Sequel: Palm Trees


well that was fast

July 4th, 2006

It was the annual "beach party". Our group of friends decided to go to this giant rock that jutted out into the ocean. It was the first year that we were allowed to go. Unfortunately, Sim was sick and had to stay home.

I visited her before going to the beach (keeping a safe distance from her germiness, of course) and she looked... horrible. She stayed in bed. She said, "Seriously, who the hell gets sick on the fourth of July?"

And I said, "You."

That was when she rolled her eyes and she begged me to take my phone with me and text her about everything that was happening, since she always hated being "out of the loop". I told her there was no way in hell that I would risk losing my phone out there. Seriously, we had some serious rock climbing to do to get out on that rock. She then told me to fuck off, and I did so.

Yes, that's best friend love for you.

I went back to my house and my family went to the beach. Like every year, my brother immediately ran off with his friends. My parents just settled down in the spot they always choose and proceeded to talk to the other parents about how outrageous the taxes were (or something like that).

We met at the little shack on the beach. No one knew why it was built; it was just one of those legends of the town. Of course there were those creepy stories about how it was haunted but everyone knows they weren't true. The scariest thing was the blue and green mold growing on the ceiling.

When I got to it, only Matt and Karen were there. I was okay with Matt, but over the years I had grown not to like Karen very much. So it was kind of awkward.

"Hey, nice shirt," Matt said when I got there. Since the day we met, he'd always made it a point to look at my shirt. And I'll admit it - sometimes when I went shopping, I would buy a shirt just because I thought he would like it.

I looked down, temporarily forgetting what I was wearing. It was a shirt with Hello Kitty on it. "Thanks."

"Can I have it?" he asked.

"No, it's mine."

"Oh, that's disappointing. I was going to rip it off you right now."

"Woah guys," Karen said, and then I was reminded of why I didn't like her. She just didn't understand sarcasm and she could never take a joke. As I saw it, Matt didn't like her either. No one really did. It was a bit mean but that was the way it was, and I can't change the past now.

We spent like half an hour waiting for you. I wonder if you ditched us, like our other friends had. Des had to go do something with his parents for his mom's birthday and Halden's parents wouldn't let him go out on the rocks with us.

Matt said, "Let's just ditch him and go."

"But that's mean," Karen said. She was right; it would have been mean, but seriously. We weren't going to spend our whole lives waiting for you.

"Let's give him fifteen more minutes," I said. I wanted you to be there and fifteen minutes wasn't unbearable. We waited the amount of time and you still didn't show up. We were heading to the rocks already when you showed up.

"Hey!" you shouted, kicking off your shoes. I remember you left them right in the sand and you ended up losing them. It didn't really matter because we were accustomed to losing shoes to the beach anyways, and therefore we only bought those cheap flip-flops.

"What the fuck took you so long?" Matt shouted back, throwing his own shoes at you. One of them hit you in the forehead and I remember that I laughed hysterically at that for some reason.

"What a nice greeting," you said as caught up with us.

"No, get away from me," Matt said, running to the rocks. You chased after him but it didn't go very well for you since Matt did track and you didn't.

That left me alone with Karen. "They're so cute, aren't they?" she said.

"Uh huh," I said, not really sure of what else to say to that.

We got to the rocks and then we had to climb. It wasn't like a rock wall or anything, as you should remember, but a horizontal path of rocks. Well, it wasn't a path. More like a death trap. The rocks were sometimes loose, and if you fell you were pretty much fucked.

"Hurry up, bitches!" Matt yelled. You and him were already halfway there, as you jumped from rock to rock. Karen and I were not about to take that risk. It might have been better to not have looked at the deep gaps between each rock, but we did anyway. And that just made us slower.

"Isn't he such a gentleman?" you said to us once we got closer. I laughed... which caused me to trip.

That hurt like a bitch, seriously. I remember how my foot got stuck between two rocks. I still have the scars from it, even though it wasn't that bad. It only bled for a minute or two.

"Here," you said, holding your arm out to me. You had backtracked until you were on the rock next to me. You pulled me off and I winced at the pain in my foot. It was pretty bad since the sea water had gotten into it, but at least it was clean.

"Ooh, get it in!" Matt said.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Aden, you're not the cheating type, are you?"

"Maybe I am," you said. I took it as a joke then, but I never knew how ironic it would become in the future.

"Well, you can let go of me now. I know I'm irresistible, but... no cheating for you."

"I'm not," you said. "Sim and I broke up a few hours ago."
