Status: Will start posting asap...unicorns!

I'm Choking on This Ecstasy

Don't Tell Me It's Over

“Wake up!”I heard someone scream while banging on the door.

I groaned and shouted back,”Leave me alone!”

“It’s dress shopping time!”I heard, what I’m guessing is Elise, yell back.

“No it’s sleep time,”DJ grumbled from beside me.

“Bitch, wake up or I will shank your ass!”Elise said opening the door and walking in.

“What would you have done if we were naked when you walked in?”I asked as I looked up at her.

“I would’ve ran and got Jimmy,”she smirked

“Not cool,”I replied.

“Don’t care, now get up,”she whined. I began to sit up but was pulled back down rather quickly.

“Mine,”he growled.

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way,”Elise warned. Me and DJ just laid there. “Hard way it is then.” The covers where whisked off the bed.

“Hey!”I shouted and sat up.

“Now get up and get ready, we’re leaving in a few minutes,”she said and left.

I groaned and stood up from the bed. “Don’t leave me,”DJ said and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“I have to or Elise will murder me and chop your balls off,”I replied.

He quickly released me,”Okay, you can go now.”

“Your balls are more important?”I asked.

“Yup,”he said and rolled over.

“Wow,”I said and walked to my closet.

“I’m kidding,”he replied.

“Whatever,”I answered looking through my closet.

I heard the bed shift and felt arms wrap around me.”I’m just kidding,”he said pulling me against him.

“Yeah yeah,”I replied. I was soon lifted off my feet and thrown on to bed. Both of his knees where on either side and he had his arms crossed as he stared down at me. “What?”I asked.

“I was kidding,”he answered monotonously.

I smirked,”I know, I was just playing.”

“I can play too,”he replied and leaned down, capturing my lips. My back arched and I moaned as he ground his hips into mine. My hands went from my sides and began sliding up his chest. My breath caught as his hands maid a trail from resting above my shoulders to right on my hips. His fingers traced the top of my pants and began to dip in.

“Quit making babies you two,”Elise said walking by the door. DJ groaned and rolled off of me. I laughed and looked over at him. His ‘excitement’ was showing quite obviously. I stood up from the bed and walked back to the closet. I looked back at him and laughed at the frustrated look on his face,”I’d help you but I have to get ready to leave.”

“I hate this,”he groaned and rolled over onto his stomach.

I pulled on skinnies and a flannel real quick and walked into the bathroom. I quickly outlined my eyes with black eyeliner and flicked on some mascara. I walked back out to see DJ in the same position as I left him. Tapping him on the shoulder, he rolled over and looked up at me. He was about to say something but then he paused. “Is that my shirt?”he asked.

“Maybe,”I replied smiling.

“It looks better on you anyway,”he said shaking his head.

“Well I have to go before Elise murders us,”I said and pecked his lips.

“Bye, love you,”he replied as I walked out of the room.

“Love you too,”I replied. I closed the door behind me. I turned around and bumped into some one. “Sorry,”I apologized automatically. I looked up and saw it was Andy.

“It’s okay,”he replied.

He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off. “If it’s gonna be an asshole comment, don’t say anything,”I said and started walking down the stairs. I take it was gonna be an asshole comment because he didn’t say anything or stop me. Of course I spoke to soon.

“We’re exactly back to how we started at the beginning of Warped,”he sighed.

“What do you mean?”I asked.

“We basically hate each other,”he answered.

“I don’t hate you, you’re just frustrating the fuck out of me,”I replied.

“Sorry,”he mumbled.

“No your not,”I laughed,”if you were, you wouldn’t keep doing this.”

“Doing what?”he asked.

“Getting on my last nerve,”I growled.

“How am I getting on your last nerve?”he questioned.

“You keep saying stuff about me and DJ being together,”I said as if it were the most obvious thing.

“It’s weird he’s 13 years older than you,”he replied.

“So what?”I asked,”so what? Age shouldn’t matter if you love the person you’re with.”

“You haven’t even been together that long,”he retorted.

“I’ve known him longer and better than I know you,”I replied.

“So?”he asked.

