Status: Will start posting asap...unicorns!

I'm Choking on This Ecstasy

Seems I've crossed the line again, for being nothing more than who I am.

"Ashley, what the hell?”I asked completely confused.

“Uhm,”was all he said.

“Wait a second,”I said,”that means you’re dating Elise.”

“Uhm,”he stuttered.

‘You’re dating my baby sister?”I asked yelling.

“Chill Vee,”DJ and Elise said.

“No, I will not ‘chill’,”I yelled,”he’s like five years older than you.”

“Yeah, so what?”Elise asked,”DJ’s about 13 years older than you.”

“So what, you’re still in school,”I replied slightly calming down.

“Yeah, I know but it’s not like we’re doing stuff,”she retorted.

I sighed and fully calmed down. I looked over at Ashley and said,”We may be friends but if you hurt my sister in any way, shape, sort, or form, I will hurt you, and if you try and I run I will have you hunted down and drug back here and I will then hurt you.” He just gulped and nodded. “And then you’ll also have to deal with Jimmy and all the guys in Avenged, and Jake and Eric,”I added.

“Vee,”Elise warned.

“I’m not saying, I’m just saying,”I replied. I sighed,”So where’s mom?”

“She’s in the kitchen,”she answered.

“How’d she react when she met Ash?”I asked.

“She was pissed that I couldn’t of found a ‘normal guy’ that didn’t wear make-up or has a normal job,”she replied.

“Great,”I groaned knowing she wouldn’t like anything about DJ and she especially wouldn’t like the age gap. “Wait,”I paused,”if you’re dating Ashley, then who’s his friend?” That question was quickly answered by the person walking into the room. “Damn it,”I growled. It was Andy and shortly behind him, Juliet was following him.

“How do you know these guys?”Elise asked.

“They’re the people I met in high school, that I told you about,”I answered.

“Oh,”she replied. Then it finally clicked,”Shit,”she said,”you and me have a lot to talk about then tonight.”

“What ever you say,”I replied.

“Valencia!”I heard shouted from one or two rooms over.

“Fuck,”I groaned,”she couldn’t of let me be for like an hour.”

“Nope, now go say hi to mother dearest and don’t forget to introduce DJ,”Elise said laughing.

“Please don’t make me do it,”I begged.

“I can’t she’s gonna find out eventually,”she replied.

“This sucks monkey cock,”I sang and grabbed DJ’s hand. I pulled him through the maze of doors and into the kitchen where my mom and all the rest of the females ran around the room preparing food for Amber’s birthday family dinner. I cleared my throat and was soon attacked with hugs from my grandma Rose, my auntie Leah, my auntie Cherise, and my two younger female twin cousins Ember and Felix. Once they all relinquished their hold on me I looked at my mom. I felt DJ’s hand slip into mine,”Hey mom,”I said.

“Valencia,”was all she said.”Who’s this?” she asked looking at DJ.

“This would be my boyfriend DJ,”I replied.

“DJ?”she asked.

“It’s short for Daren Jay,”I answered.

“He can speak can’t he?”she asked snidely.

I was about to say something when DJ cut me off,”Of course I can,”he answered.

“So how old are you?”she asked.

“34,”he replied.

She looked at me,”Isn’t that a little to old for you?”

My aunt Leah quickly butted in,”Age is just a number when you’re in love,”and then went back to work on making food for tomorrow’s giant party.

“They’re to young to know what love is,”she said dismissively.

“More than you,”I mumbled.

“Huh?”she asked.

“Nothing,”I replied smirking.

“So DJ, what do you do?”she asked turning to him.

“I’m the guitarist for Gun’s N’ Roses and for Sixx A.M. whenever they need me,”he answered.

“Anything else, or is that just it?”she questioned.

“I have my own clothing line, custom guitars, and I’ve helped produce music with multiple bands,”he answered.

“Oh,”was all she said and then looked at me,”well since we didn’t know you and Elise and her friends were coming we don’t have a big enough dinner reservation tonight.”

“So I don’t have to be there for the pre-party feast thingy?”I asked.

“Nope,”she answered.

“Okay,”I replied faking my sadness. “So do you guys need any help?”I asked.

“Oh no honey,”my grandma replied,”go visit with your cousins.”

