Status: active

Kiyo Nakamoto

Kiyo Nakamoto Episode Seven: Tale of the Gems, Tale of Cursed Blood, Camp Setup (Past Tale Arc)

(Kiyo, Kiyomi, and Eli are walking on a dirt road with trees surrounding them. Kiyomi is staring at the map as she walks, Eli is chasing a butterfly, and Kiyo is exhausted and tired from hunger. He walks alongside Kiyomi as he complains.)

Kiyo: Ugh, I'm so hungry! When do we get to the next town? (Slouches while he walks)

Kiyomi: We're surrounded by forest, Kiyo. I'm sure you can find yourself a berry bush or something.

Kiyo: (Puts his face in Kiyomi's face and freaks her out.) I am a man with a big mouth! Do you think berries will be enough for me! I will starve out here. My hunger will eventually turn me into a salvage; a wolf hungry for its prey!

Kiyomi: (Closes one eye and wipes spit off her face with her shirt) I'm guessing you didn't brush today?

Kiyo: (Slouches again) Yeah, well neither did you; So ha.

Kiyomi: Hey, I've been busy getting us supplies for our journey. You and Eli are not exactly the most helpful of our little group. By the way, what should our group name be. Almost every fighter in the world belongs to a group. So what's ours?

Kiyo: (A light bulb lights above his head.) I've got it!

Kiyomi: (Pretending to be interested) You do, huh?

Kiyo: The Kiyo Trio!

Kiyomi: (Laughs) Honestly, Kiyo. Our enemies would die of laughter before we even began to fight.

Kiyo: But it's a good name though?

Kiyomi: (Stops laughing but smiles) No, Kiyo, it's a terrible name.

Kiyo: How about Pyromaniacs?

Kiyomi: That name is already taken, and if they find out we stole their name, they'll kill us. The Pyromaniacs are one of the most powerful empires in this world.

Kiyo: I see... Well I can't wait to fight these guys!

Kiyomi: (Sighs) I swear, Kiyo, you can really be dumb at times.

Kiyo: Sorry, I get like this when I'm hungry. Ugh... So hungry...

(Kiyo waddles like a snake and slams his face into the ground. He drags his face while he walks.)

Kiyomi: I swear, you're such a drama queen.

(Eli is randomly sitting on Kiyo's back while his face is in the dirt.)

Eli: How about the fearsome threesome? We're fearsome, aren't we?

Kiyomi: We need a unique name. A name that no one would ever think of.

Kiyo: Team Kiyo!

Kiyomi: Why does every name have to revolve around you, Kiyo?

Kiyo: Cause my name is awesome. And plus, I'm the leader.

(Kiyo stands up and Eli falls to the ground and hits his face.)

Kiyomi: Oh really? And what makes you the leader? I have better leading skills than you!

Kiyo: So what? I'll just work on mine until they're better than yours!

Kiyomi: (Everyone stops walking after Kiyomi does) Alright then, "leader". What do you suggest we do now? I've been looking at the map, and it's not making any sense. It hasn't been updated. So what do you suppose our next action be?

(Kiyo sits on the ground and crosses his legs. He closes his eyes and crosses his arms as he seriously thinks.)

Kiyo: Hmmm...

(Lightning begins to roar. Kiyomi and Eli look up at the sky. Kiyo opens his eyes.)

Kiyomi: Rain clouds. It's going to rain soon. Come on "leader", tell us what to do.

Kiyo: (Serious) We need to go into the forest and make camp. You said the map doesn't make sense, so there's no use in wondering in a direction that's unknown to us. We have no clue where we're going, so we need to find someway of figuring out the map. Eli is good with maps, so he'll figure it out. I want you to find us a camp and set it up. I'll go search for food in the forest.

Kiyomi: Right.

Eli: (Solutes) Yes, sir!

Kiyo: Now, Kiyomi, when you choose a spot for us to rest, make sure it's some distance away from the trail. We don't want anyone robbing us while we're sleeping.

Kiyomi: (Nods head) Okay, Will do.

Kiyo: Good.

Elijah: (Ecstatic) Then after we finish with camp, can we tell stories!

Kiyo: Stories? For what?

Elijah: Well, I'd like to know about the Gem of Croy, and I want to know about people with cursed blood. Where did these things come from?

Kiyo: (Smiles) I'll only tell my stories, if Kiyomi tells us her story.

Kiyomi: What?! No, Kiyo. I told you already, that I didn't wanna talk about that.

Kiyo: Come on we're all dying to know.

Eli: What are we talking about here?

