Status: Will start posting asap...unicorns!

I'm Choking on This Ecstasy

Build God Then We'll Talk

I sat on the back porch by the pool with my cigarette hanging from my mouth. My feet cut through the water as I swished them back and forth. I put out my cigarette and stood up. My body was soon hit and thrown backwards by two people.

I swam up with my clothes weighing me down. I looked over and saw Faye and Caleb laughing at me. I just laughed and said,"I'm surprised Nikki or DJ weren't behind this."
So I should explain what happened over the three years I have been gone. I moved all the way to Florida with Faye and Caleb. We lived there for about a year and a half. We decided, since Faye and Caleb turned out to be awesome musicians, that we should move back to California. We moved to Los Angeles of course since that's the supposed land of fame and success.

We had to basically live out of suitcases and hotel rooms. We were finally heard when we played a small gig at a bar. I was stuck with playing bass along with singing. I was shocked because Nikki Sixx was there and he was the one that found us. He heard us cover Dr. Feelgood by Mötley Crüe and he was stunned he said. He said from all the female singing attempts at a cover I was the best.

He spoke to us as we were cleaning up after the set. He told us we did great and he would like to hear from us if we were interested in a music career. He gave us a card and we called a few days later.

He offered to give us help on our upcoming album even though he was working on his own album too. We got to meet everyone in his new band since he wanted to "show us off" to them. DJ Ashba was cocky and Faye ended up showing him up. Which earned her respect from him.

I was later shoved into a booth. They all wanted to see if I sounded any good. I brought Caleb in with me since I ended up singing a cover we came up with of Toxic by Britney Spears and he can play an acoustic and sing the backing parts. I personally think it sounds way better and I guess everyone also did. So Nikki referred us to a label and the rest was history.
----------------------------------------------------End of what happened-------------------------------------------

I heard a voice behind us,"That would be kind of hard seeing as we just got back."

I looked and saw DJ, James, and Nikki by the siding glass door. I pulled myself out of the pool and ran at DJ. He screamed and ran. I started laughing and chasing after him as he yelled random shit.

"Get back you red headed she-demon!"he shouted as he got closer to the pool. I smirked and did a flying tackle which knocked me and him into a pool. He shot straight out of the water at the same time I did. He smirked and dunked me under yelling something that I wasn't sure of.

Of course Nikki had to break up all of our fun, "You're both acting like children," he said.

"So?"me and DJ both said,.

"You need to get out and get ready."Nikki said,"we have stuff to talk about since we are supposed to be leaving soon."

"Awe," I said,"you're leaving us again."

"No not we as in James, DJ, and I but we as in all of us." Nikki said.

"Oh,"Faye, Caleb, and I said, and then it soon dawned on us that we were going on our first tour. Me and Faye looked at each other, screamed and began jumping up and down.

"Yes, I see that your overly excited but we leave in a few days so go get packed."James said. We all nodded and headed into the house and up the stairs.

I ran up the steps and into my room. I flung my door open and ran into my closet. I grabbed my giant suitcase and threw it open on the bed. My lap top pinged behind me letting me know that some one wanted to Skype. I looked over and saw that it was the whole Black Veil Brides crew besides Andy of course because he didn't know that they still talked to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
So brand new quickly typed chapter so excuse my grammar mistakes. Comment what you liked, disliked, and/or what I could've done better.

I'd like to thank my first to the first to commenters:

So peace, love and music. (and don't forget to comment