“Okay, see you guys whenever,”I said and walked out. Once we got out of the kitchen DJ pulled me against his chest.

“She wasn’t that bad,”he laughed as I groaned.

“That’s only the tip of the iceberg,”I replied.

“It can’t be that bad,”he said.

“You have no idea,”I answer.

“Getting busy outside of where your mother is?”I heard,”I never would of pegged you as the type to do that.”

“Jimmy?”I asked and turned around.

“Of course,”he replied.

I ran and jumped on him,”I missed you!”I yelled.

“I missed you too, but seriously in the hallway?”he asked laughing.

“We weren’t doing anything,”I laughed.

“Sure,”he replied dragging out the word.

“So have you met Elise’s new boyfriend?”I asked.

“Not yet, why?”he replied.

“I think they’re in the sitting room,”I replied,”I’d show you but I’ve gotta go bring the bags up to my room.”

“I don’t want to know what you are doing!”Jimmy yelled running away.

I laughed and DJ pulled me over so our chest were touching. “So what are the plans for tonight?”he asked.

”Well since no one really is gonna be home we could always go to my room and,”I paused, looked at him and bit my lip.

“What?”he asked staring straight into my eyes.

“And watch movies,”I replied and took off running. He stood for a moment and then began chasing me.

We ran through the sitting room, through the foyer, through another hallway and into the dining room. The dining room was completely empty. I quickly ran to the side of the table that was as far from the door as possible. DJ soon ran in slightly out of breath. He stared at me and said,”You’re mine.” He took off quickly around the table as I ran out of the kitchen and into a long hallway of bedrooms. I rounded a corner and leaned against the wall trying to catch my breath. I couldn’t hear DJ or see him so I stayed there longer.


I soon found myself pinned between him and the wall. He dipped his head and whispered in my ear,”Told you were mine.”

He pulled away and I smirked at him. “Now that you have me, what are your plans?”I asked.

“Hmmm,”he thought for a second,”lock you up in my room and never ever let leave.”

“Sounds good,”I replied. He smiled down at me and brought his lips to mine. My arms wrapped around his neck and brought him closer. I threaded my fingers through his hair and his arms wrapped around my waist. He dipped slightly down and picked me up. My legs wrapped around his waist. The kiss was getting more heated when we heard people.

“What the hell?”I heard amongst the cat calls and whistles. We pulled apart quickly and he set me on my feet. “Seriously what the hell?”I heard and saw Jimmy with his arms crossed. Jake and Eric were standing right behind him.

“I think you might want to run,”I stage-whispered to DJ.

“How far do you think I’d get?”he asked.

“Not even two feet,”I replied laughing. Jimmy stood there staring at us,”What?”I asked.

“You guys were about to do it in the hallway!”he exclaimed.

“No we weren’t,”I replied.

“Then what the fuck was going on?”he asked.

“Oh chill Jimmy,”I sighed,”I’m a grown adult.”

“Yeah but you’re still so young,”he groaned.

“You’re my age though so you really have no say,”I replied simply.

“But,”he whined.

“Nothing, now if you need anything I shall be unpacking in my room,”I said and pulled DJ’s hand to where all the luggage was. I grabbed both of my bags and he grabbed his and we walked up to my old room. “Just to let you know my room hasn’t changed since I was about 15 so and its kind of over the top,”and with that I pushed open the door. I took in the sight of my old bedroom. I sighed and dropped my luggage. I ran and launched myself onto my bed. I flopped over and looked at DJ. I laughed at his shocked face,”Come lay with me.” He laughed and jumped onto the bed beside me.

He pulled me into his chest and we just laid there laughing. “So truly what are the plans tonight?”he asked.

“I can give you a tour around the house and grounds since it’s probably gonna be still light out,”I replied.

“When are they leaving?”he questioned.

“Well seeing as it’s about 2 or 3 o’clock right now,”I thought for a second,”they’ll be leaving around 5-ish so we might want to go and talk with them before the leave for tonight.” To that he groaned. “What?”I asked.

“Can’t we just lay here while I hold you?”he whined.

I laughed,”We can do that later.”

“But I had other plans,”he replied.

“What kind of plans?”I asked standing up from the bed.

