Status: finished

Sapphire's Sketches

Chapter 2

Lightning striking from dark clouds, rain pouring down from the sky, and wind twisting and bending trees as if they were made of plastic. “Where could this picture have come from?” Sapphire thought to herself. “No one else has been home since last night, so no one else could have drawn it. Sapphire continued to study the picture, and suddenly became very frightened. There in the corner of the picture were her initials, SH. “I must have drawn it in my sleep.” She thought. Sapphire decided to go straight to sleep instead of drawing that night. She was still worried about the picture and very confused. Before she went to bed that night though, Sapphire took her sketchbook and locked it in a chest at the foot of her bed. “There’s no way I’ll be able to open that in my sleep.” She thought.

The next morning when Sapphire woke up, a light rain was coming down. She got ready for school, but by the time she was ready the weather outside had taken a turn for the worse. Lightning was crashing down from the dark skies, rain was pouring out of the clouds, and the wind was bending and twisting the trees like they were made out of plastic instead of wood. Sapphire could not believe her eyes. Outside her front door looked just like the picture that had appeared in her sketchbook.