Status: This is a highly personal account of the true events o my life in November of 2010...


Not Quite Rape

There were seven of us total. Four boys and three girls. Jarred rolled two more blunts and we trooped down the rickety white steps to a dim, unfinished basement. Pulling chairs into a circle, we played baseball. Last thing I remember is finishing my seventh Four Loko and passing out on the floor.

"Get the fuck off of her!" Karla, my good friend, burst into my line of vision and grabbed my arm. She looked like shit. Probably the mix of partying and casual sex from the night before. I'm dimmly aware of my jeans on the floor and my hoodie nowhere in sight.

"Hey, I got twenty bucks for the night. Get your hands off of her!" Jarred sat up, shirtless. My brain was still high and none of what they said made sense. "Don't be a whiny bitch about this Karla. You're not involved. Or invited." I stood up, amazed that my legs supported me. My thong was ripped as was my shirt, but I didn't feel anything other than a slight stomachache and a severe case of cottonmouth.

I slipped on my jeans and found my hoodie halfway under the bed. Slipping it on, I walked outside for a cigarette. I could hear arguing coming from the second floor through an open window. Did I care? No.

I was so malleable; so easy for her to mold me to her lifestyle; so easy for her to convince me everything was fine. My first girlfriend; my first love; Sam. What a fucking bitch.

Walking back into the dark, quiet house, I was pissed. How dare he think he could just do whatever to me. And how dare her let him! I found her smoking with Adam in his bedroom. "How could you?" The tears were coming and I fled into the next room.

She denied everything.
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