Status: Will start posting asap...unicorns!

I'm Choking on This Ecstasy

You've Got It All Down, Got It All Down, Down To A Science.

I kept my head down and texted Nikki as me and Andy made our way to the gas station and liquor store. I had one of my earbuds in and I was listening to Snow White’s Poison Bite- The End Of Prom Night. We had been walking for atleast 10 minutes and I kicked at a rock. We finally found a gas station that also carried beer and liquor and all that nummy stuff. We quickly got everything and brought it up to the counter. The total was atleast $90 which me and Andy split evenly. We left and on the way back the awkward silence was finally broken.

“So,”Andy said.

“So what?”I asked.

“I’m still a rockstar,”he retorted.

I snorted,”Don’t make me laugh, I’m mad at you.” I glowered and crossed my arms tightly across my chest.

“I don’t know why, I had no idea you were pregnant,”he sighed.

“Well what do you expect from unprotected sex?”I asked stiffly.

“I thought you would’ve been on the pill like any other average 18 year old female,”he replied slightly embarrassed.

“Did I look average to you?”I asked.

“No, but still,”he answered.

“Well I would of thought you had a condom since most guys carry them around in their wallets,”I retorted, mocking him.

“I apologize for never really needing one,”he said. I just huffed and went back to my music. “Can we stop this?”he asked exasperated.

“Stop what exactly?”I asked sighing.

“This fighting and arguing and not talking,”he replied in a quiet voice.

“What did you expect?”I questioned.

“I’m not even sure what I expected, I just didn’t expect you to hate me,”he replied sadly.

“I don’t hate you, I’m just angry at myself and slightly at you,”I said and looked at him.

“It just seems like you do,”he replied.

“I’m just naturally a hateful child,”I retorted laughing.

“See I miss this,”he said.

“What?”I asked.

“Being friends because we used to be close,”he replied.

“Okay, how bout we be friends again, not as close but still friends?”I asked. He was quiet for a little but set the bags down and brought me into a hug.

“Of course I’ll be your friend, you angry little midget,”he said and ruffled my hair.

“Asshole,”I replied. It was slightly muffled by his chest.

“Yeah yeah,”he retorted, removed his arms and picked the bags up again.

“You know what would be great?”I asked, smirking deviously.

“What?”he questioned.

“We should start fighting a little bit after we get back to the beach,”I suggested.

He thought for a little bit,”I’m in.”

“Yay!”I yelled,”now let’s head back but before I have to let Nikki and the guys from Sixx AM know otherwise the might just kill you.”

“Good idea because I really don’t want to be killed,”he said.

“Yeah, that would suck,”I replied. We soon fell into a silence, not an awkward one but just a silence. We made it back to the beach,”I got booze and s’more stuff!”I called out.

“YAY!”I heard from multiple directions. CC ran up and grabbed the bags from Andy and ran back to the fire area. I just laughed and felt two arms wrap around my waist.

“So you’re happier,”I heard the voice comment.

“Of course I am,”I replied looking back into DJ’s eyes.

“And why are you so happy?”he asked.

“I’m no longer out to kill Andy,”I replied.

“Well that’s good,”he answered. He removed his arms from my waist and swept me up into his arms.

“I’m not a child that needs to be carried around,”I pouted.

“You sure about that?”he questioned chuckling.

“Well I’m pretty sure a child wouldn’t have boobs like mine,”I retorted.

“No they wouldn’t,”he replied.

“Pervert,”I said scowling.

“No not perviness, appreciateveness,”he replied ‘correcting me’.

“Just bring me to the chocolate and everyone else,”I said.

“Your wish is my command,”he retorted sarcastically.

We got back and I quickly ran around and told Nikki (preggers), Nikki, James, Tommy, and DJ what was gonna all happen. DJ and Nikki weren’t all for it but it was still gonna happen anyways. I sat in between DJ’s legs and Andy would ‘glare’ over at us. I brought my head slightly up to tell him it was time for the plan.

“What the fuck is your problem?”I asked bitingly.

“Besides the fact that I don’t want to see someone hanging all over someone they’re aren’t even dating,”he sneered.

“You’re just an asshole,”I replied.

“Oh yeah I’m definitely an asshole,”he yelled back sarcastically.

“Finally you realize it,”I yelled back.

“I was being sarcastic you bitch,”he replied back still yelling.

“I knew that asshole,”I shouted back.

“You’re such a fucking bitch,”he yelled,”if you weren’t a girl.”

“If I wasn’t a girl what?”I asked,”you would hit me? well go ahead and fucking hit me.”

“No because I have respect,”he retorted.

“To yell at me for absolutely nothing?”I asked suppressing a laugh.

“I can’t do this anymore,”he replied.

“Me neither!”I yelled back and we both broke down laughing.

All the guys still sat there in there dumbfound state. “What in the flying fuck?”CC asked.

“What?”I asked sitting backing down, in between DJ’s legs.

“What the fuck was that?”CC and Jake both asked.

“Oh that was a plan well organized,”Andy replied laughing.

“Wait a second,”Jinxx said,”you two are friends now?”

“Some what,”I replied.

“Talk about a Christmas miracle,”CC mumbled.

“But it’s like July,”I replied.

“Fine, a July miracle,”CC retorted,”happy now?”

“As a clam,”I replied. Everyone soon fell into their own little conversations. I soon broke out all the s’more stuff and alcohol. Everybody cheered and began making s’mores and drinking. Me, Nikki (preggers) and DJ remained the only sober (or semi-sober in mine and DJ’s case).

We all stumbled back to the venue where all the tour buses were. I quickly got changed and crawled up into the bunk and laid there. DJ soon crawled up and pulled me against his chest.

“So what happened on the way to or back from the store?”he asked.

“I’m not sure but everything was slightly straightened out,”I answered.

“Oh,”he replied.

I could tell something was on his mind so I turned in his arms,”What’s up?”I asked.

“Nothing just go to sleep,”he replied.

“No tell me,”I insisted.

“I’ll tell you in the morning, okay?”he said.

“Fine,”I replied and soon fell asleep.


I woke up and the bunk was empty. I brushed the sleep out of my eyes and slid out of the bunk. My feet missed the ground and I landed on my butt. ‘Ouch’ I mouthed. I stood back up and walked out to the front area. I saw DJ with his head rested in his hands.

“Morning,”he said as I walked in.

“Morning,”I replied,”so you had something to tell me or ask me or something.”

“It doesn’t matter,”he answered.

“Tell me,”I pleaded.

“It doesn’t matter,”he replied.

“Please,”I whined.

“Fine,”he sighed,”...”
♠ ♠ ♠
OMFG a cliffhanger. What's gonna happen and what's he gonna say or ask or whatever. Well I know so I'm not really asking myself haha. Not that good but it was rushed so yeah. So Christmas Vacation is coming up and most likely I shall be posting a lot but I'm not making promises.

5 comments and the next chapter will come sooner then planned.

Wall of fame/love:
Alexandrias Nitemare

So comment what you liked, disliked and/or what I could've done better.