Status: Will start posting asap...unicorns!

I'm Choking on This Ecstasy

Holding On To What I Got And Love.

I turned around and gasped. My hand flew up to my mouth as my eyes scanned the room. The white drapes that usually hung in the doorway were pulled aside and the room was empty except for a bed. Covered in white flower petals, the bed had a black frame and headboard. The sheets that covered it were a dark purple. The room was dimly lit by the white lights that were strung up on the ceiling. They formed a point at the middle of the ceiling and hung down. I looked down at the floor and noticed bowls with tea lights floating in them. “Awe,”I let slip out. I walked over to the bed and touched the sheets. Two arms wrapped around my waist.

“Surprise,”DJ whispered.

I turned and wrapped my arms around his neck. Pecking his lips, I turned back around and asked,”So exactly how long did this take you?”

“When did you leave?”he asked.

“Around 11,”I answered.

“So,”he thought,”around 11:30.”

“You’ve been working on this for almost 9 hours,”I stated.

“Yes,”he said.

“Wow,”was all I could say.

“You like it?”he questioned.

“No,”I replied. I could practically feel his mood and expression fall,”I absolutely love it,” I paused and looked into his pale silvery blue eyes,”and I love you.”

“I love you too,”he replied. Reaching into his pocket, he grabbed my left hand and slid a cold band on to my ring finger. I looked at my hand when he released it. I gave him a questioning look to which he replied.”It’s a promise ring,”he said as I examined the ring more closely,”it’s my promise that I will love you and never hurt you.”

I kept staring at the ring and finally said,”It’s beautiful.” I paused and sighed,”How much?”I asked.

“What do you mean?”he asked.

“How much was the ring?”I sighed.

He just laughed and pulled me tighter against him. “Don’t worry about it,”he chuckled, looking into my eyes. I gave him a disapproving look as he smiled. “Just let me take care of you,”he whispered and began kissing up and down my neck,”and love you.” My head rolled back and rested on his shoulder. His hands slid up my shirt and began tracing my hips. I froze as they began tracing my stomach. “What’s wrong?”he asked.

“It’s nothing,”I mumbled.

Almost as if he could read my mind, he said,”You’re beautiful and I love you, that’s all that matters right now.” I relaxed back into him as his hands brought me closer to him. His lips returned back to my neck and. . .

I laid on my stomach as his fingers danced along my spine. “I know you’re still awake,”he laughed as I let out a slight moan.

“I know I am too,”I retorted laughing,”it’s called resting, now lay your ass down and cuddle with me.” He chuckled and I felt the bed shift. I was soon pulled closer to his side. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

“You know how I said I loved you right?”he asked.

My heart stopped and I pulled away slightly,”Yes, why?”I asked warily.

“Well I just wanted to let you know that I,”he paused,”not only love you but completely adore you.” He started laughing when he noticed the look on my face.

“There are moments when I want to murder you,”I said laughing it off.

He looked at me shocked and I gave him a questioning look. “I thought you would’ve been pissed off,”he replied.

“I’m in to good of a mood,”I sighed, trailing my hand up and down his chest.

He laughed,”Yeah, I can tell.”

“Why wouldn’t I be though?”I asked,”I’m laying here with a gorgeous person and you.”

He laughed,”Hey, I’m pretty damn gorgeous too.”

“Yes you are,”I sighed and cuddled into his chest. I began kissing his chest, which resulted in him growling. I looked up with a smirk on my face.

“Don’t start what you won’t finish,”he warned.

“Who said I won’t finish,”I smirked. . .

“Do we have to leave?”I asked, groaning as I sat up while DJ collected our clothes from around the room.

“Yes or your grandma will kill me,”he replied.

“She knew all along, didn’t she?”I asked. He just flashed me a smile and tossed me a pair of his basketball shorts and his Jack Daniels shirt. He stretched up and let out a hiss. “What’s wrong?”I asked, still laying in the unmade bed. He walked back over to the bed and turned his back to me. Scratches lined up and down and across his back. My hand ghosted over them as he let out another hiss. “Sorry,”I apologized.

He laughed and walked away,”It’s okay but it’s gonna suck to wear a shirt.”

