Status: active

Kiyo Nakamoto

Kiyo Nakamoto Episode Forty-One: Cabin in the Forest, an Unknown Duo Strikes?

Spirit Beyond Saga

Spirit Guardian Arc

“Chapter Forty-One: Cabin in the Forest, an Unknown Duo Strikes?"

Kiyomi Narrating: A week has passed an interestingly enough, nothing fun has happened on our trip at all. We've been wondering blindly in this forest for days. We're running low on food and supply. Hopefully we find civilization soon, because I seriously need a bath.

(A dagger stabs in front of Kiyomi and she stops in an instant. She closes her journal casually and looks down at where the dagger stabbed. A helpless bunny is pinned down by the tail from the dagger stabbing through it. Aiko jumps out of a tree in excitement.)

Aiko: BULLSEYE! I still got it, baby! My aim is just as sharp as ever!

Eli: I'm sorry, Aiko, but we can't just go around killing innocent animals just because we're hungry.

(Eli and Aiko both walk up to the bunny. Eli pulls the dagger out but the bunny doesn't run away. It instead limps to Eli's feet and begins sniffing at him.)

Aiko: It seems he likes you. You must be a bunny

Eli: No, I'm just sympathetic. Unlike you, Aiko, my aura is bright and shiny. Your aura is dark and mean.

Aiko: (Giggles with enthusiasm) Well I can't help it if I'm psychotic and like to watch things bleed out and suffer AHAHAHA!

(Eli reaches into his bag and gives the bunny a big round piece of bread.)

Eli: There you go little buddy. You take that to your family now and tell them I said they don't have to worry about paying me back. (Smiles)

(The bunny grabs the piece of bread and stares at Eli a few seconds before running off back into the trees.)

Kiyomi: (Sniffs twice and then begins to tear up with joy) Does my nose dare deceive me the scent of this heavenly fragrance?! I recognize that smell anywhere! It's a home-cooked mean! You know what that means right?!

Kiyo: (Excited with drool falling from his face) There's an old lady around here somewhere! Maybe we can take advantage of her kindness and when she lowers her guard we can steal all her food!

Jiro: Sweet! I am so game for that!

Kiyo: Yeah! (Both high five)

Kiyomi: As fun and tempting as that sounds, I'd rather we not stoop to such a low level... at least not yet anyway...

Kiyo: (Begging) Oh, come one, pleeease?!

Kiyomi: You idiots need a parental figure, alright? And that parental figure is me! Now I don't want to take this role cause I too enjoy my immature childish moments, but I am the wisest one here and the one most capable of supporting our group. So with that said-

Eli: Uh, Kiyomi...

Kiyomi: Yes, Elijah?

Eli: They all walked away.

Kiyomi: I can see that now...

(Eli sits in the dirt with his legs crossed.)

Eli: (Smiles) I have nothing better to do, so I'll sit here and listen to you talk all day! You have a sweet voice.

Kiyomi: Thanks, Eli; you're a good kid. I don't see why your parents abandoned you.

Eli: They didn't abandon me. They were killed by Osmodeus. Although he did say he let my mother go...

(The crew stops and sees a beautiful 2 story wooden cabin just sitting on the side of the trail in the forest. A clean clear river streams behind it.)

Kiyo: (Suspicious) Hmmm... It seems pretty suspicious that a house just magically appears in the middle of a forest like this... so therefore! LET'S CHARGE IN THERE BLINDLY AND SEE WHAT'S INSIDE!

Jiro: You idiot; what if it's a trap? You could get yourself killed.

Kiyo: You're right, Jiro; I could end up getting myself killed... MORE OF A REASON TO GO INSIDE!

Eli: (Excited) Hey, you know what would be amazing is if a super smart race of apes lived here in this cabin and they captured us and attempted to cook us alive to have us for dinner!

