Status: Will start posting asap...unicorns!

I'm Choking on This Ecstasy

Third Times A Charm

“I..”he started saying but was cut off.

“Morning,”Nikki sang as she walked into the kitchen.

“Damn you,”I replied and smacked my head against the table.

“What’s up with her?”Nikki asked DJ.

“Nothing,”DJ replied sighing,”I gotta go shower.” He stood up and walked to the back room.

“What’s up?”Nikki asked looking at me.

“You barged in when DJ was gonna ask or tell me something but now I have no idea what it could’ve been,”I whined.

“He’ll tell you eventually,”Nikki replied.

“Wait, do you know?”I asked.

“Psh, no,”she said and began walking to the couch.

“You do, don’t you?”I questioned following her.

“I have the general idea,”she replied and sat on the couch.

“What?”I asked and put my hands on my hips.

“He’ll tell you, just wait,”she replied.

“What ever,”I sighed,”so when are you due?”

“About 2 months now,”she answered.

“Why are you still on tour then?”I asked thoroughly confused.

“Well I was planning on leaving next month,”she said.

“Well no matter what when you start pushing that child out, I will be there to watch you freak out at Bill and squeeze his hand till it falls off,”I replied,”speaking of Bill, where is he?”

“He’s still in Germany but him and Tom are coming back I think next week or the week after,”she answered.

“Ahh,”I replied,”so what’s new with you?”

“I feel like I’m getting fatter every second and I’m getting weird as hell cravings,”she moaned and buried her face in a pillow.

“I know how you feel, I was craving like peanut butter and sardines, hell I don’t even like sardines,”I replied laughing.

“That is so gross,”she said laughing.

“What do you think I was thinking,”I retorted,”I just woke up and was like ‘hmm peanut butter and sardines sound fantastic right now’ and I didn’t even get any.”

“Oh I bet you’re so pissed about that now,”she replied sarcastically.

“Not pissed, heartbroken,”I replied.

“I miss bonding with you,”she sighed.

“Of course, I mean I am pretty damn awesome,”I replied and laughed,”don’t worry I missed our awesome bonding moments before I left.”

“Kicking the shit out of each other?”she asked.

“Well that too but just hanging out,”I replied.

“Damn you, you’re making the pregnant lady cry,”she sniffled.

“Yeah and you’re making me cry too damn it,”I replied.

“Woah, what happened?”DJ asked walking back in.

“You ruined our moment,”I answered.

“What moment?”he asked.

“We were remembering our old bonding moments when we were still in high school,”Nikki replied.

“Oh,”DJ said,”so then why are you guys crying?”

“You are such a guy,”me and Nikki responded together.

“I know,”he replied and walked over to the food cabinet. He tossed his head back and groaned,”There is absolutely nothing to eat on this bus.”

“But I just got stuff not even 3 days ago,”Nikki replied.

“Oh shit sorry,”I said,”I got like really hungry and I went on like a food killing spree fueled by hunger.”

“You suck,”DJ replied and shut the cabinet door.

“I think I have like some Sun Chips in one of the bags in the back,”I replied. DJ didn’t say anything but he ran to the back room and we could hear him digging through the bags. “Well I guess he’s hungry,”I said.

“Yeah, so when are we getting to the next place?”she asked.

“I’m not sure, go ask Nikki, I’m pretty sure he’s up driving right now,”I answered.

“Okay,”she replied. She stood up and waddled her way to the front. I threw myself backwards and laid out on the couch. Sighing, my hand moved to my stomach and made circles on it. It sucked to think of when I was pregnant. I was so happy when I was pregnant till I got mood swings but I was never angry.

“What’s up?”DJ asked walking back in.

“Thinking,”I answered.

“About?”he questioned.

“When I was pregnant,”I replied.

“Oh,”he said.

“Yup, so what were you gonna tell me?”I asked.

“I-”he started.

“We’re gonna be there in like an hour so start getting ready,”Nikki said walking in.

“Damn you,”I growled.

