Status: active

Kiyo Nakamoto

Kiyo Nakamoto Episode Eight: Kiyomi's Past Tale (Past Tale Arc)

(It is a beautiful bright morning. Birds are chirping and flowers are blooming. Kiyomi is only 8 years old. She walks downstairs silently to sneak up on her parents, Adam and Lillian. She hides behind the wall by the kitchen, but overhears the conversation her parents are having. The two of them are talking at the kitchen table.)

Lillian:This isn't right, Adam. Kiyo and Kiyomi are going to die. We need to get out of here while we still have the chance.

Adam: I know you love them, Lillian; I love them too. But don't forget why they were given to us.

Lillian: What's going to happen to Kiyo and Kiyomi's real parents?

Adam: They'll present themselves when the time is right. Don't forget about their father's cursed blood power.

Lillian: So then we posed as Kiyo and Kiyomi's parents for 8 years, just for this moment; Just to be scapegoats.

Adam: Just know that we're being used for a better cause. Everyone thinks the two of us are Kiyo and Kiyomi's real parents. If we're killed by Phantom, everyone will think that their real parents are dead.

Lillian: I know that already. But I was just hoping to have more time with them before we died.

(Adam passionately hugs Lillian. He gently rubs her long brown hair.)

Adam: (No emotional expression on his face) Everything's going to be fine, Honey, I promise. I promise Kiyo and Kiyomi will live on. But you need to be strong right now. There are more important things (Stops hugging).


(Kiyo is shocked about what he's just learned. Eli stays silent. Kiyomi is sad.)

Kiyo: (Fist begins to shake) You mean to tell me that my life's ambition is based on a lie? Everything I worked so hard for was all a lie!

Kiyomi: This is why I didn't want to tell you, Kiyo. I'm really trying to be a good sister. I just wanted to protect you and your feelings.

Kiyo: (Holds anger back) Just continue the story.

(Eli puts his hand on Kiyo's shoulder and gives him a big smile. Kiyo looks at Eli for a few seconds, then looks down, with an angry face.)


(Kiyomi runs into the kitchen in a panic.)

Kiyomi: Did you just say, you're not my real parents?! How could you do this to us?! KIYO!

(Adam quickly appears behind her. Kiyomi is frozen with fear.)

Adam: I wouldn't get your brother involved if I were you.

Kiyomi: (Eyes begin to tear) Why would you do this? We trusted you, and you turned your backs on us.

Lillian: (Slowly walks up to Kiyomi and says in sweet voice) We love you, Kiyomi. Your father and I always will.

Kiyomi: Stay away from me!

Adam: Keep your voice down.

Kiyomi: You're not my father; I don't have to listen to you.

(Lillian kneels down in front of Kiyomi.)

Lillian: You need to calm down, Kiyomi.

Adam: As long as you're a good girl, we'll tell you the truth about your parents.

Lillian: But you have to promise not to tell Kiyo. His mind is different from yours and he might take it a different way.

Adam: It's for his own good that he does not know the truth.

Kiyomi: How do I keep this secret; This is big?

Lillian: I'm sure you'll find a way.

Adam: Have you discovered your cursed blood ability?

Kiyomi: Uhm...

Lillian: Is there anything strange you can do?

Kiyomi: Well... I can control the air. Is that what you mean?

Lillian: What else can you do?

Kiyomi: I can make my own air.

Adam: I see... (Stand up and walks into kitchen) So you're already at level 2. When did you discover this?

Kiyomi: Last week.

Lillian: Adam, she's already at level 2... Someone at her age should be struggling to control her level 1 abilities.

Kiyomi: I can also make this white ball, but when I do, I get tired and fall asleep.

Lillian: (Surprised) She's talking about a level 4 technique, Adam!

Adam: It's impossible that she can do that.

Lillian: Everyone I know with cursed blood, reached level four after 20 or 30 years.

Adam: What should we do now?

Lillian: There's nothing we can do. Phantom will be here tonight. Kiyomi, Promise me you won't ever use your powers unless you have to. They must remain secret.

Adam: Leave her alone, Lillian; I'm sure she'll be fine.

Kiyomi: Can I go into town now, please? I forgot to get milk yesterday, and I need to go for a walk.

