Status: Will start posting asap...unicorns!

I'm Choking on This Ecstasy

We Leave You Dead In Ditches.

There was a knock on the door and I quickly ran to answer it. “Damn it,”I groaned as I accidentally bumped my new tattoo on the bathroom door handle. It was still slightly tender. I grabbed a random shirt and threw it on over the tank top I was wearing and it fell to slightly above mid-thigh.

I opened the door,”What?”I growled since it was like only 8 in the morning.

“Some one looks mighty fine this morning,”the person said.

“Oh hey Jake,”I stepped aside,”come in.”

“So how are you this lovely afternoon?”he asked.

“It’s only 8,”I said confused.

“No it’s 11,”he replied.

“Are you kidding me?”I whined.

“No ,see,”he held his phone up

“Oh god,”I slammed my head on the table ,”where is everyone?” I asked cause I just noticed everyone was gone.

“I don’t know but I do know Nikki is still asleep,”He replied matter-of-factly.

“Yeah but she’s all preggo and stuff,”I said.

“So what’s your plans for today?”he asked.

“Probably just lay on the couch all day watching movies or hanging with Dahvie and Jayy,”I answered.

“That sounds so boring though,”he whined.

“Well what did you expect?”I asked looking at him.

“I don’t know but the guys miss you so I say we go see them,”he suggested,”and plus we want to see your tattoo.”

“I guess,”I sighed.

“Well it’s not like you’re gonna do anything important,”he whined.

“Well I was planning on watching a few movies-” and he cut me off.

“See nothing really important,”he stated.

“Fine just let me go find some pants or longer shorts,”I said.

“And a new shirt,”Jake added.

“Why?”I asked looking down at my shirt,”there’s nothing wrong with it.”

“Yeah but it’s DJ’s though,”he said.

“So,”I replied,”I steal his clothes all the time and if it bugs Andy, well it shouldn’t.” I walked to the back and grabbed some skinnies and changed out of my shorts. I walked out and pulled on my shoes.

“How can you be wearing jeans?”Jake asked.

“It’s not that hot out,”I replied tying my shoes.

“It’s like 90 degrees out,”he said.

“I was still wearing skinny jeans when it was about 90 in Florida,”I replied standing up straight.

“Let’s go!”he yelled and grabbed my hand dragging me out.

“Damn Jake,”I laughed,”chill.”I pulled him to an almost stop.

“Come on,”he whined.

“Chill,”I said.

“Fine,”he huffed and began walking. We reached the bus a few minutes and he pulled me through the door and up the steps.”Guess who’s here,”he shouted.

“Vee,”a voice yelled and I was immediately squished between two arms.

“Ouch,”I said,”new tattoo.”

“Where is it?”CC asked.

“I’ll show you,”I said and pulled my stomach to about mid stomach.

“I love it,”CC said tracing around the heart.

“This is awkward,”I laughed.

“What’s up?”a voice said coming in. It was Jinxx .

“Vee got a new tat,”CC replied absentmindedly still tracing it.

“Almost done,”I asked CC laughing.

“Sorry,”he said and stood up.

“It is pretty awesome,”Ashley added.

“I’m surprised you didn’t say anything perverted,”I said.

“I’m a changed man,”he retorted.

“Some girl catch your eye?”I asked.

“Yeah,”he mumbled.

I awed,”That’s so awesome.”

“Yeah,”he replied.

“We should go swimming,”CC randomly said.

“You guys can,”I replied.

“Why can’t you?”Jake asked.

“I have to wait atleast a month till I can because of my tattoo,”I said.

“Well you could always just sit and tan,”Jinxx suggested,”because you are getting a little pale-ish.”

“You have no where to talk,”I retorted looking at him,”but you’re right I do.”

“So can we go to the beach,”CC asked getting down on his knees and hugging my leg.

Ashley, Jinxx and Jake all dropped to their knees,”Can we?”they asked.

“I’m not your mother,”I replied and they just kept staring at me,”fine let’s go.”

“Yay!”they all shouted and jumped up.

I shook my head,”Meet me at my bus because I have to change.”

“Hurry up,”CC shouted shoving me out the door.

