eli’s feet creates a round pillar and pushes him up high over the wave. The tsunami crashes down inside the crater and swallows up Osmodeus. The tsunami continues to rise 70 feet until the entire crater is filled with water. The crater is a mile wide so the water covers the entire battlefield area. A giant whirlpool forms inside the giant body of water. Eli looks closely at the edges of the water and notices the water is slowly being drained. The whirlpool stops suddenly. Eli puts his guard up. A spinning black wormhole appears 20 feet away in front of Eli. The wormhole then spits out a extremely powerful cannon of water at Eli. Eli blocks and the water slams him off his pillar. Osmodeus jumps out of the water from under Eli and punches Eli in the back with a metal fist. Eli coughs up blood. The rain clouds in the sky begin forming lightning. The lightning comes crashing down toward Eli. Eli quickly disappears at the last second and reappears on the pillar he was standing on before. The lightning strikes Osmodeus and Osmodeus screams out in pain. Eli digs his fingers into the top of the pillar and breaks off a huge chunk. The lightning stops striking Osmodeus. Eli quickly bashes Osmodeus in the face with the chunk of the pillar. Osmodeus falls into the water. The rain clouds vanish and the sky becomes sunny once again. Eli falls into the water. Osmodeus floats under the water hurt and in pain. Eli takes a deep inhale of the water and yells out a supersonic scream at Osmodeus. The force pushes Osmodeus out of the water and back into the air. Eli jumps up onto the top of the damaged pillar. Osmodeus falls back into the water and swims up to the surface.)

Osmodeus: (Thinking) My sister… You’ve given this kid all your power… but how is he able to control it so well? This kid’s soul must have more power than I though. It’s no wonder you chose him to transfer your soul into once you died… but you must know by now that once this fight is over with, your soul will move on to the next world… You’ll be gone for good… I’m beginning to wonder… Why am I fighting with my very own sister? Why did I want to kill her? Why am I the way I am?

(Eli’s fist surrounds itself in electricity and he throws the electricity at Osmodeus. The lightning hits Osmodeus directly and lets out an extremely powerful discharge around the water.) Osmodeusget’s shocked with full force. Everything turns white. Osmodeus appears in an all-white room. Ming stands before Osmodeus with a smile on her face. Osmodeus covers his face with his palm. His voice is deep but it sounds more gentle and less evil.)

Osmodeus: Don’t look at me. Look away now, sister!

Ming: It’s a shame, brother. You don’t forgive yourself to accept your own face and you don’t trust me enough to reveal it to me.

Osmodeus: Where is this place?

Ming: This is a place where only you and I can go. This world is our subconscious. Our souls are revealed here. Here is where we make our confessions.

Osmodeus: (Stands) I feel cleansed here. It feels like all my evil has suddenly vanished.

Ming: You were never evil, my brother. The SainoChokkan’s power is what possesses you to do evil things. Only by mastering the power can you truly overcome it’s influence of evil. I have mastered it’s power. That is why I am able to carry so much power within me and not have my own body eat itself from the inside out like yours. Your thirst for power is what causes you to become more evil and it blinds you from seeing the way of the light. The real reason why your body is eating away at itself is not because you’ve obtained too much power and your body is trying to kill that power by destroying itself. The reason why your body is destroying itself is because of SainoChokkan. SainoChokkan is alive energy. Its power has a mind of its own and its mind is pure evil. SainoChokkan destroys your body and forces you to go out in the world and obtain more power from people by killing them and taking their souls. By taking their souls, you take their power and their power fuels SainoChokkan and makes it stronger. SainoChokkan destroys your body to force you to fuel it with more power. If you don’t fuel it with more power, it completely destroys every inch of your entire body and eventually your bones. It will continue to eat at you until nothing is left. If you learn to control SainoChokkan, you’ll be able to use its power and cleans its evil.

Osmodeus: Then help me master it! Help me not become evil anymore!

Ming: It’s not that simple. You must learn how to defeat it yourself.