“You don’t have to wear a shirt,”I suggested.

“You want me to walk around without a shirt on?”he asked,”with everyone staring at me and my body?”

“Never mind,”I said. I stood up, pulled on the clothes he tossed me and walked into the bathroom. I began brushing my hair when I groaned loudly as I stared at my neck.

DJ peeked in,”What’s wrong?”

I turned and showed him my neck, which was now covered in love bites,”Exactly what am I gonna do with all these?”

“You’re gonna need a lot of makeup,”he answered laughing and pulling on his shoes.

I walked out of the bathroom and tugged on my shoes, tying them tight.“You are dead,”I spoke slowly. He took off, running out of the room and out of the front door. I ran out right after him and looked down the path for the way back. I couldn’t see him anywhere. I let out a squeal as his arms wrapped around my waist and swung me around. I let out a giggle as he set me down and pulled my lips to his.

He pulled away and smirked,”We should probably head back now before I keep you away forever,”he said. I just smiled and nodded, lacing my fingers through his. We walked the path back in silence, but nothing was awkward about it. “So are you ready for the masquerade tonight?”he asked.

I groaned,”No cause that means I have to wear a dress.”

“It’s funny because most girls love to get dressed up,”he said.

“Yeah but I’m not most girls,”I replied and winked. He just laughed and pulled me closer so he could wrap his arm around my waist. I snuggled closer into his side as we continued to walk back. “I really don’t want to go back,”I sighed.

“I know you don’t,”he laughed,”but you have to.”

“I know I have to but I just don’t want to,”I said.

“So what’s the color of your dress?”he asked, changing subject.

“Don’t know,”I replied.

“How do you not know the color of your own dress?”he questioned laughing.

“Well I guess my grandma got it and she hasn’t shown me it yet,”I answered.

“Oh,”he said as we neared the house.

“Well let’s get hell over with,”I sighed as we got closer to the door. He pulled us to a stop and spun me around so that I faced him. I gave him a questioning look as his arms wound around my waist and pulled me closer. My arms wrapped around the back of his neck as he pulled me closer and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss as his hands began running up and down my sides. Hearing someone clear their throat, we both pulled apart. I spun around and sighed. “Yes?”I asked.

“Your grandma is looking for you,”Andy said emotionless .

“Did she say why?”I questioned.

“No she just said to find you,”he replied in the same tone and then walked back in. I looked after him slightly confused as he shut the door quickly.

~Andy’s POV~

I shut the door tightly and kicked off my shoes. I ran up the stairs and into the room I was staying in. Pacing, I ran my hands through my hair and let out a growl. I knew I had fucked up with her but it seems like a pushed her more to him. Letting out another growl I went to hit the wall. A hand on my shoulder stopped me.

“What’s wrong?”she asked me.

“I completely messed up everything,”I sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed.

“No you didn’t,”she said and sat next to me.

“Yes I did, she hates me now,”I groaned and laid back on the bed, covering my face with my hands.

“Just lay off the whole age thing,”she replied.

“It doesn’t matter,”I said,”they’re in love and I don’t even matter to her anymore.” I was soon smacked . “The fuck?”I sat up and asked.

“You’re being a dumbass and you needed a good smack,”she said.

“Thank you, I think,”I replied, rubbing the side she hit.

“That’s why I’m here,”she laughed.

“To smack me in the face?”I asked.

“Only when you’re making an ass out of yourself,”she replied.

“Thanks,”I said sarcastically. “What time is it?”I questioned.

“It’s like 2 or 3 right now, I think and then the dance starts around 8-ish,”she replied.

“Well since I’m a guy and I don’t have to worry about taking a lot of time to get ready, I’m gonna go back to sleep,”I said and rolled over.

~Back to Vee’s POV~

I just stared for a little bit. “I wonder what’s wrong?”I mumbled.

“Huh?”DJ asked

“Nothing,”I said and pecked his cheek,”let’s just head inside.”

“Okay,”he replied not fully believing me. We walked inside and I was quickly grabbed by Elise.

“We have to get ready,”she said pulling on my arm.

“What time is it even?”I asked as she kept tugging at my arm.

“A quarter to 3,”she said.

“What?”I asked astounded.