“I know for a fact that he truly loves me, all of me, not just what I show people,”I replied.

“How do you know?”he asked.

“I’ve known him for like 2 and a half years and he hasn’t ever tried anything,"I replied.

"But he's trying stuff now," he retorted.

"So? This is my relationship not yours," I replied," why do you care so much?"

“Because I...”he paused,”I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“So what if I get hurt,”I replied,”I’ve been hurt way worse in my lifetime.” He didn’t respond so I shook my head and continued down the stairs. I felt a few tears cascade down my face. Wiping them away quickly, I checked my make up in the mirror. ‘Thank who ever for waterproof make up,’I thought and continued into the kitchen.

“Finally you’re up,”Elise exclaimed,”I thought I would have to come and separate you two with force?”

“Who two?”I heard Amber ask walking into the kitchen.

“No one,”I replied at the same time Elise did.

“Her and her boyfriend,”Elise said. I shot her a look that could rival .

“Boyfriend?”she purred,”well I’m gonna have to meet him.”

“You’ll meet him later,”my mother said airily as she looked through the cupboards.

“Great,”I muttered as Elise sent me an apologetic look. I smiled at her and asked,”So when are we leaving?”

“We’re leaving in about 10 minutes,”my grandma answered walking in.

“How many more people are gonna walk in?”I asked.

“Not sure,”Elise answered.

“It was a rhetorical question,”I replied. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed myself a bottle of ICE. I opened it and drank about half of it. “Well since we’re not leaving just yet,”I said,”I’m gonna be up in my room.”

“I’ll come get you when we leave,”Elise said as I walked out of the room.

I ran up the stairs to my room. As I walked closer to the door of my room I heard something. I pushed the door quietly open and walked in. Folding my arms, I leant against the wall. DJ had his acoustic placed in his lap and kept repeating the same sequence of notes. At the end of the sequence though he would swear and start over again. I cleared my throat and his head shot up. Walking over to the bed, I sat on the edge and asked,”What are you playing?”

“New song for the new album, since Nikki’s book is coming out soon,”he answered.

“Oh,”I answered.

“So what are you doing up here?”he asked,”I thought you left to go dress shopping.”

“No we’re actually leaving in 10 minutes,”I replied.

“Well then,”he said setting the guitar aside and laying back,”come here and lay with me.”

“I can’t,”I said.

“Why? Afraid to mess up your hair?”he teased.

“No,”I laughed,”cause if I lay down with you, I won’t want to get up.”

“That’s the point,”he replied simply.

“Are you trying to keep me locked away from my family?”I asked playfully crossing my arms and glaring at him.

“Damn,”he sighed, snapping his fingers,”you found out my plan.”

“Now that I know, what are your plans to do with me?”I questioned.

Without warning he pulled me down and flipped us so he was on top. “I guess I’m gonna have to never let you leave,”he replied.

“Really?”I asked.

“Really,”he replied. He captured my lips in his and pulled me tight against him. My hands wound themselves in his hair. One hand removed themselves and started tugging at the bottom of his shirt. He soon took the hint and sat back. Smirking at me, he slipped of his shirt revealing his tattoo covered chest. My hands slipped up his chest and rested on his shoulders. I pulled him back down and brought my lips to his. His tongue traced my bottom lip but I pulled away quickly. He gave me a questioning look as I smirked back at him. I flipped us over so that I had both my legs on each side of his hips. He smirked and began pulling at my flannel. I smiled and slipped it off my shoulders. Tugging at my undershirt, I smirked down at him and shook my head. He kept tugging at the bottom of my shirt.

I leaned down,”No,”I whispered,”not right now.”

“Why?”he asked.

“I have to leave in like,”I looked at the watch on my wrist,”a few minutes.”

“I truly hate time right now,”he mumbled. I agreed and laid down right next to him.

“Vee, it’s time to leave,”Elise said walking through the doorway.

“You couldn’t have knocked?”I asked standing up.

“Nope,”she replied.

“As I asked earlier today, what if we would’ve been naked?”I asked now looking for my shoes.

“I would’ve been terrified,”she answered and began walking out of the room,”now get your shoes cause we’re leaving.” I started looking for the flannel I was wearing earlier.