Kiyomi: My foolish brother, Kiyo, wants me to tell the story about the day I left. When Phantom killed our parents, Rayna saved both me and Kiyo. But I was somewhere else when Phantom attacked me. After Rayna saved me from Phantom, I was suppose to train with her and Kiyo. But I left instead. I left to be with Kaji...

Eli: (Surprised) No way! Seriously?!

Kiyomi: Yes, Eli. I'll tell my story later. Raindrops are beginning to fall, so let's get to work.

Eli: Right! (Dashes into the forest with the speed of sound)

Kiyo: Does he not know that he's suppose to be looking at the map?

Kiyomi: Apparently not.

(Minutes later, Kiyomi is standing in a very shady spot. She looks up and sees that the trees surrounding her have so many leaves, that they block out the sunlight.)

Kiyomi: (Thinking) Great! This is a perfect spot. The rain won't be able to splash us here. (Looks at her surroundings to make sure no one's around.) Alright, good. There doesn't seem to be anyone around. Okay, here we go.

(Kiyomi begins to slightly sweat. She pulls a glowing white sphere out of her pouch.)

Kiyomi: Release!

(The small sphere pops open and a large amount of smoke comes out. Mizuki is standing in Kiyomi's hand. He's extremely happy to see her, and he's flapping his wings in the air.)

Kiyomi: (To Mizuki) Mizuki... I'm happy to see you too, but your claws are in my hand, and it's kind of uncomfortable; if you know what I mean.

(Mizuki jumps on Kiyomi's shoulder.)

Kiyomi: Thanks, buddy. (Smiles and pets Mizuki) Oh, I almost forgot why I called you here. Well you see, Mizuki... (Twiddling fingers with embarrassment) I don't quit know how to set up camp. I lived in a giant mansion, the past ten years of my lfe. I'm not entirely sure about how to survive in nature.

(Mizuki chirps three times.)

Kiyomi: I see, so you don't know either. Oh well, I guess I'll think of something. While you're here, maybe we could figure something out together.

(Mizuki chirps three times.)

Kiyomi: (Smiles) Hey, yeah! We can just use our sleeping bags. In that case, all I have to do is get some supplies for traps, and I need firewood. Wanna help me out?

(Mizuki is excited to help.)

[Later that night]

(The rain is falling down hard, but not a drop of rain is anywhere near the camp.Everyone is gathered around the campfire in their sleeping bags. They're all eating nuts and marshmallows. Mizuki is standing on Kiyomi's head. Eli is calmly eating nuts, and Kiyo is holding a marshmallow in his hand, while it slowly warms up.)

Kiyomi: I swear, you can be such a showoff sometimes, Kiyo.

Kiyo: You're just jealous because you can't warm your marshmallows up with your hands.

Kiyomi: Hows about I warm your head with my fist?

Kiyo: Calm down, we're all enjoying this time together, aren't we, Eli?

Eli: (A tiny bit sad) Well... I'm just a little sad that I can't have any marshmallows.

Kiyomi: After what happened last time, you don't get anymore sweets.

Eli: (Smiles and scratches head) Come on, you guys. All I did was eat all the candy in the store, put myself in a sugar coma, and destroy a few buildings and parks by accident.

Kiyo: We just don't want anymore "accidents" to occur.

Eli: (Looks down) Fine...

Kiyomi: (Feeling bad) Aww... Did anyone ever tell you how cute you look when you're sad?

Eli: (Blushes) Yes, actually, I get that a lot.

Kiyo: Ok you two, enough. So then we each have a story to tell, right?

Eli: Yes!

Kiyo: Okay, so my story is really short. Basically it's about cursed blood and the Gem of Croy.

Kiyo Narrating: They say that long ago, there was a great war. A war between two of the most powerful groups of fighters. These two clans that were at war with each other, were once one clan, but some chose the path of good, and some chose the path of evil. This clan then split into two separate clans. One of good; one of evil. These two clans we the most powerful in the world, so when they were at war, other clans did not get involved. The war between the two clans was so devastating, that the earth itself began to slowly die. Innocent families and animals were all killed because of this war. Eventually, the other clans of the world had no choice but to come together to fight off the evil tribe. The evil tribe knew they couldn't win. Unless they created something that would amplify their power. The leader of the evil tribe and the leader of the good tribe, were both equally capable of destroying the world single-handedly. The evil leader created the Gem of Croy. However, it required a sacrifice before its power could be used. Croy was the name of the evil leader. After years and years of war, Croy decided to end it, and so did the leader of the good clan. Her name was Luna. Luna and Croy secretly made a truce. Luna was able to seal Croy in the Gem of Croy. Luna was creating a gem of her own, so Croy was able to seal Luna inside of her Gem. The two of them mixed their powers and sealed each other in the Gem of Croy and the Lunar Gem. The Gem of Luna disappeared into the sky. It is unknown what it does, or where it is. The Gem of Croy, however, was found. The ones who found it, used its power to learn the knowledge of the two gems and pass the tale. A wish was made for the war to end. The evil tribe completely vanished. The second great war was over. But the members of the good tribe, decided to get rid of the Gem of Croy, to prevent its evil from ever being unleashed. They hid the gem in the center of the Earth. No one can get to it. The Gem of Luna is unknown. Some say it lies on the moon. Some say, it's hidden in the ocean. But no one knows for sure. One more thing I forgot to mention... Croy's soul and Luna's soul, are not in the Gems, but in two different living humans. These people don't know that the souls are in their bodies. But if they ever knew, they'd have enough power to end the world.