Kiyo: (Looks at Eli with enthusiasm) That would be so amazing! Getting into trouble is sometimes fun, but the adventure of getting out of trouble is the real fun part! COME, ELIJAH! LET US STIMULATE OUR IDIODIC URGES BY CHARGING IN BLINDLY INTO THE HOME!

Eli: (Salutes) YES, CAPTAIN!

(Kiyo and Eli both run forward 3 feet, and the ground caves in; making the two of them fall into a 17 foot deep pit. Eli smacks his face into the ground then Kiyo lands on Eli's back.)

Kiyo: Thanks for breaking my fall, buddy; you're a pal.

Eli: (In pain) Please just get off me... Your butt is hurting my back.

Angry woman's voice: Who's out there, huh?!

(Kiyomi, Nini, and Jiro stand still not knowing what to do as a tough-looking redhead woman stands 8 feet before them with a curved-bladed sword pointing at them.)

Angry Woman: Who are you trespassers and why are you here?! I do not enjoy small talk so I suggest you choose your words wisely and be quick about making your point. Now again, I wanna know who you are and why you're here.

Jiro: (Boldly stands in front of Kiyomi with a serious attitude) My name is JirotikoIzakuga. Only my friends know me as Jiro.

Angry Woman: You're from the Izakuga clan?! So there are still survivors.

Jiro: What do you know of my clan?

Angry Woman: Not so fast! Only I get to change the subject! Now tell me what your business here is and how you found this place!

Jiro: We're adventurers and we found this place by complete coincidence.

Woman: My fortune today warned me of a duo that would show up claiming something which is supposedly hidden in my house. My fortunes have never been wrong, so of course I know to stay cautious. (Lowers sword) I know you are not the duo because if you were, I would be goner already and plus there are four of you here.

Jiro: If you don't mind, could you please tell me what you know of my clan?

Woman: Please, come inside for some tea.

(All the members of team Kiyo, except for Aiko and Mizuki, are drinking tea at a large wooden table in the beautifully decorated home.)

Kiyomi: You have a nice home here.

Woman: Thank you; I decorated it myself. Most furniture in this house is made from the wood of the trees outside and pelts and heads of the animals I've hunted around these parts. So anyway; we should get back to the point. My name is Loraine and I too was once a part of the Izaguka clan.

Jiro: Really?! So then you and I are like family! Wait... I thought Angel wiped out our clan and erased the memories of those in our clan who were weak?

Lorain: That is indeed untrue. Angel claims herself to be more divine than she actually is. Angel is of course a front. Her actual name is Sephores and she is the Goddess of time. She forced herself into the body of a young girl and used her abilities of time manipulation to fast forward the aging of the little girl's body so she would be in an adult vessel. She did in fact take one of the sacred swords and slaughter all the more powerful members of the clan, but she did not act completely alone on this plan. And by "this plan", I mean the plan to wipe out all clans around the world that were too overpowered- The Second World War. The Nakamoto Clan was the first Clan to be wiped out. The truth is, the Nakamoto Clan was wiped out by a man named Xonox. Xonox of course declared an all-out battle to the death between his team and the entire Nakamoto Clan. In the end, only a few Nakamoto made it out alive and went into hiding. Xonox was the only one to survive on his team, although I do believe that there may be a few members who made it. Anyway, Xonox was the one who came up with the plan to eradicate all the powerful clans in the world so he could claim himself world's strongest. Now I don't entirely know the details, but Xonox made a deal to bring Sephores into this world. The two of them formed a group of powerful rogue fighters who went around the world and defeated all the extremely powerful clans. Sephores claims that it’s all a part of her plan to make sure another world war would not arise. The truth is, Sephores is taking advantage of her power as the time goddess. She has her own agenda and she's excluding Xonox in it.

Kiyo: So you mean to tell me that this Xonox guy is responsible for killing off my clan?! (Smiles eagerly and squeezes fists) This guy would make a perfect opponent for me. I can't wait to meet this guy in battle.

