Realm of Death

I'm So Done

I play with the black cuff around my wrist as I think of ways to leave. The cuff has always been with me, for as long as I can remember. It’s as much a part of me as my sister. My sister, who Ms.Meloche, the owner of the orphanage, keeps trying to separate from me. I can’t let that happen. She’s the only family I have. Ms. Meloche would rather us go to different homes and never see each other again, the old hag. It’s not like its easy for us to get adopted, since we have cat ears and tails. As far as everyone’s concerned, we’re just a couple freaks.
I blow my side bangs out of my eyes only to have them fall right in front of them again. As I look in the mirror, I see a girl in ripped jeans and a black t-shirt. That and the hair and eye color is the only way you could tell me and my sister apart. My sister has bangs too, only her hairs darker and she has deep brown eyes compared to my vivid blue. We even have matching chokers with little bells. Mine is gold, and hers is sliver. Someone gave them to us as a joke, but they were kinda cute, so we kept them.
I’ve already been stuck in this house for two days, which is a day too many as far as I’m concerned. The people who adopted me, Mr. and Mrs. Carte, already have like four kids. Who are all boys. Which makes me hate this house even more than I already do. Don’t get me wrong, I like boys and everything, but I’ve had some really bad experiences with them in the past. And these particular boys are assholes.
“Riku! Come get your clothes out of the dryer!” Mrs. Carte calls up the stairs.
Apparently, Mrs. Carte only wanted one girl. More like Ms. Meloche didn’t let her know I had a twin. Like I said, she doesn’t want us to be together. I start walking downstairs, only to get shoved against the railing as Jake, the 17 year old, walks past me. He smirks over his shoulder. I really need to kick that boys ass.
In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not one to take crap from anyone. I’m the tomboy out of me and Raine. Always have been. I guess it comes from being a minute older than her. I enjoy fighting, and I swear, If I get shoved into the railing one more time by one of these creepy boys, there will be some major fighting. Maybe I’ll break Sam‘s, the 15 year old, nose.
Walking downstairs, I glance into the living room and see Mr. Carte sitting on his chair in front of the fireplace. Another reason for me to leave as soon as possible is that he’s a creep. He always stares at me like I’m a piece of meat and him a starving man. I sincerely hope I never get left alone in a room with that man.
I walk into the laundry room and start putting my warm clothes into a basket only to hear the door shut and lock behind me. I turn around to see Luke, 16, standing there smirking at me.
“Hey Riku” he smirks.
“Luke.” I say slowly. I don’t like the look in his eyes, or the fact that I’m locked in a tiny room with him at the back of the house.
“Why don’t you put down that laundry and maybe we can have so fun.” He said, taking a step closer to me.
“I really don’t think you want to go down this road.” I say slowly. The boy must have either been dense or not heard me because he took another step closer.
“ I know you’ve been staring at me”
I choked and started laughing. He pauses in his advance to look at me oddly.
“Luke, whatever your high on, you should give me some. I’ve been looking at you my ass.” I say chuckling. Suddenly, there were two strong arms wrapped tight around me. I look up in time to see him start to lower his head.
“Oh hell no.” I mutter. Easily I break free of his grasp and spin him around so I’m holding his arms behind his back with his cheek on the wall.
“I told you you didn’t want to go down this road Luke. See, here’s the thing. I’m much stronger than you, and no matter how much you struggle your not getting out of this grip. Now I’m going to give you a black eye and, since mommy can’t stand to have her little boys get hurt, I’m going to bust your nose.” I tell him, as I proceed to do exactly what I said.
He runs out to his mom as I lounge against the dryer smirking. I listen to his moms horrified gasp and her furious words. Three, two, one.
“RIKU!” Is all Mrs. Carte screams as I stroll out to the kitchen.
“Yes?” I say innocently. I am far too good at that.
“Why did you do this? This is the last straw young lady. After everything we’ve done for you, and you go and repay us like this.” She yells at me.
“For your information, Mrs. Carte, I never asked for you to take me. And you haven’t done anything except feed me, which I can do just fine on my own. And another thing. You sons are assholes and your husband is a freak.” I said as I smiled. Mrs. Carte was so red in the face by this time that she couldn’t speak, so she simply pointed to the door. I helped myself out. As I started packing my things I could hear her on the phone downstairs.
“ Yes, I’m sorry but Riku has got to go! That child needs serious help. She attacked my son, and insulted both him and my husband! Yes, I’m sending her back tomorrow. I’ll sign the papers when I get there. I say goodbye and good riddance.”
As I lay down on the bed, I smirked to myself. Well, that was a lot easier than I though it would be, I mused. They can go back to their Riku free life, and I can go back to my sister. Never again will her husbands eyes undress me, and never again will I be shoved into a staircase railing by some arrogant teenage boy. As far as I’m concerned, life’s good. I leaned back into the bed, and fell into the soothing darkness of sleep.