Status: Will start posting asap...unicorns!

I'm Choking on This Ecstasy

Russian Roulette

“Fuck!,”I yelled,”Put Me The Hell Down Whoever The Fuck You Are!!!”

“Ouch,”the voice said,”I thought you would’ve remembered me.”

The person put me down. I looked up at the person,”Oh shit...”I said.

“Well atleast you recognize me,”the owner of the voice said.

“Holy shit what are you doing here Jake!”I screamed and hugged him

“Well I did say our band was going on tour didn’t I?”he asked.

“Ya but I didn’t think you meant Warped,”I said.

“Ya that’s why I left it vague,”he said,”and plus Ash said that he would kill me if you found out before the tour.”

“Oh of course Ash would be the one threatening you,”I said.

“Of course,”he agreed,”you look so different with red hair, like I wouldn’t be able to tell it was you if we hadn’t talked over the 3 years.”

“Well then we won’t have to worry about other people recognizing me,”I said, hinting at other.

Jake looked confused for a second,”Ohhh I get it, you’re worried about Andy, aren’t you?”

“Of course I am I left him the morning after,”I said. See Jake was the only one of the guys I could trust to tell him what happened.

“Well I’m pretty sure he won’t realize it’s you because you dress sort of different and you’re way different then high school,”he said.

“Good so where are-”I started saying when I was squished by 3 bodies.

“I MISSED YOU!”shouted one, which I recognized as Ashley.

“I MISSED YOU THE MOST!”another shouted, it was Jinxx.

“I LOVE WAFFLES!” the last shouted, of course it was CC.

Ashley and Jinxx pulled away,”What you didn’t miss us?”they both asked.

“Of course I missed you guys,”I said.

“YAY!”they all shouted.

“Um CC,”I said,”you can let go.”

“But I just met you,”he said,”you can’t leave me.”

“I’m not leaving anytime soon,”I said.

“Okay,”he said letting go of me.

I looked down at my watch,”Oh shit,”I said.

“What’s up?” Jake asked.

“I have to get going my peeps are playing,”I said,”so if you want to to come we have to leave now.” They all nodded saying they would come with me. We talked about what has happened in the past few years. I found out that Ashley is still perverted as usual, Jinxx and Sammi have been dating for now 2 ½ years, CC has major issues with talking technology, and Jake, well he says nothing has changed for him but I highly doubt that.

We finally got to the stage where DJ, Nikki, and James were preforming. They were just starting. I ran to back stage and we all flashed our passes. I ran quickly to the backstage and hurled myself up the steps. I bent over and pretended to be dying.

“Finally you made it,”DJ said walking over to me.

“I know,”I said,”how much longer till you guys go on.”

“About 5 minutes,”he said.

“Sweet,”I said,”so DJ, this is Jake, Jinxx, Ashley, and CC.”

“Who was the asshole that you told me about?”DJ asked.

“Oh don’t worry,”I said,”he’s here but he doesn’t know that I am, right guys?”

“Right,”they all said and nodded.

“Good,”DJ said,”so I think you should introduce them to James and Nikki.”
“OH that’s gonna be grand,”I said.

“Wait what do you mean and who are we meeting?”Ashley asked confused.

“Well I kind of acquired someone who basically is very protective me,”I said and called Nikki over,”so guys meet Nikki, Nikki meet Jake, Jinxx, Ashley and CC.”

“What about the asshole?”Nikki asked.

“He’s here but he doesn’t know I am,”I said.

“Okay,”he said.

“Holy shit,”Ashley said,”you’re Nikki Sixx.”

“Ya,”he said.

“It’s great to meet you, you’re like my hero,”Ashley said.

“That’s great to hear,”Nikki replied,”what do you play?”

“Bass,”Ashley said,”Jake and Jinxx play guitar and CC is on drums.”

“Sweet,”Nikki said,”oh shit Vee I forgot to tell you Tommy’s here.”

“Holy shit,”I shouted,”he is?”

“Of course,”he said,”he’s over doing something with his drums like usual.”

“Sweet, you guys get acquainted,”I said,”Nikki don’t kill them and don’t let James or DJ kill them, and I am gonna go see Tommy since he is my favorite person.”

I took off running to the back of the stage near the drums and heard Tommy yelling at the drum techs. I laughed and walked up. I wrapped my arms around Tommy,”How is my favorite unbiological-non-assholeish-uncle?”

“I am great and how is my unbiological-awesome-niece?”he said turning around and picking me up, swinging me around.

“I would be fantastic if you would quit squishing my lungs,”I said.

“Oh shit,”he said,”sorry, so who are those guys you walked in with?”

“They’re my friends from back in Huntington,”I said.

“Oh well if they don’t hurt you they won’t have to worry about getting a bass drum shoved up their ass side ways,”he said.

“Well atleast I don’t have to worry about them getting injured if they hurt me,”I said laughing.

He chuckled,”You know I got your back and so does everyone else.”

I was about to say something when James ran back,”We start in like a few seconds so finish up what you’re doing with the drums,”he said to Tommy, then looked to me,”you either go into the audience or come up to side stage.” We both nodded.

I headed to side stage. Ashley spotted me and ran to me, pulling me into a bone-crushing hug,”You can never leave us alone ever.”

“Why?”I asked,”are they that scary? cause if they are don’t tell them because that will inflate their already oversized ego.”

“Of course they’re scary,”Jake said as he, and CC ran to join the hug.

“So Jinxx were you scared by them?”I asked.

“Please they don’t scare me,”he said.

“You were terrified weren’t you?”I asked.

“Hell yeah,”he said and joined our hug.

“Well come on let’s go watch them,”I said.

The show was amazing so far. Nikki stepped up to the microphone,”Well I have someone here special, who is like a daughter to me, you may have seen her earlier, so Vee please make your entrance.”

“Fuck no,”I shouted.

Nikki motioned to Tommy. Tommy stood up and started running towards side stage. My expression turned into one of an “Oh Shit” I took off running the other way. Of course he caught me because he has a way longer stride. I was thrown over his shoulder. My shirt stuck to his sweaty back.

“You’re an asshole Tommy,”I sang.

He set me down by Nikki, Nikki turned to me,”So people who don’t know her this is Vee, Vee say to hi to everybody.”

“Hi to everybody,”I said like a smart ass. The crowd laughed.

“Smart ass,”he said.

“Sorry, Hi I’m Vee I sing in The Fallen,”I said.

“So ya that’s Vee she’s our favorite angry little midget,”Tommy shouted and the crowd laughed.

“And your our favorite little mother fucker,”I said.

“Ya mother fucker of the year,”he shouted again.

“Excuse him, he has issues,”I said,”so I am gonna go back to the side stage so ya.... bye,” with that I took off to the side stage and remained there untill the end of the show. Of course they all came out, sweat soaked and ready to hug. It was a nightmare...
♠ ♠ ♠
and Tommy Lee

So decided to update tonight at about 10 o'clock cause I am awesome and I can. I love all of you for commenting and supporting me through writing so far because all of the comments give me hope, love and happiness to keep writing even though I think I suck.

The Wall Of Fame/Love:

So comment what you liked, disliked and or what I could've done better.