Status: Will start posting asap...unicorns!

I'm Choking on This Ecstasy

Sing It Out For The One's That'll Hate Your Guts.

I ran into Nikki’s room and shook him awake. “What?”he groaned.

“Wake up you have to drive me and DJ to the airport,”I replied.

“Give me 5 minutes,”he sighed.

“I’m holding you to that,”I said and walked out of his room. I ran to my room and grabbed both of my suitcases and pulled them downstairs and out to the cars. DJ was already out there waiting. He helped my load my suitcases into the trunk. Nikki soon came stumbling out of the front door, rubbing sleep from his eyes.”Nikki, you realize you’re not wearing pants right?”I asked.

“Shit,”he replied and ran back into the house. He finally came back out, with pants on, about a few minutes later.

“Shot gun!”I yelled and slid into the passenger seat.

“How can you be so energetic in the morning?”Nikki mumbled as he got in.

“Not sure, but if you’re too tired to drive I can go get Tommy and he can drive,”I offered.

That woke Nikki right up,”No I’m fine.” You see Tommy got into a little accident and his car’s in the shop so he would have to use Nikki’s and he’s not to fond of letting Tommy drive it. The drive took about 20 minutes. I was blasting music the whole time to keep people awake. At first, just to be a complete ass hole, I turned on rap and blasted it. Nikki bitched and complained the whole time till I finally changed it. Right now I had my Ipod on shuffle and Take Me Home Tonight came on. I was singing (more like screaming) along to the lyrics. My phone started vibrating. I answered it with out looking at the caller ID.

“Yellow?”I answered.

“Nice singing,”I heard Nikki say into the phone.

“Shit, I pocket dialed you didn’t I?”I asked.

“Yes but don’t worry I was sing along with you,”she laughed.

I sighed,”Thank god because that would’ve been slightly embarrassing.”

“Yeah so whatcha doin’?”she asked.

“Headed to the airport to fly out to Colorado,”I yawned.

“Why are you going to Colorado?”she asked.

“It’s Amber’s birthday and I’m going because my mother probably gonna be a bitch if I don’t,”I replied.

“When isn’t she a bitch?”she laughed.

“I’d say when she’s sleeping but she probably still is,”I answered.

“Well I have to go Bill and I are going to his parents for an early dinner I guess,”she sighed.

“Bye, have fun,”I laughed.

“Most definitely I shall,”she replied,”have fun with Amber too.”

I growled,”You suck,”and then hung up. We soon pulled into the airport parking lot. I looked at my phone and saw we had only about a half an hour to get in and board the plane. DJ grabbed our bags from the trunk and handed me mine. We rushed into the airport and quickly got sorted out. DJ pulled me by my hand to the boarding area. I quickly pulled him back.

“What?”he asked looking at me confused.

“We’re not taking a normal plane,”I replied.

“Huh?”he said.

“We’re taking my families private jet,”I mumbled.

He looked confused for a second,“Um, I’m pretty sure you just said something about private jet, or did I hear you wrong?”

“No you didn’t hear me wrong,”I replied,”my family is practically made from money.”

“Um wow,”was all he said.

“I probably should of mentioned that sooner,”I replied and looked down.

“It doesn’t matter,”he laughed,”moneys money, it doesn’t change anything.”

“Good,”I sighed,”cause then that will explain a lot of what’s probably gonna happen this weekend.”

“What do you mean?”he asked as we started walking again.

“The fact that our family is rich has gone to some of my family members heads and they think they’re all that so if one of them says anything just ignore them,”I replied laughing.

“I won’t,”he answered.

We walked out to the plane. We were met by someone.His slight british accent broke through as he spoke,”Good morning Ms.Sullivan, I’m Jace, I’ll be the pilot today.”

I laughed,”It’s Vee, and as long as you don’t crash us into anything I won’t mind.” I felt DJ’s arm wrap around my waist.

“I’ll try no to,”he replied laughing. He then led us into the plane,”You should know where everything is, if you don’t just come up and ask.”

“Okay,”I replied and he walked up to the front of the plane. DJ laughed. “What?”I asked.

“Oh nothing,”he laughed.

“Tell me,”I whined.

“It’s nothing,”he replied and went to sit down.

“Fine,”I huffed and turned away. I leaned back in my seat and stared out the window. I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Jimmy.

To KnifeMaster:
Are you there yet?

He soon replied.

From KnifeMaster:
We just pulled in to
the driveway. Are you
almost here yet?