Lillian: Sure. I'll get you some money.

(Kiyomi is walking through the forest. The town is only a 5 minute walk from her house. She's 3 minutes away. She's walking through the forest, until she hears a man and a woman talking. The woman is in a light blue Kimono, with white flower symbols on it, and a golden datejime. She has really long beautiful brown hair and two katana swords on her back. She has a very beautiful face. The man she's talking to is Phantom. The woman shows no sign of emotions.)

Phantom: You go by the name Angel?

Angel: Angel is but an alias; used to conceal my true name and avoid squabbles of those who know my reputation. A challenge is presented to me very often. No one has ever come close to shedding my blood. My skills are far too great.

Phantom: If you're skills are so great, why not assassinate this family yourself?

Angel: My skills are far too great, to be wasted on a task such as this. Also, your powers intrigue me. I am the head of one of the most powerful organization in the world. Our current goal is to kill the Nakamoto clan. The family hides in plain sight. The problem is identifying them, and ending their lives. Members of the Nakamoto clan are extremely powerful. They're capable of bringing about a new war. The power they posses can forever disrupt the peace of this world and alter our way of living. They all must die.

Phantom: Who else is apart of your group?

Angel: I will tell you of one member. He's extremely powerful, but my skills are greatly superior to his.

Phantom: So what's this guy's name?

Angel: Osmodeus... His power is unmatchable to anyone. I do not have cursed blood, or a bloodline trait. But my physical body is extremely powerful. I was born this way. While still in my mother's fetus, my body somehow formed itself in a very different way. I may look human, but my body is amplified from that of a normal human being. I am capable of destroying a pack of 200 rhino without being touched. I've done this many times.

Phantom: Right... Well whatever. I didn't ask for your whole life story, lady.

Angel: My apologies, Phantom.

Phantom: Yeah, whatever. So listen, where is Osmodeus? I've heard so much about this guy. Meeting him will surely be entertaining.

Angel: He is standing by the tree behind you.

(Phantom turns around, but sees nothing.)

Phantom: What is this? I don't see anything.

Angel: My eyes have been amplified as well. I am able to see those who are invisible. I forget you mortals cannot.

Phantom: Whatever. So is he gonna come out or not?

Angel: He wants you to destroy the four Nakamoto members that live in the house not to far from out present location. A special compass that allows you identify those with cursed blood will be given to you. It's how we identify our targets. Now find and destroy them. But while you're doing it, make up a story. Don't let them know you are hunting them. Just say you're seeking those who have power much like yours, and you're destroying them. Just a thought, but improvise.

Phantom: I'm not much into following a woman's orders, but I guess I'll go with it.

Angela: Good. By the way, the name Angel is short for Angelina.

Phantom: (Sarcasm) What a pretty name. It makes me want to just bust out in tears and talk about how cute it is.

Angel: Just remember who your mouthing your sexist sarcastic remarks to. I may be a woman, but I am also a leader. I can chop your head off, faster than a snake squeezes the life out of its prey.

Phantom: (Swallows and gets nervous) Uh... Which head?

Angel: Which do you think?

Phantom: (Laughs and is still nervous) I see! So maybe I should attack right now?

Angel: Attack at night. It's the best time. But for now... Kill the girl that's hiding behind us.

(Kiyomi shrieks.)

Phantom: Hm? Gladly.

(Kiyomi runs away as fast as she can in fear.)

Kiyomi: (Thinking) Oh no! What have I gotten myself into? I'll be okay, I just have to keep running home. Adam will help me. (Stops running and comes to an instant stop.) Wait a minute, I can't go to my house; this guy will end up finding my parents. This is the guy that's suppose to kill them. I won't let him.

(Kiyomi turns around and sees Phantom staring at her with an evil grin. He chuckles.)

Phantom: Thought you could get away, didn't you?

Kiyomi: (Out loud) I don't know why my parents lied to me, but I still love them. And I cannot let you hurt them!

Phantom: (Laughs) I can't believe a little girl like you is actually standing up to me! I dislike brats! I hate girls even more! I'm going to have fun killing you.

Kiyomi: Someone like you deserves to die! You would kill an innocent family, for your own selfish reasons!

Phantom: Go on, kid. The more you yell, the more fun I'll have breaking every bone in your body.