Osmodeus: You know how powerful this thing is; you know I don’t stand a chance against it!

Ming: I know. There is a solution however. You and I can both use soul fusion and attack your SainoChokkan from within your own mind. But even if we attack from inside your mind, it will be able to posses your physical body. The SainoChokkan is a flexible energy that can control multiple vessels at one time. It can fight us inside your mind and at the same time posses your physical body. This means at the same time you and I fight it inside your mind, it will posses your physical body and attack Eli.

Osmodeus: Wait, but since your going to be inside my mind, Eli will no longer have your powers. That means, he’ll be powerless against fighting my physical body once it’s possessed.

Ming: Unless I give Eli the power of my SainoChokkan.

Osmodeus: I don’t think that’ll workout.

Ming: Maybe not… (Thinks for a few seconds) It’s best we not take the chance of things going wrong then. So how about a plan B?

Osmodeus: What do you have in mind?

Ming: We unleash your SainoChokkan and let it completely posses your body.

Osmodeus: Let my power completely take control of me, huh?

Ming: I know you can do it, brother. Eli and I will use our full force to destroy it in the physical world. Once it’s defeated, it’ll go back inside your mind. Once it’s inside your mind it’ll be weakened from the battle. Then you tame the power while its weakened and conquer it’s evil.

Osmodeus: What’s the point of all of this, sister?

Ming: Because Eli was just fighting you to kill you because you were evil, but during the fight, I recognized the true evil within you. If you were to lose your life, your SainoChokkan would posses your body and you would be 10 times more dangerous to the world than you are now.

Osmodeus: This is all just too crazy and complicated to think about.

Ming: It is, but to make things simple, we need to destroy the evil within you, before you die, because if you die before the evil inside you does, that the evil possesses your body and is capable of using it’s full power. And it’s full power will wipe out this world completely.

Osmodeus: So what you’re saying is I’m pretty much the same as that brat Kiyo Nakamoto, right? Cause if he were to ever die, that evil inside of him would posses his body and would be able to end this world.

Ming: Exactly…

Osmodeus: Alright, so let’s…

Ming: (Nervous) Brother!

Osmodeus: I feel funny…

Ming: Darn it, your SainoChokkanheared everything we’ve been saying this entire time! It knows our plan!

(The entire world implodes on itself. Back in the real world, Eli still stands on top of the damaged pillar. He hears Ming’s voice in his head. She‘s panicking the entire time.)

Ming: Eli, we have a huge issue on our hands now!

Eli: Tell me what’s going on, Ming?

(The rain clouds begin to once again form in the sky. Lightning strikes and thunder roars. Osmodeus lets out a deep growl that echoes through the battlefield and shakes the land. His eyes turn gold and a glowing gold aura shines around his entire body. He begins to stand on top of the water. He looks up at Eli.)

Eli: That’s definitely not the same Osmodeus from before!

Ming: No! That’s his evil power, SainoChokkan taking complete control over his body. No wait… it’s fusing with him… It’s becoming one with my brother’s soul.

Eli: What?! Explain to me what’s going on!

Ming: (Panicking) My brother and I both shared the same subconscious and had a short conversation. While we were in that shared subconscious, my brother’s true self was revealed. He’s not evil but this power has been making him evil this entire time. Now the evil has stopped making my brother become evil, and now it’s completely consuming his soul and possessing his body. My brother’s body will no longer be his own and he will be a slave in his own body.

Eli: Alright, granny, so what’s the plan?! How do you suppose we save your brother?!

Ming: Moments ago, you could think of nothing more than to see my brother die for his evil ways; now you wish to save him?

Eli: He’s important to you because he’s your brother. Kiyo’s like a brother to me and I know that if he was ever possessed by evil, I would do all I possibly could to save him, and I would want the people I care about to back me up. I’m thinking of your brother Osmodeus as Kiyo right now, so I’ll do all I can to save your brother from this evil within him.