To KnifeMaster:
Um probably about 2
hours left.

From KnifeMaster:
Okay, see you soon.

To KnifeMaster:
Kay, bye.

I sighed and went back to staring out the window.

“What’s wrong?”DJ asked.

“Nothing, I’m just beginning to regret agreeing to this,”I replied.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and asked“Why?”

“Because I really don’t want to deal with some of my family,”I sighed and snuggled closer.

“Oh,”he replied.

“Now are you gonna tell me?”I asked.

“Do I have to?”he replied.

“You don’t have to but,”I answered.

“But what?”he asked.

“Oh nothing,”I smirked.

“This is not fair,”he whined.

“I’m just being like you,”I replied.

“Oh, not cool,”he replied.

“See,”I laughed.

“You suck,”he grumbled.

“You wish,”I retorted.

“You bet I do,”he replied. I shoved him away and laughed.”You said it,”he defended.

“I worry about you,”I replied and curled into his side.I yawned,”I’m gonna take a nap.”

“Okay,”he replied and kissed my forehead. I grabbed my Ipod and and slipped my earbuds into my ears. Collective Souls “Shine” blasted into my ears. I was woken up by DJ carrying me out of the airport. My phone started ringing. I answered it quickly.

“Hello,”I asked in a groggy voice.

“Your car should be outside the airport and keys are in the ignition,”was all I heard my mother say.

“Okay,”I replied and hung up.”You know you can put me down,”I laughed.

DJ laughed,”As you wish.” He put me down and we walked out.We grabbed our luggage and walked out of the airport. I looked around and soon spotted my car. I walked over with DJ in tow. He stopped,”That’s your car.”

“Yup,”I replied and popped the trunk,”rebuilt it myself.”

He laughed,”What can’t you do?”

“I can’t fly,”I replied thoughtfully.

“You are such a smartass,”he retorted

“I know,”I laughed and unlocked the doors. I slid in and pushed the key into the ignition. The mid-day sun glared at me through the windshield. I reached and grabbed my sunglasses from my purse. I slid them on and started the car.

About half way to the house DJ asked shifting around,”So about how much longer till we get there?”

“Uhm about another 10 minutes,”I replied and he groaned. He kept shifting,”What’s wrong?”I asked.

“I have to take a piss,”he groaned.

I laughed,”Well we can stop.”

“Nope,”he replied.

“Why?”I asked still laughing.

“It’s fucking cold out,”he said looking at me.

“Whatever,”I answered.

About ten minutes later we pulled up to the house. “Holy shit,”he gaped.

“Huh?” I asked parking and reaching down to grab my purse.

“The house,”he replied.

“Ohhh,”I said. We both stepped out of the car. I was soon picked up and swung around. “ERIC!”I shouted while laughing,”PUT ME DOWN!!”

“NEVER!”he shouted.

“BATMAN!”I heard shouted.

“ROBIN!”I yelled back. I wiggled my way out of Eric’s arms and ran to my cousin, Jake. He picked me up and squished me in his arms. I was soon put down and DJ walked over. He wrapped his arm around my waist,”Eric, Jake, this is DJ, my boyfriend.” They all said hey to eachother.

“We’re gonna have a talk, I hope you know,”Eric and Jake both said to DJ.

“Just no hurting him, he’s needed,”I laughed.

Jake was about to say something when he was cut off my a loud high pitched squeal,”VEE!”

I was soon embraced by Elise,”I missed you!”I yelled.

“I missed you too,”she yelled back. We rocked back and forth for a little bit.

“So where’s your boyfriend?”I asked.

“He’s in the house,”she replied.

“Well let’s go meet him,”I laughed,”DJ, Eric, Jake get the bags from the back.” They both groaned but went and grabbed them. I had my arm wrapped around Elise’s shoulder as we walked in to the house. She pulled me into the sitting room. The ‘sitting room’ is basically a smaller living room with 2 chairs and a fire place.

“Oh my god,”I said in shock when her boyfriend stood and turned around.
♠ ♠ ♠

her outfit
So who could Elise's boyfriend be?? huh huh?

Sorry I haven't posted in a while and that this post sucks horribly and it's not that long. I'm sowwy but the next chapter will be better.

I've been busy with a new story idea I am working about that I might write out more so please don't be mad.

SO I'm kind of sad cause I only got one comment last chapter :(

Wall of love/fame:

So comment what you liked, disliked and or what I could've done better. Please for the love of cookiesImage please comment and make me happy