Loraine: You're crazy if you think you have a chance to meet this guy in battle.

Kiyo: (Smiles) Well good thing I'm a crazy kind of guy.

Kiyomi: (Face Palm) Kiyo, how can I be a good big sister and protect you when you're always willingly putting yourself in life-threatening situations?!

Kiyo: (Closes his eyes and smiles big) You're a smart big sister! Eventually you'll figure out that it's almost impossible to stop me from doing stupid things!

(Aiko falls from the roof and softly lands on the middle of the table.)

Loraine: What the-?! Who are you?! Where did you come from?!

Aiko: (Heightened state of caution) Kiyo, we've got company! Two identified visitors!

Kiyo: Identified?

Aiko: Yes, these two men I know very well. Both were assassination targets for Nissassa, but they disappeared off the face of the map. Nissassa never failed a target, except for these two individuals. Nissassa held on to that and never forgave himself for failing. They were both wanted dead for killing a king and robbing his palace. They also raided many, many homes and terrorized many villages.

Jiro: These guys must have some seriously high bounties?

Aiko: The do. But to avoid all complications I say we just kill them now and get it over with! I failed to kill them once before; I will not fail now.

Eli: I thought you just said Nissa failed?

Aiko: What?

Jiro: Forget it. Look, Aiko, It's my job to handle the bounties and earn us some money. I'll handle these two on my own, alright?

Loraine: Those must be the two guys coming for my treasure. We'll hold them off together, alright?

Jiro: No! I appreciate the offer, Loraine, but I've got this.

(Jiro walks out of the cabin along with everyone else behind him. The two men stand wearing black hooded cloaks. One guy is extremely skinny and the other guy is extremely muscular and tall. Jiro stands 20 feet away from the two of them.)

Skinny: Is this not a surprise, Ishiro? This is the group involved with the death of Prince Kaji, Jinrei's gang of thieves, and even a few of the assassins.

Muscular: HEHEHEHEHE! They look like fun! Can I bounce them around until they beg for mercy, Juro?

Juro: Do as you please, Ichiro, just leave some for me.

Jiro: You guys have no remorse.

Juro: We kill first, then ask questions never.

Jiro: (Draws out sword) Just what I like to hear.

Juro: We're only here to retrieve a sacred item, so we'll end this quickly. Ichiro, I'll take pretty boy here and you handle the rest. After we dispose of them, we'll search under the house for the treasure

Ichiro: (Grins) As long as I get to slaughter, I'm all good.

Juro: Alright, pretty boy; you go ahead and make the first move.

Jiro: (Thinking) If this guy's letting me make the first move, he's either extremely confident or he has something up his sleeve. I'll just have to pull out the quickest and most powerful move I have.

(Jiro slashes his sword vertical and a 10 foot high sword shard in the shape of a blade flies at Juro. The blast slams into Juro's body and sinks into the center of his body. Jiro is then shocked to see that his blast is pressing the middle of Juro's body back 30 feet, but the left and right side of his body continues to stand in place.)


Aiko: (Happy) Not only that, but his skin is impenetrable!


Aiko: I wanted it to be a surprise, silly. (Giggles)

(Juro's body snaps back into place and flings the blast back at Jiro. Jiro slams his sword into the blast horizontally to block his face and rival against the blast.)

Eli: Jiro, LOOKOUT?!

Jiro: What?!

(In an instant, Eli is standing on Jiro's shoulders and Jiro's arms begin to shake from the extreme weight of something. Only Jiro's face is seen.)

Jiro: (Struggling) ERGH! ELI! When did you gain so much weight? You're a lot heavier than you look.

(Jiro looks up and sees that Eli is on his shoulders holding the giant Ichiro by his stomach high over his head. He two is shaking.)

Eli: (Struggling) You didn't notice this guy about to belly-flop you into the dirt?!