“What?”she asked.

“Nothing,”I replied and walked to the back to get ready.

I heard Nikki and DJ talking:

“You were gonna tell her, weren’t you?”she asked.

“I was planning on it,”he replied.

“Shit, I ruined it again,”Nikki stated.

“No, I’ll tell her later,”he replied.

“Yeah but I still feel bad,”she said.

“Don’t, I’ll tell her later,”he replied.

“Okay,”she sighed.

I sighed and finished getting ready. I dug through my bag looking for my shoes because they were no where to be seen. I gave up and decided just to find a different pair of shoes. I pulled out my old converse and brought them over to the front door of the bus. I threw myself back down on the couch and just laid there.

“What’s up?”some one asked from behind the couch.

“Nothing just laying on a couch,”I sighed.

Nikki popped his head over the couch,”Seems like something.”

“It’s not,”I replied.

“You sure?”he asked.

“Positive,”I said.

“I don’t believe you but I’m not gonna push you to tell me,”he replied,”but move over.”

“But I don’t wanna,”I retorted.

“Move or I’ll lay on you,”he threatened.

“Okay okay, I’m moving,”I said sliding over.

I laid out and rested my legs on Nikki’s lap. “There’s something bothering you,”he said and rested his head on the back of the couch.

“Don’t worry about it,”I replied,”I’m just confused right now.”

“What ever you say,”he retorted.

“So when are we gonna be there?”I asked.

Nikki pulled out his phone,”In like 40 minutes, I’m pretty sure.”

“Okay well I’m gonna go finish getting ready,”I said, standing up and walking to the bathroom. I plugged my I-pod into the speakers that sat on the back of the toilet. I plugged in my hair straightener and turned it on. I flipped through my songs for a little bit and landed on Happy Violentines Day by Blood On The Dance Floor. Dancing around, I reached for my straightener and began straightening my hair. It takes about 30 minutes just to straighten my hair and then like 5-10 minutes to do everything else. I grabbed my straightener and began running it through my hair. I finished and pushed my hair slightly back away from my face. I did my make up real quick. I put everything back into my small bag that I had for everything bathroom related. I fixed my hair and walked out.

“Are we here yet?”I asked Nikki.

Nikki shook his head,”In a few minutes we should be pulling in.”

“Oh, okay,”I responded,”what time is it?”

“It’s about 9 I think,”he replied.

“It’s to early for this,”I groaned.

“Yeah I know,”he said.

“Where’s DJ?”I asked looking around.

“I think he’s in the back room,”Nikki replied unsure.

“Okay,”I said and walked to the back. I walked back and found DJ sleeping, shirtless, on the couch thingy. I walked over and sat so that my legs where on either sides of his hips. I brought my hand down and poked him right between his eyes. His face scrunched up and his hand swatted at the air. I giggled and poked him again.

“Valencia, I swear if you don’t knock it off I will break your I-pod,”he growled.

I giggled,”Well wake up then because we’re gonna be to the venue-area-thingy in like 10 minutes.”

“But I don’t want to,”he whined and threw his arm over his face.

“Neither did I but we all have to do things we don’t want to,”I replied pulling at his arm.

“Valencia,”he growled again. I put my hand by his head and pulled on his arm. His arm came off of his face and my hand slipped and fell to the other side of his head. My face was about 4 inches from his. “Well hello,”he said smirking.

“Um,”I stuttered and I sat up quickly.

“So how much longer till we get there?”he asked, propping himself up on his elbows and rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

“A few minutes,”I said and stood up from sitting on him.

“Well then I should go get ready,”he replied.

“Yeah you should,”I said and walked away. I stopped,”I just noticed that almost everything remotely awkward happens when you are shirtless.”

“That’s because I’m sexy,”he retorted chuckling.

“Yeah yeah,”I laughed and walked back, through the bunk area and to the couch.

“So where’s the band time list?”I asked.

“On the fridge,”James responded.

“Okay thanks,”I replied.

“No problem,”he said.