Eli: So this happened how long ago?

Kiyo: This happened about a thousand years ago.

Eli: So then, after the person dies, what happens to Croy and Luna's soul?

Kiyo: The souls jump into another unborn body. They just keep doing that forever.

Eli: What if you and Kiyomi had these two souls inside of you?

Kiyo: That can't be. Some of us who have cursed blood, are given two abilities. I only know of four people who have multiple. There's me, Kiyomi, Rayna, and Osmodeus. Those who have multiple cursed blood abilities, are usually given separate personalities of good and evil. The evil is always stronger than the good, but we have to learn to overcome our evil side.

Eli: Maybe Osmo has the soul inside him?

Kiyo: That can't be either. Osmo seems to have a random set of abilities. The souls of Croy and Luna only had one power each.

Eli: So I wonder who has the souls living inside them now.

Kiyo: Honestly, I'm not sure we'll ever know.

Eli: Hey, you said you didn't know what happened to the evil. A wish was made on the Gem of Croy and the evil clan vanished. What if the evil lives inside you, Kiyomi, Rayna, and Osmodeus? Maybe that's why you have evil sides!

Kiyo: Like I said before, Eli, It's only natural for us to have an evil and good side. It's something that only happens to those with cursed blood, who have more than one ability.

Eli: Oh yeah... So what about Cursed blood; Where does that come from?

Kiyo: I'm sure Kiyomi can tell you.

Kiyomi: What?! Why me?!

Kiyo: Because We're out of time. Now we sleep.

Kiyomi: What?!

Eli: Wait, We're not out of time; we're only half way through the night.

Kiyo: (Pouts) Alright fine, whatever. I just don't feel like talking anymore. Is that so wrong?

Kiyomi: (Sighs) Kiyo... You can't just do stuff like that!

Kiyo: Well I just did.

Kiyomi: Just tell the story and eat your nuts. Hey, by the way, where did you get these nuts anyway? Mizuki and I search all over the forest, looking for supplies. We haven't seen any bushes or trees with nuts on them.

Kiyo: (Scratches head and gets nervous.) Well let's just say, I made a lot of squirrels unhappy. Huh?

(Kiyo looks into the dark forest and sees hundreds of glowing red eyes watching him in hatred. Kiyo begins to shiver at the site of this army of enraged Squirrels.)

Kiyomi: (Smiles and closes eyes) Aww, look at the cute little squirrels. I want one. I know! We can call him Acorn.

Kiyo: Anyway, back to the story. So you want me to explain the origin of cursed blood... (Scratches head) That's a real head-scratcher... Hmm let's see... Wear to begin...

Kiyo Narrating: The world was always filled with peace. Neighbors were not considered Neighbors; but family. Even travelers were considered family. Everyone in the world lived peacefully amongst each other. After thousands of years of peace, some felt that the world should change. Some felt that the true limits of humans should be reached. A small group decided to change the way of peace. A small group of nine, became the first to choose to do evil deeds. These 9 evil men, caused as much evil as possible. By doing so, evil was introduced to the world. The evil granted these 9 great power for awakening it.

Eli: You mean awakening the true form of evil itself?

Kiyo: Yes. These 9 were given great power, but there was a sacrifice. Whenever the power is given to them, they're destined to go to the underworld after death. This is where the name Cursed Blood came from. Anyone with cursed blood automatically goes to the underworld. It doesn't matter how pure-hearted or kind we are. Our fates are sealed...

(The camp grows with silent depression. The heavy raindrops let off a distinct sound of sorrow.)

Kiyomi: It's very depressing to think about... You're lucky you don't have the same fate as we do, Eli. You have no idea how lucky...

Eli: (Looks down in sadness) I'm sure that's not true... Maybe there's something you can do to change your fate.

Kiyomi: I'm afraid not, Eli.

Eli: (Yells) Well I don't believe you, Kiyomi! The two of you were born with cursed blood! How is it possible that you're born destined to go to hell! Do you have any idea how messed up that sounds; How cruel!