Jiro: No, I was too busy trying to fight off against this blast which is still pressed up against my sword by the way.

(The blast breaks through Jiro's guard and slams both he and Eli into the two story house. Ichiro falls and slams into the dirt.)

Loraine: MY HOUSE! You idiots destroyed the front of my house!

Kiyo: Hey, it wasn't their fault; give them a break!

Loraine: It was their fault! They chose to fight in front of my house! They should not have chosen to fight in front of my house!

Kiyo: Or maybe your house should not have chosen to be on the battlefield.

(Jiro and Eli both come out of the damaged house.)

Ichiro: Darn, that body slam strategy wasn't enough to take you out I see.

Juro: Ichiro. We don't have time to play around. Let's get that treasure and be outta here.

Ichiro: So we move on to the next level?

Juro: We do.

(Juro takes off his black cloak. He is bald, has pale white skin, and hall over his body you could see almost every single bone in his body and all of his veins sticking out. He ties his cloak around his waist to use them as pants. Ichiro takes his cloak off and uses it to cover his bottom half as well. All that can be seen are his huge muscles and throbbing veins. But his heart can also be seen beating inside his chest. Ichiro has a scythe chained to his back and Juro has a dagger on the back of his pants.)

Eli: Seems, we're in for a rough fight. These guys aren't patient, Jiro, so when we fight them, we must use our most lethal attacks.

Jiro: I'm not gonna argue with you about this, so just do as I say. I want you to go with Loraine and the others.

Eli: What are you talking about?

Jiro: These two guys are here for some kind of treasure. If these guys know where it is, then there is a possibility that others know about it as well. I want you to go with them and leave this battle to me.

Kiyomi: Loraine, maybe we should go get that treasure and hide it or relocate it.

Loraine: Alright then. Will Jiro be fine on his own?

Kiyomi: I'm sure he will be.

Kiyo: As soon as we get the treasure, we're coming back for you, Jiro!

(Kiyo, Loraine, Nini, Kiyomi, and Eli, run inside the house. Jiro is left outside alone.)

Juro: Ichiro, if you see an opportunity to hit this kid with a fatal blow, by all means take it.

Ichiro: Gotcha.

(Juro quickly dashes at Jiro. He pulls out a steel dagger and continues to run at him. Jiro runs forward and slashes at Juro but he quickly ducks and quickly performs a counter and quickly stabs at Jiro; Jiro jumps back a few feet and dodges it but just barely. Juro quickly runs forward and Jiro are slashing at each other and dodging each other's attacks. This goes on for 8 seconds. The two of them then jump away from each other. Juro seems completely calm but Jiro is sweating and seems to be a bit worried about something.)

Jiro: (Thinking) I see why this freak uses a dagger; he's quick. He has some speed on me so with every long-range attack I use with my sword, gives him the opportunity to do a quick dodge and counter attack from close range. Maybe I just gotta not let him get close.

Juro: Enough break! Time to resume our battle.

(Juro dashes at a high speed and instantly gets to Jiro. As he goes in for a stab to the chest, Jiro quickly sharpens his reflexes. He quickly dodges Juro's stab with a spin and sweeps Juro off his feet from behind. As soon as Juro hits the ground, Jiro instantly stabs him in his stomach. Juro seems to be in pain.)

Juro: (Confused) What is this...? Is this pain...?

Jiro: I am from the Izakuga Clan. The sword I possess is an immortal weapon. It can conflict pain or death to those who are even immortal. Your skin may not be penetrable, but this sword still overpowers you and can cut through!

(Ichiro comes out of nowhere and elbows Jiro in the face; making him fly into a tree 25 feet away and cause the tree to fall over.)

Ichiro: Juro, will you be okay?

Juro: (In pain and holding his stomach) I'm fine; just get that kid. I want him killed for what he did to me!

Ichiro: I'll make it happen, Juro.

Jiro: (Stands up) You've damaged my pretty face; for that, you will feel no mercy!

