Status: This is a highly personal account of the true events o my life in November of 2010...


Drugs Among Friends Are No Drugs At All

That night I begged to stay in bed, faking a headache and saying I felt like I was going to throw up.

But Mareb was coming over...and he wanted to see me. Why? I didn't know. I had only met him once before when he gave us a ride to Karla's, but oh well. According to Sam I just had to put on my gameface and get over it.

I threw on my most comfortable jeans and a gray tank top with my trusty black hoodie that had yet to fail to keep me warm. When I exited the guest room we were staying in, Mareb was crushing up something in a dollar, Karla was pulling a bottle out of her dresser, and Sam was packing a bowl. It's sad to think that I thought that was a typical scene.

"Liz! My baby!" Mareb called me over and pulled me into a big bear hug while kissing my cheek. He was a big Indian dude who LOVED the girls. He gestured to the fine white powder on the glass table. "You want some right?"

No, I didn't. But as I made eye contact with Sam, I saw the excited gleam in her eye. I knew we had to be careful what money we spent especially since we were talking about getting bus tickets down to Florida that week. We had $500 the day before and about $460 before I got out of bed. Now it seemed we would have $430. I gave Mareb the thirty bucks for two perkisets. Sam crushed them and rolled a dollar bill, then showed me how to do it.

Take the credit card and push the powder into a thin line. Check.

Blow your nose. Check.

Roll the dollar bill up small. Check.

Hold your one nostril. Check.

Quickly snort the powder up the other nostril. Check.

Hold it in. Swallow. Check.

Take a finger, dip it in the water, and rub your nostril with it. Check.

Feel the pleasure. HOLY shit. Check.

"Damn girl. You a natural." I didn't want Mareb complimenting me on something so illegal, but I couldn't help the giggle that came out of me. I felt so cool, like being a natural at snorting something was my biggest accomplishment. Shit, this was amazing.

Sam lit the bowl up, inhaling the smoke directly after using the perks. She handed it to me and I lit it with the expertise that I had acquired. All it did was up my high and I wanted to fly.

"Karla, can we go flying later?" I asked her with a dead serious expression. Everyone started laughing and Sam pulled me onto her lap and kissed me. I'll tell you one thing. Every single sense in my body was on high alert and her tongue against mine was like God inviting me into heaven. I was on cloud fucking nineteen and never wanted to come down.

But, of course, I did.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, I was a fuck up. Yes, I was a fuck up. Yes, I was a fuck up.

Was being the key word. Please don't judge me.