“You’ll never know, seeing as you’re leaving me,”he said pouting.

“Awe that sucks,”I replied and walked over to my suitcase. I dragged it over to my dresser.

“So you’re just gonna ignore me and act like you not knowing my plans aren’t bothering you while you unpack,”he said. I looked back and he was still flopped back on the bed.

“Aren’t you gonna unpack or not?”I asked.

“But I’m used to living out of a suitcase instead of unpacking,”he replied.

“You truly are really lazy,”I laughed.

“But you love me,”he sang.

I froze for a second. “Uhm yeah,”I said and got back to unpacking. The room soon fell into a silence. I finished unpacking when I heard people beating on my door. I shot DJ a confused look. I went over and opened the door.

“BATMAN!”I heard screamed by 2 kids voices.

“Jayven, Iris,”I shouted back and picked them up,”I’ve missed you guys.” I began swinging them around. I heard someone clear their throat and I looked up. “John what are you doing here?”I asked.

“Your mom invited me,”he replied.

“Oh,”I answered and pulled him into a hug. I heard another person clear their throat and I looked back. “Oh John, this is my boyfriend DJ,”I said,”DJ, this is my childhood best friend John.”

“Hey,”DJ said walking over and wrapping an arm around my waist.

“Hey,”John replied,”anyway you’re mom wanted to see us before we left tonight.”

“Oh you’re leaving so soon?”I asked.

“Yeah we have to be on a plain tonight,”he replied.

“Oh where are you guys going?”I questioned.

“Oh just to Australia for a week,”he answered.

“Awe I’m jealous,”I laughed.

“I know it was always your plan to go to Australia,”he replied.

“Well duh,”I answered,”koala’s are like my favorite animal.”

“Excuse me,”DJ said and left.

“So how’d you two meet?”John asked.

“I actually got discovered be one of his friends and his friend introduced us,”I answered,”so where’s Maria?”

“She’s back in Boston and is gonna meet up with us eventually while we are in Australia,”he replied.

“Oh,”was all I replied.

“Yeah so you got discovered, for what?”he asked.

“Well I’m in a band now with three of my friends,”I answered.

“Oh okay,”he replied.

“Yeah we just went on our first tour,”I replied.

“What tour?”he questioned.

“Warped Tour,”I said.

“Oh my god I am so proud of you,”he replied and pulled me into a hug.

“Yeah but I’m not sure what’s next,”I retorted as we pulled away.

“No one ever is sure,”he answered,”so what does DJ do?”

“He’s the new guitarist in Gun’s N’ Roses and the guitarist in Sixx A.M.,”I answered.

“One musician with another,”he replied.

“Yeah so,”I said as it began to get awkward.

He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly,”So,”he drug on.

“Daddy,”Iris whined.

“Huh?”he asked.

“Up,”she requested.

“Well we should probably go see your mom since we have to leave,”he said.

“Oh okay,”I replied,”well don’t be a stranger next time you and Maria are in LA come find me.”

“Okay,”he replied,”bye.”He pulled me into a hug and left. Soon after that DJ walked out.

“Old best friend?”he asked.

“Yeah,”I laughed,”I wonder what my mom wants with him.”

“Probably to pawn him off on you and get rid of me,”he suggested.

“Well it doesn’t matter cause I lo-,”I paused,”care about you way more than anyone else.”

“Still he probably has a stable job and no tattoos,”he answered.

“So I love your guitar playing and all of your different tattoos,”I replied,”and I don’t want you to be like John, that’s the reason him and I didn’t end up together.” “Anway,”I said and walked up to him. I ran my hands up his arms,”I love tattoos and guitar players.”

“Still he’s traveling to Australia, and you’ve always wanted to go there,”he replied.

“I really don’t care where I am as long as I’m with my friends, family and you,”I answered.

He wrapped me in his arms,”Why do you have to be so so, you?”

“What do you mean?”I asked laughing.

“You’re just so laid back, calm and understanding all the time,”he answered.

“Not all the time,”I laughed.

“Yeah but most of the time you are,”he answered.

“You know what today is right?”I asked randomly.

“Uhm what’s the date?”he asked.

“It’s the 16th,”I replied.

