Status: Trying To Find Motivation

Lives of the Party


Natalie ran upstairs to her room to put away her new clothes but her mom caught her before she made it.

"Where were you?" Natalie’s mother, Debby asked with arms crossed.

"Hanging out with the girls. We went shopping this afternoon."

"I'm assuming that's where the clothes came from then?"

Natalie cleared her throat and looked down with a nod. Her mother was always the proud type who didn't like to accept much. Natalie could and has respected that but sometimes she wanted to enjoy herself. She felt she had earned that at least.

"Mom, can we do this later? I'm tired." Debby sighed at her daughter but let her leave anyway.

She put her clothes in the closet and laid on her bed thinking of last night’s events. Nothing big; just a party where they all got shit-faced drunk; nothing new right? Then another normal day of shopping with Jessica's daddy's money.

Sometimes Natalie envied Jessica; or any of the girls at Mountainview Private Academy. All had money; not a care in the world concerning bills and such. Hell they didn't even have to worry about grades; all their parents had to do was pay for a library or two and the utmost of the colleges would accept them.

Yes Natalie envied them in every source or the word.

But what could she do? She wasn't born into money like them so she had to earn it. She had come to terms with that long ago though and it wasn't her problem. Her problem was her prideful mother not allowing her to enjoy what little she had gotten.

With every shopping spree her friends treated her with was a speech, with every loan an eye roll, with every dinner a throat cleared.

Natalie was tired of it; she half thought her mother was just jealous. Of what, the fact that Debby herself didn't have any rich friends who could treat her as well as her daughter had been treated.

Yes that's it! That had to be it! What else could it be? There was no other reason or explanation for the constant reminder Natalie got from her mother that she was at that school on a scholarship and that she wasn't nearly as wealthy as her peers.

No one at school outside of her five closest friends knew that of course but she was never allowed to forget it.

The girl let out a sigh as she let her mind wonder. What would life be like if she had been born into the wealthy life?

Would she spend every day or hoard it away like a crazy person paranoid that it was always going to be lost?

Would she go on shopping sprees and vacations too far off places or stay home and work?

Would she drink or eat her money away?

Natalie always thought of these things; can you blame her? When money was always staring at you in the face but never in your grasp it's almost impossible to think of anything else.

I guess that's the price Natalie will pay to continue living the life of a poor girl in a rich one's world.