“It’s 2:45,”she replied slowly.

“I know that,”I said,”but still, that’s like 4 hours to get ready.”

“Yeah and you still have to take a shower,”she said backing away and waving her hand in front of her face.

“Yeah probably,”I replied,”I don’t even have my dress yet though.”

“It’s hanging in your room, in a black bag,”my grandma said walking into the room. She took in my appearance,”You might want to go shower now,”she laughed.

“Roger that,”I said and pecked DJ on the cheek as Elise pulled me up the steps.

She pushed me into my room and into the bathroom. Shutting the door she yelled,”Now quickly get clean so I can start getting you ready.”

I just laughed and stripped down. I lit the candles by the shower and turned the water on. As I waited for the water to heat up, I began trying to comb through my hair. I eventually gave up on it and got into the shower. I spent time washing my hair out, making sure to try and get all the knots out. I quickly washed off my body and stood there as the water ran down my body. I tilted my head up and let the water fall on my face. I began thinking of my old life in Huntington. I thought of school and my friends. I missed the guys and Val but LA was my new sanctuary. My thoughts soon gravitated to only one person, Andy. I thought of everything, from the day we met at the beach to the night we spent together. I didn’t realize I was crying till I felt the tears fall down my face. I wiped them off quickly and turned off the water. I quickly dried my hair out and wrapped the towel around me. “I’m done,”I yelled out to Elise.

She pushed open the door and hurrying in. She tossed me a robe and my underwear. I slid the items on and straightened back up. My eyes widened at the sight of the giant make up case she was carrying. She walked out real quick and came back in carrying a stool. “Sit,”she commanded.

“Aye aye, captain,”I mumbled and sat down.

She sighed,”You didn’t even bother to dry out your hair?”

“I didn’t know what you wanted to do with it,”I replied, throwing up my hands in frustration.

“Just sit and shut up,”she sighed and grabbed the hair dryer. Plugging it in, she began drying my hair quickly. She raked the brush from top to bottom through my hair, making sure to get every knot out. My hair was soon dried and her fingers replaced the brush. She pulled away,”Get comfortable because you can NOT move at all when I’m doing your hair,”she ordered. I nodded and shifted a little bit. “You good now?”she asked and I nodded. Plugging in the curling iron, the straightening iron and grabbing everything else, she spun me around so I couldn’t see myself in the mirror. I sighed as she began straighten and curl my hair. “So are you gonna tell me about the assortment of hickeys on your neck or do I have to guess?”she asked.

“That’s for me to know and you not to find out,”I giggled.

“Bitch please, I will burn your ear if you don’t tell me,”she said waving the curling iron in front of me.

“Bitch please, you already know what caused them,”I retorted giggling.

“Yes but I want to hear all the dirty and glamorous details of your now formed sex life,”she laughed as she went back to my hair.

“All of them?”I asked.

“Okay so maybe not all of them, seeing as you’re my sister,”she replied.

I laughed,”It’ doesn’t matter because I’m not gonna tell you anything.”

“Okay,”she replied,”now time to hide them because the guys will probably kill DJ if they see them.”

“Shit,”I hissed,”I didn’t even think of that, please tell me you can hide them.”

“Of course I can,”she laughed and walked out of the bathroom. She came back in with a small black bag.

“What’s in that?”I asked.

“Movie-grade make up,”she replied and began digging through the bag. “Ah ha,”she said and pulled out a smallish black tube. I gave it a questioning look as she neared me with it. “It’s cover-up,”she said and began rubbing it on my neck,”this covers basically anything and everything.”

“Is it waterproof, or whatever?”I asked her.

“Yup,”she answered, popping the ‘p’. Pulling away, she looked at my neck,”That looks good.”

“I wanna see,”I said.

“Nope because I still have to finish with your hair and makeup,”she replied and went back to work. Sighing, I slightly slumped as she went back to my hair. A hand darted out as I pulled my phone out. “No,”she scolded and shoved it into her pocket.

“But I’m so bored,”I whined.

“There,”she said,”I’m done with your hair, now I’ll get to your make up.”

“Do you think we should ask Juliet if she wants to finish getting ready with us?”I asked.