Ichiro: (Equips his axe) GIVE ME YOUR BEST SHOT!

(Jiro swipes a vertical sword blast at Ichiro. Ichiro's axe glows with energy and grows twice as big. He uses only one hand to swing his axe and shatter the blast completely.)

Jiro: EGH! That's a new trick; I've never had that happen before! Let's see how you handle this one, tubby!

(Jiro's sword glows green and he strikes his sword toward Ishiro; firing dozens of tiny energy shards at him. Ichiro amplifies the size of his blade and shields his entire body from all the shards. The shards all bounce off the blade.)

Jiro: (Thinking) Something's not right about this guy's fighting style. It's almost as if I've seen it before! (Cautiously thinking) Wait a minute!

(Jiro ducks and 5 daggers fly over his head from out of the bushes. He swipes a sword blast at the bushes and slices multiple bushes in half. No one seems to be there. Jiro looks in front of him and notices that Ichiro ad Juro are both missing.)

Jiro: Where did they go?! They couldn't have gotten far!

(Kiyo is in front of everyone in a dark underground tunnel. He holds fire in his palm to give off light. Nini, Kiyomi, Eli, and Loraine are right behind him.)

Kiyo: Ok, so this treasure is at the end of this tunnel; are you absolutely sure of this?

Loraine: Yes. This treasure once belonged to a great and powerful clan. It's a shame all the powerful clans of the world were all wiped out by Osmodeus, Angel, and Xonox. The Nakamoto clan was the most difficult to defeat from what I heard.

Kiyomi: (Suspicious) So tell me, Loraine, if that is your real name; how do you know all of this?

Loraine: I know all of this because unlike you, Barbie, I am smart.

Kiyomi: Okay, one thing about me is that I've traveled a lot and I am a history freak. I know quite a lot when it comes to history and its past wars. Now when it comes to everything you told us, either you are lying or you are secretly working with Xonox.

Loraine: (Grins) And if I secretly worked with Xonox, don't you think I would lure you all into a trap and have you captured by the time he arrives?

Kiyomi: Yea, that's exactly what you would do.

Loraine: (Menacing chuckle) And what motive could I possibly have for doing such a thing?

Kiyomi: You knew we were going to be here; your fortune told you, so you came up with a plan to somehow have us all willingly walk into a trap so things would be easier for you and you wouldn't have to fight us to have us captured, cause you know you'd lose.

Loraine: You're close, but not quite on the money. My plan is very simple... I have no plan. I am not some evil witch… anymore. Listen, I was once a member of the Izakuga Clan. I was there about 20 years ago when the massacres began. You wanna know the real, absolute %100 true story behind the massacre?

Eli: (Excited) YEAH, YEAH!

Loraine: Well too bad, cause I don't know it.

Eli: (Disappointed) Aww...