“Fuck it,”I muttered and grabbed a random shirt. I pulled it on and walked over to the bed. “Wish me luck,”I said as I kissed him.

“You don’t need luck,”he laughed.

“Fine, the strength not to murder everyone,”I replied.

“You’ll make it through,”he said laughing,”now go before Elise murders me.”

“Fine,”I sighed,”love you bye.”

“Love you too,”he called after me as I began walking out. I skipped down the stairs and slid my shoes on once I reached the bottom. I quickly laced my shoes, grabbed my keys and ran out the door. I saw everyone waiting in their cars. Elise was sitting in mine and waiting for me. I slid into the car and started it.

“So?”Elise asked looking at me and wiggling her eyebrows.

“What?”I replied.

“You and DJ,”she said and kept raising her eyebrows.

“Nothing sexual has happened,”I laughed.

“Really?”she asked shocked.

“Yeah, really,”I laughed at her response.

“Why?”she questioned.

“Well recently because of people who have been major cockblocks,”I said and gave her a pointed look,”and before that, we really weren’t focused on it.”

“Wow,”she said.

“What?”I asked.

“Nothing, I just thought since you’ve been together practically forever, you would’ve done something,”she answered

“Nope,”I answered popping the ‘p’,”no time really has been the ‘right’ time.”

“Do you think that now is?”she questioned.

Without hesitation I answered,”Yes.”

“You sure?”she asked.

“Yes,”I replied.


“Yes, I’m positive.”

“Well,”she said,”that sucks.”

“Yes it does,”I laughed,”how about you and Ashley?”

She blushed and looked down. She cleared her throat,”Doesn’t matter.”

“Had sex,”I sang.

She looked at me weird and asked,”What in the hell?”

“Have you never heard ‘I just had sex’ by The Lonely Island?”I asked.

“Never,”she replied.

I quickly plugged in my ipod and scrolled through all my songs. I clicked play and the song filled the car. I laughed at her reaction through the song. “What’d you think?”I asked.

“I worry about you,”she laughed.

“Everyone does,”I replied dismissively,”now what did you think of that song?”

“It was funny,”she replied.

“So back onto more pressing issues,”I said.

“And those are?”she asked.

“Your sex life,”I answered.

“I don’t have a sex life,”she shouted.

“I know you don’t,”I laughed,”I’m an older sibling so it’s my job to torture you.”

“You suck,”she mumbled.

I was about to respond when my phone started ringing. “Hold on,”I said and answered my phone,”What do you need Faye?”

“Bad news,”she replied.

“How bad?”I groaned.

“We have to find a replacement drummer and bassist,”she answered.

“Why the fuck?”I yelled.

“Caleb got his girlfriend pregnant and Uri is going to college,”she replied quickly.

“Fuck,”I growled and slammed my hand on the steering wheel,”we HAVE to be at the label and in the studio a day after I get back though.

“I know,”she sighed,”I don’t think the band will last now.”

“It will last,”I said determined,”I can lay down the bass tracks we just have to find someone for drums.”

“Well can your brother do the drum tracks?”she asked.

“I can ask but he’s probably gonna be busy with their album coming out,”I replied.

“This is gonna suck,”she groaned,”we tried so hard.”

“I know,”I sighed,”well I gotta go because Elise is giving me a weird look.”

“Okay bye,”she said and hung up. I threw my head back against the seat.

“What’s wrong?”Elise asked.

“Well I have to find a bassist and a drummer,”I sighed focusing more on driving. We were getting closer to town.

“Any plans?”she questioned.

“Well I’m probably gonna end up doing the bass tracks but I was planning on talking to Jimmy or calling Sandra to do the drum tracks,”I answered.

“I wish I could help, but all the musical talent went to you and Jimmy,”she replied.

“It’s a curse to be talented at multiple instruments,”I replied laughing,”but you got all the academic and artistic talents though.”

“That’s because you guys were focused on music and I was focused on schooling,”she retorted,”that’s the only reason to explain my academic ‘talents’.”

“What about your artistic talents?”I asked.

“Those were acquired she,”she said.