“Hmm,”he thought for a moment,”could it be the day that we met about 2 and a half years ago? or is the day when we officially started dating?”

I laughed,”I didn’t even notice that.”

“What?”he asked.

“We began dating on the same day of the month that we met,”I answered.

“Well we’ve been practically dating forever,”he replied.

It was no my turn to ask,”What do you mean?”

“We practically began dating soon after we met you just weren’t ready for a relationship,”he answered.

“You do have a point,”I replied.

“Of course I do,”he said.

“Still doesn’t count cause it wasn’t official,”I answered. My phone began to ring and I groaned. I reached and grabbed it out of my back pocket. “Yes?”I asked.

“We’re in the studio when you get back,”I heard Faye say.

I groaned,”Are you serious?”

“Yeah I guess the producers found out you have a few songs written,”she replied.

“How’d they figure it out, you and the guys were the only ones I told,”I said.

“I’m not sure but maybe one of the guys told,”she offered.

“But the new songs contain a whole new sound,”I groaned and rolled onto my back.

“You have a week to just chill, we’ll work this out,”she said,”anyway how big of a deal can this be?”

“It’s a huge deal,”I stressed,”I’m not sure on the new sound.”

“We’ll deal with it when you get back, now just relax and enjoy your week off,”she replied and hung up.

I groaned and rolled over closer to DJ,”How am I supposed to relax when this is happening?”I asked the air.

“I can take your mind of what ever is bugging you,”DJ said and began kissing down my neck.

I let out a chuckle and pushed him away slightly. “Down simba,”I chuckled.

“Rawr,”he said sarcastically,”so what are the new songs you’ve been working on?”

“It’s most likely gonna end up being an EP,”I answered.

“Still didn’t answer the question,”he sang.

“You’ll here when we get back to Cali in a week,”I replied.

“You suck,”he groaned.

“Ya well,”I paused,”wait, what time is it?”

“One second,”he said and looked at his phone,”it’s like 4:30.”

“Crap, we have to go say bye to my family before they leave to go to dinner,”I said standing up and stretching. DJ rolled off the edge of the bed and hit the ground with a muffled groan. He stood up and bushed himself off. I pushed him out of my room real quickly. “I’m gonna change real quick,”I called and locked the door. I slipped my contacts out and slid on my glasses. I quickly changed my shorts and my shirt and threw on my batman hoodie over my new outfit.

I heard something starting somewhere outside my room. I slid out of my room and walked through the maze of hallways. It sounded like a very heated argument. I took off running around the corner and saw Andy and DJ face to face. It was kind of funny seeing Andy’s like 6’4” and DJ’s shorter than him by a few inches so he kind of had to look up. They quit yelling and were now just standing there.

“What the fuck is going on?”I asked walking closer to them. I rested my hand on DJ’s shoulder and Andy glared at it making me slightly confused.

“Nothing,”Andy answered but remained toe to toe with DJ.

“He was saying shit and I was stating my opinion,”DJ replied looking at me. He sighed and moved back. He threw his arm around my shoulder,”Just don’t worry about it.”

We began to walk off when Andy mumbled,”What the fuck ever.”

DJ stopped,”Do you have a problem?”

“Yeah the fact that you’re dating a girl that’s 13 years younger than you,”he growled.

DJ walked back,”Why the fuck does it bother you so much?”

“Because she should be with some one that’s actually her age,”he replied simply.

I quickly butted in,”It doesn’t matter who I SHOULD be with.”

“So you’re okay that he’s way older than you?”he askedsneered.

“Of course I am,”I answered exasperated,”if I wasn’t, why would I love him?” I quickly slapped my hand over my mouth and everything got silent. I felt my cheeks turn red and I quickly exited the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: Bully by Shinedown(one of my new favorite songs)

her new outift

A shocking revelation at the end of the chapter from Vee. Soooo what'd you guys think???? haha I have half of the next chapter typed out so I might post again tonight or tomorrow. I was actually supposed to post last night but it got really late and I was falling asleep at my keyboard. So the updates will come more sooner than usual because I have both of my computers working.

I absolutely love to see new comments because it makes me so happy ^w^.

Wall of fame/love:

Comment what you liked, disliked and/or what I could've done better.