Status: Whenever I can!

Live for Me

Chapter 2- Brian

"Well, that was a waste of fucking time," I said as I leaned back into the couch.

Right now, the guys and I were all in Matt's living room, going over the drummers that were here for two hours. None, of them were even remotely good. At one point, Zacky had to walk out of the room. Sighing, I looked over at the guys to see them nodding in agreement.

"But we still have one more drummer," Johnny said.

"What's his name?" I asked as I looked over at short shit.

"Owen. E. Sullivan," Matt said as he took the paper from Johnny.

At the mention of his last name, I cringed.

The memory of Jimmy's death was still fresh on my mind. I was about to say something when the doorbell began to ring five times.

"I'll get it," I said as I heaved myself out of my seat.

Walking towards the front door, I heard voices and laughter coming from the other side. Thinking that it was probably some high school kids, I ripped open the door and was about to tell the to get the fuck out of here when I saw a tall, what seemed to be seventeen year old, holding a little girl. AS I stared at him, I couldn't help but see that he looked so much like Jimmy when he was a teenager.

"Um, can I help you?" I asked when I could finally find my voice.

"Oh, shit. Sorry. I'm Owen E. Sullivan. I'm here for the audition," the guys said.

Nodding my head, I moved aside and let him in. As I closed the door behind me and motioned for him to head over to the living room, I couldn't help but hear that his voice also sounded a bit like Jimmy's. Shaking my head, I stood beside Owen and the little girl in his arms and introduced him.

"Guys," I called out, getting their attention," This is Owen."

The guys all stared at him for a moment before getting up from their seats and walking over to where we were standing.

"Whose the kid?" Zack asked as he shook Owen's hand.

"This is Ellie. Say 'hello', Ellie," Owen said, looking down at the little girl.

The little girl looked at Owen before taking her small Aviators off. Looking over in our direction, I, along with the guys, gasped where her eyes fell on us. They were a Jimmy blue. Looking over at Owen, I saw that his eyes were similar.

"Hello, Ellie," the little girl said, smirking at us.

That earned a laugh from the guys and I.

"Is this you sister or something?" I asked, looking at Owen.

Owen shook his head before looking down at the little girl.

"This is my daughter," he said.

I looked at him, shocked. He's a fucking father? Looking over at the guys, I saw that they wore a similar expression.

"Um," Matt said as he cleared his throat," we should get started, don't you think?"

Owen nodded and before long, we were making our way through Matt's kitchen to his at home studio. Walking into the room, Owen walked over to the black couch that was placed at the far wall and sat his little girl down as he placed the skateboard on the floor. Taking off the back pack that was on his back. I saw him open it up before pulling out a pair of fingerless gloves and some drum sticks.

"Alright," Matt said as he stood over the controls,"we didn't announce this, but your going to be doing some singing too. That alright with you?"

"Yeah. That's cool," Owen said as he began to twirl his drumsticks.

That one motion reminded me of Jimmy alone.

"Alright. We're going to be doing 'Critical Acclaim. If you just could go right in," I said as I pointed over to where the drum set were at.

Owen nodded before turning to his daughter and placing a kiss on her forehead before going to the sound proof room. As Owen walked into the room and closed it behind him, I turned to the guys.

"Dude," I said," he fucking looks like Jimmy."

"Oh, thank God. I thought I was the only one who saw it," Johnny said as he sighed out in relief.

Matt and Zacky nodded, mumbling in agreement.

Turning back to Owen, I saw that he had already placed the head phones over his ears and gave us a thumbs up. I nodded at him and began the track. Right after the chores was done, he began to beat away on the drums. Getting every beat down. Looking over at the guys, I saw that they were shocked.

"Dude, he looks like fucking Jimmy when he plays," Matt said as he looked over at me.

I was about to say something when I heard Jimmy's part of the song.

"Telling them it’s all for something real.Don’t respect the words you're speaking Gone too far, acclaim."

As I heard this, I was shocked to hear the voice.

I could hear Jimmy seep through it.

What brought me right out of my shock was someone pulling at my pants leg. Looking down, I saw Ellie looking up at me.

"Up," she said," I want to see."

Nodding my head, I bent down and took her into my arms. Facing the booth, I heard Ellie's little squeal of excitement.

"He good! Just like Ampa!" Ellie exclaimed as she clapped her little hands together.

"Grandpa? Who's you grandpa, honey?" Matt asked her in a soft tone.

Instead of answering verbally, Ellie turned her little body towards me and pointed at my exposed chest. Looking down, I saw that she was pointing at my forever tattoo. More precisely, at the letters R-E-V.

"Rev? The Rev was your grandfather?" Johnny asked, looking at the little girl.

Ellie nodded her head before turning back to watch the man beat away on the drums. Looking over at the guys, I saw that they were looking at one another, confused and wide eyed. As the last of the song came to a close, we slowly turned back to the man in the booth. As Matt turned off the recorder, Owen took the headphones off before walking out of the booth.

"Daddy!" The little girl exclaimed," you were real good! Just like Ampa!

Owen laughed before talking the little girl out of my arms and brought her close to his chest.

"Well, I don't know about that, but thank you, honey," Owen said as he kissed her cheek.

As he pulled away and looked at our direction, I saw that he was realizing where he was.

"So...," Owen said slowly," How was that?"

"Umm," Matt said as he shook his head," We'll give you a call."

Owen smiled at us before nodding his head. As he walked over to the couch to pick his things up, I looked over at the guys and motioned for one of them to say something more.

"Why do you look so much like Jimmy?" Zack asked as he stepped forward.

Owen stopped as he was putting his back pack back on his back before turning to look at us.

"Barbara and Joe should be the ones to tell you."

And with that, he grabbed his skateboard before walking out of the room with his little girl in his arms. The guys and I were quiet for a few minutes before Johnny broke it.

"We need answers," he said, looking at all of us.

"And Jimmy's parents are the ones who have them," I finished.

Matt and Zack nodded their heads and before long, we were all piled into his SUV, heading down the road.


I banged on the door of Jimmy's parents home. I was about to knock again when the door flew open.

"Brian! Johnny, Matt Zacky! What a pleasant surprise!" Barbara, Jimmy's mother exclaimed as she brought us all into individual hugs.

As she let go of me, I looked at her in the eye and said,"Owen E. Sullivan."

As the name left my lips, her eyes went wide and tears began to fill them. Motioning for us to enter the home, she closed the door behind her before ushering us to the living room. Taking a seat, we didn't have to wait long before she walked back in with her husband, Joe. Walking towards a bookshelf, Barbara pulled out something that looked like a photo album before handing it to Johnny, who was sitting in the middle of us.

Opening the first page, there was a picture of a thirteen year old Jimmy holding a baby.

"That right there is Owen Elwin Sullivan," Barbara said, her tone watery," Jimmy's son."

My head snapped up and I looked at them, wide eyed. Looking over at the guys, I saw that they were shocked too.
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