Status: Will start posting asap...unicorns!

I'm Choking on This Ecstasy

We Are The Youth Gone Wild.

The band list got switched around at basically the last second so it fucked a lot of bands up but we were still one of the first bands to perform. All the guys from Sixx A.M. and Black Veil Brides(and Juliet) were standing side stage watching us. It was slightly nerve-wracking.

About halfway through the set I ran back to the amps and grabbed my water bottle. I walked to the front and took a long drink out of it. “I must say you guys so far are the craziest crowd that we have ever had,”I said into the mic. The roar from the crowd echoed through my ears. “Well we have only a few more songs left to play,”I sighed,”I know you guys are all hearbroken.” They all laughed and cheered. The guitar soon kicked in, same with the drums,”Well guys this is Going’ Down,”I yelled into the mic. I jumped and danced around as I sang. As the last note was strummed I let out a huge breath as we launched into the next song.


“We love you,”I screamed into the mic,”come meet us over at our merch tent in 10 minutes.” With that we all ran off the stage as the crowd screamed in response. I tossed my mic to the tech back there. “That was so awesome!”I exclaimed.

“Yeah,”Ashley agreed,”what happened?”

“What do you mean?”I asked.

“Well you seem so much happier and energetic,”he stated

“Yeah you have,”Jinxx agreed.

“Haha well,”was all I could reply as my face turned a bright red.

“Her and DJ are finally dating,”Nikki replied waddling up.

“Thanks Nikki,”I mumbled.

“Well someone had to tell them,”she huffed.

“Tell them what?”DJ asked walking over to where me, Nikki, Jake, Jinxx and Ashley were.

“That me and you are dating,”I replied as his arm wrapped around my waist.

“Oh,”was all he said as he pulled me closer.

“Have you told Nikki, James or Tommy?”I questioned as I looked up at him.

“Not yet,”he answered.

“Scared?”I asked.

“Slightly,”he said.

“Don’t be, now if you were anyone else you should be, but they know you,”I retorted and leaned my head against his chest.

“You guys are just so adorable,”Nikki squealed.

“God,”I groaned and buried my head into DJ’s chest,”we should’ve kept this a secret.”

“Nah it’s good that people know,”he replied.

“Know what?”Nikki asked as he, James and Tommy walked up.

“Um,”I stuttered and looked at DJ,”you can take this one.”

“Wait,”Tommy said,”let me guess, DJ finally grew a pair and asked Vee out.”

“How did you know,”I asked at the same time DJ said,”Hey I already have a pair.” They all just laughed at us.

“Wait, you’re not angry?”I asked dumbfounded.

“No, just shocked that it took this long,”Nikki replied.

“But if you do hurt her in anyway, we will have to kill you,”Tommy stated,”you may be our brother but Vee’s practically our daughter.”

“Thank god,”DJ sighed,”I thought you were gonna kill me like right away.”

“Nah we still need you for the show,”James replied.

“Oh gee thanks,”DJ said sarcastically.

“So when do you guys go on?”I asked.

“A few hours,”Nikki replied.

“Oh okay,”I said. I stretched out my back,”So what’s the plan?”I asked.

“Well we could always get lunch,”DJ suggested looking down at me.

“That would be good,”I replied looking back up at him.

“Where are we going?”CC asked clueless.

“Umm,”I replied.

“Just Vee and DJ,”Nikki replied looking at CC meaningfully.

“Oh,”he said slightly blushing.

“Don’t worry C, I would’ve done the same thing,”I told him laughing. I heard footsteps coming up and slightly turned my head and saw Juliet and Andy walking up. “Hey,”I said greeting them.

“Hey,”Andy replied eyeing DJ’s arm that was wrapped semi-tightly around my shoulders.

“Well should we get going?”I asked DJ.

“We can leave whenever,”he replied.

“Well then I’m gonna go hop a quick shower,”I said. I stood on my tip-toes and pecked his lips. (Okay so maybe it was longer then a simple peck but can you blame me). I was the first to pull away since everyone began to whistle and cat-call again. “You guys truly suck,”I groaned and walked away. I changed out some of my piercings and changed out of my sweaty clothes. I threw on a beanie over my now messy hair. I grabbed my wallet and ran out of the bus. DJ met me right outside the door. I smiled at him as he laced his fingers through mine. “So where to?”I asked.