I walked over and read the list. We were all playing at the same time. “Awe, I can’t come watch you guys perform,”I whined.

“That sucks,”Nikki said walking into the kitchen.

“I know but I hope the stages are close,”I replied and began digging through the cabinets and fridge. “DJ was right,”I whined.

“What?”Nikki asked.

“We really don’t have any food,”I stated.

“We can get some before we leave,”he replied.

“Okay,”I chirped. I felt the bus turn and then come to a complete stop,”LAND!”I yelled and ran out the door of the bus. I looked down the lines of the buses and saw CC doing the same.

“Vee!”he yelled looking over and running at me.

“CC!”I yelled back and opened my arms.

“I missed you!”he screamed and pulled me into his arms.

“I missed you too!”I replied screaming. Everyone that was off the buses were either looking at us weirdly or laughing.

“Ouch Vee that really hurts,”I heard three voices say.

I looked and saw Ashley, Jake and Jinxx with their arms crossed.”He’s my favorite Mexican and the first one off the bus,”I replied,”but get your asses over here and give me a hug.” They ran over and pulled me into a giant group hug. “That’s right bitches love me and my sexiness,”I yelled laughing.

“Oh most definitely,”Nikki said waddling out of the bus.

“You know it,”I winked.

“Yeah yeah,”she replied and waved me off.

“You can let me go now,”I said to the guys. They all pulled away.

“Vee, get your ass to the stage we have like an hour till we go on,”Faye said walking over.

“Shit,” I replied,”let’s go.” We ran over to the stage with the BVB guys trailing behind us. We did a quick 45 minute sound check and ran through a couple of our songs. We were one of the first bands playing today. We were on the stage closest to the front gates. I watched as the hordes of teenagers poured in as the gates were opened up. I walked to the backstage and began pacing. This looked like it was gonna be a big show. DJ ran up the side steps. “Hey?”I said more like a question.

“I have to do something,”he stated,”or I won’t be able to focus and perform.”

“What?”I asked.

He walked closer and brought my face close to his.”This,”he responded and brought my lips to his. I was shocked at first and didn’t do anything to respond. I felt him begin pulling away and I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck. His wound his arms behind my back and pulled me closer. I heard a few whistles, some cat-calls and a few get-a-room’s. I felt him smile and pull away.

“So was that the big secret?”I asked.

“No the big secret is that I know this guy that may like you and he wanted to do something about if for a while and finally got the balls to do it,”he replied looking down at me.

“Oh really and this guy is?”I asked.

“Well he’s pretty much a god at guitar and quite sexy if I do say so myself,”he said.

“Hm,”I said ‘thinking’ about it for a little bit,”is it you?”

“It possibly could be,”he retorted.

“So what’s he gonna do about it?”I asked.

“Well I think he was gonna ask you if you would like to go out on a date,”he replied.

“I would love too,”I replied.

“Good, well I gotta go play a show,”he retorted and began to turn away. “First,”he said and quickly captured my lips,”now I can go,”and with that he left.

“Finally,”Faye said and patted me on the back.

"Talk about another Christmas/July miracle,"I heard CC mumble

“You’re growing up so fast,”Nikki said ‘crying’.

“You guys are such dorks,”I laughed,”now let’s go kick some major ass.”

“WOO!”we all yelled and ran out on stage.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title isn't song lyrics so the post song: Smooth by Santana

Her outfit

So it finally happened. What we have been waiting for (or atleast some of us). It was way to prolonged and it was supposed to be a Christmas (or what ever you celebrate) present. I didn't get the 5 comments I wanted but I did get 3 of them and decide to post anyway cause it's so close to Christmas (or what ever holiday you celebrate) .

Wall of Fame/Love:
Alexandrias Nitemare

So my good friend Crazy_Peep has a new story and I like it so far so I decided to start whoring it out. It's called Cancer and it has only 2 chapters out but it's really good. So if you guys love me go read it and show her some love like you show me haha.

Comment what you liked, disliked and/or what I could've done better.