“Yeah so was my awesome music skills,”I shot back,”if you really wanted to be good at an instrument, you could’ve been.”

“I know,”she sighed and changed topic,”so, are you excited for dress shopping?”

I groaned as we reached town,”Don’t remind me or I might ask you to get out and let me crash the car into a building.”

“It’s not gonna be that bad,”she laughed.

“With mom there,”I said,”you’re right it won’t be bad, it will be catastrophic.”

“You make her seem like a she-devil,”she retorted.

“I don’t make her seem like anything, that’s her own job to do that,”I shot back.

“Have you atleast tried to talk to her?”she asked.

“No,”I replied,”have you?”

“I was planning to, during our stay here,”she answered.

“If you do it, then I’ll do it,”I said,”okay?”

“Deal?”she said and stuck out her hand.

“Deal,”I replied and shuck her hand. We soon pulled into a parking lot of a slightly big mall. I turned the car off and pocketed my keys. We ran to catch up with everyone else.

“Does everyone know what they’re looking for?”my mother asked as we caught up.

“A dress,”I replied sarcastically which caused her to glare at me and Elise to hit me in the head. “Sorry,”I mumbled as we walked into the nearest dress shop. I was immediately pulled to the back by Elise. She pushed me into a dressing room and told me to wait there. She laughed at my expression when she shoved a pink dress through the door. I shot her a disapproving look as I shut the door behind me.

“Try it on,”she commanded and shut the door. I growled, undressed and pulled it on. I looked at the mirror in the dressing room and glared at it. I walked out and she let a laugh slip. Flipping her off, I walked back into the dressing room, took off the dress and put my normal clothes back on. I walked out and put the dress back. “Bright colors are definitely not really you,”she chuckled.

“Duh,”I retorted,”have you seen what I normally wear? It’s usually not that bright.”

“I know,”she replied and looked at me. I shot her a confused look as she began circling around me. “You’d probably need either a red or a black dress,”she said and cocked her head. The sale attendant walked over.

“Can I help you guys with anything?”she asked with a bright bubbley smile.

“We’re looking for two dresses,”Elise replied and pointed at me,”preferably a black or red one for her.”

“I can go look and see what we have,”she offered.

“That would be absolutely grand,”Elise mused and the women left.

I crossed my arms,”Why do we have to do this?”

“Because we are the bigger people and will put up with people’s crap,”she replied still staring at me.

“Why are you staring at me still?”I asked and folded my arms across my chest.

“It’s amazing that you can get up on stage and perform with hundreds of people staring at you,”she paused for a second,”but when one or just a few are staring, your defenses go up and you lack confidence.” I didn’t say anything because I didn’t know how to respond. Partially because it was the truth

Soon the women came back with a dress,”We don’t have an all black dress,”she apologized,”but we have this.” She handed it to me. I walked back into the dressing room and pulled it on. I looked in the mirror and couldn’t decide if I liked it or not. I walked out and Elise resumed her circling.

She cocked her head to the side,”Do you like it?”she asked.

“I’m not sure,”I replied.

“If you’re not sure then don’t get it,”she advised. I nodded and walked back into the dressing room. I stripped down and pulled my street clothes back on. I walked out and hung the dress up on the reject rack.

“Have you found anything you like?”I asked her as she looked at all the bright dresses.

“No not-”she was cut off by some one squealing. We both turned and looked down the row of dressing rooms. We both saw Amber bouncing and clapping in a bright pink dress. I walked over with Elise close behind me. We both began laughing as we neared her. As we got closer our grandma pulled me away and into a dressing room.

“Don’t worry about a dress,”she said.

“Why?”I asked.

“I had one ordered for you,”she replied simply.

“Really?”I asked.

“Of course,”she answered.

“Why?”I questioned confused.

“You deserve the best,”she replied and cupped my face and kissed my forehead.

I just stood there confused. I pulled her into a hug,”Thank you.”

“It’s no problem, dear,”she said and hugged me back. “Now let’s go before they wonder where we’ve gone,”she laughed. We both walked out to see Amber still celebrating about the dress. I looked over and saw her roll her eyes at Amber’s reaction.