She laughed and asked,”What’s with the sudden change of heart?”

“Well I mean, she really doesn’t know anyone here,”I replied.

“Sure, I’ll go grab her,”she said and walked out. She poked her head back in,”And don’t even think about looking in the mirror because I will hurt you,”she warned and walked out.

“Can I at least have my phone?”I called out. She tossed it back in to me and I slid it open. It wouldn’t come on. Flipping it over, I checked the battery area. There was no battery. “That clever bitch,”I mumbled.

“I know I am,”Elise said as she walked in with Juliet following behind. I tossed my phone at her and she caught it. Stuffing it in her pocket, she walked back to me as Juliet stood in the doorway.

“You can come in,”I laughed,”I don’t bite.”

“But DJ does,”Elise mumbled. I swung at her and missed causing her to laugh. “I love how you are trying to injure the person doing your make up,”she said.

“You love me so you wouldn’t do that,”I laughed and she gave me a look that said ‘try me’.

“Now shut up so I can do your make up,”she commanded and started on it. It took about 10 minutes till she finished. “Get up,”she said and I followed her command.

“You’re so rude,”I replied.

“Nope, just demanding,”she laughed and turned towards Juliet,”now Juliet, what were you planning with your hair?”

“Probably just something simple,”she said and walked over to where the stool was.

Elise just laughed and said,”Sit, I’m gonna do your hair and it’s not gonna be something simple.”

“Don’t you have to get ready though?”she asked.

“She takes like 30 minutes to get ready, and that’s when she’s taking her time,”I replied letting a small laugh slip out. I went to my phone when I realized I didn’t have it. “Can I please have my phone back?”I asked Elise.

“Why?”she replied asking as she started with Juliet’s hair.

“I have to handle the stuff going on back in LA,”I sighed.

“Fine,”she said and tossed me my phone,”but please don’t look at yourself because I want it to be special.”

I just laughed,”Okay,”and walked out of the room. I quickly dialed Faye’s number and waited.

“Hello,”Elise said.

“Any luck?”I asked as I began to pace.

“Possible drummer but no bassist yet,”she replied.

“Well that’s slightly good,”I sighed,”and I can always do the bass parts till we find one.”

She laughed,”You are so persistent.”

“I know,”I replied as I stopped pacing.

“So how is it there?”she asked and I went into a list of everything that has happened. “Interesting,”she said laughing,”well I have to go since I have a meeting with the rest of the record company.”

“Have fun,”I laughed.

“Buckets of it,”she replied and hung up. I stuffed my phone into the pocket of my robe and walked back in.

“So how did the stuff handling go?”Elise asked as she continued to manipulate Juliet’s hair.

“It went pretty well,”I replied and sat on the edge of the bathtub,”but I still have a lot of stuff to do when get back.”

“Oh,”she said, finishing up Juliet’s hair,”so when do we have to be there?”

I looked at my phone,”It’s about 5:30.”

“Shit,”she hissed,”I have to take a shower, can you get her make up?”

“Yeah just go take a shower,”I replied and she ran out of the room to get ready. I sighed and walked over to the make up bag. Glancing back, I noticed the wary/shocked look on Juliet’s face. I chuckled,”Don’t worry, I won’t make you look bad.”

“I’m not worried,”she replied,”I’m just slightly shocked at the fact you’re helping me.”

I laughed and asked,”Why?”

“Well it seems like you really don’t like me that much,”she answered.

“No, it’s not that I don’t like you,”I replied as I pulled out the make up I needed,”I’m just not really the warmest person.”

“Oh okay,”she said.

“Just one sec, let me go change before I start,”I replied and walked out. I got changed into pair of shorts and a tank top and walked back in. “Let’s get started,”I said and stood in front of Juliet,”you ready?”

“Yes,”she replied nodding. I studied her face for awhile and began. ‘I could mess this up,’ I thought but most likely it would be on purpose. Mentally shaking my head, ‘I’m not gonna do that though because Elise would probably kill me,’ I thought and went back to work. Finishing up her face make-up, I began on her eyes. I lined her eyes with a simple black eyeliner, not so dark that she would look like a raccoon and not so light that it wouldn’t look like anything was there. I used more neutral shades for her eyeshadow.