Kiyomi: (Yells back) There's nothing we can do, Eli! This is how we were born! We cannot change what we were born into!

Eli: Well, I'm not giving up... Kiyo, you have a wish to make on the Gem of Croy. Well so do I. My wish, is to free everyone with cursed blood, of the fate they've been given. If you're pure, than you shouldn't have to go to hell. You said the power was limitless. I am sure this wish can be granted.

Kiyomi: But I thought your wish was to bring Grandma Ming back?

Eli: (Depressed) Yeah, it was... But sometimes... Sacrifices must be made.

(5 seconds of silents. The only sound that can be heard, comes from the heavy rain, hitting the leaves of the surrounding trees.)

Eli: Kiyo. Finish the story. What happened after the 9 cursed blood warriors were given power?

Kiyo: Right...

Kiyo Narrating: The 9 cursed blood warriors displayed their strength upon the people. They destroyed homes and killed people for joy. The world was always filled with peace, so weapons didn't exist. Neither did fighting back or war. Those who were weak, decided to used cursed blood powers to fight back. But doing so would only create more evil in the world. The people of the world knew that there were evil spirits. So they figured, good spirits also exist. They did all they could to talk to the spirits of grace and kindness. 9 woman figured out how to communicate with the spirits. The only way the good spirits could be brought into the world, was through life. Something beautiful and something that was a miracle. They had to give birth to the spirits of peace. Each were virgins who had given birth. The spirits were born. As years went by, the 9 spirits gave the people guidance on how to live their lives. It was a very long trial for the world. But in the end, the evil captured the 9 spirits. By the time this happened, the 9 spirits were grown men, and the evil greatly increased in numbers. From 9, to hundreds. The 9 spirits were tortured. The type of torture is unexplainable. But they did not fight back. Even though they had the power to. Evil has been unleashed. Therefore there was no way to return it. The 9 spirits, were sacrificed. And they gave their power to the people of the world. The people then fought with the evil. Time went on, and eventually the evil forces were killed. But of course, the evil came back. People were always different and had different opinions on different things. This diversity eventually brought back evil. And that's why there are good people and bad people in this world. Now when the 9 spirits were sacrificed and gave their power to the people, each family was given a different power. This is called a Bloodline Trait. Everyone in the world has a bloodline trait, but most do not unlock their hidden power.

Eli: That's all very complicated. But very powerful when you think about it.

Kiyo: Just know that history is always confusing.

Eli: (Smiles) Right!

Kiyo: Alright, I'm done with my stories. Now it's Kiyomi's turn!

Kiyomi: Uh... I'm sleeping!

(Kiyomi slams her face into the pillow.)

Kiyo: (Grins) We know you're not really sleeping, because you snore when you do.

Kiyomi: (Quickly puts her head up and gets nervous) What?! No, you're lying! I do not snore!

Eli: Actually...

Kiyomi: SHUT UP, ELI! I do not snore!

Kiyo: Okay, if you say so...

Kiyomi: Leave me alone! (Slams face into pillow again.)

Kiyo: So, do you have a story, Eli?

Eli: Well I know the story about spiritual partners. You know, like animals; Like the one Kiyomi has. Now that I've heard your stories, it makes more sense.

Kiyomi: (Face still in pillow) I guess I'll tell my story first and get it over with.

Eli: (Smiles) No, it's fine. I wanna go!

Kiyomi: Whatever.

Eli: Alright! I'm so excited! Now my story will be a lot shorter.

Kiyomi: Okay...

Kiyo: So, these squirrels are really starting to freak me out. How do I make them go away?

Eli: (Laughs) You're funny, Kiyo!

Kiyo: I'm being serious here! (Sighs) I've got it! How would you squirrels like to join us here in camp?

Eli: They still look mad.

Kiyo: Okay, then... So let's... Just ignore them I guess... (Hides in Sleeping bag)

Eli: How about asking them how you can make things right?!

Kiyo: I don't speak squirrel.

Eli: But Mizuki does. And I'm sure Kiyomi can translate. Hows about it, Mizuki?!

(Mizuki is excited.)

Kiyomi: I guess.

Eli: Your face has been in that pillow for quite awhile. Can you breath okay?

Kiyomi: I can use my Wind Kotoda to create my own air, in my lungs.

Eli: THAT'S SO AWESOME! Does that mean you can breath underwater?!

Kiyomi: Yes, Eli, it means I can breath underwater.

Kiyo: Now, you tell your story, Eli.

Kiyomi: No, I want to. (Takes face out of pillow) I'll tell you about why I left you after our parents died. It's time you learned the truth.