Status: Will start posting asap...unicorns!

I'm Choking on This Ecstasy

I Can't Get No Satisfaction.

I hurried into my room and shut the door quickly. I leaned back against the door and slid down. My arms hugged my knees as I sat there. I threw my head back and it hit the door. “Ouch,”I groaned.

“What’s wrong?”I heard.

My head snapped up and I saw Elise laying on my bed. “What do you mean?”I asked.

“Well obviously you’re stressed, embarrassed or pissed off about something,”she stated.

“How would you feel if you said something that you kind of shouldn’t have?”I questioned.

“What do you mean?”she asked walking over.

“IkindoftoldDJthatIlovehim,”I said in one breath.

“Hold on and repeat,”she ordered.

“I kind of told DJ that I love him,”I sighed.

“Well do you?”she asked.

I paused for a second,”I do.”

“Than why are you acting like this?”she laughed.

“I’m not sure,”I said confused.

“Stand up,”she said and I looked at her confused. “I’m serious stand up,”she ordered. I stood up and fixed my shirt. “Now go get your man,”she laughed and pushed me out the door.

“Whoa!”I exclaimed as I almost fell. I caught myself and straightened up. I began walking through the hallway. I got closer to where I left DJ and Andy and I heard what sounded like someone hitting someone. ‘Shit’ I thought and quickly rushed into the room. DJ was cradling his fist while Andy was cradling his jaw. “Seriously guys?”I asked,”I leave and you guys go all barbaric on each other.” They both opened their mouths to speak but I quickly cut them off,”No, I really don’t want to hear it, DJ come with me and Andy,”I paused,”do whatever.” I grabbed DJ by the arm and pulled him from the room. I was about to start yelling at him once we got back to my room but he cut me off before I could.

“I can explain,”he said.

I crossed my arms,”Fine, explain then.”

“He just kept saying shit about how it’s wrong that we are together and that the age gap isn’t good and that we shouldn’t be together and it was getting on my last nerve,”he said.

“So you hit him?”I asked.

He paused,”Yes.” I walked forward, wrapped my arms around him and kissed him. “Why’d you do that?”he asked once I pulled away.

“So, I can’t kiss you cause I love that you stood up for the fact that we’re together?”I asked.

“Well yeah,”he answered,”but I thought you’d be completely pissed that I hit him.”

“I am kind of mad that you did, but the past is the past,”I replied.

“It happened like a few minutes ago,”he replied.

“That’s the past,”was I all answered.”Now since we probably missed my family leaving let’s go wander,”I said and pulled him from my room. We quickly grabbed our shoes and began our walk outside. I pushed open the door to the kitchen since that was the easiest way to get to the backyard. Andy was sitting on one of the stools with a frozen bag of peas on his face. I bit back a laugh as I pulled DJ out the back door. “I have something amazing to show you,”I said and kept pulling him.

“What?”he asked.

“I’ll show you just chill,”I laughed. We walked for a little while till a barn came in view.

“So you’re taking me out to a barn, killing me and then hiding the evidence?”he questioned.

“How did you know?”I asked sarcastically.

“Lucky guess, no but really what are we gonna do?”he replied.

“Well if we can get there fast enough and leave fast enough I have something amazing to show you,”I answered.

“And that is?”he asked.

“A surprise,”I laughed.

“Okay,”he replied,”how are we getting to this surprise?”

“Well we’re going to a barn so how do you think we are?”I asked laughing.

“Cows?”he asked.

“Really?”I laughed.

“Well I don’t know what you have in that mysterious barn of yours,”he replied.

“Horseback,”I said simply,”that’s how we’re getting there.”

“Oh,”he said.

“Fine with you?”I asked.

“Yeah,”he laughed.

“Sure?”I questioned.

“Of course,”he replied.

“Okay,”I said laughing. We reached the barn and I pushed open the doors. I was soon enveloped by the scent of horse, hay, wood and leather. “Home sweet home,”I whispered. I turned and looked at DJ,”Have you ever ridden before?”

“A few times,”he answered.

I thought for a little bit,”Well then you can take Apocalypse.”

“That sounds promising,”he mumbled. I led him over to where Apocalypse was kept.