Kiyomi: (Thinking) Because I'm a girl, it's easy to get under his skin. This gives me the advantage. (To Phantom) My parents only wanted to be left alone. They even stripped away their own cursed blood abilities. They're not a threat. All they want, is to live happy and free lives. Please just leave them alone. I'm the one you want.

Phantom: It doesn't matter whether or not they have their powers or not. They will die, because I have been ordered to kill them.

Kiyomi: (Thinking) He's going for the bait. Good.

Phantom: Now are you done mouthing off, so I can kill you?

Kiyomi: You're the one I'm going to kill!

(Kiyomi throws her palm at Phantom and a powerful gust of wind shoots at Phantom. The leaves on the ground behind Phantom blow away. Phantom stands untouched with a smile on his face. Kiyomi throws air with her left and right palm; going back and forth 3 times.)

Kiyomi: (Thinking) Why is the air going through him?

Phantom: Please, little girl! Your attacks will simply phase through my body. Nothing can touch me; hints the name Phantom!

Kiyomi: Let's see you phase this.

(Kiyomi raises both her arms up and throws a small wave of air at Phantom. The air phases through his body and Kiyomi is right behind the wave, in the air. She goes to punch Phantom directly in the face, but she phases right through him and hits the ground. Phantom turns around to step on her. Kiyomi rolls to dodge. She throws a small ball of air at his face. it pops and he closes his eyes in pain.)

Kiyomi: (Thinking) So that's it. Whenever he attacks, his defenses are down. Therefore, I'm able to hit him.

(Kiyomi stands up and Phantom points his palm at Kiyomi. A green ball of energy forms in his hand.)

Phantom: (Grins) You're dead, kid.

(Phantom unleashes the blast at Kiyomi. Kiyomi uses her wind to push herself back. The blast is in front of her, while it's following. Kiyomi is pushing herself backwards from the air blast.)

Kiyomi: Oh, no, I'm going to hit a tree!

(Kiyomi uses her wind to push herself high over the forest trees, at the last second. The blast hits the tree and explodes. Kiyomi uses the smoke from the explosion to remain unseen while she's in the air. Phantom is still using his blast, even after the explosion. He laughs menacingly.)

Phantom: Yes! Die!

Kiyomi: (Thinking) He's still using his blast. Which means, his defenses are wide open. Alright, Kiyomi, you can do this. Focus (Closes eyes) Focus... (Opens her eyes with intensity) I can do this. (Raises her hand in the air) I can do this!

(The air around Kiyomi begins to suck into her hand and create a ball of white glowing air. The energy of the ball is spinning intensely fast. Kiyomi pushes air out of her feet to dash at Phantom full speed. Phantom sees Kiyomi at the last second. She slams into his chest and is pushing him through the forest. His back is slamming into trees.)

Kiyomi: Everything I have left, I put into this attack! Hopefully it kills you! This is for my family!

(Kiyomi presses the blast into his chest. Phantom begins to scream as the air in the blast begins to rapidly tear through his flesh. Kiyomi shoots the blast and Phantom is sent flying back 70 miles per hour. Twice as fast as before. Kiyomi runs out of energy and can no longer keep herself airborne. She slides against the ground and eventually hits a tree, which stops her. She slams her back and coughs up blood. Her body begins to shake in pain. She falls down.)

Kiyomi: (She screams out in agony for 3 seconds) My... My body. Why does it hurt so much? Why... AHHH! I can hardly move...

Phantom: (Yells from a far distance) When I find you, I'm going to tear your heart out and watch you die!

Kiyomi: (Thinking while still weak) Come on, Kiyomi, move! (Clenches herself in pain) My body is too weak. I can hardly move my fingers... I shouldn't have used so much energy. That's what's making my body hurt so much. It wasn't the tree I hit.

(Phantom grabs Kiyomi's hair. Kiyomi screams in pain. He throws her into another tree behind him. She's in too much agony to even scream out in pain. Her body trembles in pain and fear. Phantom rushes over to Kiyomi and punches her in the face twice as hard as he can. He then kicks her in stomach. Kiyomi falls over to the ground unconscious. Phantom stomps on her back to wake her up. Phantom kicks her over, so he can see her face as she begins to cry.)