“Not sure,”he replied,”but we can walk through town and look for somewhere to eat.”

“Okay,”I said,”so are we going public right away or are we gonna wait?”

“It depends,”he replied.

“On what?”I asked.

“If you don’t mind going public,”he answered.

“So I have to choose?”I questioned.

“Yup,”he replied.

“Well then I shall reply with an I don’t care,”I retorted

“So, public it is?”he asked.

“If you want to,”I answered.

“Pick either now or later,”he replied.

“Fine, now,”I said.

“Okay, now I don’t have to worry about the paparazzi in the bushes we just walked by,”he replied.

“What?”I asked.

He laughed,”You didn’t notice.”

“No, I was slightly preoccupied,”I retorted.

“Let me guess,”he said and put his head by my ear and whispered,”with me.”

“Possibly,”I smirked at him.

“You know you were totally distracted by me,”he laughed.

“Maybe,”I replied.

“So then you realized that they followed us and are trying to remain hidden?”he asked.

“How do you realize all this?”I asked completely dumbfounded.

“Fame comes with new senses,”he replied.

“Oh,”I responded,”so you can tell when you’re being stalked by paparazzi?”

“Basically,”he answered. We finally made it into the main part of town. Some people stared at us. We were asked for autographs by some. We found a small restaurant and went in. We ordered our food and sat down at a table.

“So are you sure you want to go public?”I asked as I laced our fingers together of the table.

“Of course I’m sure, if I wasn’t would we be out in front of everyone acting coupley?”he asked.

“Yeah but that’s normal for us,”I replied and looked down.

He reached across and tilted my face up,”I’m happy we’re going public cause that means that I can do this,”and with closed the gap between us. It lasted a little bit but was cut short by someone clearing their throat. I pulled away and ducked my head to hide my now red cheeks. The server put down our food and walked away quickly. We both laughed. We finished our food quickly, paid for our food and left. We made it back to the venue in 10 minutes.

We walked over to the bus,”I have to head over to the stage for a quick soundcheck,”DJ said.

“So you’re leaving me to the questioning that hides behind that door?”I asked.

“You’ll survive,”he replied and pulled me into a hug.

“Hugging me won’t make this any better,”I growled into his chest.

“What about a kiss?”he asked.

“That might help a little,”I retorted and tilted my head up. He cupped my face and brought our lips together. It was soon interrupted rudely by Nikki yelling out the bus window to get my ass inside.
”So how was your date?”Nikki asked as I walked in.

“It was good,”I replied.

“You sure?”she asked.

“Positive,”I replied.

“You go out on a date and you’re already pregnant?”she asked jokingly.

“I apologize but I mean come on,”I replied.

“Yeah I know,”she retorted,”you two were about to start fornicating on the side of the bus.”

“No we weren’t,”I replied.

“Yeah if I hadn’t stopped you two,”she retorted.

“Stopped who from what?”voices asked entering the bus.

I looked over and saw it was all the BVB guys (plus Juliet),”What’s up?”I asked.

“Bored as hell,”CC whined as he flung himself on my lap.

“Get off me,”I whined back.

“Yeah, she’s tired from DJ,”Nikki replied laughing which cause me to laugh.

“Wait, what?”Andy asked.

“She believes me and DJ were ‘fornicating’ on the side of the bus,”I replied when I quit laughing.

“What?”he asked again.

“Her and DJ were just on a date and when they came back it was like porn with clothes on,”Nikki said still laughing.

“It was just a kiss,”I whined.

“You and DJ are dating?”Andy asked.

“Yeah, you weren’t there when he asked me?”I asked.

“No,”he replied.

“Yeah, well I’m gonna go and hang with them, Nikki you coming?”I asked.

“Sure just give me a second,”she replied.

“Okay, I’ll be outside,”and with that I walked out the door with the guys following me.”So what’s up?”I asked.

“We just got done with our show,”Jake replied.

“Damn it, I missed your show,”I groaned.

“It’s okay we have plenty left,”CC replied.

I lit up a smoke,”Yeah but still I feel bad.”

