Status: Will start posting asap...unicorns!

I'm Choking on This Ecstasy

Prologue (Andy's POV)

I rolled over expecting to see Vee but I was met with thin air. I looked to see her bags were gone. I looked around to room when I saw something on her desk. On her desk sat a folded piece of paper. My name was signed on the front.

I unfolded it, it was a note. I straightened it out and started reading it:

Dear Andy,
No matter what happens, last night didn't change anything. By the time you read this I'll be gone and you'll still be in Huntington. I have changed my mind and you can tell everyone, but I have changed my mind from New York. I wish you a happy life and I hope the best for you. It is time for me to leave.
Love Vee.

By the time I finished reading my eyes were damp. I hung my head and thought about what happened last night. I can't believe I did that. I mean, I don't regret it and I wouldn't changed what I did but I still can't believe I did that.

I heard the door shut going to the outside. She hasn't left yet. I wrapped the sheet tightly around my waist and ran down the steps. I whipped the door open and yelled for her, but it was to late. She was already in the cab. She told the driver to just keep going.

I walked back inside feeling numb. I ran up the stairs into her room and sat on her bed. I picked up the note

I heard the front door open and everyone come piling into the house. People shouted out Valencia's name. Jimmy was the loudest one. I sat on her bed with the blankets around my waist, reading and rereading the note. All I could think was that this was a joke and that she would come bursting out of the ceiling like the previous times that she had pulled these types of jokes, but it's not she was the one in the cab, she was the one signaling to driver to keep going. She was the one not coming back.

All the guys burst into the room and saw me. I didn't even realize they came in till Jimmy asked,"What the hell are you doing in Vee's bedroom, on Vee's bed, naked?"

All I could do was just shake my head and say,"She's gone."

I must of said it to quietly or Jimmy just didn't believe it because he asked again. This time I repeated it louder,"She's gone, she left this morning."

Brian, of course being the hot head he is, said,"You better pray to everything holy and fun that she comes back."

Jimmy just stared at me, he shook his head and walked out of the room. Everyone soon left the only person left was Sandra. I never noticed that she was there.

"I can't believe you did that last night," was all she said.

I sighed,"It was stupid and spur of the moment, but I don't regret it,"I stopped,"anyway how do you know what happened."

"I didn't go out last night, I stayed in,"she said.

"So you heard and know everything,"I said. She nodded. "What can I do?" I asked.

"Nothing, she's made up her mind,"Sandra said,"she's not coming back."

"She changed her mind,"I said.

"What do you mean,"she asked confused.

I replied,"She's not going to New York."

"So, she gave up her dream so no one can find her."Sandra stated and all I could do was nod my head like a moron.
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So the prologue is in Andy's POV because he was there. New chapter of a new story, so don't be to harsh but COMMENT WHAT YOU LIKED, DISLIKED, AND/OR WHAT I COULD HAVE DONE BETTER