Status: Will start posting asap...unicorns!

I'm Choking on This Ecstasy

Mama, we all go to hell.

I turned to my door,"Oh my cheese..."

"NIKKI,"I shouted as I ran at her. I pulled her into a hug. I twirled her around.

"Put me down,"she yelled.

I put her down,"Oh my cheese you have an accent."

"Ya that's what happens when you're in a country for a couple years,"she said.

"Ha ha shut up,"I said,"so even though I love you, why are you here?"

"Well, I heard from a little birdy that you were going on your first tour,"Nikki said,"and I wanted to come here and wish you luck."

"I have a feeling that's not all,"I said,"and are the guys here with you?"

"Well of course if one comes they all come,"she said,"and your right but i'll talk to you later about that."

I heard DJ clear his throat behind me."Oh ya, this is DJ, you've met him when we've Skyped."

She said a quick hey and looked at me,"So,"she drug out the 'o'.

"What?"I asked.

"You know what,"she said.

"I'm so confused,"I said.

"You were born confused,"DJ said.

"No I was just dropped as a child,"I said,"okay not really dropped just rolled off of the recliner of a chair when I was younger."

"That explains so much,"Nikki said as he passed by my door.

"Love you too, asshole,"I yelled.

"So we should kick DJ out so me and you can talk,"I said.

"Hey,"he said,"what's wrong with me."

"You can't keep a secret, that's why you can't skype with me longer then a few minutes,"I said.

"Hey, that was an accident,"he defended himself.

"You told them I dance around in my bra and basket ball shorts in my room,"I said,"and by the way how did you know that."

"Well,"DJ said,"I gotta go."

"You are such a pedophile,"I said.

"Age is just a number,"he said.

"And your brain is a figment of you imagination,"I said.

"Your just angry about my vast imagination,"DJ retorted.

"Okay DJ I think you should leave before she kicks your ass,"Nikki said peeking his head into my room,"again.

"Hey, I don't hit girls,"DJ said walking out of my room. He closed the door and I fell onto my bed.

I heard Nikki chuckling and I threw a pillow at her."So what did you want to talk about?"I asked.

"Well I have something to tell you,"Nikki said.

"And that is?"I questioned.

"Well,"she said,"I'm pregnant."

I stared at her. I began blinking and stood up. I paced around my room. I opened my mouth and then closed it, then opened it, then closed it, I did that about ten times.

"Vee, aren't you gonna say anything,"Nikki said worried and close to tears.

"Are you sure?"I asked. All she did was nod. I stared at her and slowly my lips curled into a face splitting smile, I screamed and ran and gave her a giant hug.

"So you're not mad?"She asked confused.

"Of course I'm not mad,"I screamed."how could I be mad, my best friend is prego because the man she loves impregnated her with his penis!!"

"God, why, just why are you so weird?"she asked.

"Because I'm adorable,"I screamed.

"Sure," she said sarcastically.

"So Bill knows right?"I asked.

"Of course he knows,"she said.

I was about to say something when Bill, in all his Bill-ishness strode in with Tom following. I ran and pulled Bill's skinny frame into a hug. I whispered in his ear,"You're lucky you too got married last year or I would've killed you when I found out you impregnated her out of wedlock."

He hugged back and said,"Thank you, I think? and I missed you too."

"Oh don't worry I missed you, Tom, Georg and Gustav and his adorableness," I said.

"You are so weird,"I heard Tom say.

"Not weird,"I said,"I'm just limited edition."

"What ever,"the twins said.

My phone started vibrating. I started to wiggle and laugh. Nikki shook her head and the twins looked at me weird.

"What my pants are vibrating, you got a problem,"I said and they just laughed. I'm pretty sure it was at me.

I looked at the text:

From Sixx:
Band Meeting in
2 minutes so get
your ass down

I sent a text back:

To Sixx:
I'll be there so
just chill your

I sighed,"Band meeting so y'all can sit in here or come to the meeting either way is fine." I started heading out and the followed me out.
♠ ♠ ♠
“I was so happy every morning when I woke up that I was pissing smiley faces.”

Haha so another chapter this week, aren't you guys proud of me. So I hate school because of all the narrow minded people but that's a story for a different day.

It mentions Nikki's wedding in this chapter so I'm thinking of just writing it in a journal and sending you guys the link if your interested.


Alexandrias Nitemare

People on that wall give me love and hope to keep writing so ya

Peace, love, and music