Phantom: (Smiles) I love watching you suffer.


(Kiyomi is desperately trying to hold her tears back.)

Kiyo: Kiyomi...

(Kiyo gets out of his sleeping bag and walks over to Kiyomi. He hugs her with as much love as he can possible give her. Eli shows up to do the same.)

Kiyo: It's okay to cry, Kiyomi. You don't have to be strong around us.

Eli: Yeah, we're a family now. The three of us lost our parents when we were children. All we have is each other now.

Kiyomi: (Hugs Kiyo with one arm and Eli with the other) Thank you guys. But I refuse to let myself cry. I am a warrior after all.

(Kiyomi stops hugging Kiyo and smiles at him, as she looks into his eyes. She then gives him a hug with both arms. Eli smiles and walks back to his sleeping bag.)

Kiyomi: Thank you for forgiving me for leaving. I'm lucky to have a brother like you. But I need to finish the story. (Stops hugging Kiyo) What happens next will surprise you.


(Phantom is standing over Kiyomi as she begins to tear up. He forms another green sphere of energy and aims for Kiyomi's face. Someone taps Phantom on the shoulder. He turns around and a woman grabs his face. A powerful black ball of energy forms in her hand and shoots into Phantom's face. The blast sends him flying deeper into the forest. He crashes into a giant boulder and passes out in the ruble. The woman is wearing black jogging pants with a white star on the upper left side, and a white short sleeve T-shirt that shows her belly button. She has long black hair that covers her entire back. She has a bun tied on the upper part of the back of her head. Her hair also covers one eye. The woman picks up Kiyomi. Kiyomi feels a massive amount of pain as she's being picked up.)

(Angelica and Osmo are hiding in a tree above.)

Osmo: I'm not too certain about this guy, Angel. Does he have the strength to join our alliance?

Angel: He has his weakness and he will be trouble for us. Nevertheless, he obtains great power, therefore we need him.

Osmo: Phantom and Rayna have been rivals for quite some time. Rayna can put up a fight, and Phantom's more powerful than she is. This is what makes them perfect rivals.

Angel: Rayna is very skilled. And her abilities make it difficult to attack her. I've fought her before, when she challenged me. Neither of us could hit each other. But she is an excellent strategist.

Osmo: If the two of us attack Rayna right now, she won't stand a chance. And we can get rid of Kiyomi Nakamoto.

Angel: Phantom has been given the order to kill the family; we do not interfere.

Osmo: Do you really think her parents got their powers taken away?

Angel: (Lying with no emotion) Yes, Osmo. I do think they're powers are gone.

Osmo: (Serious and oblivious) So do I. All they ever wanted was a normal life.

(Hours later, Kiyomi wakes up in a wooden bedroom. She's laying on a soft bed and a boy her age is standing over her with a candle in his hand. It is the only light in the room. The boy is in a white muscle shirt and white shorts. His hair is short and goes down on the sides of his head. He seems happy to see Kiyomi.)

Kiyomi: Who are you?

Tyreese: My name's Tyreese, but you call me Tye for short!

Kiyomi; Where am I, Tyreese?

Tyreese: You're at my house now! And I hope you can stay, cause I'd really like to have a friend to play with!

(A woman walks in and sits down on the chair next to the bed where Kiyomi is laying down. She's in a very serious mood.)

Rayna: Tyreese, let us be.

Tyreese: Okay, mom. (Leaves the room)

Rayna: I love my son. having him at a young age just gives us a closer bond. Like a mother-son or sister-brother relationship.

Kiyomi: How old is he?

Rayna: He'll be 8 tomorrow. Then I'll be 18. I gave birth to him when I was only 10 years old. Some look at that as something unfortunate. But I gained something beautiful out of the tragic thing that happened to me. And I love him with all my heart. He's the only thing I have in this world to love. He's the only thing in this world who truly loves me. After what I did, I don't deserve to be loved.

Kiyomi: What's your name?

Rayna: My name is Rayna. And I know you're Kiyomi. Your parents told me about you; your birth parents did. I'm close with them.

Kiyomi: Where can I find them?

Rayna: I'm sorry, but I cannot tell you that. I have no clue where they are honestly.

Kiyomi: I want to find them someday.