(Ming smiles for a few seconds and takes a moment to think.)

Ming: Thank you, Eli.

Eli: No problem; now let’s hurry up and do this!

Ming: The only way we’re going to save my brother is if I go into the belly of the beast. I don’t have a physical body so I’m limited to just traveling my soul. I can transfer my soul out of your mind and into my brother’s. Once inside my brother’s mind, I’ll be able to find the real him and defeat the SainoChokkan from the inside. While I’m fighting him inside, you’ll need to fight the SainoChokkan from the outside. Since my soul will be transferred from you, you will no longer have my abilities. You will have to fight it at your own strength and you’ll have to do it alone.

Eli: (Grins) Kiyo wouldn’t want it any other way. I’m down for whatever is the most challenging.

Ming: Ok, let’s do this!

Eli: Wait! Maybe I should take this guy out from the inside!

Ming: You don’t understand the power of SainoChokkan.

Eli: Did you forget I came from the same clan as both you and Osmo? The SainoChokkan is my Bloodline Trait ability!

Ming: But you’ve never used it before.

Eli: Then I guess it’s time I do. Transfer my soul into his body and I will attack from the inside and save your brother’s soul!

Ming: I’m not going to argue with you. I will transfer your soul immediately, but whatever you do, don’t get consumed by the darkness; you’re too special of a kid.

Eli: I’m making a promise to everyone I love right now- I WILL NOT FAIL! Now hurry up and transfer my soul!

Ming: Right!

(Ming makes eye contact with Osmodeus and Eli’s soul is transferred into his body in an instant. The room glows dim with dark red. The ground is filled with 4 inches of reflective liquid. Eli and Osmodeus stand face-to-face in front of one another. Osmodeus continues to cover his face with his hand.)

Osmodeus: You made a mistake by coming here, boy.

Eli: What can I say; I’m attracted to danger.

Osmodeus: You’ve come here to save my soul, is that it? Sorry for the disappointment but my soul is not worth saving; my face is not worth seeing.

Eli: You’re not an evil person. Your power only made you think you were evil. Don’t beat yourself up over this, Osmodeus!

Osmodeus: Hmph… (Chuckles and removes hand from face) Please… call me by my birth name…

Eli: I already know who you are; no need to tell me your name.

Osmodeus: Promise to keep this secret.

Eli: I promise, now tell me what I have to do to get you out of here!

Osmodeus: There is no hope for me. Turn back now and leave my soul here to suffer.

Eli: Why are you telling me this?

Osmodeus: Because this is the end of the road for me. I thank you for trying to save my innocence, but it’s time for you to give up. You have no idea how powerful SainoChokkan is. Do not test this power. Get out while you still can.

Eli: Hey… since this is the end of the road for you, how about going out with a bang. Don’t let this evil power consume you; become one with it and unlock your full potential.

Osmodeus: Are you serious right now? You’ll die for sure if I do that.

Eli: I may be a little kid but I can handle myself. Don’t worry about me. So do what you gotta do and become one with this evil power. (Grins)

Osmodeus: Kid, I don’t know what you’re planning, but I have confidence you have a plan.

Eli: (Smiles) Alright then; let’s do this!

(Eli’s soul jumps back into his body instantly.)

Ming: You were maybe gone for 2 seconds; how did you get back here so fast?

Eli: You’re inside my head, so you can read my memories.

(Ming closes her eyes for a few seconds.)

Ming: WHAT! Eli, you didn’t!

Eli: I convinced Osmodeus to accept that evil power of his and become one with it.

Ming: By doing that you’ve killed all chances we had of saving him! What would possess you to do something like that?! Do you want to get yourself killed?!

Eli: I have a plan, grandma Ming; you don’t have to understand it; just have faith in it.

Ming: Kid… (Sighs) You better not mess this up. The fate of the world is in our hands during this battle.

Eli: I know that.

(Jiro, Aiko, and Mizuki are all watching the battle from a floating log about 80 feet away from Eli and Osmodeus.)