“When do I get to see the dress?”I asked whispering.

“When we get back,”she replied and walked over to where everyone was standing.

I nodded and Elise walked over,”What did grandma want?”she asked.

“Just to tell me something,”I answered.

“Tell you what?”she questioned.

“Nothing you need to worry about,”I replied laughing.

“No fair,”she pouted.

“Just wait and see,”I said.

“Fine,”she grumbled. I laughed as we continued to watch Amber think if she truly wanted this dress.

She twisted a piece of hair around her finger and cocked her head to the side,”I’m not sure if this is the one,”she said.

“We can always come back,”my mother suggested.

“I guess,”she sighed and we all left. We walked into another dress shop and it was Elise’s turn to try on dresses. I quickly dialed DJ’s number.

“Son of bitch,”I heard as he picked the phone up.

“Am I interrupting something?”I asked.

“No, the damn string broke,”he growled.

“If you need strings go into the side table on the right and I should have extra guitar strings in the top drawer,”I instructed.

I heard him shuffle around a little bit and a drawer slide open. I heard stuff being ruffled around and finally a package tear open. “I have no idea what I would do with out you,”he said.

“Have to actually make sure to buy and have strings,”I offered.

“Ha ha, very funny,”he replied.

“I know I am,”I retorted.

“So what did you need?”I hear him ask along with the sound of string sliding.

“I’m really bored and I’m about to stab my eyes out with rusty spoons,”I groaned.

He laughed and asked,”And why do you want to do that?”

“Because I hate going shopping,”I answered.

“Well that sucks,”he laughed.

“Fuck you,”I replied. He was about to say something and I accidentally cut him off. “Oh my sweet baby Jesus,”I said as Elise walked out.

“What?”I heard DJ ask.

“I have to talk to you later,”I replied and closed my phone. “You look amazing,”I said and walked around her.

“Really?”she asked.

“Would I lie?”I asked,”never mind, don’t answer that.”

She laughed as I pulled her over to a 3-way mirror. “Oh my,”she sighedas she saw herself. She twirled and began giggling.

“You have to get this dress,”I said.

She nodded and looked at the price tag. I could feel her mood completely plummet. “Maybe not this one,”she sighed.

“How much?”I asked.

“Too much,”she sighed and walked back into the dressing room.

“How much is it?”I asked again and pushed myself against the door.

“Let me out,”she growled as she pushed on the door.

“Not until you tell me the price,”I sang.

“Not telling,”she sang back

“You’re not getting out till you tell me,”I warned.

“Fine,”she sighed,”it’s about $480.”

“That’s not that bad,”I replied.

“Yeah it is, since I’m paying for it,”she replied.

“No you’re not,”I said simply.

“No one is gonna pay for that dress,”she said.

“You’re right no one will,”I smirked,”I will.” I let her out and grabbed the dress. I made a break for the front desk. I laid it down and fished my wallet from my purse. I could sense Elise standing behind me, glowering and tapping her foot. I finished paying for it and smirked at her.

“You suck,”she said as I handed her the dress bag.

“I know right,”I laughed.

“I swear, I’m going to murder you,”she growled.

“You love me,”I growled back laughing.

“I truly want to kill you,”she said,”but thank you.”

“No prob, little sis,”I said and threw my arm over her shoulders.

She just laughed and shrugged of my arm. I pushed her as she slapped my arm away. I just laughed and began skipping ahead of her.

“Wait up asshole,”she scolded running to catch up.

“It’s not my fault that you’re so short and have barely any length to your stride,”I laughed.

“Stupid taller people,”she grumbled.

“I’m like only an inch taller than you,”I retorted.

“Doesn’t matter-”I cut her off.

“Had sex,”I sang.

She hit me in the arm,”You’re so obnoxious,”she groaned. I skipped for a little bit.

I stopped and she slammed into my back and fell back. “Have you met our brother?”I asked.

“Yes, why?”she asked standing up and brushing herself off.

“He is the epitome of obnoxious-nes,”I laughed

“Yeah well your the exact same as him,”she groaned as she stretched

“Well we are twins,”I said.

“Shut up,”she said.