Loraine: I can maybe give you 70 or 80%. Now of course you all know that Angel is the goddess of time, right? This is true. Angel slaughtered the Izakuga clan of the present because of how violent they were and how they planned to take over the world. She murdered only the powerful members of the clan and the weakest members had their memories erased of them remembering ever being a part of the clan. There were a few who scattered the battlefield and escape before the massacre was over. Angel traveled to the future to make sure the world was at peace, but there was a war between two overpowered clans. It was Osmodeus' clan vs the Nakamoto clan. Angel was disappointed by this so in her rage, she decided to end the cycle of war. She recruited Osmodeus and his sister Ming and the three of them went back in time to the present, which the present was 20 years ago. The three of them, then wiped out Osmodeus' clan and every other clan that seemed overpowered. But here's the thing. After Osmodeus' clan was destroyed. Xonox appeared to Angel and helped her recruit her own team to whip out all the other powerful clans. If you wanna know how Xonox met Angel, it's simple. Xonox summoned Angel into the world of the living. He was the one who brought her to our physical world. Xonox and Angel recruited many powerful individuals and destroyed every powerful clan; of course a few survivors remained alive after the genocide was over. Anyway, after the battles were over, Angel decided to take the fate of the world in her own hands. She changed the way the future would play out. So she manipulated the events of time to allow your team to form and become the protectors of this world. So when Kiyo set out on his journey, Angel recruited Rayna to temporarily help manipulate the events of allowing team Kiyo to form. Kaji was defeated and that is when Angel decided to leave your team alone to grow and become stronger so you could all be the protectors of this world and prevent war. But Angel did not predict that her manipulating the timeline so much would cause time itself to alter its future in such a significant way. The Spirit Users now planned to take over the world and start a new war. She recruited Phantom and Osmodeus and they all attacked the Spirit Temple to avoid another war. To make sure that the world would always be at peace, Angel decided to destroy every single person with abilities. So she changed her mind about making Team Kiyo the world's protectors. So you all had to seal her away. It's a good thing you did. Cause now she's going to destroy all of you and cause another war. Everyone with abilities vs her empire. Her Empire is known as the Rogue Empire. Every fighter or adventurer in the world must belong to a guild of some sort. Angel's guild is Rogue Empire, then there's Team Kiyo, Assassin Faction, Kaji Empire, ETC. Now you know Angel's history.

Eli: Wow you're smart. How could you possibly know all of this?

Loraine: See through my deception; learn the truth of my knowledge.

(Kiyo smacks into the wall and falls to the ground.)

Kiyo: (Rubs his head) Ah, how long was that wall there?! Ouch!

Kiyomi: Hey uh, guys... Loraine disappeared.

(Loraine is nowhere to be found.)

Kiyo: (Stands up) Call me crazy but I don't believe that was really Loraine. You forget I have the ability to sense energy. Rayna taught me how. Loraine's energy felt familiar. I feel like I knew her somewhere... or should I say him?!

Eli: Wow, Loraine was one pretty man.

Kiyo: No, his body was disguised to look like a girl; same as those two guys fighting Jiro up on the surface.

Kiyomi: Wait, are you saying someone's putting us in an illusion right now?!

Kiyo: Yes. Someone has us under a mind control right now.

Eli: Ah man! Darn it if I knew how to use the SainoChokkan I could easily see through this illusion. I need to work on learning how to use that.

Kiyomi: When were we put under this hypnosis, Kiyo?!

Kiyo: I'm guessing when we all drunk the tea.

Kiyomi: So Loraine is a real person?

Kiyo: Yes, she is. When Loraine was just explaining history to us, I felt Roukujin's energy. That means our illusion is working against all of our memories combined. Roukujin was supposed to be the wise old man who knew everything about history. So maybe that's why I was feeling Roukujin's energy when Loraine was telling the story. Roukujin was just a simulation physically manifested and meant to trick our perception into thinking we were talking to Loraine this entire time.

Eli: Ok, so how do we get out of here?

Kiyomi: Wait a minute, Aiko never drunk the tea. Aiko remained hidden in the bushes when we all went inside the cabin to drink the tea. That explains why she's not here right now.

Kiyo: But what about those two guys fighting Jiro? Those two guys formed from someone's memory. If it wasn't Aiko's memory, than who's? Also, didn’t Aiko explain who those two guys were? If she didn’t drink the tea, how was she able to explain all of this?

Kiyomi: Well those two guys didn’t come from my memories.

Eli: Mine either.

Kiyo: Look, for now, let's just hope that Aiko can help us get out of here.

(Back in the cabin, everyone is passed out in Loraine's kitchen, except for Aiko. Loraine stands over their bodies searching everyone's back packs.)

Loraine: As long as these idiots are in their little dream world, I can easily, rob them of their possessions. (Happy) Ooh, my daughter is going to be so happy once I give her the legendary Izakuga sword! Let’s see… This is which half? Yi-

(A dagger comes out of nowhere and stabs the floor next to Loraine. She quickly falls back in startle. Aiko stands behind her.)