“Stay here while I go get Roulette and the tack,”I said and walked away. I walked over to the stall where Roulette was and opened the door. She brought her head up, looked at me and put it back down to continue eating. I laughed and brought her out by leading her by her halter. I grabbed the lead that was wrapped around one of the metal window posts and clipped it onto her halter. I quickly got both horses ready and we left.

“Where are we going?”he asked half way to the spot we were going to.

“I told you, it’s a secret,”I answered.

“By the time this is done, I will never be able to have kids,”he groaned.

“Man up,”I replied laughing.

“Let’s see you have balls and not complain about this,”he retorted.

“Good thing I don’t,”I laughed. “We’re going to have to run if we’re going to make it there on time,”I told him. He groaned at the news. I clicked at my horse and tapped her on the sides with my feet. DJ followed my example. We were cutting through trees left and right. Right before we got there I slowed my horse to a walk. “We’re here,”I said looking back as we passed through the last few trees.

“Wow,”DJ gasped at the view in front of him.

“I know,”I laughed. I dismounted and DJ followed suit. I brought the horses over to a tree and tied both the reins to the strongest branch. I turned and saw DJ standing there by the lake. I walked over and stood by him. He automatically wrapped his arm around my waist and drew me closer. I looked up at him.

“It’ beautiful, but not as beautiful as you,”he said looking into my eyes.

I blushed,”Yes it is,”I argued.

“No,”was all he replied. He cupped my face and drew our faces closer together. "I love you,"he pecked my lips and then walked away.

I scowled and he laughed. We stood for a little while. “Want to go swimming?”I asked.

“No towels,”he answered.

“Yes there is,”I laughed and pointed to the towel rolled up behind my horses saddle.

“Okay, then,”he said and unbuttoned the shirt he had on. We both stripped down to our underwear and jumped into the lake. “Shit!”he yelled,”it’s cold.”

“Deal with it,”I laughed and began floating on my back. I felt a wave of water wash over me and I immediately stood up,”The hell?”I asked.

“Deal with it,”he retorted.

“Oh now you’re dead,”I said and jumped on him. He caught me and steadied himself before we fell backward.

“Gotcha’,”he said as he caught me.

I wrapped my legs around his waist,”You’ve always had me,”I whispered in his ear. I pulled back a little and looked into his eyes. They seemed to have darkened a bit as he quickly pulled my lips to his. I kissed back with the same passion as he pulled me tighter against him. As I pulled away slightly from the kiss, he began kissing down my neck. I let out a moan as he hit my spot. I could feel him begin smirking as he stayed on that one spot. He began kissing back up my neck.

Once he up by my ear he whispered,”I need you.”

I pulled away and shook my head,”Not here.” I untangled my legs from around his waist and walked onto the edge of the lake with DJ close behind. We began drying off and getting dressed as fast as possible. We finished getting dressed and quickly left. We raced back through the woods, dodging as many trees as possible. I quickly untacked and put the horses back in their stalls as DJ waited outside the barn. He caught me in a quick kiss as I ran out. I pulled away and started dragging him up to the house. I pulled him through the back door and ran to the stairs. About two steps up we were stopped.

“Hey you guys are finally back,”Elise said as she walked out of the living room.

“Yeah,”I replied, turning and looking at her.

She nodded her head and said,“Come and watch a movie with us.”

“Well me and DJ were going to go to bed,”I said playing with my fingers.

“Please,”she begged,”I haven’t seen you in years.”

I sighed,”I guess, what movie?”

“Paul,”she answered and skipped back into the other room.

I looked back at DJ,”Sorry,”I apologized.

“It’s fine,”he said,”now let’s go watch the movie.” I let him pull me into the movie room. I looked around around and noticed everyone was in here and every couch or chair had someone inhabiting it.

“Well I guess since there are no seats left,”I said and turned towards the door.

“Floors empty,”Elise and Jimmy chimed together.

“Fine,”I sighed and sat down right by the couch. DJ sat right behind me and pulled me onto his lap. His arms wound around my waist as he pulled me against his chest. I looked around and notice that Andy and Juliet weren’t there and I sighed in relief. I realized that I had spoken to soon.

They both sauntered in with messy clothes and hair. Andy wore a giant smirk and he had Juliet tucked under his arm. I felt a strange feeling in my chest as if my heart dropped into my stomach. I ignored it and turned to the tv screen and watched the opening credits. They sat down right next to us. I tensed but quickly relaxed as DJ hugged me tighter. I relaxed back into his chest and his hands dropped to rest on my thighs.

