The First Time Frank and Gerard Kiss


The first time Frank and Gerard kiss, they’re drunk. They’re at some Eyeball party, and they’ve both had their fair share of the vodka sitting out (and, to be honest, some grade A weed thanks to Otter), and Frank giggles when he falls on top of Gerard, knocking them both to the floor with a painful sound. Gerard groans but Frank just giggles some more and hiccups a few times. When Frank gets control over his lungs he hovers, staring at the very blurry Gerard lying under him. Frank will tell himself later that he thought Gerard was a girl, what with the long hair and soft skin, but really, when he leans in and kisses him (well, really, he’s just kind of sloppily mouthing Gerard’s lips, but whatever), he can’t deny the little spark that runs through him. He gets up and ends up passing out pretty soon after that, and he wakes up with his head on the floor and his legs on the coffee table.


The first time Frank and Gerard kiss on stage, it’s. Well. Actually, it’s a lot like when they were drunk. Messy and saliva covered, but there is this fire in Gerard now, this aggression, and Frank feels it too, clutching the back of Gerard’s head, ripping him away when he has to actually, you know, play guitar. He does however have the chance to look at Gerard, for a split second, and he notices the contradiction on his face. His lips are pouty and wanton, but the look in his eyes is terrifying, like he wants to eat Frank alive. Frank pushes the image to the back of his mind for jerk off material and rips into Cubicles. The show is the best yet.


The first time Frank and Gerard kiss for real is. Different. Not bad by any means, Frank would list Gerard in his top three list of great kissers, but. Like. Before they were drunk, or pandering to the crowd and this is. Different. They’re alone, for one, but it’s more intense, and also more hesitant than the other times. Gerard is soft and unsure, but there’s still a passion behind it, like he really. Like he really wants this. Fuck. Frank surges, deepening it, barely thinking about how their writing session turned into a make out session because, really, when he feels Gerard’s tongue on his lower lip, he really couldn’t care less.