Status: Will start posting asap...unicorns!

I'm Choking on This Ecstasy

Get Down On Your Knees And Tell Me You Love Me

I woke up screaming in terror. I quickly muffled it by shoving my face into the pillow. I rolled over onto my back and stared at my ceiling. I glared, fought away tears, and thought why the hell is this happening me, why are the nightmares back, why did they choose now to come back. I couldn’t stand being in this room so I stood up and walked out.

I walked down the hallway to DJ’s room. I cracked the door slightly open and saw him sprawled out on the bed. I walked slowly and quietly over there. I pushed on his shoulder with my pointer finger and it startled him awake.

He cracked one eye open,”What’s wrong? why do you look like your about to cry?”

“I had a horrible nightmare/memory,”I said.

He nodded and slid over and patted the space beside him. I scrambled into his bed,”Thank you,”I said.

“Anything for my little sis,”He said.

See we view each other as brother and sister. He’s the annoying, protective, older brother and I’m the more annoying, awesome little sister (his words not mine).

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to his chest. I soon fell asleep with my head resting on his chest and my arm wrapped around his midsection.
I woke up a few hours later his alarm. I groaned and heard him chuckle at me. I brought my hand up and slapped it down on his midsection.

He grunted in pain and looked at me,”You have 5 seconds to run.”

My eyes shot completely open and I flipped off of the bed. I stood up and ran down the hallway, to the right and all the way down to the last door on the left. I threw the door open and jumped into the bed.

“Vee, what the hell are you doing,”a voice grumbled from under the covers.

“Don’t worry about it,”I said,”I’m just hiding from DJ.”

“It’s to early for this shit,”the voice grumbled again.

I laughed,”Oh Nikki, chill yo’ tits,”I said trying to sound ghetto.

He laughed,”That was a fail.”

“Oh can it old man,”I said.

He smirked at me and yelled,”Hey DJ she’s in here!”

“Nikki, whyd?”I whined.

“You called me old and told me to can it,”He said and pouted.

“But you love me,”I said as DJ busted into the room.

My eyes widened in faux terror and I hid behind Nikki. Of course James burst into the room holding a baseball bat and asked,”I heard voices and running did someone break in?”

Me and DJ broke out laughing cause I mean who wouldn’t when a grown man busts through a door and rubber ducky boxers and a baseball bat. Nikki the only one who could calm himself long enough to say,”No its just DJ and Vee starting stuff again.”

“Oh,”He said, turned and walked out.

“So boss when do we leave today?”I asked.

He looked at the clock and said,”Well it’s 5 o’clock in the morning and we leave in a hour so you guys might want to go get everything into the bus now.”

I rushed into my room, got changed and grabbed all three of my bags. I ran down the steps with them trailing behind me. I tripped down the last stair and fell flat on my face. Of course Faye and Caleb were standing right there. They started laughing and pointing.

I flipped them off and asked,”So have you guys picked your bunks yet?”

They both shook their head which caused me to smirk. I stood up and ran out the front door with my smallest bag. I through myself threw the front of the bus door. I ran to the bunks and saw 8 bunks. There were two top bunks and two bottom bunks on each side. I picked the top right one on the left side. I threw my bag up onto the bunk.

I threw my 2 Nightmare Before Christmas blankets and my Gir Batman blanket up onto my bed in a ball. ‘I’ll smooth them out later’ I thought. I threw my Okami plush and my Gloomy Bear plush up there too. My panda pillow pet was next and then my pillow.

Everyone soon piled onto the bus and started getting their stuff put onto their bunks. I ran back into the house and grabbed the last two of my bags.

I walked out of the house and was tackled by 5 bodies. I groaned and laughed as I saw who it was. It was Nikki and the Tokio Hotel guys. I stood up and hugged them all. Gustav was last and the longest hug. He laughed and hugged me back.

“You can’t leave me,”I said,”you’re my teddy bear.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”he asked.

“You seem frightening but you just so adorable,”I said in a baby voice and grabbed his cheeks.

“You’re lucky you’re my friend and that Nikki would kill me if I hurt you,”he said.

“Oh you know you love me,”I said.

“Ya ya,”he said

“So you guys are leaving me,”Nikki said.

“Well you could come with if you want to follow us,”I said.

“We might but I’m about 2 months remember,”she said.

“Well you can come on tour for a little bit,”I said,”I mean you could come on the bus but there’s only 1 one more bunk.”

“Well we’d have to find a way to sleep,”Bill said.

“Um, I’m pretty sure DJ wouldn’t mind if I bunked with him,”I thought for a second,”and Faye and Caleb could bunk because the bunks are really wide.”

“Well you should ask cause I don’t want to intrude,”Nikki said.

“Don’t worry, I’ll back in a few,”I said and walked onto the bus.

“What do you want Vee?”Nikki and DJ asked.

“Well since my best friend who I haven’t seen in a while is pregnant and I don’t want to miss her pregnancy..”DJ cut me off.

“Let me guess, you were wondering if her and your other friends could bunk with us,”He said.

“Ya but if they can’t I see,”I said.

“Of course, you and DJ can bunk together, the table becomes a bed, the couch and the room in the back,”Nikki said.

“DJ are you okay with that?”I asked.

“Of course as long as you don’t fuck some one in there,”he said.

“Oh my god!”I yelled,”I love you.”

“Of course you do but we only have about an hour till we leave,”he said.

“We’ll just stop on the way to the first show,”James butted in.

“Where’s our first show?” I asked.

“Long Beach,”He said and I did a mini happy dance.

“Okay, I’ll go and tell them,”I said jumping up and down. I ran out of the bus and heard a small slap. ‘Dumb ass’ I heard some one say.

“You guys can come with us!”I yelled. Me and Nikki started to bounce up and down. I started doing some weird happy dance.

“But what about our stuff?”Tom asked.

“We’re gonna stop on the way to our first show and you’ll have about 20 minutes,”I said,”and only grab what you need.”

The all nodded and we got onto the bus. I introduced everyone a little bit better since Georg and Gustav were actually here. I went back to the bunks and grabbed all my stuff and put it back into my bag. I stared at the bunks.

DJ walked back,”My bunks on the opposite side of your old one.”

I nodded,”So are you sure you don’t care, I mean I can bunk with some one else.”

“No it’s good,”he said,”I’ll survive your horrible snoring.”

“Asshole,”I said,”I don’t snore.”

He nodded and took off running. We burst out of the back room and I jumped to tackle him. I got his ankles and brought him down. I moved up and straddled his hips.
“Don’t fuck with the jedi master,”I said. I stood up and walked over the coach and flipped on the TV. I heard DJ mutter something. I couldn’t find anything on TV.

I grabbed Jay and Silent Bob Strike back and put it on and snuggled into my blanket.
♠ ♠ ♠
So it's not all that great but it's still another chapter. 1438 word count and about 4 and 1/4 pages.

I would've updated sooner but I was in Michigan for something and had no internet access, it was my dad's birthday and my new puppy broke her leg.

Wall of Fame/Love (and for the people I didn't mention on the Halloween post):
Alexandrias Nitemare

So comment what you liked, disliked and/or what I could've done better. Comments are appreciated and loved and keep the story going.