This Is It

This Is It

Beau was staring at the two tangled beneath the blue silk sheets he'd paid for that adorned the mattress he'd paid for. The room had red rose petals and dimmed lights, a scene Beau hadn't even known was a turn-on for his wife. This was a slap in the face that's mark would never fade. It hadn't been seen coming, Beau wasn't even sure what he'd done. All he knew was that he waiting for a brick to be thrown through the window as means for waking him up, but it never came.
Instead of that brick, he watched his wife sit up. She straightened up her hair as if that would hide the scene before him. “Beau, I want a divorce.”
“Could have fooled me.” Beau sneered. “Tell the guys I quit.” He rolled his eyes. “Best fucking friend, my fucking ass,” Beau snarled towards Jared. He turned on his heel and slammed the door shut behind him.
Left behind that closed door was Jared Warth, Beau's best friend, and Blair Boken, Beau's wife. They weren't sure what they should do, if anything. The two hadn't created a plan for what would happen if the door opened. Mostly because they had never, in the wildest imaginations, perceived the notion that Beau would catch them.
“I think I should go.” Jared muttered getting out of the bed.
Blair nodded still in shock. There was nothing to prepare her for this moment. She felt filthy and gross, as if someone had taken away her showers for a month. But that wasn't the case. Her feeling of filthy and gross felt like the lifestyle she'd been living.
Her brown eyes followed Jared as he got his clothes and left through the window, something that'd become his bad habit. Blair stood from the bed, threw on underwear and a rube, and went downstairs to the third floor. Beau would be there, she knew he would be.
It was his quiet room. Nothing else existed in that room except himself and his music. Tonight though needed to be different. Blair needed to exist in his room tonight, she needed to seen and heard. She didn't want to lose Beau, they were perfect for each other. Her heart beat for him, but her heart ached to be with Jared.
The lanky man she loved turned to face her. He shook his sad, his brown eyes swimming in sadness. “Get out, please.”
“Beau, no.” Blair stated firmly. “We can get through this.”
Beau sighed. The brunette never did want to make anything easy. Even when they were in high school, she had to chased. There was no easy way to get her. Everything was a challenge and a game, a game Beau had to come to love. Now that they were married though, Blair couldn't play her games. She needed to grow up, not just age up.
“You were fucking my best friend. It's probably been going on for a while.” Beau raised his eyebrows in question.
Blair bit her bottom lip. Did she tell him? Beau would kill her.
“How long, Blair?” Beau questioned.
Blair chewed her bottom lip and took her brown eyes to the ground. She knew that Jared would tell him if she didn't. There was no good way to win this battle. “Just remember, I love you, Beau.”
“Goddamn it, Blair, how long?!” Beau snapped at the poor brunette.
“About a year,” Blair told him honestly.
The man Blair loved shook his head slowly. He looked up at her, his brown eyes studying her. There was nothing he could to erase the past. Blair was a cheater and cheaters never change. He sighed heavily whilst running a hand through his shoulder length hair.
The two were quiet. Their thoughts played out in their heads. Their eyes stared at the other, taking them in, remembering every part of the other. They both knew one thing: This was it.
As soon as Blair sighed and left the room, it was official.
As soon as Beau took his jacket and exited the house, it was official.
As soon as Blair cried herself to sleep, it was official.
As soon as Beau was sat on a bar stool drinking for his life, it was official.
This was it and they both knew it. The love between them was bound to explode and it did. Blair had thrown the grenade and Beau had caught it. It exploded in all their faces, collateral damage included.
All the good times were forgotten. All the laughs they shared were irrelevant. All the stolen kisses were replaced. Nothing mattered between the two brunettes anymore.
When they woke they woke alone, something the two weren't used to. Blair untangled her thick brown mane while Beau untangled himself from a pretty blonde. Beau went to his lawyer to draw up a contract while Blair drew up a sketch to add to her designs. Blair sighed in defeat when she got the phone call she was expecting while Beau sighed in relief when Blair promised not to be hard to divorce.
The divorce took about a week to work out. Now they needed to wait those two years and then they could be officially divorced, adding two more fish to the ocean. Two more soul mates for the people who haven't found who they were looking for yet. Now Blair could find the soul mate who'd been missing her and Beau could find the girl who'd been waiting for him.
They were going to move on in a healthy way and, eventually, they'd be friends. Maybe not best friends and maybe not friends who hang out every week, but friends that could call each other up every once while. Sure, they'd still have that undeniable chemistry with each other. Love was hard to erase - especially the kind of love that had two people finding themselves in front of a priest to get married.
Beau stared out the window of Blessthefall's tour bus thinking about Blair. He watched the rain fall down, banging against the bus window.
“Hey Beau?” Beau turned to look at the lanky boy with a grey beanie atop his head. He raised an eyebrow, silently telling Matt, the drummer, to continue. “Did you actually go through with that plan?”
Beau ran a hand through his brown hair with a deep sigh. “Yeah, that's what I did.”
Matt shook his head with disapproval. “Jared just told us what y'all did. We all thought he was lying which is why I'm asking you. I thought better of you, man.”
Jared emerged from the bunks to find his best friend. “Matt, they already have all the paperwork filled out.”
“Wow, you work fast.” Matt shook his head. “And don't act innocent, Jared, you know that was a shitty thing to do. Blair probably feels awful.”
Beau rolled his brown eyes before pointing at Jared. Jared shook his head and took Matt by the shoulder. “C'mon bro, it's time.”
Matt laughed at Jared's wording. He was still disappointed in Beau who should be above what he did, but it was time for him to see the texts. Besides, Beau didn't need to listen to Matt yell and be disappointed. Eric would be in the front lounge soon enough to scream at him once he heard.
And here he was. Eric walked straight from the bunks right into the front lounge. “Time to fucking talk.” He growled at Beau who looked somewhat intimidated.
“Dude, I did what I needed to do.” Beau shrugged trying to avoid it.
“Just tell me exactly what happened. I heard Jared tell me but Lord only knows how different his replay is.” Eric ran a hand through his fiery hair.
“Well, Blair and I weren't good for each other. I didn't wanna be with her anymore and I didn't want to call on a divorce randomly. Jared went with her for a little bit and they fooled around and fucked and then after a while I caught them. Now we're getting a divorce.”
Eric glared harshly at Beau. “There's such a thing as marriage counseling.”
“We were so far beyond that.”
Eric's gaze softened and he sighed lightly. He understood his friend didn't want to randomly hurt the poor girl, but the poor girl was still hurt. Either way the divorce hit them both with the intensity of an airplane hitting the ground instead of just a simple stack of papers outlining their fates.
Eric walked away from his friend leaving Beau back to staring out the window. His brown eyes watched the raindrops fall down the windows.
He wished he could pretend they were racing like Jared did instead of the heavy thinking. Beau couldn't do that though. He couldn't just let the thoughts in his mind ease up. All his brain could do was think of Blair and try to figure out where things went wrong.
Eric had gotten to him.
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