“But I love to talk, it’s so amazing, and fun and great and spectacular and wonderful and spanktastic,”she gave me a weird look for that word but I kept going,”and magnificent and..”

She slapped her hand over my mouth,”Yes we understand that you love to talk and that it’s all of those things but please, pretty pretty please, shut up.”

“All you had to do was say please,”I sang and pretended to zip my lips together and throw a way the key.

“I don’t see how people put up with you,”she groaned and buried her head in her hands.

I slung my arm around her shoulder,”They learn to deal with it,” I said and licked her cheek. With that I took off running and laughing.

“I’m going to murder her when we get back,”I heard her say.

~A few stores later~

Me and Elise were sitting in the food court eating and laughing when up walked Amber.“So why haven’t you picked out a dress yet?”Amber asked popping her hip to the side.

“None of them fit me like I want them to,”I laughed as I ate a fry.

“Why? because you’re fat?”she asked with fake sympathy and laughed.

“No because they make my boobs seem to huge,”I sighed,”I wish I had small boobs like you.”

She huffed and crossed her arms,”My boobs aren’t small,”she snarled.

“You’re about a size B right?”I asked and she nodded,”barely there?”

“Huh?”she questioned.

“B stands for barely there,”Elise replied for me.

“And anyway, I’m not fat,”I stated,”I have an athletic figure and you don’t.” She huffed and crossed her arms. “Please leave while I eat,”I said and went back to my fries and milkshake. She turned, stomped her foot and walked off.

I sighed and sat back staring at the remainder of my food. “You’re not fat,”Elise said from across the table.

I just nodded,”I know, I’m just not hungry anymore.”

“Well since it’s about,”she paused and looked at her phone,”about 6, I think we should start leaving.”

“I think so too,”I agreed,”I’ll dump our food and then we can leave.”

“Okay, give me your keys and I’ll go get the car,”she said. I flipped her the keys and walked the rest of the food over to the trash. Walking back to the table, I thought to myself ‘What if I am fat?’. I just shook my head and picked up all of the bags. I had a few bags on one arm and a few bags on the other, let’s just say that we didn’t only just buy dresses today. I made my way out just as Elise pulled up to the front of the mall. I was putting everything away when I felt an hand on my shoulder. I spun around and saw it was my grandma.

“Yes?”I asked.

“Don’t worry about your mask or anything,”she smiled,”but when you get home I need you to go out to the guest house and get something for me.”

“Okay,”I replied wondering what could possibly be out there.

She nodded and walked over to where my mother was waiting. They both slid into their car and waited. I quickly slid into the driver seat and turned my ipod on. Don’t Tell Me It’s Over by Blink 182 came on and I furiously started dancing and singing along to it as I drove. As the song finished Elise was left just staring at me.

“What?”I asked.

“I’m not sure what that was,”she said dumbfounded.

“Blink 182,”I smiled.

“Not the band, the spasticness that you just did,”she replied with wide eyes.

I sighed and explained,”It’s Blink, you can’t just not have a spastic attack when they come on.”

“Wow,”she said.

I laughed,”I know, I’m just so amazing and stuff that everyone and everything is jelly of my spastic car dancing.”

“Oh yes, so jelly,”she laughed.

“I knew it,”I sang and pumped my fist in the air.

“I swear we need to get you committed,”she sighed.

“Committed?”I asked.

“To a mental ward,”she replied.

“Metal ward?”I asked confused.

“Mental,”she said

“Awe, I was hoping a metal ward, that way I could rock out while being in a very padded room.”I replied sighing as if my dreams were crushed.

“Just drive,”she said laughing.

“Fine, geesh,”I laughed. I focused on driving and nodding my head along to the music. Whenever a really good song came on Elise and I would belt out the lyrics. We soon pulled into the driveway. I shut off the car and slid the keys out of the ignition. I danced to the back of the car and popped the trunk. I heaved the bags out of the back and tottered backwards. I quickly regained balance as Elise came around to grab the rest of the bags.