“Don’t,”Ashley and Jinxx replied.

“I know,”I replied. I looked over and noticed Juliet wasn’t clung like a leach to Andy like usual. ‘I knew she was jealous’, I thought. ‘But of what,’ I asked myself. As Nikki came out, I quickly finished my cigarette and put it out. “And we’re off,”I said as me and Nikki left.

“Did you notice that Juliet was acting like a leach?”Nikki asked.

“Yeah,”I replied,”I wonder why.”

“She was probably just insecure,”she responded.

“Why?”I asked.

“Because she know of yours and Andy’s history,”she said scoffing.

“Yeah but she knew that nothing was gonna happen,”I retorted.

“Or did she?”she asked.

“What ever it doesn’t matter,” I replied waving it off.

We got to the stage and flashed our passes to the security. Tommy was the only one that noticed us because we sat on the amps by his drum set. He gave a slight wave with his stick and went back to drumming. They were still in the middle of practice. When they finished the song they were practicing me and Nikki began clapping. All three of them jumped and turned around. Me, Tommy and Nikki started laughing. DJ, Nikki and James flipped us off.

“You know you love us,”I said laughing.

“By default,”Nikki said.

“You’re really mean,”I replied and started ‘crying’.

“You’re fake crying won’t fool me,”he responded. I didn’t say anything at all.

“I think she’s actually crying,”DJ said. Tommy was holding back a laugh.

“I’m so sorry,”Nikki said and hugged me.

“You’re so easy,”I replied laughing.

“That’s cruel,”James replied.

“Cruel is my middle name,”I replied.

“I thought it was-”Nikki was about to say but I quickly put my hand over her mouth.

“No one knows,”I told her.

“Okay,”she said but it came out muffled. The guys stared at us weird.

“I worry about you guys,”Tommy said.

“We love you too,”Me and Nikki replied.

“You guys have to go we start in a few seconds,”James said.

“Fine,”I replied and we walked off. We stood side stage and watched as they performed. They did great and ran off. They greeted me and Nikki with sweaty hugs. I was greeted with a kiss from DJ.

“Daren Jay,”Nikki scolded,”quit seducing my best friend.”

“No need to use the full name,”DJ responded holding his hand to his heart.

“Then quit seducing Vee,”she told him.

“Seducing implies something more sexual and that was a kiss,”I retorted.

“Just quit, it’s so weird seeing my best friend swapping spit with someone,”she replied covering her eyes.

“Fine, we won’t kiss around you,”I replied.

“Good because my virgin eyes don’t need to see that,”she sighed.

“They can’t be that virgin, I mean you did see Bill naked,”I retorted.

“By choice,”she replied.

“You’re eyes have been devirginized by Bill’s naked body,”I replied.

“This is so disturbing,”DJ said butting in.

“What? we’re just talking about Bill’s naked body,”I said, laughing as DJ’s face scrunched and he covered his ears with his hands. I pulled his hands away from his ears,”Okay we’re done talking about Bill’s naked body.”

“Really?”DJ whined,”I don’t want to close my eyes and see Bill’s naked body.”

“Well then don’t think about it,”I retorted.

“I’ll think of other things to take my mind off of that,”he said looking at me. I blushed and ducked my head.

“Ewwey!”Nikki screamed and walked away, more like waddled away.

“So how was the questioning?”DJ asked as we began walking to the meet and greet area.

“Awkward when the BVB guys walked in,”I responded.

“Why?”he asked.

“Because Nikki said we were fornicating on the side of the bus,”I replied.

“Wow,”he laughed.

“It was so awkward,”I said.

“I bet,”he replied laughing. We arrived at the tent thingy and he sat down. I found an extra folding chair and sat right behind them. I found a stick on the ground and smirked at it. Every few seconds I would poke them in the back of the neck. They would whip around and I would quickly hide the stick. They began letting fans in. It was a little bit when a group of girls skankily dressed walked up. The front one had a shirt on that had rip where the collar was. The rip went basically down to her belly button and both sides were flipped open and she wasn’t wearing a tank top under it. It went James, Tommy, DJ, and Nikki and right when she got to DJ she fixed her hair and propped up her boobs. I scoffed and crossed my arms. I settled back into the chair. She began flirting with him and twirling her hair around her finger. ‘Dumb skank,’was all I could think. DJ just smiled and signed the shirt she put in front of him. She continued to flirt with him. “I have a girlfriend,”was all he said.