Aiko: (Evil attitude) You lay one more paw on my friends and you'll be missing a hand.

Loraine: (Smiles) Yeah right! Like I have a reason to be scared of you! (Stands up angry with a smiling grin) I am a former member of Izaguka; I will slice you in half before you could even draw your blade!

(Aiko's eyes turn dark blood-red and her skin turns pale and purple. Her black hair turns even darker and her mood becomes very dark and evil.)

Loraine: Well... this is unexpected... What are you? Are a vampire?!

Aiko: (Exhilarated in suspense) I told everyone I had a darkside to me, but I just never let it out... This dark feeling is so exhilarating...!

(Aiko screams at the top of her lungs for no reason. While she screams, Loraine quickly runs into the back room and slams the door and as soon as she turns around, Aiko grabs her face and lifts her up against the door. Loraine ties to scream out in fear and pull Aiko's hand off her, but Aiko is too strong for her.)

Aiko: Look into my eyes. Look deep into the soul of the one about to end your life...

(Loraine looks into Aiko's cold eyes and freezes with fear. Her body goes into shock and is completely still.)

Aiko: You're not even worth killing. I pity you... You have no courage at all... But I'm still going to kill just for the fun of it. Just cause I'm cold and... because of love the sight of blood showering from a live human being. (Smiles and shivers) mgh... it's... it's so beautiful! HOW SHOULD I CUT YOU OPEN?! WHERE SHOULD I START?! (LAUGHS MENACINGLY)

(Aiko hears a door close and instantly goes quiet.)

Female voice: I'm home from my trip, mom! Mom...?

(Aiko runs out into the main room and faces a young blonde girl. She seems to show no fear at all and she stands her ground.)

Female: (Courageous) Who are you?! Are you a vampire?!

Aiko: (Grins) So you're the daughter?

Female: You're definitely not a vampire, but then what are you?

Aiko: It doesn't matter. Just know that you and your mother are going to die by my hands!

Female: (Smiles with confidence) I may not have any special super powers, but I am not afraid to fight for what I love and what I believe in. Come on! I'll fight you with my bare hands if I have to, cause I have too much to live for! I'm not yet ready to die! (Raises her fists)

Aiko: You have a brave heart I see...

Female: (Cracks a smile) Hmph Buffy's the name. If I don't make it out of this battle alive, be sure to spread all around the world my name. I want women all around the world to remember me when they're feeling discouraged. I want them all to know that dying fighting for your dream, is better than dying a coward; afraid to pursuit your true happiness! So bring it on! I'll fight you to the death! I wish to be a historical woman, and I will fight for what I desire!

Aiko: Quit being so dramatic. (Aiko's eyes turn brown again) I'm not going to fight you. Your mother drugged my friends and now they won't wake up! My dark side only came out cause it was over protective of them.

Female: My mother is known for doing that to travelers. She has the ability to see into the future. Unfortunately, my body rejected my foresight ability, so I'm left powerless. When my mother foresees travelers, she sometimes puts them under an illusion from this exotic type of flower that grows around here. Then she steals whatever valuables she can from them. She doesn't mean any harm; she's just crazy. She suffers from split personality and on rare occasions, bipolar symptoms.

Aiko: (Aiko's body completely goes back to normal) I see... Well I apologize for almost killing your mother. (Looks down at the floor) I feel so bad now. I've never felt bad about a kill before.

Buffy: It's okay. I can't say I never expected this to happen; I'm just glad I was here to help save her before she got herself killed by you.

Hours later

(It is now sunset. All members of team Kiyo are standing outside the front door of the cabin. Loraine and Buffy stand in front of them.)

Loraine: I really am deeply sorry for what I did to you all.

Aiko: (Happy) And I'm sorry for almost turning you into a mental vegetable!

Loraine: Right... so... no harm done?