I quickly touched up her make up,”There,”I said and stepped back,”I am finished.”

She turned and examined her face in the mirror. She stood up and pulled me into a hug,”Thank you,”she said.

“No problem,”I replied and she pulled away as Elise came running back in with semi-dry hair. “Need help?”I asked, giving a slight smirk.

“Yes, please plug in the hair dryer and the curling iron,”she replied. I quickly plugged those to in and she pushed me and Juliet out to get ready. I walked over to the bed where the three dress bags were.

“What one is yours?”I asked Juliet.

“Mine’s the one on the far right,”she replied. I nodded and went to the middle, it was Elise’s dress. Zipping it back up, I moved on to the next bag. I paused for a little bit. “Are you gonna open it?”she asked.

I nodded and grabbed the cold zipper in my hand. Pausing, I soon began to pull the zipper down. Black fabric spilled out of the bag as I continued to unzip it. Elise quickly ran out and slapped my hand away. “No,”she scolded and walked back into the bathroom.

“Why?”I whined following her back in.

“Because you can wait till we’re ready to get ready,”she replied while Juliet laughed at our conversation.

“Damn you,”I grumbled,”what time are you gonna be done?”

“Well what time is it?”she asked.

“6:30,”I answered.

“Give me 5 minutes,”she said and walked back into the bathroom and shut the door.

I sighed and sank back down onto the bed. “Well this sucks,”I groaned,”I have no patience.” I went to lay back when Elise burst from the bathroom.

“Done and don’t you even dare think of laying down,”she said as she walked out.

“I’m up,”I replied and sat back up. “So now can we get fully ready?”I asked.

“Yes,”she replied and looked at Juliet,”do you have everything you need?” Juliet nodded,”Good,”Elise said,”now you can see your dress.”

“Yes!”I cheered and ran over to the bag. Picking up the bag, I immediately began to unzip it. The black fabric spilled out of the bag. The fabric was smooth and soft under my hand. “Don’t look, I’m about to get naked,”I said and began to strip. I let the dress drop to the ground so that the opening was facing up. I stepped into the dress and pulled it up around me. I noticed that the back of the dress needed to be laced up. “Can someone please lace me up?”I asked.

“Sure,”they both replied and began lacing up my back. Once they finished, I walked over to the mirror in the room and looked at myself. The dress wrapped tight around me and exaggerated my curves till it got to the waist. At the waist it puffed out and flowed to the ground. Parts of the skirt were folded and scrunched. Giggling, I smiled at my reflection and twirled.

“I love it,”I gushed as I ran my hands down the skirt.

“Okay Cinderella, now you can help,”Elise said laughing.

I blushed,”Shut up,”I mumbled and walked back over.

“Just help lace us since we helped you,”she laughed.

“Women, don’t tell me what to do or I’ll strangle you with it,”I laughed.

“I think she’s serious,”Juliet stage whispered to Elise.

Elise laughed,”She loves me too much though.”

“That’s what you think,”I laughed,”anyway I would never hurt anyone.”

Elise gave me a look and began laughing,”Sure,”she said.

“Shut up,”I replied and finished lacing up her back.

“I forgot to tell you but you need to talk to grandma because she had something for you,”she replied.

“Where is she?”I asked as I walked towards the door.

“Probably in her room or the office,”she answered. I nodded and walked out and down the hallway to her room.

Knocking on the door, I heard her call out,”Come in.”

I pushed the door open and walked in. “Thank you,”I said walking over. I bent over slightly and gave her a hug.

“No problem, dear,”she replied,”now I want to give you something.” She stood up and walked to a black box on her dresser. Picking it up, she walked back over to me and placed it in my hands. I gave her a confused look. “Open it,”she urged. I flipped open the lock and opened the lid. In lie a black crescent shaped mask with peacock feathers and black feathers that frayed out from one of the sides. It wasn’t a cheap plastic mask either, it was an actual venetian mask.

“It’s beautiful,”I replied as I traced the design on the mask.

“I’m glad that you like it,”she said smiling,”it was your great great great and then some grandmother’s.”

I paused and asked,”Why are you giving it to me then?”