I jogged back to the bus and ran to the back. I ran to the back room and stripped down. I pulled on my swimsuit and a small dress that acted as a cover up. I grabbed a towel and some sunscreen.

“Where are you going?”DJ asked as I ran by him.

“Shit!”I screamed,”don’t scare me like that.”

“Sorry,”DJ replied looking up from the acoustic in his lap,”so where you going?”

“Headed to the beach with Ash, Jake, Jinxx, and CC,”I said,”do you want to come?”

“Are you sure?”he asked.

“Yeah they won’t care,”I replied.

“Okay then,”he said and walked into the back.

There was a knock on the bus door and I went and opened it,”Yo,”I said.

“Hey,”Jake said,”Andy and Juliet are coming.”

“Okay,”I replied,”it’s okay that DJ comes right?”

“Yeah of course,”Jinxx answered walking up.

“Okay we’ll be out in a few,”I replied,”I need to grab some stuff.” I ducked back and heard a hand connect to the back of some ones head.

“Done,”DJ said walking out. He had board shorts on and just a wifebeater.

“Let’s go,”I said and pulled him out of the bus. I quickly grabbed a bag and put two towels, water, sunscreen, and a football since CC told me to grab one. I threw the bags of the straps over my shoulders and pulled DJ out of the bus.

“Where’s Nikki?”I turned and asked him as we walked.

“She’s still sleeping,”he answered.

“What time is it?”I asked.

“It’s around 12:30,”he replied.

“I wonder if she wants to come,”I pondered,”I’ll call her.” I pulled out my phone and dialed her number.

“Hello,”a groggy voice answered

“What’s up preggers?”I asked.

“Just waking up,”she replied.

“Well we were headed to the beach and I was wondering if you wanted to come?”I asked.

“Maybe but we were supposed to hang with Dahvie and Jayy,”she said.

“Shit, I completely forgot,”I replied smacking my forehead.

“Well I can have them come with me if I decide to come,”she suggested.

“Sounds good,”I said.

“Okay well I’m gonna get ready so bye,”she replied.

“Okie dokie,”I said and hung up.

“So is she?”DJ asked.

“She might,”I answered.

“So where are we meeting them?”DJ asked.

“By the gates,”I replied not so sure.

“Okay,”he said.

I waved when I saw only Ashley and Jinxx by the gates.

“What took so so long?”Ashley asked suggestively.

“Ha Ha,”I replied,”CC randomly requested a football so I had to look for one.”

“Sure,”Ashley said.

“You’re such a weirdo,”I retorted.

“Yeah so we better go cause everyone’s is probably wondering what’s taking so long,”Jinxx replied looking up from his phone.

“Okay,”I chirped and we started walking.

It took us about 5-10 minutes to get there but that’s mainly because Ashley kept getting side tracked or would get us lost. When we finally got there DJ had his arm wrapped around my waist because we had to walk across a rocky path to reach the beach.

“Vee!”I heard CC yell. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

“CC put me down!”I shouted,”short people belong on the ground not up high.” I was dropped into a pair of waiting arms. “Thanks,”I said and flipped from Jake’s arms. Andy and Juliet walked up to us and her arms were wrapped around his bicep.

“So?”DJ awkwardly asked.

“Well I’m gonna go tan,”I replied.

“Why?”Andy asked.

“New tattoo,”I replied.

“I’ll sit with you for a bit,”DJ offered.

“You don’t have to,”I said.

“Eh I don’t feel like swimming right away,”he replied.

“Okay,”I said and then looked at everyone,”let’s go.”

We walked to a place that was semi-shady but still had sun shining.”Hand me the bag?”DJ asked as he saw me struggling with it

“Okay,”I sighed and pulled off my cover up.

“Why are you always stripping around me?”CC asked,”it’s like you want to tease me till I die.”

“Oh babe,”I replied faking flirtiness,”you know it’s not teasing.” He just laughed and pushed my shoulder. I sat on one of the towels DJ had laid out,”Hand me the sunscreen,”I said and put my hand backward. It was placed in my hand and I opened the tube and started putting some on.

DJ sat behind me,”I can get your back.”