Jiro: I still look pretty so no harm done here.

Kiyomi: (Bows down) We are all forgiving. All is well; no harm done.

Lorain: (Bows down) Thank you for your sincere forgiveness.

Kiyo: Well... goodbye!

(Team Kiyo walks away and Eli whispers to Kiyo as they turn around.)

Eli: It's sunset; why don't we just stay the night in the cabin where it's nice and warm?

Kiyo: (Whispers) Are you serious? I never wanna fall asleep around those crazies again.

Loraine: Buffy.

Buffy: Yes, mother?

Loraine: You've always wanted to be an adventurer. You want to be famous and known throughout the world.

Buffy: I know, mom, but hiking through the forest is satisfying enough for me. Plus, I gotta be here to take care of you. This is a dangerous forest to live in, mom. And there are no neighbors around. What happens when you get hurt, or you need to go out and get more supplies for food, or what if you come down with another illness or...

Loeraine: Shhhh. (Hugs Buffy) I'm not arguing with you about this. It's time for you to begin your journey in life and fulfil your dream.

(The two of them put much love into their hug for one another.)

Buffy: (Saddened) Mom, promise me you'll be okay…

Loraine: Go, sweetie; I'll be fine.

(The two of them stop hugging and Buffy runs 20 feet to catch up to Kiyo's group. They all stop and look at her.)

Buffy: (Smiles) My mother insisted, that I go with you guys on your journey! So what do you say?!

Kiyo: (Cracks a smile) Life is unpredictable... Always enjoy it as much as you can.

(Buffy offers Kiyo a handshake.)

Buffy: (Chuckles and smiles) So what do you say?! Am I in?!

(Kiyo hugs her passionately.)

Kiyo: We would be more than happy to have you join us on our quest. You are like family now.

Buffy: (Unsure of how to feel) Uh... thanks... Let me just pack my bags...

(Kiyo continues to hold on to her.)

Buffy: As... soon as... you let go... (Tries to push him off but he continues to hug her none stop)

(Aiko is sitting down on the porch behind Loraine with a serious attitude.)

Aiko: So you haven't told her yet?

Buffy: My daughter loves me too much. If I told her about me seeing the future of my own death tomorrow, she would want to stay beside me and help me fight and die by my side. I'd rather have her grieve my death and accomplish her goals in life, than for her life to end short and have her die with me. I only wish I could have given her one last goodbye gift before I left- something that would make her smile and be happy for a really long time. Something that she would always have to remember that she's always loved.

Aiko: You already have. You've given her us. Look over and see how her face lights up like a star. She's happy, she's laughing and smiling. We're all pretty much orphans with no parents or no family, so we formed a family of our own. We'll make sure Buffy is always loved. We will take care of her.

(Aiko stands up and puts her hand on the back Loraine's shoulder.)

Aiko: You've given her the first steps to fulfilling her dreams, you've given her friends, you've given her love, and you've given her life. These will forever be within your daughter. You've given her a great goodbye gift.

(Loraine turns around to face Aiko, but she seems to have disappeared. Loraine takes one last look at her daughter's glowing face before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.)


Kiyomi Narrating: Who were those two losers back there?

Jiro: You mean you and your brother? (Chuckles)

(Kiyomi does not find this joke amusing. Jiro nervously walks away.)

Kiyomi: Anyway, Buffy seems like the type of character who’ll cause some trouble and most likely Loraine will have no choice but to step in and save her. (Laughs) I’m just hippo-thighsing is all. (Laughs) Comment and let us know what you think of Buffy and Loraine’s characters so far. Tootles! (Friendly smiles) JIRO! YOU’RE NOT GETTING AWAY WITH THAT COMMENT OF YOURS EARLIER!

Jiro: Oh what are you gonna do throw wind at me. (Sticks his tongue out at her)

(Kiyomi chases after Jiro and he laughs as he runs away.)