Rayna: You will stay here with me, Kiyomi. I will train you to control the good and evil side you have within you. I must also train Kiyo. Let me tell you a story, Kiyomi. After I tell you the story, It should be time to rescue your brother from Phantom.

Kiyomi: How do you know he's not already in trouble?

Rayna: Because that blast I shot Phantom with, will have him out cold for a few hours. And also, your father has the ability to predict the future. He's the one who setup your fake parents. He saw that he, his wife, and his two children were going to die by a very powerful group. He changed the future by faking his and his wife's own death, and by telling me to protect you and Kiyo. I can train the two of you and help you get stronger.

Kiyomi: So my father changed the future, so that we could all live?

Rayna: Yes, Kiyomi. Your father loves you very much.

(24 hours have passed. Kiyomi is outside on a rainy night. She is all alone, until she sees a boy with a forward Mohawk walking toward her in the rain. He's sad and lost. Rayna is watching over Kiyomi from a tree. The boy walks up to Kiyomi and stops. His body is shivering.)

Boy: I'm so cold.

Kiyomi: Who are you?

Boy: Please... I'm just looking for my parents. We got lost in the forest. Will you help me find them?

Kiyomi: I lost my parents too...

Boy: It's very sad.

Kiyomi; Yeah I know. (Looks at the boy as he shivers) What's your name?

Boy: My name... Is Kaji.

Rayna: (Surprised and thinking) What! Kaji is a prince. There's no way his parents would just abandoned him like that.

Kaji: Will you help me find my parents? I'm a rich prince, I can help you find yours. (Smiles)

Kiyomi: ... I will... Go with you. You can protect me from that monster, Phantom. And you can help me find my parents. And with you, I can be stronger and fight him when I think I'm ready. And with your royal family connections, you can help me find him!

Kaji: W-What...?

(Minutes later, Kiyomi is in Tyreese's room packing blankets in her backpack. Rayna walks up behind her. The room is silent and dark. A small candle lets off a dim light in the room.)

Rayna: Your parents will be disappointed, Kiyomi. You shouldn't be running off like that.

Kiyomi: I'm sorry. But this is something I have to do. I feel like I need this. Sorry, but I don't know you, and you seem like a nice person. I just know that the two of us will share a powerful bond together. But I don't want that right now. I need to find my parents and know the truth. And with a royal family, I can find them. And I can get stronger, and be protected.

Rayna: You do what you have to, Kiyomi, but make me a promise that you will never let the darkness takeover.

Kiyomi: I promise. And you make me a promise, that you'll never tell Kiyo the truth about our parents. I'm his real family; not you. I wanna be the one to tell him. I'll tell him in the future; when I see him again.

Rayna: Okay... I promise not to tell. But if you let your darkness takeover, Kiyomi, I will destroy you. Do you understand?

Kiyomi: (Looks away and zips backpack) I understand.


Kiyomi: The two of us searched for his parents. We ended up finding grandma Ming's cabin. Kaji and I lived there for about a month. when Kaji's parents found us, I lived as a guest for Kaji for years. Then when we became teenagers, we began dating. He had me and another girl at the same time. The other girl didn't know about me and him though. He asked her to marry him; she said yes. Then Kaji told her to do something for him. She refused. Kaji was losing interest in her and he felt disrespected by her not following his orders. So he killed her. And now he's trying to kill me. There's an assassin named Aiko, who's coming after me.

Eli: I remember her. She was the one who stabbed my hand; then that nurse came and healed me.

Kiyo: Any enemy of yours, is an enemy of mine. We'll fight her off together.

Kiyomi: (Smiles) Thanks, brother.

Kiyo: I forgive you, Kiyomi.

Kiyomi: Thanks.

Kiyo: Now, there's just one more story before we move on in our adventure.

Eli: Oh right. Well the map that we've been given, is updated. But the next town has been blocked out on the map. We're going to the kingdom where the princess lives!

Kiyo: So the kingdom was blocked out on the map so that no one would find it's location so easily?

Eli: That's pretty much it!

Kiyo: Okay, I'm getting tired, so Eli, you tell your story, so we can all go to bed.

Eli: Okay! Actually I don't have one...

Kiyo: Whatever... Goodnight then.