I quickly ran to the door as my grandma held it open. I dropped my bags in the foyer and heaved a sigh. I stretched backwards and felt my back let out a few cracks. I groaned and leaned forward and untied my shoes. I kicked them off my feet and picked up my bags. I ran up the stairs and walked through my bedroom door. Expecting to be greeted by DJ, I was shocked to find my room empty. I unpacked all the bags and put all the stuff in a neat pile by the bed. I was still slightly perturbed by my room being empty but I shook it off.

I slid down the banister of the staircase and bounced into the kitchen. I opened the fridge door and began digging through it. I grabbed an apple and began to gnaw on it. My grandma soon swept in and gave me a pointed look. “What?”I asked removing the apple from my mouth.

“I asked you to go get something from the guest house,”she reminded me.

“I knew I was forgetting something,”I groaned.

“You remember how to get there right?”she asked.

“Yeah,”I sighed,”let me go grab my shoes.” I began walking out of the room when I paused. “Exactly what am I getting for you?”I asked.

She laughed,”Don’t question.”

I crossed my arms,”Tell me, I don’t like getting stuff I don’t know,”I whined.

“Do you really want to know?”she asked leaning in.

“Yes,”I answered.

“Really really really want to know?”she questioned.

“Yes,”I replied.

She leaned closer and whispered,”To bad.”

“You suck,”I pouted.

“Just go and get a box that I left on the counter,”she laughed and pushed me towards the door.

“This is child labor,”I called as I stepped outside.

“You’re no longer a child,”she called back.

“Yeah I am,”I yelled.

“Mentally doesn’t count,”she shouted while laughing.

“So not cool,”I said and turned around.

“Have fun,”she yelled and I just waved. I made it a few steps away when she was yelling for me again.

“Yes?”I turned around asked.

“Don’t forget the key,”she yelled and something shiny came flying at me.

“Ouch,”I said as it hit me in the head. I bent down and picked it up quickly. I began walking down the path leading to the guest house. I pulled out my phone and began looking through all the pics. I had only a few hundred pictures and I had this phone since high school.

I began to scroll through them quickly, when I stopped abruptly. It was a picture of the pictures of me and Andy in a photo booth. In one picture we had our heads pushed together, cheek to cheek, sticking out our tongues. Another was of me kissing his cheek and him having his ‘surprised’ face on. I laughed and flipped to the last one. It was picture of me and him staring at each other. Nothing special, no goofy faces, just us staring at each other. Both of our eyes connected in a stare down, not letting the other win. I quickly flipped to the next picture as I felt tears begin to well up in my eyes. Those were the last pictures me and him took together.

I shook my head and kept walking down the path. I ducked between trees and jumped over bushes. I finally came to the break in the woods where the last hundred feet of trail was left. I slid my phone back into my pocket and continued walking towards the house. I saw something flicker in the window but dismissed it. I inserted the key into the hole and turned it. Of course I would turn it the wrong way. I sighed and turned it the other way. I kept turning but the click wouldn’t happen. I then realized that it was already unlocked.

I shook my head and pushed the door open. The whole room was pitch black. I began feeling around for the light switch. When I hit it only the light above the table lit up. I walked over to the table, noting that there was no box just a pale white rose and a folded piece of paper. I looked at it confused and noticed my name was written at the top right corner of the paper. I picked up the rose and brought it to my nose. I brought in the scent with a quick sniff and set it down. I unfolded the note:

Turn around
♠ ♠ ♠
20 pages and 5,744 words. I need a life.

her outfit

SO I decided to write a super chapter because I love y'all and I couldn't decide where to end it because it goes all together very well unless you wanted a very short chapter. So a cliff hanger also hmmmmm......... BTW I kind of want to put a little bit of smut into the next chapter but as I said in the last A/N I'M TO AWKWARD! so please can some one write it for me, I beg of you pretty please, or at least have some one else write it if you can't either but are willing to help out.

Wall of fame/love:

I'd love to give thanks to everyone sticking with me through out this story . Please give me more than 2 comments because I busted my butt writing out this chapter.

Her Family:
Grandma Rose (Age:68)
Ember and Felix(Age:7)
Amber (Age:18)
Mother (Age:40)
Cherise (Age: 38)
comment what you liked, disliked and/or what I could've done better