Jiro: Eli’s crazy for convincing Osmodeus to combined with his evil power and reach maximum strength.

Aiko: (Smiles) We’re all a little crazy, Jiro. But seriously, you do know why he did that, don’t you?

Jiro: I’m afraid I don’t know.

Aiko: We’re about to see a side to Eli that we’ve never seen before. For once, Eli is going to use his full power during this fight. He’ll have to make the match quick though and end it as soon as possible, if the fight drags on, Eli will be killed.

Jiro: That doesn’t explain why he wanted Osmodeus to reach his full power.

Aiko: For the simple fact that Eli wants to know the limitations of his greatest rival. Eli wants to test Osmodeus’ maximum power right now, so in the future, he’ll know what to expect in the final battle between them. Once this fight is over, Eli will seal Osmodeus away in that necklace he took from Angel. In the future, Osmodeus will be released again, and Eli will be the one to defeat him for good.

Jiro: That’s one crazy kid.

Aiko: (Smiles) But he is brave.

Osmodeus: No more fooling around with you kid! I’ll end you here!

(Eli powers down and ends the soul fusion between him and Ming.)

Eli: Sorry, Ming, but this is my fight alone!

(Osmodeus slams his palms together and aims at Eli. A giant golden blast 5 times larger than Osmodeus shoots out at Eli. Eli reaches his hands out forward to try and catch the blast. The blast slams into his hands and continues to push him up into the sky. Eli throws the blast towards the sky as hard as he can and sends it flying miles away. In space the blast can be seen blowing up a half of a planet... or the moon. Osmodeus appears behind Eli. The two of them throw a series of extremely powerful punches and kicks at each other. They continue to attack, block, and dodge each other’s hits. The both of them fall into the water. Osmodeus swims 10 feet under Eli and creates a wormhole underwater which forms a whirlpool. Eli tries to swim away but the current is too strong. Eli gets sucked into the whirlpool. Osmodeus stands on top of the pillar and looks down at Eli being dragged down by the whirlpool. Osmodeus summons a flaming meteor shower and the meteors begin to fall down toward the whirlpool. Eli quickly begins to run so fast that he swims against the current of the whirlpool and slowly make his way up to the top.)


(Osmodeus causes all the flaming meteors to combing into one huge, rapidly moving falling meteor.)


(Eli’s attitude grows extremely fierce.)


(The flaming meteor is as bit as a mountain. 300 times bigger than Eli is. Eli’s body glows with an outline of white energy. He jumps out of the whirlpool jams his fists into the flaming meteor. After 10 seconds of Eli struggling to hold the meteor, both Eli and the meteor disappear in a flash.)

Osmodeus: What?! Where did that kid go!

(In an instant, the meteor reappears and slams into Osmodeus’ body. Eli is on the opposite side with his fists stuck into the meteor. )


(Eli shoots out the meteor and smashes it against Osmodeus. The meteor is seconds away from making impact. Eli instantly teleports and grabs Jiro, Aiko, and Mizuki. He then teleports everyone away. The meteor crushes Osmodeus into the ground and causes a nuclear explosion so massive that the mushroom cloud can be seen from space, the earth shakes, and the oceans around the world begin to form tsunamis from the shockwaves. Eli, Jiro, Aiko, and Mizuki appear back in the desert with the rest of team Kiyo. Eli teleports again. He appears in a wasteland consumed in fire. Osmodeus’s body is nothing more than a torso, a head, and one arm. Eli approaches him and stands over his body.)

Ming: My brother…

Eli: He’s still alive; no worries.

Ming: What now?

Eli: Now, we all move on… Go be with your brother now, Ming.

(Eli puts on a necklace and Both Osmodeus and Ming get sucked into it.)

Eli: Kiyo… I hope I made you proud.


Kiyo: (Thinking) I felt the entire battle from here, Eli, and I must say, I’m quite impressed. (Grins) But you’re still not caught up to me…