Status: This is a highly personal account of the true events o my life in November of 2010...


The Beginning To An End

I'm way ahead of myself though.

I first met Sam my freshman year in an introductory theatre class. Her rich black hair and brown eyes drew me in as did her lean, athletic body, and great stories. She quickly integrated herself into my activities, my circle of friends, and my life. We started dating three months later, and my world, as corny as it sounds, changed for good.

For a while things were good. It was sweet and romantic and while it was obviously different (girl x girl), nobody seemed to have a major problem with it except my dad. We didn't talk for six months. Sam was the cool teenage girl from the South with the sexy accent and hot body. Everybody loved her, but she loved me.

I thought life was great. With the exception of frequent family arguments and school drama, I was on my way to leaving home, had great friends, and a girlfriend who respected my morals and naivety. When I met her, I didn't smoke at all and had only had alcohol twice in my life. She smoked cigarettes, but I made her stop because I had grown up knowing how bad they were for your body.

We lasted five months, but I thought we'd last forever. By the end of that brief period (April to September 2009), I had smoked weed, smoked cigarettes, and drank hardcore with her twice. The next five months we stayed friends with benefits even though she had a boyfriend. I smoked weed regularly then and snuck her in and out of my house countless times. I even remember getting a call on Halloween when her boyfriend and her did acid. She wanted me to come get her. Ha.

My whole personality changed as well as my relationships with my family and friends. Nobody liked her anymore. Nobody liked me anymore.

January came and she moved to Florida. I was still sneaking out, still smoking, still drinking, and still partying. We talked about getting together again but agreed the long distance would be too hard. I "dated" Nick and tried to make it work, but I always went back to her. She came back in April and we dated again. This time her true self came to light. And my new self meshed with it.
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