Status: finished

Sapphire's Sketches

Chapter 3

After school that day, Sapphire opened the chest at the foot of her bed and pulled out her sketchbook. She opened to the page after the thunderstorm drawing and gasped. There was a picture of a beautiful, calm autumn day. And in the corner of the drawing were Sapphire’s initials again. “There’s no way I opened that chest while I was sleeping.” Sapphire thought to herself. She closed her sketchbook and tried not to think about the drawings anymore.

The next morning when Sapphire woke up, the sun was shining and there was no wind blowing through the trees. Outside it looked just like the new drawing. Sapphire couldn’t believe it. For the rest of the week, Sapphire’s sketchbook predicted the weather. Every night before going to sleep, she would look inside to find a new picture she could not remember drawing.