“Thanks,” I said and leaned forward. He finished and I laid back on the towel. DJ just leaned back on his elbows and I scooted closer to his side. Everyone ran into the water and started splashing around

About an hour later me and DJ moved over into the shaded area. I was situated between DJ’s legs and I was leaning back against his chest. DJ was leaned back and resting on his forearms. Juliet and Andy both walked over and sat down on their towels right beside us.

“Hi, I don’t think we met properly,”Juliet said,”I’m Juliet.”

“Nice to meet you, I’m Valencia or Vee,”I replied.

“So how do you the guys?”she asked.

“Me and my brothers went to high school with them,”I answered.

“How many brothers do you have,”she questioned.

“I have one biologically, and he’s my twin,”I replied,”and 8 other brothers.”

“Wow,”she said,”so you grew up around all guys?”

“Basically besides Val, who’s basically my sister,”I answered,”but no my sister was shipped to England for boarding school.”

“Why?”she asked.

“She was turning out like me,”I responded,”and mother dearest didn’t like that so now she’s across the pond.”

“Oh, so are you two dating?”she asked looking at me and DJ.

I laughed and looked at DJ,”No we’re just really close.”

“Oh,”she replied,”I just thought because you two are really coupley.”

“Nah Nikki would kill him same with Sixx,”I answered and she gave me a questioning look,”Nikki’s my best friend and Sixx as in Nikki Sixx and he’s basically a dad to me.

“Oh,”she said and leaned against Andy.

All the guys soon came over and stood infront of me,”What,”I asked.

“Let’s play football or something,”CC said.

“Grab the football and give me a couple seconds,”I sighed. Ashley just sat down right by me,”So Ash,”I asked,”when do we get to meet the girl?”

“When we get back to Cali you can meet her,”he replied.

“Who said I’m going back to Cali,”I said and closed my eyes.

“Where do you plan on going?”he asked.

“Not sure,”I responded,”possibly Italy, Peru, back to Minnesota, or somewhere else.”

“Why Minnesota?”he asked.

“I miss snow and all the stuff I can do and plus I just miss home,”I said reminiscing.

“Let’s play some football,”CC ran up screaming.

“Okay,”I sighed and stood up,”who’s all playing?”All the guys put up their hands besides Andy,”What about you and Juliet?”I asked looking at Andy.

“I guess,”Andy said standing up and pulled up Juliet.

“Who’s captains?”CC asked.

“I’ll be one,”I offered at the same time Andy did.

“Sweet so Vee pick first,”Jake said.

“DJ,”I said.

“CC,”Andy picked.

By the last pick I had DJ, Ashley and Jake. Andy had CC, Juliet and Jinxx.”Two hand touch?”Juliet asked.

“If you want,”I replied stealing DJ’s shirt.

“Because I wasn’t gonna use it,”he mumbled.

“For what?”I asked.

“So I won’t distract you,”he replied smirking.

“Yeah cause you distract me so much,”I laughed sarcastically,”so let’s get to the game.”

By the end of the game my team won 7-4. Every touchdown was worth only one point. Two hand touch really didn’t last to long. CC kept tackling me so it turned into full contact football. I may have tackled Juliet a little too hard. It wasn’t my fault, it was pure animal instinct, adrenaline and some anger. Good thing sand is squishy then rock. Nikki, Dahvie and Jayy came half way through the game and watched us. I put my swimsuit cover up back on

“We should head back,”I suggested.

“We don’t have to leave till like 2 tomorrow,”CC said.

“Well then lets make a fire,”I replied,”and some people should go get beer and s’more stuff.” Everyone was silent,”I’ll go, who wants to come with.”

“I can,”Andy offered. I looked at Juliet and she didn’t look bothered at all.

“Okay,”I replied warily and we were off.
♠ ♠ ♠
1st outfit
2nd outfit
why I haven't updated:
and my computer is going to shit. :(

SO this story now has 40 comments and I absolutely love you guys for it. I have a side story and its a Falling In Reverse fan fic. So another 9 page chapter because I love you guys because you comment and all that jazz. Excuse the spelling mistakes and the horrid gramar haha.

Wall of love/fame:
Alexandrias Nitemare
Vampire Vengeance

SO comment what you liked, disliked, and/or what I could've done better. or just comment haha.

so PEACE, LOVE AND MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!