“Because it will look great on you and you deserve it,”she smiled,”now go back to your sister and Juliet.”

“Okay,”I replied and kissed her cheek,”you look beautiful by the way.”

“You do too,”I heard her say as I closed the door. Cradling the mask in my hands, I walked back. I pushed open the door and saw Juliet sliding on her jewelery.

“Where’s Elise?”I asked, shutting the door.

“She’s right here,”Elise said, sweeping into the room,”we have to go though.”

I nodded and quickly slipped on my jewelery. Tying my choker around my neck, I walked out with my mask in hand. Outside the front door, were two long stretch limos. “Yay,”I mumbled as Amber began screeching and jumping up and down.

“Just remain calm,”Elise chuckled from beside me.

“I’ll do my best but no promises,”I sighed as we walked down to them. One was for us girls and the other for the guys. We were ushered into the first one and we left as soon as we sat. My fingers drummed on my knees as I sat there. Sighing, I began examining my mask even more. My finger traced the pattern that lined it. I felt a nudge and looked up and over.

“We’re here,”Elise said as everyone began to file out. All the females were quickly rushed inside so that we could get our masks on. My fingers fumbled around as I attempted to tie the strings of my mask behind my head. I heard a laugh as someone came up and helped me tie them.

I turned around,”Thanks Juliet,”I said.

“No problem,”she replied smiling.

“It’s now or never,”I mumbled, knowing we were about to walk into a ballroom full of people.

Elise walked up and looped her arm through mine,”Smile,”she laughed, encouraging me.

I nodded as we walked to the giant double doors. Drawing in a deep breath, the doors swung open. My eyes scanned the packed ballroom. Tables scattered along the sides of the room. Everyone turned and began to clap as Amber made her descent down the staircase. The rest of us soon followed her down. Walking down the stairs, I noticed all the guys were already there. DJ’s back was facing me as I walked over to him. I ran my hands up his back, which caused him to let out a shiver. I smirked up at him as he turned around. His blue eyes were enhanced by the black of the mask surrounding them. “Hey,”he said and pecked my left cheek cause the rest of my face was covered by my mask.

“Hey yourself,”I replied and twirled,”so what do you think?”

“That you look absolutely gorgeous,”he replied as he pulled me closer and he started swaying us back and forth.

“Wanna go dance?”I asked and slipped my hand into his.

“To this?”he asked as a slow waltz came on.

I smirked and began pulling him towards the floor. “What?”I asked,”can’t you slow dance?”

He smirked, twirled me around and pulled me into him,”Of course I can.” I smiled as he began to twirl us around around and move us along with the crowd. He dipped me as the song ended and brought me back up.

“You up for a few more songs?”I asked.

“Anything for you,”he replied and we continued.

A few more songs turned into an hour and we soon stumbled off of the floor. My feet were sore as hell so I went to sit down. DJ excused himself to go grab drinks for us. I went to sit down when I felt a hand on my arm. I spun around and saw him standing in front of me. Heaving out a sigh I asked,”What do you want Andy?”

“I need to talk to you,”he said, his eyes pleading for me to follow him.

“Fine,”I sighed,”where?”

“Follow me,”he said and lead me out of the room and into a long hallway. I walked for a little bit and stopped, causing him to stop and turn. He removed his mask, ran his hand through his hair and bit his lip. He sighed...
♠ ♠ ♠
WOW! so the story ends next chapter to which I am kind of sad, but alas there is a sequel to this sequel. It's kinda and inception based thing, dream within a dream and a story within a story. No? haha okay but I'm really gonna miss this part of Vee's story.

STAY TUNED FOR THE EPILOGUE AND SEQUEL DO NOT LEAVE AFTER THIS BECAUSE SOMETHING BIG IS GONNA HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! btw I've re-typed and re-worked the prequel to this, I'm Not Insane, because it was painful for me to read so I'm gonna start posting chapters for that starting tomorrow.

Valencia's Dress
Elise's Dress
Juliet's Dress
Amber's Dress
Felix (Purple) and Ember's (Red) Dress
Grandma Rose's Dress
Her Mother's Dress


btw how the room roughly looked like.

so comment what you liked, disliked and/or what I could've done better.