“So,”she replied.

“So I suggest moving over before she gets too pissed,”he retorted.

“She’ll never know though,”she said leaning forward and pushing her chest out.

“Actually she will,”he replied.

“How? she’s not here,”she retorted.

“Actually she is, and if you don’t move I will kick your ass,”I said glaring at her.

She scoffed smirking,”And you are?”

“His girlfriend,”I growled,”so I suggest you take you and your skanky ass and walk away before I kick your ass.” Her smirk disappeared and she slid the shirt to Nikki. He quickly signed it and she walked away. I smirked and sat back.

“Jealous much?”DJ asked looking back at me.

“Nah I just don’t play nice with skanks,”I replied. He laughed and went back to signing stuff. The signing was soon over and we all walked back to the bus. I was on Nikki’s back being carried.

“Wait, why am I carrying you?”he asked.

“Because you love me and I’m tired,”I replied.

“I’m tired too,”he responded.

“Yeah but I’m adorable,”I said laughing.

“She does have a point,”Tommy laughed.

“See I am adorable,”I retorted.

“Yeah well I can be adorable too,”Nikki whined.

“Eh,”we all said.

“Screw you,”he scoffed.

“No thanks,”we all said laughing.

We got back and into the bus. Nikki dropped me on the couch. “Asshole,”I yelled as he walked away.

“Yeah yeah,”he retorted waving me off. I turned on the tv and tried to find a channel that would properly come in. The only channel to come in was the Discovery Channel. I was soon laid out on the couch watching a documentary on lions.

A lion was chasing a gazelle and I laughed,”Stupid gazelle.”

“I worry about you,”I heard.

I looked up at DJ,”Everyone does, now come and watch lions be awesome in their natural habitat.”

He hopped over the couch and laid behind me. His arms wrapped around my mid section and he pulled me closer. “So is this what’s on the agenda all night?”he asked.

“Yes smart ass until we leave,”I retorted.

“So we get to watch animals,”he stated.

“If you don’t want to you can go back to the bunk area and be all alone,”I told him simply.

“I’ll shut up,”he replied.

“Good,”I said laughing.

He pulled me closer and began tickling me. I let out a squeal of surprise as he pinned me down on the couch and tickled me mercilessly. I wiggled around and tried to get out from under him. “You’re not getting away that easily,”he said laughing as he pinned me back down. He had my wrists pinned down by both of his hands. He began lowering his face down to mine.

“Get off her,”Tommy ordered walking by the back of the couch. DJ immediately sprang up. I laughed at him.

“Don’t worry Tommy nothing was going on,”I said laughing.

“Yeah that’s because I stopped any possibility of it and now we won’t have to worry about getting a new couch,”he retorted laughing.

“Hey, I have more class then that,”DJ retorted butting in.

“We know,”I said patronizingly. I leaned up and patted his face. He swatted my hand away and crossed his arms over his chest.

“That hurts,”he replied looking away from me.

“I’m sorry,”I responded propping up on my elbows.

“Nope,”he replied,”it still hurts.”

“Eh I tried,”I retorted and laid back down. He laid out on top of me and made himself heavier. “Damn it you’re crushing me,”I gasped. I looked to Tommy for help but he had already left. I could hear him drumming on the ceiling of his bunk

“Now you know how I feel,”he retorted.

I smirked up at him and flipped us off the couch. I landed on top. I could hear escape his body. I sat up quickly as he began coughing,”Shit, I’m sorry.”

Once he got his breath back from coughing,”Don’t worry, just remember payback sucks.”

“What ever now let’s get back to my lions,”I said standing up and flopping back onto the couch. DJ slid behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I snuggled back and soon fell asleep to a lion killing a zebra.
♠ ♠ ♠
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First outfit

Finally managed to sneak on for a few minutes to update my story. It's not that great because I couldn't edit it. YAY I GOT MY 50 COMMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Wall of Fame/Love:

I love all my commentors <3 and all my silent readers too (but I would love you more if you commented.)