Part way through the movie I felt his hand sweep from my knee up the length of my thigh causing my breath to catch in my throat. I bit my lip and pushed his hand away, I could tell he was smirking. I smirked as I thought of a way to get him back. I ‘yawned’ and stretched so that my hips rolled against him. He let out a strangled groan and buried his face into my back. Elise looked at me and shook her head laughing slightly. Every few minutes DJ’s hand would move farther up my thigh and I would quickly hit it away. The movie soon ended and we all just sat there.

“So what now?”Ashley asked.

“Well,”I said and stood up,”me and DJ are going to bed.”

“No your not,”Elise laughed. I looked back at her confused. “We all know what you guys are gonna do,”she said smirking.

“No we don’t,”Jimmy said and crossed one leg over the other,”exactly what are they going to do?”

“Nothing you need to worry about,”I replied and began pulling DJ away and up the stairs to my room.

I hear Jimmy gasp as he figured out the plan,”Oh no they won’t.” I heard him start running so I began pulling DJ as fast as I could to my room. I quickly pulled him through my door and locked it. I heard Jimmy slam into the door and fall backwards.

“I will murder you if you touch her anyway sexual!”Jimmy yelled through the door.

Me and DJ fell on the bed laughing. “Well, the mood is completely ruined,”I sighed snuggling into his side.

“I can tell,”he laughed.

“Sorry,”I said.

“Why?”he asked.

“Why what?”I asked.

“Why do you always say sorry when something doesn’t work out right?”he questioned.

“I’m not sure,”I answered,”it’s always just been a habit.”

He grabbed my hands and pulled me so I was chest to chest with him,”Please stop.”

“I’ll try,”I replied,”now let’s go to bed cause I just remembered I don’t have a dress for the party.”

“Is there like a specific theme?”he asked.

“Masquerade, and I’m talking like ball gown masquerade not what high schools hold as a masquerade,”I answered.

“So that means I have to wear a suit, doesn’t it?”he whined.

“Hey, I have to wear a ball gown, you have no where to complain,”I retorted.

“This sucks,”he groaned.

“Tell me about it,”I said and got up.

“Where are you going?”he asked staring at me.

“I have to take a shower quick,”I said and walked into my bathroom.

“Can I join?”he yelled.

I poked my head out the bathroom door,”Sure, if you want everyone to murder you.”

“I’ll take my chances,”he smirked.

“I was kidding,”I sang and closed the bathroom door. I stripped down and hopped into the shower.

“You’re no fun!”he called through the door and I just laughed.

“I’d say you could if you can behave but we all know you can’t,”I called back.

“You suck,”I heard him say and flop back onto the bed. I just laughed and finished up showering. I stepped out and quickly dried off. I pulled on a pair of shorts and a tank top. I blow dried my hair and walked out.

“You can take a shower,”I said to DJ. He nodded and walked through the bathroom door. I heard the water start and I flopped back onto the bed. I grabbed my phone and started playing Angry Birds on it. I gave up trying to beat the game and just laid there. I looked up as the bathroom door creaked open.

“Are you trying to kill me?”I asked as he walked out with the towel slung low at his waist.

He laughed,”Not that I know of.”

“Get dressed and come cuddle with me,”I mumbled and crawled under the blankets. I felt the bed dip beside me and the covers move.

“‘Night,”he whispered as he pulled me close.

“Sweet dreams,”I replied and soon fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
So DJ just can't seem to get anything. (ps not the best chapter but it will get amazing) I was actually gonna write some smut into this chapter and I realized I can't, because it sounds weird. So if anyone wants smut in this story someone else will have to write it for me, because I can't and it's way to awkward......

So I managed to get horrifically sick, I have mono :( it sucks cause I'm really tired and I don't even want to write but I will for you guys. I've also been working on a few other stories. I would've posted on friday night but I didn't like parts of it and decided eh it don't matter.

I've realized none of this makes sense probably cause I'm sick and all but what ever. So I already have the last chapter typed out but I'm not sure if I like it or when i'm gonna end the story and if there's gonna be a sequel to this

Wall of fame/love:

I truly love all you people who are commenting on this story cause it gives me hope.